1. Detect the main program size and prevent crack patch:
Function TForm1.gesselFSF: Integer; VARF: file of byte; begin filemode: = 0; assignfile (f, '. / Filename.exe'); reset (f); result: = filesis (f); closefile (f); END;
2, detect the creation date and time, let the crack patch effect:
Function TForm1.Findate: String; VART: TDATE; begin shortdateformat: = 'yyyy-mm-dd'; t: = filedatetodatetime (fileage ('filename.exe'); result: = DATETOSTR (T); END;
3, the registration code encryption function embeds the math function, increasing the difficulty of crack:
4, if necessary, delete yourself (main program):
procedure TForm1.Funll; varhModule: THandle; buff: array [0..255] of Char; hKernel32: THandle; pExitProcess, pDeleteFileA, pUnmapViewOfFile: Pointer; begin hModule: = GetModuleHandle (nil); GetModuleFileName (hModu