EGroupware open source content management system

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

what's new ... News 09. Feb. 2005:.. The book "Install and Security How To" is ready for shipping Thanks to everyone, who ordered already and who will order from now on Like this, we can really improve our project . News 10. Jan. 2004: You can help us ... to improve and extend eGroupWare and the victims of the Asian tsunami disaster The lastest version of the INSTALL and SECURITY HOWTO is finished and available for download from the Sourceforge project page.. From now on, this HOWTO will be available also as a professionally printed BOOK for only EUR 5,50 plus Shipping Package (EUR 3,50). As the production of each book will cost EUR 2,00, you are supporting the eGroupware Project with eur 300. With every sale book, we will donate at Least EUR 0,50 to the red cross to help the asian tsunami '

s victims. Any amount payed above EUR 9,00 will be donated as well to the Red Cross. A list of people / companies, who purchased this book will be sent together with the money to the Red Cross organisation. The desired development / improvement of eGroupware depends on how many books we can sell, but as an example, we are thinking of SyncML Palm Sync IWATS The books can be ordered from now on by the payment of EUR 9,00 (or higher) to the paypal account from reinerj AT News 27. Dec. 2004:. Install and Security How to 0.4, French released Thank you to Theytaz Antoine He has translated the Install and Security how-to in Version 0.4 to French 23. Dec. 2004.: Happy Christmas to you We wish a happy Christmas, to all User, Developers, Friends, Supporters and all other people in the world the eGroupWare developers team News 19. Nov. 2004:!. Photos from eGroupWare at Latinoware from 8. until 12. November The Egroupware Project Was Represented At The Congress and Fair - Latinow are -.. in Foz do Igaucu (Parana / Brazil) For all particpating projects the event was a great success Visitors from all over South America were present and visited the fair and lectures with international speakers took place parallel to the fair From the eGroupWare. project Reiner Jung, who was a speaker was present as well as Frank Alcantara, Rapahel Derosso Pereira from eGroupWare Brazil. The picture right shows from left to right, Reiner, Raphael, Frank and Marcio Kabke (Celepar). Reiner Jung was elected to receive THE OFFCIAL BRAZILIAN Open Source Migration Guide To deliever It to the german Government. The large picture above Shows the official delivery from Rogerio Xavier (Planning minister)

s Secretary - Federal Governmant Brazil) and Marcos Mazoni (President Celepar) to Jaco Aizmann (Free Software Consortium), John "Maddog" Hall (Linux International), Timothy Ney (Gnome Foundation), Reiner Jung (eGroupWare), Federico Mena (Gnome Founder) Werner Westerman (Chile) News 18. Nov. 2004:. eGroupWare graphical installer for Windows available from our download-page You can test the graphical installer for eGroupWare for Windows The package is not well tested at the moment Please report bugs.. Wih The Installer to Reinerj At Users Dot Sourceforge.Net News 06. Nov. 2004: EGroupware Security

bugfix-release available from our download-page This release includes a security update for JiNN When you have the JiNN application installed, it is strongly recommended to update to this release asap We recommend the installation for everyone Change list: -..! JiNN security fixes -. massive bugfixes in the projects module You need to visit setup, as it requires a DB-schema upgrade in projects -! other bugfixes (ACL, global cats, ...) This bugfix-release is expected to be the last one for the 1.0.0 branch the eGroupWare developers News 05. Nov. 2004:. eGroupWare Book in traditional Chinese published Jungheng Chen has written a book in traditional Chinese about eGroupWare usage The title from the book is:. E-Business and EIP Project Planning summary: Part 1. to know what is knowledge managemnet and what is enterprise information portal How to plan an EIP for a company Part 2. Use eGW to build EIP This part includes how to download the eGW, install webserver and database,... And the import rtance of safety. Part 3. Setup eGW and user group priority. This part includs how to set email and ftp, how to install and unstall each application. Part 4. Use eGW in knowldege management and customer relationship management. How to use sitemgr, Knowledge base, trouble ticket system, backup the databae. the book: 986-7695-73-9 Web Page from the book:

132 News 18. Oct. 2004: eGroupWare Training in German language The Outdoor Unlimited Training GmbH of eGroupWare admin and developer Ralf Becker now offers open eGroupWare Seminars about the following subjects: installation and administration of eGroupWare base-modules (Email, Addressbook, Calendar, infoLog) Contentmanagement with siteMgr projectmanagement with projects All these seminars are hold in a central location in Germany and (at first) in German language. The first series of seminars (2 days per subject) will be from 22.- 25. Nov. 2004 And from 1.- 4. Feb. 2005: Read more .... if you're inteessted in germany (Close The Frankfurt Airport) or An Other Location, please let us KNOW TOO (Info At Outdoor -training DOT de) We will offer them on short notice, if there's a demand News 04. Oct. 2004:.. Mirror of eGroupWare site in Slovenian language At the Abak association we have translated the eGroupWare site and have set up a mirror site for Slovenian users, EGroupWare was also fully translated to Slovenian language. Our work was partially supported from the Ministry of information society of the Republic of Slovenia. Would you also like to create a mirror of your website, which is controlled WITH EGROUPWARE's Content Management System Sitemgr? You Can Read About Our Experience ON Wiki Pages

HowTo. The information is adjusted to the particular case of mirroring, but can be easily adopted to any other SiteMgr-managed website. How to switch to Slovenian language? EGroupWare website automatically recognizes the language settings of your web borwser and . produces the appropriate content in Internet Explorer you can adjust these settings using Tools | Internet options | General | Languages, and in Mozilla you can use Edit | Personal settings | Navigator | Languages ​​News 28. Sep. 2004:. Meet the eGroupWare developers eGroupWare Project Will Be Present At Linux World Expo in Frankfurt Germany from 26 to 28 October. You Can Meet The Developers Personally

. -) If you would like to arrange a meeting with us please contact reinerj AT users DOT News 28. Sep. 2004: phpSlash and Coppermine for eGroupWare released Joe Stewart has released a first version from Coppermine and phpSlash for eGroupWare.. Both modules are available for download from: download phpSlash download Coppermine News 09. Sep. 2004: eGroupWare available on our download-page This release fixes several bugs in many applications News 23. Aug. 2004:. eGroupWare security-fix, new packages available on our download-page Joxean Koret found a possible security problem in eGroupWare and published it. Unfortunaly the problem was publicly announced before we finished building new packages. The eGroupWare team has fixed the problems and you can now download the new version ( from the sf project page. Please applies from Jox, As the Exploits from Joxean Koret Has Been Published and Makes You Vulnerable To People with Malicious Inclinations. The EGRO upWare developers News 07. Aug. 2004: eGroupWare 1.0 available on our download-page Finally, after many months of development or thousands of hours development, the eGroupWare developer team is proud to announce eGroupWare 1.0 We say thank you to all people who: contribute code, make translations, write docs, test the application or help with donations or sponsoring We also would say thank you to the users who trust in this project and choose eGroupWare as their groupware solution The next stable release from eGroupWare will include..:

workflow engine, contact center (replace the address book), new filemanager, support for MaxDB, calender extensions Under development is also a MS Outlook plugin to connect Outlook to eGroupWare The eGroupWare developers News 07. Aug. 2004:.. Install and Security How . to 0.4, Spanish released Oscar Manuel Gómez Senovill (aka omgs) has translated the Install and Security how to to Spanish The Spanish version is available at the download area News 31. Jul 2004:.. eGroupWare 1.0 RC8 available on our download-page Normally we wanted to provide with this release the final 1.0 package but we found some critical bugs which we must fix. Also support for MSSQL database was complete broken and it is fixed now. This will be the last RC from eGroupWare and the next release will be final 1.0 Changes: -. critical bugs fixed - MS SQL server support is back - language extensions News 18. Jul 2004:. Preview of the first eGroupWare book Dr. Holger Reibold has written the first book about eGroupWare The. book is available in German only at the moment Some demo chapters from the book are online News 13. Jul 2004:... eGroupWare 1.0 RC7 available on our download-page RC7 will be the last release candidate for eGroupWare 1.0 When we don '.

t have critical bugs in RC7, eGroupWare 1.0 will be released in the next days Changes:. Bug fixing in many packages News 8. Jul 2004:.. Version 1.0 branch and final dates You might have noticed I already set all version-numbers to 1.0.0 (or in case of phpgwapi) The following stuff has been fixed added since the RC6 package:. postgreSQL: creation of indices should be working now (RC6 did not set the values ​​of the new created sequenzes after the table -re-creation). send class now uses the PHPMailer and does NOT require email app anymore. The configuration (smtp-server and mail-domain) is in Admin >> Site configuration and is a subset of Admin >> Email >> Site configuration. The send-class just extends the PHPMailer and initialises it with the necessary values ​​from $ GLOBALS [phpgw_info] [server]. You can use all PHPMailer methods, as well as the "old" send :: msg method. So every existing Code Should Work. Please test it, if your app sends emails !!! Email Addresses Can Be Configured now in Admin >> Manage accounts (for SQL as well as LDAP). The email address of a user is availible now in $ GLOBALS [phpgw_info] [user] [email]. To convert between email-addresses and account-id's you can Use Accounts :: Name2ID ($ Email, 'Account_Email') OR Accounts :: ID2Name ($ ID, 'Account_Email'

.) There is one semi-critical bug reported at the moment, which I cant reproduce:. The 1.0.0 to update runs but fails to create the new accounts_email column, but the phpgwapi version is set to Unfortunaly in all my updates, I cant reproduce it and everyone experiencing that bug so far, had not made a db-dump, so they cant reproduce it either. Reports so far are only on mysql. So if you update your installation, please make a DB-DUMP BEFORE (mysql: mysqldump>

, pgsql: pg_dump


). We plan to open the 1.0 branch sunday night or monday morning. Lars will remove the dependence of projects to the email apps and switch mail-sending again back to the send-class. I will announce it, when we done. Direct after creating the 1.0 branch, we plan to create a last Release Candidate package, which will be identical to the final 1.0, if there are no big problems. are there any other critical bugs, which need to be solved before we can release the 1.0? Ralf News 6. Jul 2004:.. eGroupWare Debian packages available Peter Eisentraut have built Debian packages for eGroupWare They are now available from the Debian archive It took a while to get them approved, so they're still based on RC5 Peter will.. upload new packages based on RC6 in the next few days. The current packages are in the "experimental" distribution. Once there is a final release of eGroupWare, Peter will upload to "unstable". Please test the package and report all problems to peter78 At But do not bother reporting problems with eGroupWare itself to him; the used eGW version is not the latest and many bugs are fixed in RC6 News 3. Jul 2004: Usermanual and Online-Help availible for download The german Version of the Usermanual /.. Online-Help-System is ready for download We are working now on the english version to install it, you need to do the following steps:.. get the "manual" application by checking it out from CVS (cvs co manual), unfortunally ITS Not in The RC6 Packages Install The Application In Setup >> Manage Applicatons Go To Admin >> Manual / Help >>

Install or update the manual-pages This might take a while, specialy if you do it for the first time. You can call it from time to time again to update your manual, in that case only the updates since your last call get transmitted. Enjoy reading / using it or even better help us translating it to other languages ​​Ralf News 29. Jun 2004:.. eGroupWare 1.0 RC6 available on our download-page Please note: If you are using postgreSQL, 1.0RC6 still contains a bug Please. update via cvs before you run setup, else you will get.. "SQL errors: duplicate key" on trying to create new entries in serveral applications Anyway make backups (pg_dump) before updating Seven weeks after the last release candidate, RC6 hit the street . IT Will Be One from The Last Release Candidates for EGroupware 1.0. When We Don '

t run in bigger problems, eGroupWare 1.0 will be released in July. In this release many problems are solved. We recommand to update to this release from eGroupWare. Please make a backup before you start the update procedure. The eGroupWare developers CHANGES in this release . - JiNN extended - projects updated - new knowledge base available - new language available Catalan - many languages ​​updated - bug fixes in all applications - extend the usage of indexes for DB tables News 29 June 2004:. The Free Groupware Killer Solution for SMBs in PCLinuxOnline is published a nice story about eGroupWare and KDE-Pim as solution for SMBs You can read the article under press on this page or from the PCLinuxOnline page News 18 June 2004:.. Government of Parana / Brazil moves to eGroupWare Open Source solution on MaxDB Database Parana A State In Brazil, HAS Adopted Open Source Technology Groupware Solution. The Complete Press Release You Can Read in EGW in The Press. News 18 June 2004:. EGW Install and Security How To 0.4, Brazil Portuguese released Renato Cintra have translated the Install and Security how to to Brazil Portuguese The Portuguese version is available for download from the SF project page News 16 June 2004:. Our new server IS UP AND RUNNING I Just Moved to Our New Server (2 x Xeon 2,4GHz, 2GB RAM). I think Everyone Can Feel It. if You Have SSH Access To The Server, you might notice the ssh key Has Change . That's Ok Again thanks to our new hardware-sponsor TATUNG News 12 June 2004:.. Meet the eGW developers at LinuxTag From June 23th - 26th, 2004 you can meet the eGroupWare developers at LinuxTag in Karlsruhe / Germany LinuxTag is the world '.

s largest Open Source and Free Software Convention The eGroupWare project will be present at Booth:.. E63 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, you can get certified on eGroupWare booth for CAcert Certificate Authority CAcert is the community non-profit Certificate Authority CAcert '..

s goal is to promote awareness and education on computer security through the use of encryption, specifically with the X.509 family of standards. For administrators looking to protect the services they offer, CAcert provide host and wild card certificates which you can issue almost immediately . Not only can you use these to protect websites, but also POP3, SMTP and IMAP connections, to list just a few For more information about CAcert please visit the CAcert homepage News 09 June 2004:.. eGW Install and Security How to 0.4, . Indonesia released Willy Sudiarto Raharjo have translated the Install and Security how to to Indonesia The Indonesia version is available for download from the SF project page News 01 June 2004:. eGW Install and Security How to 0.4, traditional Chinese released Finjon Kiang has translated the Install and security HOWTO TRADITIONAL China Language. The Chinese Version Is Now Available For Download From The sf Project Page. News 31 May 2004: EGW Packages with N ew installer available eGroupWare packages are available with a graphical installer for Linux. You can use it from your X-Windows or from command line. As installer, we use the InstallBuilder from Bitrock. A mini how-to on how to install with BitRock installer , you can find here News 18 May 2004:. eGW Install and Security Howto 0.4 released After some months of writing, I am happy to announce the eGroupWare Install and Security HowTo 0.4 It is available for download from the SF project page Special thanks.. to: Jeff Mitchell for proof reading John W. Brown for Windows extensions Translations to:.. Brazil Portuguese, French, German, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Polish and Dutch will follow soon Changes in this version:

- license changed to creative commons - Build SuSE packages from source RPM - Apache Security and Optimisation - SQL encryption for user password possible - Setup provides account prefix for LDAP installations - Select case sensitive usernames in setup - Troubleshooting added - Secure your eGroupWare with ModSecurity - update the file - Secure PHP installation updated open basedir restriction disable error logs - Setup Advanced Intrusion Detection System - Change the Quick install HOWTO to Express install HOWTO and extend it - Express install includes Windows now - install logfile analyser (logcheck ) - Turck-mmcache extended How to install mmcache on RedHat Enterprise Linux Requirements for install mmcache News 06 May 2004:? Do you want help to extend the install how-to The "install and Security manual / how-to"

version 0.4 will be published next week. It will be available in English and translations to Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Spanish, Polish and Traditional Chinese will follow soon. Unfortunataly it is in many chapters Linux / Unix specific. We have a lot of users who use Windows as OS with Apache or IIS I need users who want help to contribute with Windows specific extensions to the manual If you want help, please contact me at:.. reinerj AT users DOT Thank you for supporting eGroupWare. News 04 May 2004: eGW, Souceforge project of the month Today it is official announced, eGroupWare is the Sourceforge project of the month May An interview with eGroupWare developers can be found at the POM page at Sourceforge News 02 May 2004:.. eGW Windows . users mailing list Many Windows users ask for a mailing list, specific for Windows problems / solutions The list is available now at our sourceforge project page News 01 May 2004: New success stories and press release Under succ ess stories, we have added a story from district bureau Spandau / Berlin and a success story from Móveis Gaudencio, one from the biggest manufacturers for furniture in South America. An article from ZDnet Australia has been added in the category eGW in the press How to deploy open source eGroupWare News 30 Apr. 2004: Press contacts The official press contacts for the eGroupWare project are: International Reiner Jung reinerj AT users DOT Brazil Frank Alcantara frankalcantara AT users DOT France Anne Nicolas anne AT lea-linux Dot ORG News 27. Apr. 2004:

1.0 RC5 available on our download-page eGroupWare RC5 is the next step to the final 1.0 release. Many people wait for the upcomming 1.0. The developers work hard to fix the last bugs. We hope to bring out the final RC6 in next 3 weeks . and 10 days later the 1.0 release We are sure that eGroupWare RC5 is stable enough and recommand to update to this release The eGroupWare developers Changes: -. rewrite of projects added - Wiki include WYSIWYG editor now - bugfixes for sitemgr - email don '. t need longer php-imap module, many bugfixes for email included and extensions - Traditional Chinese lang updated - Danish lang updated - Italien lang files updated - Russian translation started - jerryr template updated - many bugs fixed in all applications News 27. Apr. 2004 : eGroupWare recommanded by UNESCO The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) add eGroupWare under the category Software: Productivity Tools:. Collaboration to their software repository News: 1 2. Apr. 2004 List of available languages ​​I added a list of available translations and their status: Languages ​​available (The list is created dynamically from the daily updated translations of this website and is implemented as SiteMgr module.) News 04. Apr. 2004 : EGroupware Finalist for: The Linuxuser &

. Developer Awards 2004 Thank you, to all people who voted for eGroupWare eGroupWare is nominated in the category Best Linux or Open Source Software together with: - Firebird SQL - KDE - Mambo Open Source The complete listing is available here News 29. Mar. 2004 : spanish mailinglist available We have added on our sourceforge project page a mailing list for the spanish speaking user community from eGW News 24. Mar. 2004: 3 new mailinglists available There are 3 new mailing lists available on sourceforge project page - mailing list for. French speaking users - Mailing list for German speaking users - Mailing list for Portuguese speaking users You can found the list for subscription on News 18. Mar. 2004: fileManager fAQ and Docs The filemanager faq and Documentation Pages Are Now for You Are Looking for Eg Sharing Files With your group members, please visit the file manager page for the solution and more realvant informat ion News 11. Mar. 2004:.. eGroupWare presented @ SETI Anne Nicolas from lea-linux association presented eGroupWare @ SETI in Paris SETI start on 30th March and end on 1st April You will find Anne and lea-linux at booth F24.. News 10. Mar. 2004: Sponsored Development Program The eGroupWare developers announce today the sponsored development program you can find more informations here News 07. Mar. 2004:. Do you want to vote for eGroupWare you can vote for eGroupWare to the 'linuxUser? & Developer 2004 awards'

. If you want to support eGroupWare, please vote at Just complete the following form and nominate eGroupWare as Best Linux or Open Source Software:. Linux User Award News 04. Mar. 2004: How you can help the project? you are not a programmer but want help the eGroupWare project. It is easy to help us. Many users ask us about references. We want to open a page with references from eGroupWare. When you want to help us with a professional reference, please send IT with the information down to reinerj [at] * Company name * Your name (we don't publish) * Your email address (We Don "

t publish it) * Country * Operation System what you use * How much users use eGW * Concurrent users * Hardware in use (CPU, Memory) * Software used: Webserver, DB Server ... * eGroupWare modules used: what you use for your daily job News 03. Mar. 2004:... eGroupWare 1.0 RC4 available on our download-page eGroupWare 1.0 RC4 released with a lot of bugfixes When you update from RC3 you must make a database update When you update from a version before RC3 ., please read the release notes from RC3 CHANGES in this release -.. add support to spec file for SuSE directory structure When you want build packages for SuSE, please download the source RPM and make rpmbuild --rebuild eGroupWare.xxxxx.src. rpm - extensions to Danish language - extensions at sitemgr - bugfixes for upcomming 1.0 release News 03. Mar. 2004:. Linux France interview with Reiner Jung Anne Nicolas from Linux French has taken an interview about eGroupWare with Reiner Jung from eGroupWare project News 03. Mar. 2004: Success ST . Ory from The National Foundation of the Indian - FUNAI in Brazil Today we publish the fist success story about eGroupWare You can find it at: Success stories -> Indians in Brazil Thank you to Allen from FUNAI and Frank News 23. Feb. 2004: dozens of templates availible for siteMgr siteMgr now supports MOS (Mambo Open Source) V. 4.5 templates. Supporting their template format makes immediately dozens of their real nice (!) templates available for siteMgr. We have included one new template (RHUK Orange Smoothie) In The General Distribution. More Templates Are Available For Download Via a Gallery from The New Sitemgr Pages Here. of Course We Are Happy To Receive More Templates

-) News 22. Feb. 2004: Install and Security Howto version 0.4 ready for translation The next version from Install and Security Howto will be ready in the next 3 weeks If you want to translate it into another language, please contact reinerj [AT. ] Translated languages ​​are:. English, Chinese, French Changes in version 0.4 Build SuSE Linux Packages with rebuild Secure eGroupWare server with ModSecurity Setup AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Sytem) Apache security and performance Extend Turck-mmcache Install mmcache. on RH enterprise rebuild the needed packages Build requirements Secure PHP installation updated open basedir restrictions disable error logs Installation update News 19. Feb. 2004: Install and Security Howto in French available Patrice Lallement from EDGE-IT have translated the Install and Security howto to French . News 10. Feb. 2004: Uses now Rework of the site the rework of the sitemgr app , We have now an easy-to-use contentmanagement system, which is fully integrated into eGroupWare The rework is not completly finished, but already usable -.. As you can see here If you want to try it, dont forget to "cvs update "your copy, as it's work in process. If you dont have any content in an existing siteMgr install, I advice you to remove and re-install it, as this gives you the latest version of the included demo-site. Enjoy using siteMgr .

t need update to this release CHANGES: -. LINUX-AT-WORK and VERDILAK template set are removed (will be available soon as a separate download when you want use it) - Login problems fixed - broken Email app fixed - PostgreSQL problem fixed News 28. Jan. 2004:. eGroupWare 1.0 RC3 available on our download-page eGroupWare RC3 is the next step to our 1.0 final Please READ this first The JUSTWEB template set is removed from eGroupWare If you are using it at the moment,.!. please change your template to idots or another template set After update to this release, please follow the next steps:. After install you will see the follow message: you need to port your settings to the new version 1.. ) Go to yourserver / egroupware / setup - Scroll down in "Checking the eGroupWare Installation" - confirm with continue to the Header Admin 2.) Login with the user name admin - The password is your old password for a new installation the default username and Password is User Name: admin Passwo RD: CHANGEME 3.) Set a user name and password for the header manager 4.) set a user name and password for configuration 5.) Copy the file to your server 6.) Continue 7.) Login to setup / config admin login 8.) Upgrade Your Database 9.) Recheck Installation 10.) Go to Edit Current Configuration 11.) Check That User Names Are Case Sensitive =

Yes 12.) Go to Language Management 13.) Delete all old languages ​​and install new ones 14.) Go to manage applications 15.) update the applications which show LOGIN and enjoy the new eGroupWare RC3 Changes in this release: - justweb template removed - Skel app added as package - Messenger back in eGW - Spanish translation finished - Ukrain translation added to eGW and more than 50% finished - extensions on Italian translation - backup rewrite - Poll upp is rewrited - Knowledge Base rewrite (start from new killer app support center) - sitemgr fist preview of 1.0 candidate - extension on idots - new template set included jerryr (preview to 1.0 version) - felamimail extension (folders) - email bugfixes and some nice extensions - encryption of passwords for and database passwords added - alternative encryption for sql account passwords has been added in addition to the old md5 () passwords - username case sensitive - JiNN CMS updated - addressbook import extended - wiki some ex tensions - many Bugs fixed the eGroupWare developers News 24. Jan. 2004:.. Meet the developers You can meet some of the developers from eGroupWare at the Linux Solutions in Paris / France The fair starts at February 3rd until 5th You will found the project A09 (Edge IT). if you are attending the show please make you stop by and say 'Hello!'. Present Will Be: Reiner Jung (Aka Reinerj) Bejamin Gigon (Aka Bgigon) Patrice Lallement News 16.jan. 2004 : Linux Journal Write Article About EGroupware in The New Linux Journal, EGroupware Found A Place In a nice article. You can read it here <<


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