Set jmail = server.createObject ("jmail.smtpmail")
'This is My Local SMTP Server
Jmail.Serveraddress = "mail.yourdomain.com:25"
'This is me ....
Jmail.Sender = "myemail@mydomain.net"
Jmail.subject = "Here you go ..."
'Get The Recipients Mailbox from a form (Note The Lack of A Equal Sign).
Jmail.addrecipient "mm@age.com"
Jmail.addrecipient "Dad@some.com"
'The Body Property Is Both Read and Write.
'If you want to append text to the body you can
'use jmail.body = jmail.body & "Hello World!"
'or you can use jmail.appendtext "Hello World!"
'Which In Many Cases IS Easier To Use.
Jmail.Body = "Here you go. Your Request Has Been Approved" & _
"and the program is attached to this message"
'1 - Highest Priority (Urgent)
'3 - Normal
'5 - lowest
Jmail.priority = 1
Jmail.addheader "Originating-IP", Request.ServerVariables ("remote_addr")
'Must make Sure That IUSR _ ???? Has Access to The Following Files.
Jmail.Appendbodyfromfile "E: /mail/standard_footer.txt"
Jmail.addattachment "E: /PRODUCTS/myProduct.exe"
'Send IT ...
An E-mail Has Been Sent to Your Mailbox (<% = Request.form ("email")%>).