Search ClassPath

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  15

I often use open source things. I have a very annoying place that I don't know which jar is introduced from. It is bored tonight. I studied the package in JDK. I wrote a Small things can search all JAR files in a directory to see if there is a specified class name or package name.

code show as below:

Import *;

Import *;

Import java.util. *;

Public Class Jarsearch


Public static final char file_seperator = '/';

Public static final char package_seperator = '.';

Private static void printhelp () {

System.out.println ("USAGE:");

System.out.println ("Java Jarsearch -d [Directory] -c [classname]");

System.out.println ("Java jarsearch -f [filename] -c [classname]");

System.out.println ("Java Jarsearch -d [Directory] -p [packagename]");

System.out.println ("Java jarsearch -f [filename] -p [packagename]");


Private static string getshfortfilename (String longname) {

StringTokenizer ST = New StringTokenizer (longname, "/");

String s = null;

While (st.hasmoretokens ()) {

s = st.nextToken ();


Return S;


Private static void Findclass (String Jarfile, String ClassName) throws exception {

FILE F = New File (Jarfile);

IF (f.IsDirectory ()) Return;

String fn = f.getname ();

IF (fn.length () <= 4) return;

IF (! (fn.substring (fn.length () - 4, fn.length ())). Equalsignorecase (". jar"))))))


ZipinputStream Zipin = New FileInputStream (New FileInputStream (Jarfile);


String name = NULL;

While ("(entry = zipin.getnextentry ())! = null) {

IF (entry.IsDirectory ()) continue;

Name = getshortfilename (entry.getname ());

IF (name.startswith) {

System.out.println ("************************************************************************************************");

System.out.println ("Found In Jarfile:" JARFILE);

System.out.Println ("**************************************************************************************



System.out.println ("No found in jarfile:" JARFILE);

Zipin.close ();


Private static void FindPackage (String Jarfile, String PackageName) throws Exception {

FILE F = New File (Jarfile);

IF (f.IsDirectory ()) Return;

String fn = f.getname ();

IF (fn.length () <= 4) return;

IF (! (fn.substring (fn.length () - 4, fn.length ())). Equalsignorecase (". jar"))))))


ZipinputStream Zipin = New FileInputStream (New FileInputStream (Jarfile);


String name = NULL;

While ("(entry = zipin.getnextentry ())! = null) {

IF (entry.IsDirectory ()) continue;

Name = (entry.getname ()). Replace (file_seperator, package_seperator);

IF (Name.startSwith) {

System.out.println ("************************************************************************************************");

System.out.println ("Found In Jarfile:" JARFILE);

System.out.println ("************************************************************************************************");




System.out.println ("No found in jarfile:" JARFILE);

Zipin.close ();


Private static void FindPackageIndir (String Jardir, String PackageName) throws exception {

File mydir = new file (jardir);

File F;

String [] filenames = mydir.list ();

For (int i = 0; i

f = new file (Jardir File.seParetor FileNames [i]);

IF (f.IsDirectory ()) {

FindPackageindir (Jardir File.seParetor FileNames [I], PackageName);


Else {

FINDPACKAGE (Jardir File.seParetor FileNames [i], packagename);




Private static void findir (String Jardir, String ClassName) throws exception {

File mydir = new file (jardir);

File F;

String [] filenames = mydir.list (); for (int i = 0; i

f = new file (Jardir File.seParetor FileNames [i]);

IF (f.IsDirectory ()) {

FindIndir (Jardir File.seParetor FileNames [i], classname);


Else {

FindClass (Jardir File.seParetor FileNames [I], ClassName);




Public static void main (string [] args)


IF (args.length! = 4) {

Printhelp ();

System.exit (0);




IF (args [0]. Equalsignorecase ("- d") && args [2] .equalsignorecase ("- c")) {

FindIndir (Args [1], Args [3]);


IF (args [0]. Equalsignorecase ("- f") && args [2] .equalsignorecase ("- c")) {

Findclass (Args [1], Args [3]);


IF (args [0]. Equalsignorecase ("- d") && args [2] .equalsignorecase ("- p")) {

FINDPACKAGEINDIR (Args [1], Args [3]);


IF (args [0]. Equalsignorecase ("- f") && args [2] .equalsignorecase ("- p")) {

FINDPACKAGE (Args [1], Args [3]);



Catch (Exception E)


E.PrintStackTrace ();





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