C ++ STL (Standard Template Library) Learning Resource List

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

STL gets more and more programmers with its unique charm, STL completely encapsulates complex data structures, providing a rich and flexible program interface, while ensuring operational efficiency of the program. The last list of STL technical articles, gave a lot of friends, and organized more comprehensive STL learning resources, I hope to help from friends. STL website SGI STL ★★★★★ SGI STL is the most widely used STL version. This website provides SGI STL source downloads, providing the corresponding STL programming help documentation, as well as some design documents. However, for friends who have just started learning, they can be placed in the second step. Stlport ★★★★★ Stlport STL can be compared with SGI STL. This website provides STLPORT STL source code downloads, online help, and also provides some STL resources lists, all in English, but look at it. Used in C Builder is Stlport Dinkumware VC / VC.NET STL.NET official website ★★★★ is also the official website of P.J. STL. If you use MS's C development tool, this website is unable to get a lot of leap from VC6 to VC7, STL, and within 5 years, MS will use Dinkumware's STL version. Rouge Wave STL ★★★ The previous version of C Builder STL under the Windows platform has a certain reputation, but it is slightly behind several versions, mainly in performance. At present, STL is not found in its homepage, only part of the data can be obtained from support documents. Center of Stl Study (the best STL learning site) ★★★★★ With blog, STL learning information is available, and a large number of STL e-books, technical papers, application examples, etc. are collected, and they are constantly updated. For beginners and friends in depth, STL is a very good website. STL Book Class (STL books listed here): The C Standard Library: a tutorial and reference ★★★★★ This is the most classic STL textbook, which can be used as a self-study tutorial. Can be used as a reference manual. There is already Chinese version, the title is "C standard library" Waiti and Mengyan Translation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press. The translation is very good, but the price is high, more than one hundred, if English is good or read English :). Effective STL (English) ★★★ Effective STL is a very good book to help you understand STL, its author is the author of the "Effective C " book. If you have initially learned STL's containers, iterators, algorithms, and functions, and want to better understand STL, then "Effective STL" is your best choice. Effective STL (Chinese) ★★★★★ Effective STL Chinese version is translated by Gong Minmin, very good, strongly recommended. If you want to see other people to translate, you can also view the Effective STL Chinese version (Daquan). Have their own characteristics. STL Program Guide ★★★★★ "STL Programming Guide" This e-book puts the associated help document of SGI STL, forming a CHM format document, and is very convenient to review. A must-have manual programming with STL, the MAN commands below the MSDN, Linux / UNIX platform, which are syxtaful to the VC.


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