Lead C Sharp instead of C ++?

zhaozj2021-02-11  247

Lead C Sharp instead of C

Author: your Erie Zhang Hong, 2001 at 14:48 on January 5

Now, for a company undergoing project development, choosing a development language under a Windows is no longer as easy as before. C has been the best choice for commercial development, but now, the developers have no time, and there is no patient with repeating "write code - compile - troubleshoot", no longer want to go again. They have been tired of all the loopholes that have been prepared by many years ago. Although C programming under Windows is relatively easy, the fast rhythm of the network era is no longer allowed to slowly with his own development tools. They need an efficient and secure development tool. Compared with C , Java's advantage is that the development cycle is short, and the code is secure (because there is no pointer), and the platform is independent. However, for the underlying development, Java is still not ideal. Despite this, there are still numerous programmers to start choosing Java as a development tool, which of course includes many developers who originally Windows. Perhaps because of this, Microsoft rushed to release the Beta preview of its .NET SDK (Software Development Toolbox). The development tool downloads a total of 86M, which shows us a new development concept in the future of the Windows environment. In the kit contains a C # compiler, it is a new programming language, named "C" of the Tooth. I don't know how to bite Java. However, for C , C # seems to have a meaning of killing. The Microsoft's alternative C , which is growing on C . It should be said to be a great gospel for those who have developed to Windows C . Because it alleviates the pain brought by C to programmers. It is different from C , of course, is also different from Java, which makes it easy to access the services (including network objects, UIS, and network communication) of Windows itself. Like Java, C # has greatly enhanced the stability of C # by avoiding general programming errors and automatic resource management. If you are familiar with C , then learn C # is much easier than learning Java. C # is not managed by Microsoft, but is managed by ECMA (European Computer Manufacturing Federation), as JavaScript. ECMA is an independent entity. And, there is no hint in the beta preview version, but there is a message saying Microsoft will issue other operating system version of the .NET and C # (Beta version can only run on WindiWS2000). If this is true, then soon, C # is very likely to have a big way. There is a criticist warn: .NET and C # simply a new software that has been announced or sold but has not officially produced. Even so, you can't prevent people from being enthusiastic with C #. We have worked for nearly one month and found that it is much better than our previous compiler. In fact, this compiler is really very good, so that there is already a developer's code exchange (such as: http://www.csharpindex.com) on the Internet and Web Forum (such as: http://www.csharpindex.com). A editor that has written C # now, and other merchants engaged in commercial editor are also testing their support for C #. A good code editor should make it easy to write a web server. Now Microsoft is in combination with Vertigo Software, ready to introduce a practical .NET e-commerce demonstration product.

What is C ? Java's founder believes that C is given to the C developer to the C developer for C developers. They can not only access system resources, but also for language itself can also be revived. This may be a major feature, but it is also this big feature to ruin C itself. Programs prepared with C , the code's error may result in system vulnerabilities, resulting in illegal or malicious memory operations. Not only that, because it is difficult to exclude, so many programmers are gap. The Stability of the Java application is mainly to abandon some of the functionality such as manual memory positioning, pointer (direct pointing), instantaneous variables, and overload administrators. In addition, its automatic memory management, convenient platform independence, and a large number of predefined Java objects make the Java developers are very easy to use for object definitions and use. It should be said that Java's superior design has made the development of enterprise software changes, but because it deviates from the C grammar, it is difficult to be accepted by C developers. This hinders its development and popularity. In contrast to Java, C # is an extension of C to a similar Java, including automatic memory management, object life management, interpretation, and easily access external objects and simplified objects. The concept of C is abandoned by Java, such as overloading administrators and reference variables, while C # retains these concepts. The pointer abandoned by Java has also been reserved in C #, but it is no longer as if it is. It is only used in code segments that are marked as non-safe. Transplantation from C to C # to C #, just like from manual way to automatic mode? In C , you must assign a clear idle memory for an object, and in C #, the allocation of memory is automated. When the object occupied by the C # target is no longer used, it will be released (i.e., the recovery technology of memory garbage, which is a technology that is widely praised in Java). In C , in order to access some system services, you must include many files in the file head, and most of these files, in the object design, it is not used. In C #, the system service is transparently packaged in some and C # compatible objects. In C , it is very difficult to convert C objects into Windows's COM (Component Object Model), and objects in the C # are automatically converted into .NET mode, and can be accessed from various .NET languages. . The .NET layer ensures that the object can be used in various languages, so there is no need to perform data conversion or external object conversion. Now, using C # biggest difficulties is to ask programmers to be used to shifting without clutch. That is, once adjusted, C # will easily control much more easily than C . Java needs its C developers to learn a new way to do things. For Turning C #, the C developers given only the ugly objects and bad memory management written in the system development process. And they still use pointers and reference variables, which gives C # developers a way to access external modules (including 32-bit Windows dynamic link libraries).

Converting Windows C applications to a Java application will be a very painful thing, but if you convert it into C #, the NET multilingual cross-crossed function will make it easier and converted after conversion It will be greatly enhanced in stability. Microsoft seems to have a lot of effort to easily access the existing program, and the effect is also very good. In addition to the module requirements, it is necessary to transplant the existing C app to .NET, select C # will be a wise move. Microsoft's .NET extends to Visual C , making it easy to integrate with C # code. C # is the generation of inheritant C # because Microsoft needs a java language on .NET, and Java itself cannot compete for this need. C # is too like C , so it is difficult to bring people to experience the excitement when new things. However, it is believed that most of the C developers will choose to use it because C # retains most of C like most of its favorite, powerful, exciting features. Regardless of Microsoft's motivation, C # is directly managed by ECMA, or is very satisfied. This gives us a chance to get non-soft C # tools and compilers and resources issued by other agencies. Third-party C # development tools will not need to get the language license from Microsoft, which will cause prices of these tools to remain at a low level. Conversely, because Sun makes its Java out of the standard trajectory, it can only be fought by the army, on the road to Java development. Because .NET relies on C # and can only run on Windows, Microsoft has actually lag behind sun behind enterprise development. However, since its .NET framework is independent of a specific language, Microsoft will also make some market share in competition. Even in the beta version, developers can also develop .NET applications using C , C #, Visual Basic, JavaScript, Visual FoxPro. They can be translated into a so-called IL (intermediate language) code language and share a framework defined in data-independent technology. Because there is no VB, C # and JavaScript objects, only .NET objects, developers can use several language code to mix programming. For traditional programming, developers like to use the same language in project development, as it makes it easy to connect to different developers. Now .NET will no longer have this limit, developers can put C #, VB, C and JavaScript in the same code compiler, and .NET layer can be pinned together and there will be more Program language will be available in .NET. Developers can use their most familiar and favorite programming languages. This means that you can use as little time, lower training costs, clear source code, which will make developers' development process very enjoyable. For C #, a primary job that is completed is to make C developers can access their .NET framework. This is not an easy thing, because .NET's purpose is to be the core of Windows Enterprise Application Development. At the professional developer conference held in Orlando, Florida, .NET debut, Microsoft shows the world. Net is not only independent of hardware, but also interaction between multi-platform interactions. Microsoft has maintained silence for its .NET's transplant plan, of course, it is the first problem that is running under Windows, but we suspect whether Microsoft will transplant it to Solaris and Linux as soon as possible.


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