Window, Document, Form (Properties, Methods, Events)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

Window window object - return value: It opens the window object. ---- VAR newWindow = Open ('', '_ blank'); - Property ---- Name window name, by opening its connection () or framepage page ( ) or an open () method (see) of the open ()) is determined. Generally we do not use this attribute. ---- Status refers to the content displayed below the "Status Bar" below the window. By assigning the status, you can change the display of the status bar. ---- Opener usage: window.opener; Returns the window object to open this window. Note: Returns a window object. If the window is not opened by another window, this attribute returns null in NetScape; returns "undefined) in IE. Undefined is equal to NULL to some extent. Note: undefined is not a JavaScript constant, if you try to use "undefined", it really returns "undefined". ---- Self pointing the window itself, the object it returns to the Window object is exactly the same. The most commonly used "Self.close ()", placed in tag: " Close window ". ---- Parent Returns the frame page object to which the window belongs. ---- TOP returns the top of the top frame page object occupied by the entire browser window. - Method ---- Open () opens a window. Usage: Open (, , ); ------ parameter string ------- top = # Window top Leaving the top of the screen Number of pixels -------- Left = # Window left left on the left side of the pixel number -------- Width = # Window Width -------- Height = # window Height - ------- MenuBar = ... No menu, value yes or no -------- Toolbar = ... window has a tool bar, value Yes or no ---- ---- Location = ... Window has no address bar, value yes or no -------- Directories = ... window has no connection area, value yes or no ------ --scrollbars = ... Window has no scroll bar, value yes or no -------- status = ... window has no status bar, value yes or no -------- The resizable = ... window does not give the adjustment size, value yes or no ---- Close () Close an open window. ---- Blur () makes the focus from the window, the window changes to the "Non-active window". ---- FOCUS () is a window to get focus and become a "active window". However, in Windows 98, this method can only flash the title bar of the window and the corresponding button on the taskbar, prompting the user that the window is trying to get the focus. ---- Scrollto () Usage: [.] Scrollto (x, y); roll the window so that the document is rolled from the upper left angle (x, y) to the upper left corner of the window.

---- Scrollby () Usage: [.] scrollby (deltax, deltay); Roll the window to the right to scroll down the Deltay pixels. If the negative value is taken, scroll in the opposite direction. ---- ResizTo () Usage: [.] resizeto (width, height); adjust the window to the width width pixel, high HEIGHT pixels. ---- Resizeby () Usage: [.] Resizeby (deltaWidth, DeltaHeight); adjust the window to adjust the size, increase the deltaHEIGHT pixels. If the negative value is taken, it is reduced. ---- Alert () Usage: Alert (); pop up a dialog box that contains only the "OK" button, display content, read the entire document, Script runs, until The user presses "OK". ---- confirm () usage: confirm (); pop up a dialog box containing the "OK" and "Cancel" button, display the content of the , requires the user to make a selection, read the entire document Take it, Script run will be suspended. Returns the true value if the user presses "OK", if "cancel" is pressed, then returns the false value. ---- prompt () usage: prompt ( [, ]); pop up a dialog box containing "confirmation" "cancel" and a text box, display content, request The user enters some data in the text box, the reading of the entire document, and the operation of Script will be suspended. If the user presses "confirm", return to the content existing in the text box, return NULL values ​​if the user presses "cancel". If you specify , there will be a default value in the text box. - Event ---- ONLOAD ---- Onunload ---- OnResize ---- Onblur ---- ONFOCUS ---- OneRror

Document Document Object Describes the documentation of the current window or specifying a window object. It contains the content from to . - Usage: Document (Current Window) or .document - Property: ---- Cookie About cookies See "Use Framework and Cookies" chapter. ---- LastModified current Document The last modification date is a Date object. ---- Referrer If the current document is opened by clicking on the connection, Referrer returns the original URL. ---- title refers to the text of ... </ title> in the <head> tag. This property does not accept assignment in Netscape. ---- FGColor refers to the text color represented by the text property of the <body> tag. ---- BGColor refers to the background color represented by the BGColor property of the <body> tag. ---- LinkColor refers to the connection color represented by the LINK property of the <body> tag. ---- AlinkColor refers to the active connection color represented by the ALINK attribute of the <body> tag. ---- VLINKCOLOR NETATING VLINK Attributes indicated by the VLINK attribute of the "Body>. - Method ---- Open () Opens the document so that JavaScript can write data to the current location of the document (refer to where JavaScript is inserted). Usually do not need this method, JavaScript is automatically called when needed. ---- Write (); WriteLn () Write the data to the document, which is written as a standard document HTML. The difference between Writeln () and Write () is that Writeln () will add a wrap after writing data. This wrap is only in HTML, and the specific situation can be unable to be displayed, and the location of the JavaScript is inserted. If inserted into the <pre> mark, this wrap will also be embodied in the document. ---- Clear () Clears the current document. ---- Close () Close the document and stop writing data. If the Write [Ln] () or CLEAR () method is used, you must use a close () method to ensure that the changes made can be displayed.</p> <p>Forms []; Form form object - Usage ---- Document.Forms [] is an array that contains all forms in the document (<form>). To reference a single form, you can use Document.Forms [x], but in general, people will do this: Plus "Name =" "attribute in the <form> tag, then" Document. " Table Single> "You can reference it. - Properties ---- Name Returns the name of the form, that is, <form name = "..."> properties. ---- Action returns / sets the submission address of the form, which is the <form action = "..."> attribute. ---- Method returns / sets the form of submission, that is, <form method = "..."> properties. ---- Target Returns / Set the window returned after the form is submitted, that is, the <form target = "..."> property. ---- Encoding Returns / Sets the encoding method of the form submitted, that is, <form encType = "..."> properties. ---- Length returns the number of elements contained in this form. - Method ---- RESET () reset the form. This is the same as pressing the "Reset" button. ---- Submit () submits the form. This is the same as pressing the "Submit" button. - Event ---- OnReset ---- OnSubmitjavascript Document Object Structure</p> <p>Browser Object Navigator Screen Object Screen Window Object Window History History Address Object Location Frame Object Frames []; Frame Document Object Document Connection Object Anchors []; links []; link java small program object Applets [] plugin object Embeds [] Object Images []; Image Form Object Forms []; Form Button Object Button check box object Checkbox form element object Elements []; Element Hide Object Hidden Password Enter Area Object Password Single Domain Object Radio Reset Button Object RESET Selection Area ( Drop-down menu, list) Object Select Select item Object Options []; Option Submit button Object Submit text box object Text multi-line text input area object Textarea</p></div><div class="text-center mt-3 text-grey"> 转载请注明原文地址:</div><div class="plugin d-flex justify-content-center mt-3"></div><hr><div class="row"><div class="col-lg-12 text-muted mt-2"><i class="icon-tags mr-2"></i><span class="badge border border-secondary mr-2"><h2 class="h6 mb-0 small"><a class="text-secondary" href="tag-2.html">9cbs</a></h2></span></div></div></div></div><div class="card card-postlist border-white shadow"><div class="card-body"><div class="card-title"><div class="d-flex justify-content-between"><div><b>New Post</b>(<span class="posts">0</span>) </div><div></div></div></div><ul class="postlist list-unstyled"> </ul></div></div><div class="d-none threadlist"><input type="checkbox" name="modtid" value="46085" checked /></div></div></div></div></div><footer class="text-muted small bg-dark py-4 mt-3" id="footer"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col">CopyRight © 2020 All Rights Reserved </div><div class="col text-right">Processed: <b>0.043</b>, SQL: <b>9</b></div></div></div></footer><script src="./lang/en-us/lang.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/jquery.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/popper.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/bootstrap.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/xiuno.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/bootstrap-plugin.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/async.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/form.js?2.2.0"></script><script> var debug = DEBUG = 0; var url_rewrite_on = 1; var url_path = './'; var forumarr = {"1":"Tech"}; var fid = 1; var uid = 0; var gid = 0; xn.options.water_image_url = 'view/img/water-small.png'; </script><script src="view/js/wellcms.js?2.2.0"></script><a class="scroll-to-top rounded" href="javascript:void(0);"><i class="icon-angle-up"></i></a><a class="scroll-to-bottom rounded" href="javascript:void(0);" style="display: inline;"><i class="icon-angle-down"></i></a></body></html><script> var forum_url = 'list-1.html'; var safe_token = '_2BkeB5Ak3HxiRnTiv9j6ji11ClR66MB2Eyw7VJ306BPNm4K08J2SpS4jEtcv_2BEwv4tXezPnrVMWGeWZB1_2FbJJ2Q_3D_3D'; var body = $('body'); body.on('submit', '#form', function() { var jthis = $(this); var jsubmit = jthis.find('#submit'); jthis.reset(); jsubmit.button('loading'); var postdata = jthis.serializeObject(); $.xpost(jthis.attr('action'), postdata, function(code, message) { if(code == 0) { location.reload(); } else { $.alert(message); jsubmit.button('reset'); } }); return false; }); function resize_image() { var jmessagelist = $('div.message'); var first_width = jmessagelist.width(); jmessagelist.each(function() { var jdiv = $(this); var maxwidth = jdiv.attr('isfirst') ? first_width : jdiv.width(); var jmessage_width = Math.min(jdiv.width(), maxwidth); jdiv.find('img, embed, iframe, video').each(function() { var jimg = $(this); var img_width = this.org_width; var img_height = this.org_height; if(!img_width) { var img_width = jimg.attr('width'); var img_height = jimg.attr('height'); this.org_width = img_width; this.org_height = img_height; } if(img_width > jmessage_width) { if(this.tagName == 'IMG') { jimg.width(jmessage_width); jimg.css('height', 'auto'); jimg.css('cursor', 'pointer'); jimg.on('click', function() { }); } else { jimg.width(jmessage_width); var height = (img_height / img_width) * jimg.width(); jimg.height(height); } } }); }); } function resize_table() { $('div.message').each(function() { var jdiv = $(this); jdiv.find('table').addClass('table').wrap('<div class="table-responsive"></div>'); }); } $(function() { resize_image(); resize_table(); $(window).on('resize', resize_image); }); var jmessage = $('#message'); jmessage.on('focus', function() {if(jmessage.t) { clearTimeout(jmessage.t); jmessage.t = null; } jmessage.css('height', '6rem'); }); jmessage.on('blur', function() {jmessage.t = setTimeout(function() { jmessage.css('height', '2.5rem');}, 1000); }); $('#nav li[data-active="fid-1"]').addClass('active'); </script>