Proxy source code analysis - talk about how to learn linux network programming This article comes from: http: // Author: Li Peiyuan (2001-08-10 12:00:00)
Linux is a very reliable operating system, but all friends who have used Linux will feel that Linux and Windows are "fool" operating system (there is no meaning of Windows here, the opposite should be the advantages of Windows) Better, the latter is undoubted to be more operative. But why there are so many lovers who love Linux. Of course, freedom is the most attractive point, and the strong features of Linux are also a very important reason, especially Linux powerful network functions. Looking at today's WAP business, banking network business and e-commerce that have been reddish and half the sky is increasingly relying on Linux-based solutions. So Linux network programming is very important, and when we come into contact with Linux network programming, we will find that this is a very interesting thing, because before some places on the network communication, there is a place in this section of code. I suddenly turned over. It is always a bit uncomfortable when you just start learning and programming, but as long as you read a few codes, we will experience the fun of it. Below I will start from a PROXY source code, talk about how Linux network programming. First, this source code is not what I have written, let us thank this prawn named Carl Harris, who wrote this code and spread it to the Internet for everyone to learn discussions. Although this code only describes the simplest proxy operation, it is indeed a classic, it not only clearly describes the concept of the client / server system, and almost includes all aspects of Linux network programming, which is ideal for Linux network programming. Scholars learn. The usage of this Proxy program is that we can use this proxy to log in to other host's service ports. If you generate an executable file named Proxy after compiling, the description of the command and its parameters is: ./proxy
-------------------------------------------------- --------------- [root @ lee / root] #telnet legends 8000Trying ... connection to legends ( .scape character is '^]' Red Hat Linux Release 6.2 (Zoot) kernel 2.2.14-5.0 on AN i686login: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- The above binding operation can also use the following command: [root @ le / root] #. / proxy 8000 23 23 is a standard port number for Telnet services, and other service port numbers we can view in / etc / services. Below I will talk about my coarse understanding of Linux network programming from this code, and I will ask you a lot of crowds.
◆ main () function --------------------------------------------- -------------------- # include
Htonl (inaddr_any); servaddr.sin_port = proxy_port; / * get a socket ... * / if ((SockFD = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) <0) {FPUTS ("Failed to create Server Socket / R / N ", stderr); exit (1);} / * ... and bind our address and port to it * / if (bind (Sockfd, Struct SockAddr_in *) & Servaddr, Sizeof (Servaddr)) <0) {FPUTS ("Faild to Bind Server Socket To Specified Port / R / N", stderr); EXIT (1);} / * Get Ready to Accept with At Most 5 Clients Waiting to Connect * / Listen (SockFD, 5); / * turn ourselves into a daemon * / daemonize (sockfd); / * fall into a loop to accept new connections and spawn children * / while (1) {/ * accept the next connection * / clilen = sizeof (cliaddr); newsockfd = accept (sockfd, (struct sockaddr_in *) & cliaddr, & clilen); if (newsockfd <0 && errno == EINTR) continue; / * a signal might interrupt our accept call * / else if (newsockfd <0) / * something quite () Amiss - Kill The Server * / ER Rorout ("Failed to Accept Connection"); / * fork a child to handle this connection * / if ((ChildPid = fork ()) == 0) {Close (SOCKFD); do_Proxy (newsfd); exit (0); } / * If fork () failed, the connection is limited1 Dropped - OOPS! * / LOSE (Newsockfd);}} ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- above is the main program of Proxy source code Some, maybe you have also seen this code online, but you will find two places in the above code, all in the pre-compilation section.
When a place is to define an external character pointer array, I will change the extern char * sys_errlist [] in the original code; modified to Extern char * sys_myerrlist []; reason is in my Linux environment "stdio.h" is already Sys_ERRLIST [] is defined below: Extern __const char * __ const Sys_ERRLIST []; maybe Carl Harris is not defined when the code is not defined in 94 years, but now we don't modify it, the system will tell when compiling Our sys_errlist has a defined conflict. In addition, I added a function type definition: typedef void sigfunc (int); I will explain it later. Sockets and socket address structures define this primary program is a typical server program. The most important network communication is the use of sockets, and the socket descriptor SOCKFD and NewSockFD are defined in the beginning of the program. Next, define the client / server socket address structure CLIADDR and ServadDR, and store the relevant communication information about the client / server. Then call the Parse_args (Argc, Argv) function to process the command parameters. About this parse_args () function we will introduce it later. Creating a communication socket is below the detailed process of establishing a server. The first operation of the server program is to create a socket. This is implemented by calling a function socket (). Socket () function specific description is: ----------------------------------------- -------------------------- #inClude
The next step is to fill in the corresponding content in the server socket address structure that has already been cleared. The Linux system socket is a universal network programming interface that should support a variety of network communication protocols, each protocol uses a socket address structure specifically defined by yourself (such as TCP / IP network socket address) The structure is Struct SockAddr_in). However, in order to keep the socket function call parameters, the Linux system also defines a universal socket address structure: ---------------------- -------------------------------------------
In addition, in this example, we have not seen two headers in the precompilation section containing
The first is to convert the socket into a listening socket. Because the socket created by the function socket () is active socket, the client can use such a socket proactive and server to establish a connection by calling the function connect (). The server's situation is exactly the same, the server needs to receive the client's connection request through the socket, which requires a "passive" socket. Listen () can convert a "passive" socket in such a "passive" socket, which is listening. After executing the Listen () function, the server's TCP turns by closed into a Listen state. In addition, Listen () can set the maximum length of the connection request queue. Although the usage of the parameters backlog is very simple, it is just a simple integer. However, it is very important to understand the meaning of the request queue to understand the communication process of the TCP protocol. The TCP protocol actually maintains two queues for each listening socket, one is the unfinished connection queue, the members in this queue are not completed 3 handshake; the other is the completion of the connection queue, the member in this queue Although it has completed 3 handshakes, it has not been called Accept () received by the server. The parameter backlog actually specifies this listening socket to complete the maximum length of the connection queue. In this example we use: Listen (SockFD, 5); indicates that the maximum length of the completion connection queue is 5. Receive connection Next We see a daemon in the main program to create a daemon, about this daemonize () and daemons related concepts, let's wait for a while. The server program then enters an unconditional loop to listen to the connection request of the receiving client. In this process, if the client calls the Connect () request connection, the function accept () can accept a connection request from the completion of the contact word of the listening. If the connection queue is empty, this process sleeps. ACCEPT () Detailed Description: ------------------------------------------ ----------------------- # include
When the server is processed after the client's request, be sure to turn the corresponding socket; if the entire server program will end, you must turn the listening socket. If the Accept () function failed, "-1" returns "-1", if the Accept () function blocking waiting client calls connect () to establish a connection, the process will pick up the signal at this time, then the function is returning "-1" while Set the value of the variable errno to EINTR. This is different from the ACCEPT () function failed. So we can see this statement in your code: -------------------------------------- --------------------------- if (newsfd <0 && errno == eintr) Continue; / * a signal might interface inter ACCEPT () Call * / else if (newsockfd <0) / * Something Quite Amiss - Kill the Server * / Errorout ("Failed to Accept Connection); ------------------ ----------------------------------------------- As can be seen The operation is completely different when processing these two cases, and it is also accept () returns "-1", if there is errno == EINTR, then the system will call accept () to accept the connection request, otherwise the server process will end directly . Handling client request After the server is connected to the client, you can handle the client's request. Under normal circumstances, both server programs have to create a child process for handling client requests; while the parent process continues to listen, always ready to accept other client connection requests. Our Proxy program is no exception. It creates a child process that handles the client request by calling fork. I want to be in Linux / UNIX programming, the importance of fork () doesn't have to say anything, in a large server program, usually in the child process, through the Exec () series according to the client request Functions call different handles, which is also a very important place in learning Linux / UNIX programming. However, our proxy program aims to tell some of the basic concepts of Linux network programming, so a function DO_PROXY () that completes the proxy function directly in the subroutine section, and its actual parameter newsockfd is accept () returned to the socket descriptor . Another point to pay attention is that because the child process inherits the file descriptor available in all parent processes, we must turn off the listening sleeve in the child process (CLOSE (sockfd) of the neutralization part of the code;) The socket descriptor returned in the parent process (such as a Close (NewSockFD) of the parent process part of the code;).
◆ Function PARSE_ARGS () This function is defined by: Void Parse_Args (int Argc, char ** argv); --------------------------- -------------------------------------- / *********** *********************************************************** *** Function: PARSE_ARGS Description: Parse The Command Line Args. Arguments: argc, argv you know what these area. Return Value: None. Calls: None. Globals: Writes Proxy_port, Writes Hostaddr. ************** *********************************************************** ****** / void Parse_Args (argc, argv) int Argc; char ** argv; {INT i; struct hostent * hostp; struct server * servp; unsigned long inaddr; struct {char proxy_port [16]; char isolated_host [64]; char service_name [32];} PARGS; IF (Argc <4) {Printf ("USAGE:% s
} IF ((servp = getServByname (Pargs.service_name, tcp_proto))! = Null) hostdr.sin_port = servp-> s_port; Else IF (atoi (pargs.service_name)> 0) hostddr.sin_port = Htons (ATOI (Pargs. Service_name); Else {Printf ("% s: invalid / unknown service name or port number / r / n", paggs.service_name; exit (1);}} ------------ -------------------------------------------------- --- The role of this function is to pass command line parameters. The passage of parameters is implemented by two global variables, which is int proxy_port and struct sockaddr_in hostdr. The proxy port and the bound host network information are used to pass the proxy port waiting for the connection request. After the command line parameters are in the local variable definition, the function first detects whether the command line parameter meets the requirements of the program, that is, follow the proxy server port, remote hostname, and service port number after the command, if the above requirements are not met, then the agent The server program ends. If the above requirements are met, the three parameters of the command line are stored into our custom Pargs structure. Note that three members of the Pargs structure are stored in the form of a command line parameter information, and then we need to call the function to convert these parameter information into a digital form. Transfer parameters Next, the three parameters of the command line are to be assigned to the global variable proxy_port and Hostaddr for other functions. First transfer the proxy server port PARGS.PROXY_PORT, where the program calls a system function isDigit () verifies whether the port number entered by the user is valid. Isdigit () specific description: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- # include
So the network byte order of data and host byte order may be different, so it is necessary to pay attention to the conversion between different order when writing a communication program. So, there must be such a statement in the program: proxy_port = htons (atoi (Pargs.Proxy_Port)); function htons () The function of htons is to convert host byte sequence to network byte order. Its specific description is: -------------------------------------------- --------------------- # include
Struct Hostent Detailed Description: ------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Struct hostent {char * h_name; char ** h_aliases; int h_addrtype; int h_length; char ** h_addr_list;}; # define h_addr H_addrlist [0] ---------------------------------------------- ------------------ Hostent member's meaning is that h_name represents the official name of the host on the network, h_aliases is a list of all host alias, h_addrtype means the address type of the host , Generally set to TCP / IP protocol AF_INET, H_LENGTH is the address length of the host, typically set to 4 bytes. h_addr_list is a list of IP addresses of the host. We want to use it to deliver the remote host name or IP address we expect to be bound. Because the hostname parameter in the command line has been stored in Pargs.Isolated_host, we call the inet_addr () function for binary and byte sequential transition to the host name or host's IP address. The description of the inet_addr () function is: ------------------------------------------ ----------------------- # include
If the user typed in the command line is the IP address of the remote host, only INET_ADDR () even if the task is completed, but what should I do if the user is type the host domain? So we can see such statements in routines: ------------------------------------- ---------------------------- IF ((INADDR = INET_ADDR)! = INADDR_NONE) BCOPY (& INADDR, & Hostaddr. SIN_ADDR, SIZEOF (INADDR); ELSE IF ((Hostp = gethostByname (Pargs.Isolated_host))! = null) bcopy (HostP-> h_addr, "hostaddr.sin_addr, hostp-> h_length); Else {Printf ("% s: Unknown host / r / n ", Pargs.Isolated_host; exit (1);} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- In which the gethostbyname () function is used to convert the host domain name. Its specific description is: -------------------------------------------- --------------------- # include
Use the GetServByName () function to convert the service name in the command line parameter, this function is described in: -------------------------- --------------------------------------- # include
Here is the daemonize () function in the routine: --------------------------------------- -------------------------- / *********************** ************************************************* Function: daemonize Description: Detach The Server Process from the current context, creating a pristine, predictable environment in which it will execute.arguments: servfd file descriptor in use by server return value:. none calls:. none globals:. none **********. *********************************************************** **** / void daemonize (servfd) int servfd; {Int ChildPid, FD, FDTABLESIZE; / * IGNORE TERMINAL I / O, STOP SIGNALS * / SIGNAL (SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); SIGNAL (SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); SIGNAL (SIGTSTP , SIG_IGN); / * fork to put us in the background (WHETHER OR NOT THE User Specified '&' on the command line * / if ((ChildPid = fork ()) <0) {FPUTS ("Failed to fork First Child / r / n ", stderr); exit (1);} else if (childpid> 0) exit (0); / * Terminate Parent, Continue In Child * / / / * Dissociate from Process Group * / if (setpgrp (0, getpid ()) <0) {FPUTS ("Failed to Become Process Group Leader / R / N", stderr); EXIT (1);} / * Lose Controlling Terminal * / IF ( (FD = Open ("/ dev / tty", o_rdwr)> = 0) {ioctl (fd, tiocnotty, null); Close (fd);} / * close any open file descriptors * / for (fd = 0, fdtablesize = getdtablesize (); fd } ------------------------------------- ---------------- The role of this function is to create a daemon. In the Linux system, if you want to convert a normal process into a daemon, you must perform the following steps: 1. Call the function fork () creates a sub-process, then the parent process is terminated, and the retention sub-process continues to run. The reason why the parent process is terminated is because when a process is started by the front process, the child process is automatically turned into a background process after the start of the parent process is terminated. In addition, we will create a new meeting period in the next step, which requires the process of creating a meeting period not a team leader process of a process group. When the parent process is terminated, the child process is running, which guarantees that the group ID of the process group does not wait for the process ID of the sub-process. The definition of function fork () is: ------------------------------------------ ----------------------- # include The signal is actually equivalent to the software interrupt, and the signal mechanism under Linux / UNIX provides a method of processing an asynchronous event. The end user typed the key issued by the issuance, or the system is abnormal, which will terminate one or more by signal processing mechanisms. The operation of the program. The signals caused in different situations are different. However, all the signals have their own name, all the names start with "SIG", but they have different things, we can learn what happened in the system through these names. When the signal appears, we can ask the system to perform the following three operations: ◇ ◇ 忽 信号. Most signals are treated in this way. In routines, we can see this use. But it is worth noting that there are two exceptions, that is, the SIGKILL and SIGSTOP signals cannot be ignored. ◇ Capture the signal. This is the most flexible way of operation. This means of processing means that when some signal occurs, we can call a function to process this situation. The most common situation is that if the SIGCHID signal is captured, the sub-process has been terminated, and then the waitPid () function can be called in the capture function of this signal to obtain the process ID of the child process and its termination state. In our routine, there is an example of this usage. Also, if the process creates a temporary file, then write a signal capture function for the process termination signal SIGTERM to clear these temporary files. ◇ Execute the default action of the system. For most signals, the default action of the system is terminating the process. Under Linux, there are many kinds, I will not introduce this here, if you want to know more about these signals in detail, you can view the header file In our routine, because this daemonize () is executed after the Listen () function is executed, it is necessary to keep the successful listening socket, so we can see such Statement: if (fd! = Servfd) Close (FD); 5. The call function chDIR ("/") changes the current work directory to the root directory. This is to ensure that our process does not use any directory. Otherwise our daemon will always occupy a certain directory, which may cause superusers that cannot uninstall a file system. 6. Call the function umask (0) Set the file mode to "0". This is because some permissions may be prohibited by the creation of the inherited file creation. For example, our daemon needs to create a set of readable files, and this daemon is created from the parent process to create the way the block is possible to block the two permissions, then newly created groups. The file does not take effect if it is read or written. Therefore, you have to create a shielded word to "0". At the end of the daemonize () function, we can see such a signal capture processing statement: Signal (SigCLD, (SIGFUNC *) Reap_status); this is not a step in the process of creating the daemon, its role is to call us customized The REAP_STATUS () function processes the zombie process. Reap_status () is defined in the routine: --------------------------------------- -------------------------- / *********************** ************************************************** Function: Reap_Status Description: Handle A SigCLD Signal BY, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, **************************************************************************************** / VOID REAP_STATUS () {Int PID; Union Wait Status; While (PID = Wait3 (& Status, Wnohang, Null)> 0); / * loop while there is more dead children * /} ------------ -------------------------------------------------- --- The original text of the above signal capture statement is: Signal (SigCLD, Reap_status); We just said that the second parameter of the Signal () function must have an integer parameter but there is no return value. Reap_status () is no parameters, so the original statement cannot pass when compiling. So I added a type definition for SIGFUNC () in the pre-compiled section, here for mandatory type conversion to Reap_status. Moreover, in the BSD system, the SIGCHLD signal is usually used to handle the information termination, and SigCLD is a signal name defined in System V. If the processing mode of the SIGCLD signal is set to capture, then the kernel will immediately check if the system is There is a child process that has already terminated the waiting process. If there is, the signal capture handler is immediately called. Wait (), WaitPID (), WAIT3 () or Wait4 () (), Wait4 () (), will return to the termination status of the sub-process in the signal capture handler. The difference between these "Waiting" functions is that when the sub-process that requires the function "Waiting" has not terminated, Wait () will cause its caller to block; and in the parameter of WaitPid (), it can be set to make the caller do not block the occlusion. The wait () function is not set to which specific child process is waiting for the one to terminate in all sub-processes, but must set the waiting sub-process ID in the parameter when calling WaitPid (). Wait3 () and WAIT4 () parameters are more than Wait () and WaitPid () more "Rusage". Reap_status () in the routine called the function wait3 (), this function is supported by the BSD system, and we will list it with the definition of Wait4 (): -------------- -------------------------------------------------- - # include -------------------------------------------------- --------------- / ***************************************** *************************************** Function: Do_Proxy Description: Does The Actual Work of Virtually Connecting a Client To The Telnet Service on The Telnet Service on The Telnet Service Isolated host.Arguments: usersockfd socket to which the client is connected. Return Value: None.calls: none. globals: reads hostaddr. ************************* *************************************************************** / VOID DO_PROXY (USERSOCKFD) INT USERSOCKFD {Int isosockfd; fd_set; int Iolen; char buf [2048]; / * Open a socket to connection to the isolated host * / if ((isosockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) <0) errorout ( "failed to create socket to host"); / * attempt a connection * / connstat = connect (isosockfd, (struct sockaddr *) & hostaddr, sizeof (hostaddr)); switch (connstat) {case 0: break; case ETIMEDOUT : Case Econnrefused: Case ENETUNREACH: STRCPY (BUF, SYS_MYERRLIST [Errno]); STRC AT (BUF, "/ R / N"); Write (UserSockFD, BUF, Strlen); Close (UserSockFD); Exit (1); / * Die Peacefully if We can't Establish A connection * / break; Default: ERROROUT ("Failed to Connect To Host");} / * now We're Connected, Serve Fall Into The Data Echo loop * / while (1) {/ * select for readability on Either of ity oor two sockets * / fd_zero (& rdfdset); FD_SET (usersockfd, & rdfdset); FD_SET (isosockfd, & rdfdset); if (select (FD_SETSIZE, & rdfdset, NULL, NULL, NULL) <0) errorout ( "select failed"); / * is the client sending data * / If (fd_isSockfd, & rdfdset) {IF ((Iolen = Read (UserSockFD, BUF, SIZEOF (BUF))) <= 0) Break; / * Zero Length Means The Client Disconnected * / Rite (isosockfd, Buf, Iolen); / * Copy to Host - Blocking Semantics * /} / * Is The Host Sending Data? * / if (FD_ISSET (ISOSockfd, & RDFDSET)) {F (Iolen = Read (isosockfd, buf, sizeof (buf))) <= 0) Break; / * Zero Length Means the host disconnected * / rite (userSockfd, buf, iolen); / * Copy to Client - Blocking semantics * /}} / * We're Done with the sockets * / close (isosockfd); Lose (userSockfd);} ---------------------- ------------------------------------------ in our proxy server example In the process, a period of truly connecting user hosts and remote hosts is done by this do_proxy () function. Recall the introduction of our Usage of this Proxy program. First bind our proxy with the remote host, then the user establishes a connection with the remote host through the Proxy's binding port. In the main () function, our proxy has been connected to the user host with the user host, and in this do_proxy () function, Proxy will be the corresponding service port of the remote host (specified by the user in the command line parameter ) Establish a connection and responsible for transmitting data exchanged between user hosts and remote hosts. Because of the establishment of a connection with the remote host, we see the first half of the Do_Proxy () function is actually equivalent to a standard client program. First create a new socket descriptor isosockfd, then call the function connect () to establish a connection between the remote host. The definition of function connect () is: ------------------------------------------ ----------------------- # include In this case, the second parameter servaddr of the Connect () function is a global variable Hostaddr, where the function PARSE_ARGS () converts the command line parameters. If the connection establishes failure, we call our custom function errorOut () output information "Failed to Connect to Host" in the routine. Errorout () function is defined as: ------------------------------------------ ----------------------- / ************************ ********************************************** FUNCTION: ERROROUT DESCRIPTION: DISPLAYS An Error Message on The Console And Kills The Current Process. Arguments: MSG - Message To Be Displayed. Return Value: None - Does Not Return. Calls: None. globals: none. *********************** ****************************************************************** / VOID Errorout (msg) char * msg; {file * console; console = fopen ("/ dev / console", "a"); fprintf (console, "proxyd:% s / r / n", msg); Fclose (Console ); Exit (1);} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- DO_PROXY () The second half of the function is to establish a connection between the user host and the remote host through Proxy. We have both proxy and user host connections (DO_PROXY () function parameter usersockfd, and PROXY is connected to the remote host connection isosockfd, then the simplest and direct communication establishment method is from a socket Read, then write directly to another socket. Such as:------------------------------------------------ ----------------- Int n; Char BUF [2048]; While ((N = Read (userSockfd, buf, sizeof (buf))> 0) IF (writeosure (isosockfd , BUF, N)! = n) Err_sys ("Write Wrror / N"); ------------------------------- -------------------------------- This form of blocking I / O is when one-way data is passed Very effective, but in our proxy operation, we ask the user host and the remote host two-way communication, which requires us to read the two socket descriptors both to be written. If still uses this method If I / O, it is very likely that long time is blocked in a descriptor. Therefore, the routine calls the select () function when processing this problem, which allows us to perform I / O multi-channel transfer. The specific meaning is The select () function can construct a table that contains all the file descriptors we want to use. Then we can call a function, this function can detect the status of these file descriptors when a certain (we specified This function is returned when the file descriptor is ready to perform I / O operation, which file descriptor informs the process has been able to execute I / O operations. This avoids long-term blocking. There is also a function poll () to implement I / O multi-channel transfer, because SELECT () is called in the routine, we only have more detailed introductions to select (). Detailed description of the select () series function is: ---------------------------------------- ------------------------- # include The data type of the three parameters in the middle is fd_set, which means that the file descriptor set, and readfds, writefds, and exceptfds are pointers that point to file descriptors, which describe the readable, writable and writable and writable of our concern. Various file descriptors of state abnormalities. The reason why we call SELECT () can create a file descriptor "table", the so-called table is composed of the data structure pointed to by these three parameters. The specific structure is shown in Figure 1. Among them, one of the file descriptors who cares about every SET_FD data type is retained. Therefore, when monitoring the status of the file descriptor, the associated bit is queried in these set_fd data structures. The first parameter n is used to explain how many descriptive positions that need to be traversed. n The value is usually set to select the maximum value from all the file descriptors we care about. For example, we set the largest of all file descriptors to 6, then set N to 7, the system is only used to pass the top 7 bits (FD0 ~ FD6) when the descriptor is detected. However, if you don't want to trouble, we can set the N value directly to fd_setsize as in the routine. This is the maximum number of file descriptors set in the system, and different systems are different, typically 256 or 1024. This will traverse all descriptors when the descriptor state is detected. When calling the select () function implementation multiple I / O transfer, first we have to declare a new file descriptor set, just like the routine: fd_set rdfdset; then call fd_zero () empty this file descriptor set All bits, so as not to detect the descriptor, return error results: fd_zero (& rdfdset); then call fd_set () Set the bit of our concern in the file descriptor. In this example, we care about two socket descriptors connected to the user host and remote host, so we do this: fd_set (userSockfd, & rdfdset; fd_set (isosockfd, & rdfdset); then call SELECT () Returns the state of the descriptor, at which point the descriptor state is stored in the descriptor set, that is, the set_fd data structure. In Figure 1 we see that all descriptions are "0", after select () returns, such as FD0 readable, then set the status flag to "1" on the READFDS descriptor set FD0. If the FD1 can be written, the state flag is set to "1" on the corresponding bit of the WRITEFDS descriptor set, and the condition of the state is also the same. In this example, we only care about whether the two socket descriptors can be written, so we do this as a SELECT () function: SELECT (fd_setsize, "& rdfdset, null, null, null) So how to detect SET_FD after select () What is the status of the bit in the data structure? This is to call the function fd_isset (), if the status of the corresponding file descriptor is "ready" (ie, the descriptor is "1"), fd_isSet () returns "1", otherwise returns "0".