After the JSP receives the first user's request, the JSP engine generates the corresponding servlet code. When receiving additional user requests, simply call this servlet code.
When a JSP is wrong, you can look for errors in the JSP generated servlet source code.
1, <% @ Page [language = "java"]
[import = "package.class | ......."] [session = ...] [buffer = ...] [autoflush = ...]
[iSthreadsafe = ...] [info = "text"] [errorpage = "relativeurl"] [contenttype = "text / html" [; charSet = ISO-8859-1]]]
[iSerrorPage = ...]%> 2. <% @ include file = ...%> Insert
First, two ways of jump page
1. Take the jump with the context:
Javax.Servlet.RequestDispatcher rd = null; string rpath = "/ wlcwait.jsp"; rd = request.getRequestDispatcher (rpath); Rd.Forward (Request, Response);
2, do not bring the jump of the context:
Response.sendredirect (Response.EncodeURL ("WLCWAIT.JSP"));