C / C only supports integer values (can also be used as a constant, but the compiler is actually converting the character constant amount into an integer value).
in fact:
C / C supports INT and CHAR, CASE in the switch statement can only be constant. It is integer, characters or enumeration. C # support int, char, string.
ENUM is actually int ...
From msdn:
In ANSI C, the expressions that define the value of an enumerator constant always have int type;. Thus, the storage associated with an enumeration variable is the storage required for a single int value An enumeration constant or a value of enumerated type can be used Anywhere the c language permits an integer expression.
From msdn:
Switch (expression) {case constant-expression: statement jump-statement [default: statement jump-statement]}
C The Expression Must Be of an INTEGRAL TYPEER OF A Class Type for Which There Is An Unambiguous Conversion To Integral Type. (Reference Address: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp? URL = / Library / en-us / vclang / html / _pluslang_the_c.2b2b_.switch_statement.asp)
C # Expression An Integral or String Type Expression. (Reference address: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp? URL = / library / en-us / csref / html / vclrftheswitchStatement.asp)
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