1.Number - Property ---- Max_Value Usage: Number.max_Value; Returns "Maximum". ---- Min_Value Usage: Number.min_Value; Returns "Minimum". ---- NAN usage: Number.nan or nan; return "nan". "Nan" (not a value). ---- Negative_Infinity Usage: Number.negative_infinity; Return: Negative infinity, a small value smaller than the "minimum value". ---- Positive_infinity usage: Number.positive_infinity; Return: Your greater value is greater than "maximum". - Method ---- TOSTRING () Usage:
2.String - Properties ---- Length Usage:
---- TouPpercase () Usage:
4. Math - attribute ---- e Return constant E (2.718281828 ...). ---- LN2 Returns 2 of the natural logarithmic (LN 2). ---- LN10 returns 10 of the natural logarithm (LN 10). ---- LOG2E Returns the log (LOG2E) of E.s. ---- LOG10E Returns the log (log10e) of E of E. ---- Pi returns π (3.1415926535 ...). ---- SQRT1_2 Returns 1/2 of square root. ---- SQRT2 returns 2 square roots. - Method ---- ABS (x) Returns the absolute value of x. ---- ACOS (X) Returns the anti-rest value of the X (cosine value equal to X), indicated by an arc. ---- asin (x) Returns the U. ---- Atan (x) Returns an unstective value of x. ---- Atan2 (X, Y) Returns the plurality of incompatants corresponding to the internal point (x, y), represented by an arc, its value is between -π to π. ---- CEIL (X) Returns the minimum integer greater than equal to X. ---- COS (X) Returns the cosine of X. --- Exp (x) Returns the X Power (EX) of E. ---- Floor (x) returns the maximum integer that is less than equal to X. ---- log (x) Returns the natural logarithm (LN X) of X. ---- Max (a, b) returns a large number of A and B. ---- min (a, b) returns smaller number in A and B. ---- Pow (n, m) Returns the M Power (NM) of N. ---- Random () returns a random number greater than 0 less than 1. ---- Round (x) Returns the value of the four rounds. ---- sin (x) returns the sinusoidal of x. ---- SQRT (x) Returns the square root of x. ---- Tan (x) Returns the peer of X.
5.Date - definition ---- var d = new date; ---- var d = new date (99, 10, 1); // 99 October 1 ---- VAR D = New Date ('OCT 1, 1999); // October 1, 99 - Method ---- g / set [utc] fullear () returns / set the year, expressed with four digits. If "X.Set [UTC] Fullyear (99) is used, the year is set to 0099. ---- g / set [utc] year () returns / set the year, expressed in two digits. When setting, the browser automatically adds "19" starting, so use "X.Set [UTC] Year (00)" to set the year to 1900. ---- g / set [utc] month () returns / set the month. ---- g / set [utc] date () returns / set the date. ---- g / set [utc] day () returns / set the week, 0 means Sunday. ---- g / set [utc] Hours () returns / sets hours, 24 hours. ---- g / set [utc] minutes () returns / sets the number of minutes. ---- g / set [utc] seconds () returns / sets the number of seconds. ---- g / set [utc] MilliseConds () returns / sets the number of milliseconds. ---- g / setTime () returns / setup time, this time is the internal processing method of the date object: the number of milliseconds that calculate the date of the date object referred to from January 1, 1970. If you want to delay the time of a certain object refers to 1 hour, use: "x.settime (x.gettime () 60 * 60 * 1000);" (One hour 60 points, one minute 60 seconds, 1000 1000 millisecond). ---- GetTimezoneOffset () Returns the number of minutes from the time zone adopted by the date object and Greenwich time. In the urban area of Greenwich orientation, this value is negative, for example: China Time Zone (GMT 0800) returns "-480". ---- toString () Returns a string that describes the date referred to by the date object. The format of this string is similar to: "FRI JUL 21 15:43:46 UTC 0800 2000". ---- TOLOCALESTRING () Returns a string, describing the date referred to by the date object, using local time to format. Such as: "2000-07-21 15:43:46". ---- TogMTString () Returns a string, describing the date referred to by the date object, with the GMT format. ---- ToutCString () Returns a string, describing the date referred to by the date object, using the UTC format. ---- Parse () Usage: Date.Parse (
7. Global Variables - Variables defined by the "VAR" statement of the "Root" (non-function inside) of Script are global variables, which can be called, change anywhere throughout the process.