Use W3 Jmail to send emails in ASP applications without need to use a such as Eudora / Exchange / Outlook
Mail clients like them. W3 Jmail is fast, rich in function, and free, you can download it directly.
Download address:
Use environment
Web Server (IIS4 / PWS4)
Microsoft Windows NT or Microsoft Windows 95 with Winsock 2.0 (Download from Microsoft)
Version: 3.60 Features
Attachments Accessories
Return receipt
Detailed Logging Capabilities Detailed logging
Priority Settings Priority Settings
Mime with base64, uuencode and quoted-printable encoding mail encoding settings
Queued Mailings WITHOUT SEPARATE NT Service. The mail queue is sent, no separate NT service
Unlimited Redundant Servers Unlimited Excess Server (SMTP Server)
Blind Carbon Copy (BCC)
Carbon Copy (CC) Cc
Urgent Flagging Emergency Sign
US ASCII and ISO-8859-1
X-Headers and Custom HEADERS
MS mail and exchange priority headers.
Jmail's log feature allows you to see what happened during the email, this is a good way to find problems,
If the Mail Server is incorrect settings.
Jmail has checked the following Y2K test
2000-01-01 BUG - OK
2000-02-29 BUG - OK
2000-04-01 BUG - OK (Found In MS VCRT)
JMail uses 16-bit precision to represent the year, so the date range is limited to -32767 ~ 32768