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xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

VC books

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Visual C Program Design Guide Download This is a good VC into the door, introduce the basic concepts of VC , including the following: Windows programming and object-oriented technology, using Visual C 5.0, Window, Menu and Messages, Tools Article and status bar, dialog, control, document / view structure, multi-document interface (MDI), create user module, database programming, multimedia programming, multi-threaded and serial communication, etc., real programmers use VC if you want Become a real program, then learn! In-depth programming insider - Visual C download wants to understand VC programming deeper, this book will be your best choice, this book introduces the program structure of the MFC class library in more detail. Visual C MFC Concise Tutorial Part 1: MFC Introduction Part 2: A Simple MFC Program Part III: MFC Style Part IV: Message Mapping General Control Use Details

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C new finger to download

This is a very good C entry, the author is Dr. Lin Rui, such author, what do you think about this book?

MFC in-depth download

This is a very good MFC entry.

In-depth understanding of the MFC documentation

Very good !!!!!!!!!!!

Visual C Advanced Programming

Chapter 1 internet related development

Chapter II ActiveX Control Development

Chapter III Debugging Technology and Abnormal Treatment

Chapter 4 Process Thread Control

Chapter 5 File Operation

Chapter 6 Memory Management


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