PLSQL Developer 6 All Publishing Logs (As of 2005-03-18)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  17

Enhancements in PL / SQL Developer 6.0.5 ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== * Insert Template context menu would hide first item and add dummy item * Insert Template did not show subfolders * Connection preferences in registry (Logon section) did not work * Projects: progress while compiling now shows actual number of compilable files (compiling: x of y) * Projects: not all compile errors were indicated * Projects: handled errors in command files for WHENEVER ... FAILURE * Added missing Oracle10g plan_table columns * SQL Window AutoSelect Statement function did not handle nested PL / SQL Blocks correctly * Command Window could not process " create or replace type ... () "* Command Window could not process" create or replace and compile java source ... "* Command Window would insert empty lines when showing dbms_output * Command Window Show Param [eters] support added (with Additional Info Option * Command Window Set Arraysize Support Added * Command Window Set Time Support Added * Command Window would not exit nested scripts for 'whenever ... exit' * Command Window now supports environment vars (% var%) for commands with files (spool, @, store, get) * Sorting a grid did not always sort strings case insensitive * Compile Invalid Objects initial query performance improved * Explain Plan Window now allows you to execute alter session statements for the current session * Explain Plan item was disabled for WITH statements * Text Editor [Esc] would activate Help * Inserting templates no longer interprets a "/ "

when not creating a new window * Pasting columns in Table Editor would give AV * External tools now support 'as sysdba' in connect string * All items modified by Find> Replace All are now grouped into one undo action * Code Assistant could remove spaces typed after a comma * Using the Find function in the Large Data Editor could suppress changes * Key configuration preference added for SQL Window: Clear Results * Fixed problem with missing default keys * Data Generator could not handle SQL (...) for date fields * SQL Window column moving was not preserved after re-executing the same or similar queries * Compile Invalid Objects would ignore objects excluded from debug information * Application title in the taskbar could be cleared after changing a connection * Nested if / then / else structures could lead To increct "unused value assignment" hints * using Table.column% Type Declarations in a test script would Cause Code Assistant Problems * SQLPATH Environment Variable Was Not Used by Comma nd Window * Fixed incorrect handling of formulas when exporting report to Excel * Fixed AMPM problem when exporting report to Excel * It is now possible to create a default user.prefs by placing this file in the default preference directory * Recent objects folder was not properly Refreshed * Templates for a Command Window Can Now Indicate To Open The Editor Page [$ Window Type = Command, Editor]

Enhancements in PL / SQL Developer 6.0.4 ============================================== * Package Bodies , type bodies, and materialized views would disappear from user defined folders * Opening a user defined folder when disconnected would lead to "not logged on" messages * Reports menu did not show directories with only subdirectories correct * Instantiable and final member procedures were not displayed correctly in the Code Contents * Text Importer file associations are now stored in user.prefs, not in Import / import.files * SQL () function added to Data Generator * Table creation DDL for partition values ​​ending with a parenthesis were incorrect * Popup menu in various editors were missing "Insert Template" submenu * Fixed "can not convert string to double" error * Fixed problem with disappearing last row while pasting into grid * Title of Program Window would not change from View to Edit if Window changed to Edit mode * Command Windows Now Displays Clob and XMLTYPE IN Accordance with the set long setting * Replace All in Find dialog now also includes the current selection * Code Assistant could not resolve local variable names in a Test Script or Trigger * Code Assistant could not resolve variables of a type in another schema * Command Window and SQL Window will no longer SILENTLY RETRY AFTER "ORA-04068, EXISTING STATE PACKAGES HAS BEEN Discarded" * Using a variable in An Exception Handler COULD CAUSE INCORRECT "Unused Variable Value"

hint * Double-clicking on a package in the Object Browser could display 2 Program Windows if the package body was wrapped * Pasting data in result grid did not update NULL indicator color * Added sound to Warning and Error messages * Data Generator could give a " list index out of bounds "for Files () function with only one file * Logon History did not always display all grouped items * Fixed link to Direct Oracle Access (5 variables limit) * Copy comma separated from browser would not work for closed folders * Suppressed dialogs (Do not show this message again) still gave a sound * Duplicate reports (same path and file) in reports menu prevented * Program Window could split source on a slash in the middle of a line * Dropping an object in the SQL Window would not update the Object Browser * Replace All was not restricted to the selected scope * Preference "Wrap to start / end of file when text is not found" did not work * Using variable or -variable could cause incorrect "Unused variable" Hints * Command Window now issues a warning when a connection is re-established * Refreshing the Session Window with a disconnected PL / SQL Developer session would cause errors * SQL Window always auto-sizes columns unless you have explicitly resized a column * Recent files list is now Passed to A Second Pl / SQL Developer Instance

Enhancements in PL / SQL Developer 6.0.3 ============================================== * Fixed Connection delays and ORA-12154 errors when using Oracle Names 9.0 or 9.2 * Using the Large Data Editor could lead to instability * Some applications could not be started when PL / SQL Developer is running * Memory overhead in object list reduced (Export User Objects, Compare User Objects, and so on) * Code Contents parse error fixed when using the words "left" or "right" in a condition * SQL Window "Next SQL" button did no longer clear the editor after the last SQL * Text Importer replaced only 1 occurrence of # in an SQL function * The View function for program units would bring an already opened, editable window to the front and make it read-only * Creating / Editing users with special characters would fail * Fixed error while downloading updates & News Details * preferences are now Synchronized Between Different Instances on The Same Pc * Fixed Problem with Copy / Paste Multi Line Data in Grid * PL / SQL Beauti Fier Would Raise Error for Table.Column Expression with a space Between Table and .Column * XML Editor Would Replace Header with

after making a modification * Large Data Editor could add 0-byte to BLOB data * Code Assistant did not come up for lower..upper expression without spaces * Data Generator did not generate master / detail / detail data correct (only test was correct) * Text Importer would not always handle quotes correct * Large Data Editor could enable word-wrap in other editors * preference for maximum size of recall statement would not always be saved * Improved the resizing behavior of the Plan Window * Safe Compilation preference did not work correctly if owner preceded the object name (create or replace package scott.employee ...) * Clear function for SQL, Command, Test and Report Window did not also clear the "Saved" indicator * Left-clicking on a Code Contents item will now always navigate to the start of that item in the editor * Preferences will be stored in Application Data Path if the default directory is read-only * Not all font and color preferences were applied immediately in preference dialog * Date format preference could be changed externally * Changing the Session Mode preference could cause errors if PL / SQL Developer is not restarted * Find dialog would be displayed at wrong position for multi monitor systems

Enhancements in PL / SQL Developer 6.0.2 ====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== * Partitioned Tables were not detected correctly on Oracle8i * Partitions tab page was visible when viewing a non-partitioned table * Code Assistant did not describe materialized views * Code Assistant did not describe record types declared in another package * Code Assistant could remove spaces typed after a comma * File -> Close All could lead to invisible confirmation dialog * Font Bold & Italic preferences did not work for browser and grid * Key Configuration preference would not handle all keys properly * Compare User Objects could incorrectly change column properties when column order for source and target table is different * Large Data Editor had problems with XML data with lines> 65000 characters * Preference "Use DBA views if available" could cause ORA-00942 after switching from a DBA user to a normal user * Compilation errors were not displayed when "create Or Replace

and object name are on different lines * Could no longer connect with just / for externally identified users * Deleting a column selection in the editor could also delete adjacent highlighted text * Dropping a java source from the Object Browser would cause ORA-29501 * PL / SQL Beautifier did not format all ANSI join types correctly * On Oracle7 Explain Plan and Test function did not replace PL / SQL variables by bind variables * Text Importer would only import 99 records when pasting from clipboard * Data Generator did not handle a master with 2 details correct * UxTheme related errors fixed * Browser Folders would not save connection property * TSV Exporter would skip first field if it was empty * Large Data Editor now closes when pressing Escape * Compiling a body with a missing or invalid specification with "Safe compilation"

preference would give compilation errors with temporary object name * Hyperlink navigation did not work correctly for compound custom keywords * Hyperlink navigation did not immediately update Code Contents * Generating a Test Script for a non-packaged program unit with parameters with user-defined types would not create local variables with correct types * Dropping an object in the Compile Invalid Objects tool would not update the compilation error list * Fixed a problem starting specific applications when PL / SQL Developer is running * Data Generator number precision displayed for fields with a scale of 0 would not be correct * Explain Plan and Test function now also replaces constants by bind variables in select statement * Pressing a cell button in an empty Single Record grid in a SQL Window would cause an error message * Export to Excel could display cells as ## ## due to column width * SQL WINDOW NOW PRESERVES RESULT Message After Navigating in Result Grid When "show Dictionary INF o "preference is set * Tables folder in Tablespace folder in Object Browser did not list partitioned tables * Compare User Objects memory usage optimized * Compare User Objects list included tables from the Oracle10g recycle bin * Fixed splitter problem and alignment of editor in XML Editor * Oracle Logon Preference "Fixed Users" Is Now Stored Encrypted * Excel Interface Would Not Handle Japanese Characters Properly * Fixed "Invalid Pointer Operation" ERRORS

Enhancements in PL / SQL Developer 6.0.1 ============================================== * Support for Oracle10g EZCONNECT added * Performance of "Copy to Excel" function improved * DDL for synonyms now uses "create or replace" syntax for Oracle 9.2 and later * Pressing an "Auto refresh timer" button now immediately executes the Window * Shortcuts Plug-In enabled again * Scrollbar in Explain Plan function now scrolls all contents * Compare User Objects would try to rename columns when column order is different * Code Hierarchy did not have Explain Plan and Test popup menu items for select statements * Executing a Report would copy the SQL to the clipboard * Report would not ask for password when "locked for others" * PL / SQL Beautifier preview did not show effect of "Wrap zero level AND / OR" option for Control Structures * Proxy settings added for Updates & News * Renaming an object In the SQL Window Could Lead to Incorrect "Object Has Been Deleted" Message * Beautifier DML Rule "and / or underwhere clause" was always enabled * Code Contents could sometimes be blank or out-of-date * Fixed various access violations * Explain Plan function did not replace record field PL / SQL variables in SQL text by bind variables on Oracle 9.0 and earlier * Safe compilation could fail IF The package Objects with the same name in another package * disable the "incline storage"

option during Export User Objects would still include partition storage information * Text Importer now correctly autodetects text with pipelines * Large Data Editor now supports undo, redo, find and select all * Text Importer data preview would not highlight multi line fields correctly

New Features in PL / SQL Developer 6.0.0 ============================================== * Program Window enhancements:> code Hierarchy pane added> code Contents extended with code structure and hot tracking> compiles in background if session mode is "multi session"> Highlight if, loop, case, and blocks> Safe compilation preference added> Save before compilation preference added> Oracle10g PL / SQL Compiler warnings supported * Support for partitioned tables added * Support for materialized views added * Support for compressed indexes added * Support for reversed indexes added * Support for queues added * Support for queue tables added * Support for NLS Length Semantics added * Support for LOB and nested table column storage added * Support for column renaming added (Oracle9.2 and later) * Editor enhancements:> Hyperlink navigation now works in all SQL and PL / SQL editors> Highlight parentheses> Table and View drag & DROP INTO Editor Can Now Launch The Query Builder> Find Function Can N ow wrap to start / end of document if the search text is not found> Append function added to append text to the current clipboard text> Sort function added to sort a selection> Guideline function added> SpecialCopy syntax extended with #define compress> Multi- line strings properly highlighted in SQL and PL / SQL editors> Oracle10g keywords highlighted in SQL and PL / SQL editors * Code Assistant enhancements:> Support added for packaged record types and rowsubtypes> Support added for cursor variables>

Support added for select statements on inline views> Home / End key will go to top / bottom of the list> Wraps to top / bottom from last / first line * Authorization added * To-Do Items added * Data Generator tool added * New preference dialog with preference sets * External Tools generalized as External / Session Tools * New Large Data Editor for CLOB, BLOB, LONG, LONG RAW and VARCHAR2 * Find Database Objects improvements:> Search for object name, owner, status, creation date range, and modification date range> Criteria can be saved and loaded * Export User Objects improvements:> Include Storage option added> View button added to view the resulting script * Compare User Objects improvements:> Option added to include storage in generated DDL for new objects> Table column renaming supported (Oracle9.2 and later) * Export Tables improvements:> Include Storage option added for SQL and PL / SQL Developer format> Include Privileges option added for SQL and PL / SQL Developer format * HTML Manual enhancements:> Multi-tabbed search results> Roll up / roll down buttons> Search text history * Object Browser enhancements:> User defined folders added> Folder hierarchy> Folder color> Connection specific folders> Add / remove objects through right-click in Object Browser> Super / Subtype displayed for type objects> Column renaming added (Oracle9.2 and later)> Dropping a user that owns one or more objects is now possible after an explicit confirmation> Object popup menu now shows the debug information status>

Recycle bin added for dropped tables on Oracle10g with Purge and Restore functions * AutoRefresh option added for Session Window, SQL Window, Report Window, Test Window, and Command Window * Added "Change Window to .." to popup menu for SQL Window, Program Window, Test Window, Command Window and Report Window * SQL Window enhancements:> New number layout preference: "Formatted with thousand separator"> New "Null Value Color" preference> Object Browser is immediately updated after creating / dropping / altering and object> Compiling a view will save & restore instead of triggers> Query can now be saved as "Standard Query" for a Table, View or Materialized View> Direct XMLTYPE query support on Oracle Net 9.2 and later> Saving a view source now provides the view name As default filename> Clear, Clear Result and select All Added to Popup Menu of Single Record View> Readonly Substitution Variables Added> Hidden Substitution Variables Added * Test WINDOW ENHANCEM ents:> New debugger preference "Never add debug info for objects"> Current debug line is now centered> Watches are saved and loaded with the Test Script * Plan Window enhancements:> Copy function prefixes each item with its name> Oracle10g columns added * Command Window enhancements:> Set prompt command added> Exit command can now exit PL / SQL Developer * New PL / SQL Beautifier options:> Parameter declaration: List at left margin> DML: Split at zero-level AND / OR> DML: AND / ORAFTER EXPRESSION> DML: and / or under where clause> Control Structure: split at zero-level and / or>


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