REDHAT AS 3.0 Install Oracle 9i Process in Chinese on Chinese

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

Install RedHat AS 3 installation This installation process has been successfully successfully successfully successfully, and after success, it is passed on another machine.

I. Preparation: 1. Establish Oracle Use [root @ dev44 /] # groupadd oinstall [root @ dev44 /] # GroupAdd DBA [root @ dev44 /] # UserAdd -g oinstall -g dba oracle [root @ dev44 /] # PASSWD ORACLE2. Upload Oracle9204 Installation File The following operations Operate with Oracle users [root @ dev44 /] # CD / home / oracle / ora9204 [root @ dev44 ora9204] # ftp Take Oracle / Oracle FTP> MKDIR ORA9204FTP> CD ora9204ftp> mput ship_9204_linux_disk * .cpioftp> bye3. oracle installation files coupling [root @ dev44 /] # cd / home / oracle / ora9204 [root @ dev44 ora9204] # cpio -idm

$ ORACLE_BASE / product / 9.2.0export ORACLE_SID = testexport ORACLE_TERM = xtermLD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ ORACLE_HOME / lib: / lib: / usr / libLD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH: / usr / local / libexport LD_LIBRARY_PATHexport PATH = $ PATH: $ ORACLE_HOME / bin (3) Configuring the system parameters [root @ dev44 /] # vi /etc/sysctl.conf# for Oraclekernel.shmmax = 536870912kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128kernel.shmmni = 4096kernel.shmall = 2097152net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65534fs.file- Max = 65534 [root @ dev44 /] # vi /etc/security/limits.conf# for Oracle Hard Nofile 65536 Oracle Hard NOFILE 65536Oracle Soft NPROC 16384Oracle Hard NPROC 16384 (4). Direct modification of current system parameters [root @ dev44 /] # sysctl -w kernel.shmmax = 536870912 [root @ dev44 /] # sysctl -w kernel.shmmni = 4096 [root @ dev44 /] # sysctl -w kernel.shmall = 2097152 [root @ dev44 /] # sysctl -w kernel. SEM = '250 32000 100 128' [root @ dev44 /] # sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = '1024 65534' [root @ dev44 /] # s YSCTL -W fs.file-max = 655347. Playing patch3006854 can be downloaded to ITPUB PatchHttp: // s = & postid = 1033083 Be sure to make GCC available, play Patch. Remember 8. It is important to start installing this settings.

[Oracle @ dev44 disk1] $ CD Disk1 [Oracle @ dev44 disk1] $ xprop -root -remove _motif_default_bindings (Note: This statement may restore when opening another terminal window, if you open another window, be sure to return to this window , Re-executed) (used to resolve Warning: Cannot Convert String "Alt Return, alt_key_kp_enter" to Type VirtualBinding Problem) [Oracle @ dev44 disk1] $ xprop -remove wm_locale_name (this execution, only affects the current terminal, execution You need to select this window) [Oracle @ dev44 disk1] $ xprop -root -remove xim_servers (this execution, only affects the current terminal, when executed, you need to choose this window) [Oracle @ dev44 disk1] $ export lang = zh_cn [Oracle @ dev44 disk1] $ ./runinstaller[oracle@dev44 disk1] $ initializing java virtual machine from / tmp / orapotall2005-01-10_05-50-27pm / jre / bin / java. please wait ... Chinese appeared, everything is normal (1). Specify the Inventory directory location Specify / opt / oracle / ORAINVENTORY directory (2). Specify UNIX group name, specify Oinstall as a group name to upgrade Oracle software on this system (3). Organic Execute /TMP/[ooacle@dev44 tmp] $ su [root @ dev44 tmp] # ./ Create an Oracle Inventory directory pointer (/etc/orainst.loc) Change group name / OPT / ORACLE / ORAINVENTORY Go to Oinstall. [Root @ dev44 tmp] # vi /etc/orainst.locinventory_loc=/opt/oracle/orainventoryinst_group=

Oinstall (4). File Location Source ... /Home/Oracle/ora9204/disk1/stage/product.jar Target ... Name: OuiHome Path: /opt/oracle/product/9.2.0 (5). Available Products Select Oracle9i Database Product Language, Selected Languages: Simplified Chinese, English (6). Installation Types ENTERPRISE Edition (2.84GB) (7) .DATABASE ConfigurationSelect A Database Suited to your Needs.gerner PurposeInstall A Pre -configured database optimized for general purpose usage (8) .Databasee IdentificationGlobal Database Name:. eosdb44 (9) .Database File LocationDirectory for Database Files: /opt/oracle/oradata(10).Database Character Set select: Use the default character setThe default character set for this database is based on the language setting of this operating system:. ZHS16GBK (11) is mounted in this installation session log can be found in: / opt / oracle / oraInventory / logs / installActions2005 -01-17_06-39-16pm.log9. Starting an Agent Installation Patch Used to modify an Agent service that cannot be started. The process is as follows: [Oracle @ dev44 TMP] $ UNZIP [Oracle @ dev44 TMP] $ export path = $ PATH: / TMP / OPATCH [Oracle @ dev44 TMP] $ export path = $ PATH: / Sbin # THE patch needs "fuser" which is located in / sbin [oracle @ dev44 tmp] $ unzip [oracle @ dev44 tmp] $ cd 3238244 [oracle @ dev44 tmp] $ opatch apply [oracle @ dev44 tmp] $ cd $ ORACLE_HOME / network / lib [Oracle @ dev44 TMP] $ make -f install [Oracle @ dev44 TMP] $ Agentctl Start Agent starts success! Installation completion

10. Start Oracle Application Due to the application of Oracle's graphical interface, IBM BlackDown JRE 1.1.8 is used before starting Oracle applications, using JRE support Chinese. [Oracle @ DEV44 /] $ EXPORT LANG = zh_cn


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