These days have been looking for binding, after the binding, the DataTable line is made, and it is found, but it has to achieve such functions.
I am binding the DataTable to listbox, modify the listbox value by modifying DataTable.
ListBox1.beginupdate (); // stop the listbox from drawing while items areaded.
DataTable DT;
INT indexnum = listbox1.selectedindex;
DT = (DATATABLE) ListBox1.datasource;
Datarow Custrow = DT.ROWS [IndexNum];
Custrow.beginedit ();
Custrow [0] = indexnum;
Custrow [1] = "instator";
Custrow.endedit ();
Dt.acceptchanges ();
Listbox1.endupdate (); // end the update process and force a repaint of the listbox.
Listbox1.update ();
ListBox1.beginupdate (); // stop the listbox from drawing while items areaded.
DataTable DT;
INT indexnum = listbox1.selectedindex;
DT = (DATATABLE) ListBox1.datasource;
Datarow Custrow = DT.ROWS [IndexNum];
Custrow.beginedit ();
Custrow [0] = indexnum;
Custrow [1] = "instator";
Custrow.endedit ();
Dt.acceptchanges ();
Listbox1.endupdate (); // end the update process and force a repaint of the listbox.
Listbox1.update ();