(1) We since Offer for you. We have prepared your newsletter for you. I come to hear about your offer for fertilizers. I will listen to your report on fertilizer. Please make USA Cable Offer. Please call the disc. Please make a price of the quality bamboo shoots in the last contract to us. We are in a position to offer tea from stock. We can now report tea spot. We'll Try Our Best to Get A Bid from the Buyers. We must do our best to get the price of the buyer. We'll let you have the official offer next monday. It is given to you next week. I'm waiting for your offer. I am waiting for your quotation. We can offer you a quotation based on the international market. We can offer you quotes according to the international market price. We have attcepted your firm offer. We have received your newspaper. We offer firm for reply 11 a.m. Tomorrow. We report the real disk, and will reply to 11 am tomorrow. We'll Let You Have Our Firm Offer Next Sunday. We will send you a real disk next Sunday. We're Willing to make you a firm offer at this price. We are willing to report your own dishes with this price. Could You Offer US F.O.B. Price. Can you think of our report? All your price is on C.I.f. Basis. You all prices are cost-to-ship insurance premium prices. Can you make an offer, C & F London, AT Your Earliest Convenience? Can you report a cost-to-consumption price of London Hong Kong as soon as possible? I'd Like to have your lowest quotations, c.i.f. vancouver. Please report the lowest price of Vancouver to the shore price. Please make US A Cable Offer for 5 Metric Tons of Walnut. Please issue 5 tons of walnuts. Our Offer IS RMB300 Per Set of Tape-Recorder, F.O.B. Tianjin. Our quotation is 300 yuan per receiver, Tianjin offshore price. We quote this Article at $ 250 Per m / t C & F. We reported that the cost of the price is $ 250 per ton.
Words and phrases offer, quote to offer for ... Quote to make an offer for ... Revenue (quote) FIFER FRANT NON-FIRM OFFER DAIN TO Forward An Offer (Or To Send An Offer ) Send a dial to get an offer (or to obtain an offer) Receive a DVD (OR TO Telegraph An Offer) Quote Offer and Acceptance by POST through Postal Quotation and Accepting To Accept AN Offer Accept Duty To Entertainment AN Offer Considering Repair TO GIVE An Off To ... Revenue To Submit An Offer Submit Dish Official Offer Official Quote (DOI) (2) My Offer Was Based On Reasonable Profit, Not on ON Wild Speculations. My quotation is based on reasonable profits, not a festive price. We Have ReceiveD Offers Recently, Most of Which Are Below 100 U.S. DOLLARS. Most of our recent quotes are below 100 oceans. Moreover, We've Kept The Price Close To The Costs of Production. Again, this has put prices to the edge of the production cost. I think the price wealth you last week is the best one. I believe that I am best last week. No Other Buyers Have Bid Higher Than this price. There is no bid for other buyers than this price. The price You Offered Is Above Previous Price is higher than the last time. IT WAS A Higher Price Than We Offered to Other Suppliers. This price is higher than that we give other suppliers. We can't accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%. Unless you decrease 5%, we can't accept the newslet. I'm afraid i don't find your price competed at all. I don't have any competitiveness in your offer. Let me make you a special offer. Ok, I will give you a special offer price. We'll Give You the Preference of Our Off. We will prioritize you. I Should Have Thought My Offer Was Reasonable. I thought my quotation was reasonable. You'll See That Our Offer Compares Favorably with the quotations you can get elsewhere. You will find that our offer is cheaper than others. This Offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive. This newspaper focuses on expanding sales and is very competitive.
Words and Phrases quote quote quotation price preferential offer preferential offer cost of production production costs reasonable reasonable competitive competitive the preference of one's offer preferential offer wild speculation wild speculations (c) Our offers are for 3 days. Our newspaper It is valid for three days. We have extended the offer as per as your request. We have been extended by your request. The Offer Holds Good Until 5 O'Clock P.m. 23nd of June, 1997, Beijing Time. Quotation is valid until 5:00 pm, June 22, 1997. All prices in the price lists area. All prices in the quotation are subject to our confirmation. This Offer is Subject to your reply reaching here before the end of this month. This newspaper reaches me in front of the month. This Offer is Subject To The Goods Being Unsold. This newspaper is subject to the sale of goods. Words and phrases subject to ... served as the prevail subject to our written acceptance, the newspaper, which is subject to our written report, is effective after the sample is determined. Subject To Our Final Confirmation With our final confirmation, the offer subjective offering the offer for the export (import) license, Offer Subject to Prior Sale, Offer Subject, is sold in advance. To Goods Being Unsold This is subject to the commodity Subject to your reply Reaching Here, with your reply to the newspaper of the newspaper Offer Subject to First Available Steamer to install the first ship. (4) I'm Afraid The Offer IS Unacceptable. I am afraid that your quotation cannot be accepted. The Offer Is Not Workable. The dial is not feasible. The Offer Is Given WITHOUT ENGAGEMENT. The dial is not binding. IT is Difficult to Quote without Full Details. Unlike detailed details difficult. Buyers do Not Welcome Offers Made at Wide Intervals. The buyer does not welcome the docking interval for too long. We cannot make any Headway with your offer. Your report has no progress. Please renew your offer for two days further. Please post the dial for two days. Please restore the duplication in the same case. We Regret We Have to Decline Your Offer. We're sorry, we have to reject your reputation. The offer is withdrawn. This newspaper has been withdrawn. We prefer to withhold offers for a time. We would rather suspend the newspaper.