Since this article is adapted to the Windows2000 and the Winnt operating system, two simple judgments are given the current operating system, whether it is a Windows2000 system or a determination function for the Winnt system.
Bool iswin2k (void) {
OsversionInfo OsversionInfo;
OsversionInfo.dwosveionsInfosize = SizeOf (OsversionInfo);
IF (GetversionEx (& OsversionInfo)) {
Return ((Osversion.dwplatformID == Ver_Platform_Win32_NT) &&
(Osversion.dwmajoversion == 5));
Else {
Return False;
Bool iswinnt (void) {
OsversionInfo OsversionInfo;
OsversionInfo.dwosveionsInfosize = SizeOf (OsversionInfo);
IF (GetversionEx (& OsversionInfo)) {
Return ((Osversion.dwplatformID == Ver_Platform_Win32_NT) &&
(Osversion.dwmajoversion == 5));
Else {
Return False;
Since the debugging process must be familiar with the Token_Privileges structure, this structure contains some access token permission information:
Typedef struct __token_privileges {
DWORD privilegect;
Luid_And_Attributes Privileges [];
} Token_privileges, * ptoken_privileges;
The first parameter is the number of privileges arrays, the second parameter is an array of Luid_and_Attributes structures, and we know that we include a LUID (LOCALLY UNIQUE IDENTIFIER) value with an attribute value. Use the OpenProcessToken function to get the Current Process Token handle:
Handle htokeen;
OpenProcessToken (GetCurrentProcess (), Token_Query | Token_adjust_privileges, & htokeen;
Then we use the lookupprivilegesvalue function to get the LUID value:
Token_Privileges tokenprivileges;
LookuppprivileGesValue (Null, "Sedbugprivilege", & tokenprivileges [0] .luid);
The first parameter we pass a null, which is a local system, and the second parameter we pass a privileged name SedebugPrivilege, and the third parameter is used to save the address of the LUID. Finally, we call an AdjustTokenPrivileges function that you can do it, the following gives a complete C code:
Bool Debugwinlogon (Void)
Handle htokeen;
Token_privileges tokenprivileges, previousstate;
DWORD dwreturnLength = 0;
IF (getCurrentProcess (), Token_Query | token_adjust_privileges,
& htokeen) {IF (LookuppprivileGesValue (Null, "Sedbugprivilege", & tokenprivileges [0] .luid) {
Tokenprivileges.privilegectount = 1;
TokenPrivileges [0] .attributes = se_privilege_enabled;
Return (AdjustTokenprivileges (HToken, False, & tokenprivileges, Sizeof
(Token_privileges), & presentstate, & dwreturnLength));
Return False;