Communication with RSS

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

Currently, there is a different project communication method, an email alternative, an ideal way to publish information to multiple recipients, this is RSS. Assumption Scene: Email may be the most commonly used communication medium in the project. It is used in a variety of different tasks, from individuals, one-to-one communication (email, for this purpose), to the automatic group notification of the project event. Due to its low cost and extensive applicability, emails have been developed in many different situations. Despite this, the user of this popular email has encountered more and more problems in use. The first question is the absolute number of emails. Due to the various information of different importance levels to use the same channel to reach their receiving end, users are hard to find the current most important information. This is not a new problem, there are several ways to solve this problem, mostly based on different criteria to classify the mail into folders. The second question is spam, ie spam, refers to those unpopular, unable to invite advertising or worse messages. Spam makes the number of emails have increased significantly, making mail's finishing and classification more difficult. You may also need some money and time to install a spam filter, with it to remove most of the spam, do not let them reach your mail program. The problem may have a lot of mail discussion groups, most of which may not be important for your hand, but we need to save them because subscriptions or release subscriptions take time. In this case, the main problem is not that these messages are not, but it is inconvenient for the sender and the receiver. The service must maintain an subscriber archive and maintain a mail service, and the user must subscribe to it when you are interested in the content provided, and then releasten your subscription when you are not interested. Question 4: The mail format is designed for personal use, it is difficult to process the contents of the file. For example, it is difficult to automatically change the notice of payable for the item. How do RSS help us for these issues? As mentioned in the beginning, it can be used to reduce the number of emails, and handle information materials or notifications we are interested in a valid and automated manner. The RSS has an advantage that the relevant cost is relatively low, but it is much more convenient than the mailing list. How did this miracle happen? First explain what is RSS, so that my proposal looks more reasonable. RSS is an XML file format that is used for automatic transmission and processing of information. The RSS is invented to distribute news headers (later known as the extensive site summary, ie RSS). At that time, an RSS file included the title of no more than 10-15 latest news and has a full-text link. The benefits here are other sites interested in these headers to get this RSS file (through general file delivery, ftp or http) and display these titles and links in their site. Many group-oriented websites use this mechanism to provide users from other websites. They set up the RSS file combination of different websites (AKA supplies), which created a concentrated browsing platform for related news. In the development of WebLogs technology (browsing Project Weblog), RSS has been further developed during the development of information about WebLogs. Many WebLog applications provide similar content published in HTML and RSS formats. No matter when the user updates a WebLog, the RSS supply is also updated. Today, this supply is no longer limited to the title, they can accommodate more information, even information about HTML format. At the same time, there are thousands of interesting private or commercial weblogs, it is difficult to manually monitor all interesting websites. Even in project management sites are more accessible than I can access every day. So use the RSS supply to maintain the continuous update of new information.

How to use RSS supply? There is an RSS reader, an RSS collent. There are many different applications available, some are free, some are commercial, some are separate, and some are integrated with browser and email applications. It is very simple to use, and the user will enter the URL she wants to read (for example, it is used to publish PMWT Highlights (PMWT Highlights).). RSS application Give the user machine, process and display the file content. Display is similar to display provided by email programs and news readers. Before we recall the issues raised by the article, I should first say that RSS may apply in the project environment. If you use WebLogs to communicate, RSS is the mechanism that guarantees a timely update of the change of the Weblogs of interest. You don't have to access their WebLog every day, you don't have to receive emails to determine the progress of the project, you only need to check your RSS reader and read only emails that are really interested on their website. If you do a few projects or your team's geographical location, there is not much useful direct contact, which is especially useful. The other use is to combine the system of the information that is interested in information that provides item members. The version control system is an example, like MS Source Safe or CVS, which records the content of the library through the RSS supply. Similar functionality is suitable for many web-based project studios to provide notifications for users. Not sending these emails to everyone, and the change can be collected in an RSS supply. Each person who is interested in a specific notification or archive can subscribe to the relevant RSS supply. The client's use mode is the same, but the generation of supplies is different from Weblogs. The generation of RSS is relatively simple, there are many popular scripting language libraries, like Java, C # and other languages ​​apply to create this supply; this is meant to create a specific formatted file from raw materials. Original materials may be a database in most cases. The result of the RSS file is published through a regular web server, and the server also provides standard mechanisms for encryption and access control if necessary. Therefore, if you don't want to provide RSS supply on a supply - this shortly - you can also do it yourself. Since RSS reuses most of the existing project basic technologies, it is also a relatively inexpensive communication channel. Now return to the four issues raised by the article. How do we use RSS how to solve these problems? The problem fourth is to process the received message. The RSS is designed as an automated processing compared to email. The RSS format is based on XML and can be expanded. RSS has several modules that can be used to create RSS containing the correct information. Also, if you have any requirements, you can use your own domain or an overall module. Although the standard module can be processed and displayed by most of the available RSS readers, non-standard domains require customized clients or flexible RSS readers, like a NewSGator, which can be configured to process new domains or modules. (You can refer to the link ending in this column to get more information.) The problem is about convenience. As mentioned earlier, the RSS release information is different from the email. Do not have to manage the management of the center mailing list. Publishing information means that the RSS file is generated and configured on the web server. For supplied supplies, users can define whether access, when access, and how to access this information. The change of user interest means adding or deleting a supply address in the reader application. More convenient use and less energy cost can be achieved on both sides. The problem is to process the spam. Since the user pulls the RSS information from the server, it is not published to the outside world. The emails that do not request nowhere is nowhere, which is also a way to reduce these messages. Finally, it receives the total amount of emails.


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