JBuilderx connects to MySQL and Mcrosoft SQLServer

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

JBUILDERX connected to the mysql database via Database Pilot **************************************************************** *************************** 1, download mysql JDBC_API ORG.GJT.MM.MYSQL.DRIVER II. After installing JDBC, if the directory is in D: /java/win_java_driver/mysqldriver.jar, select Tools -> Configure Libraries, then select New in the list box, fill in Enter: name: mysqldrviverforjdbc, location: jbuilder, then click Add, join the directory D: /java/win_java_driver/mysqldriver.jar, determine the three, project -> Prject Properties -> Paths -> Required Libraries -> Add to join just added JBuilder D: /java/win_java_Driver/MysqlDriver.jar determine four, Tools -> Enterprise Setup -> Database Drivers -> Add, adding JBuilder, select MysqlDrviverForJDBC, the addition of displayed in the list box is MysqlDrviverForJDBC. Config, OK, restart JBuilder 5, Tools -> Database Pilot -> View -> Options -> Drivers -> Add Fill in DRiver: Org.gjt.mm.mysql.driversIMPLE URL Fill in: Mysql: // localhost: 3306 / databasename? Useunicode = true & characterencoding = GB2312 After determining, Tools -> Database Pilot -> New Driver selection org.gjt.mm.mysql.driver fill in in the URL: mysql: / / Localhost: 3306 / DatabaseName? Useunicode = true & characterencoding = GB2312, determined! (Some people say that it is: jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 3306 / databasename? Useunicode = true & characterencoding = GB2312, anyway, I have no connection success.) Double-click or click to enter the username and password of the MySQL database. Completed JB and MySQL connection! Connection code can view Source! *********************************************************** ****************************************

JBUILDER9 connected to SQLSERVER Database through Database Pilot ********************************************************************************************************************* ************************************* 1 Install JDBC Driver for MCrosoft SQLServer2000 (jspcn.com Download), install it, mainly with three files .2 3 files of msbase.jar, mssqlser.jar, msutil.jar to D: / java / win_java_driver / mssqldriverforjdbc. 3 The following steps and connect MySQL's second, third, fourth is the same, to change his name, you can be arbitrarily changed! 4> Database Pilot-> Drivers-> Add Enter the toolbar Tools-: com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriverSample URL: following format: microsoft: sqlserver: // localhost: 1433; DatabaseName = DatabaseName; Localhost can be set to other The database host IP1433 is the same as the SQL Server service port number and MySQL, double-click or click on the username and password of the MySQL database, and complete the connection between JB and MSSQLServer!


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