Linux operating system 12 classic application skills

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19


This article describes 12 classic skills in the Linux operating system application, and these techniques can be better to use the Linux system.

1, handle special file names

Suppose there is a file name "-ee" in the Linux system, if we want to operate it, for example, to delete it, enter the RM-Me command in the command line according to the general deletion method, the interface will prompt us "invalid option "(Invalid Option) The command can delete the file named "-ee" smoothly. If you are other special characters, you can add a "" symbol in front of the special character, or create the entire file with a double quotation number.

2. Direct LINUX installation work

When installing the Linux operating system, you can use the software named "loadlin.exe" in the system disc, and the Linux core is directly tested into memory, and the Linux core replaces the current operating system to take over the computer and enter the Linux installation interface. . When installing Linux, we can install Linux directly in the run dialog box "Loadlin E: imageSvmlinuz root = / dev / ram = e: image conso = / dev / ram = e: imagesinitrd.img"; "E: imageSvmlinuz" is Linux The core name.

3, eliminate the crash phenomenon under xwindows

We can use two common methods to eliminate this phenomenon: First, use the composite keys "Ctrl Alt BackSpace" on the keyboard to close the currently running task; second, first hold "Ctrl on the keyboard" Alt F2 "Composite Key, let the system switch to another, then log in to the system, then execute the" #ps -ax / grep startx "command, which will list your xserver's process ID, followed by the command line Enter the following command to eliminate the crash phenomenon under xwindows: #kill -9 pid_number, finally returns to the original platform through the "Alt F1" compound button.

4. Quickly close Linux system

The latest version of the Linux / UNIX system draws on the technology of the mainframe. It uses anti-charge log file system, which can automatically track user data, automatically synchronize refresh file system, users can complete the power to close the power, thereby reaching the fast shutdown system the goal of.

5, clever use "rm" command

We can use the "RM" command with "-r" parameters to delete a non-empty directory, for example, enter the "rm -r bbb" in the command line, indicating that the system will put all the files contained in the BBB directory and submit The directory is all deleted.

6, clever use "tab" key

Everyone knows when entering commands in the Linux character interface, sometimes you need to enter a lot of characters, if you often enter characters one by one, it is more troublesome. Assuming that the typed characters are enough to determine the only file in the directory, we only need to press the "Tab" key on the keyboard to automatically make the remaining part of the file name, for example, to put the files under the directory / CCC DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD -1.2.3.tar.gz "When I type in the command line to" TAR XVFZ / CCC / D ", if the file is the only file that is" D ", it can be directly Press the "Tab" button, at this time, the command will be automatically completed as: TAR XVFZ /CCCC/DDDDDDDD 1.2.3.Tar.gz, thereby increasing input efficiency.

7, multi-use mouse copy and paste to improve operating speed

After the Linux system is installed, each time you start to the character interface, you will automatically run the "GPM" program. After the program runs, you can use the mouse to copy and paste it. The specific practice is to press and hold the left mouse button to highlight the place where you want to copy, then the area that highlights has been copied, and then the content of the right mouse button will be pasted at the position of the cursor. If we run the Linux system under xwindow, copying and paste operations are the same as in the Windows 9x system. 8. Quickly start Linux system

Under DOS, there is a simple and quick start Linux method, that is, Load Linux. Loadlin.exe is the executable under DOS, which can quickly start Linux in a pure DOS environment, and do not need to restart your computer, usually we can find this program in the "/ kernels" directory of the disc. If you don't know where this program is placed on the installation disk, you can use the "Find -Name Loadlin *" command to find. After finding it, copy it into the DOS partition, and you also need to copy a Linux kernel file you use. You can copy the file directly from the disc to DOS partitions directly from the disc can be used in the Linux environment; then write a batch file called "Linux.bat", the file content is as follows: C: loadinglin C : vmlinuz root = / dev / hda1 ro (We assume that loadlin.exe and vmlinuz these two kernel files are in the root directory of the C drive, "root" is the root device for Linux, and Linux is in the hard disk first partition, so the device name For "/ dev / hda1", "RO" means readonly). When you start Linux in DOS, you can run "Linux.bat".

9, increase the virtual cache

Use commands: MKSWAP / DEV / HDA (assuming Linux drive is / dev / hda), swapon / dev / hda; to automatically start SWAP, you can join the new partition into the ETC / FSTAB, follow the original SWAP write Ok. Check the size of SWAP with "free", Linux supports up to 16 swap partitions, each swap partitions up to 128M, and there is no big file to be established when there is no free partition.

The following is a series of commands:

#dd if = / dev / zero of = swapfile bs = 1024 count = 8192

#mkswap swapfile 8192


#SWapon SwapFile

10, clever use Tab key

Everyone knows when entering a command in the Linux character interface, sometimes you need to enter a lot of characters, if you often enter characters one by one, it is more cumbersome. Assuming that the typed characters are sufficient to determine the next unique file, we only need to press the TAB key on the keyboard to automatically replace the remainder of the file name, for example, to put the file DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DCC .tar.gz is unpackage, when we type in the TAR XVFZ / CCC / D in the command line, if the file is the only file in this directory, you can press the Tab key on the keyboard directly. When the command will be automatically fuffed as: TAR XVFZ /CCCC/ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd to improve the input efficiency.

11, multi-purpose copy and paste to improve the operating speed

After the Linux system is installed, each time you start to the character interface, you will automatically run a GPM program. After the program runs, you can use the mouse to copy and paste it. The specific practice is to press and hold the left mouse button to highlight the place where you want to copy. At this time, the area that has been highlighted has been copied, and then the content of the right mouse button will be pasted in the location where the cursor is located. If we run the Linux system under xwindow, copy and paste operations are the same as in a normal Win9X system. 12, improve the speed of the reading

Take some settings under Linux, let Linux work in 32-bit input and output mode and DMA channel mode. When setting, enter the 32bit transfer mode in the Linux command interface, enter the 32bit transfer mode, enter command / sbin / hdparm -dl / dev / hda to open the DMA transmission mode, then enter the command / sbin / hdparm -kl / dev / hda to make the hard disk still maintain the above settings after RESET, and we can improve Linux's read discs to more than 1 times.


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