// NULL element is equal.
Boolean [] Barr1 = NULL;
Boolean [] Barr2 = NULL;
Boolean B = Arrays.Equals (Barr1, Barr2); // True
// Compare two Boolean arrays.
Barr1 = new boolean [] {true, false};
Barr2 = new boolean [] {true, false};
B = arrays.equals (barr1, null); // false
B = arrays.equals (barr1, barr2); // true
// For the array of native types, equals () can be used.
B = arrays.equals (new byte [] {0}, new byte [] {0}); // True
B = arrays.equals (new char [] {'a'}, new char [] {'a'}); // true
B = arrays.equals (new short [] {0}, new rain [] {0}); // true
B = arrays.equals (new int in {{0}, new int "{0}); // true
B = arrays.equals (new long [] {0L}, new long [] {0L}; // true
B = arrays.equals (new float [] {0f}, new float [] {0f}); // true
B = arrays.equals (new double [] {0D}, new double [] {0D}); // True
// If the comparison is an Object type array, the NULL element is equal.
// If the element is not NULL, the Java virtual machine will automatically call Object.Equals ().
B = arrays.equals (new string [] {"a"}, new string [] {"a"}); // true
B = arrays.equals (new string "{null}, new string [] {null}; // true
B = arrays.equals (new string [] {"a"}, new string [] {null}); // false