Learn PLSQL in the afternoon

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

Variable Declaration (Declare)

Aa constant number (3): = 5;

AA Constant Number (3) Default 5

v_temp number (3) Not null: = 0

Character expression 'hello' || 'world' || '!'

LIKE operator% (one or more characters) _ (match a character)

BetWeen operator 100 betWeen 110 and 120

IN operator 'scott' in '' Mike ',' [Amela ',' Fred '"

Notes / * * /

Running environment: SQL statement (;) PL / SQL (/) submit

The output is displayed:

Replace variable (&) interactive output

Select sno.sname from student where sno = & no

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (''); need to be added before use (Set ServerOutput on)

Result output to variables (variable)

SQL> Variable v_count number;

SQL> Begin

SELECT Count (*) INTO: V_COUNT from Student



SQL> Print v_count

NULL structure

IF N1> 90 THEN



Circulating structure

Loop-exit-end loop

Loop-exit when-end loop

While-loop-end loop

For-in (reverse) 1..2 LOOP statement end loop


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