Here are some commonly used JDBC tips, perhaps improve your system's execution speed.
1. When using PreparedStateMent / CallableStatement, try to use the SETPARAMS that it provides.
Below is a wrong way:
Callablestatement cstmt = conn.preparecall
"{Call getCustName (12345)}");
ResultSet RS = cstmt.executeQuery ();
Below is the correct way:
Callablestatement cstmt - conn.preparecall
"{CALL getCustName (?)}");
CSTMT.SETLONG (1,12345);
ResultSet RS = cstmt.executeQuery ();
2. Use a bulk update method
It is generally updated using this method:
PreparedState ps = conn.preparestatement
FOR (n = 0; n <100; n ) {
ps.setstring (name [n]);
Ps.setlong (ID [n]);
Ps.setint (Salary [n]);
ps.executeUpdate ();
If you use JDBC's advanced features, batch updates should have higher efficiency:
PreparedState ps = conn.preparestatement
FOR (n = 0; n <100; n ) {
ps.setstring (name [n]);
Ps.setlong (ID [n]);
Ps.setint (Salary [n]);
ps.addbatch ();
ps.executebatch ();
3. Correct use of the resultSet GET method
Try not to use methods such as RS.GetObject (), and if you still need more efficient, use rs.getstring (1) to get a field value through field index marks, rather than use iv.getstring ("UserName") This method is to obtain a field value.
4. Take the value of the automatic increase of the type of record that has just been added
If your JDBC driver supports, there is a very convenient way to get the value of the self-add field, as follows:
INT rowcount = stmt.executeUpdate
"Insert Into LocalgeniusList (Name) Values ('Karen')",
ResultSet RS = stmt.get generatedKeys ();