MSN Agreement Chinese Release (ZZ)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

We can divide the MSN's working mechanism into two phases: the authentication phase authentication phase includes logging in to the MSN instant server and acquires a friend list Instant Communication Phase Instant Communication Phase Include requests and send / accept messages that enters the instant communication phase.

The protocol of the MSN instant messaging software is based on the ASCII code protocol, and all the commands must be in English with all the words! The first stage includes a server connected to the MSN instant software. At this stage we should connect to the 1863 port of the server "" (MSN instant messaging software works through the 1863 port). Once connected, we should start the login process. The first step in this process is to verify the version of the MSN. In this step, the client (ie, your MSN software) lists and sending it to the server to support, and then waits for the server response. Ver 0 MSNP7 MSNP6 MSNP5 MSNP4 CVRO In the MSN protocol, there is a "test ID" with each command. This experiment ID starts from 0, and when each server successs, it will increase when the client's command will respond.

The server response is as follows the following Ver 0 MSNP7 MSNP6 MSNP5 MSNP4 Now that the client (MSN) and the server determine the version of the communication between them.

The next step client (MSN) sends a request to the server, requiring the server to provide the name of the security package required when it supports. INF 1 is unlike some instant messaging software like Ahoo, Rediff and other instant messaging software, MSN encrypts password when sending a password, ensuring that if someone monitors your port, the password will not disclose it easily.

The response of the server is as follows INF 1 MD5 (MD5 is here is the name of the server currently supported by the server)

The next step client (MSN) will send the user IDUSR 2 MD5 i to the server and then the server will verify all the information about this user required to verify. If not, the server will send the following: XFR 2 NS 0 Means the client (MSN) should be connected to the Notification server, address and ports are, 1863. We turn off the current connection and Repeat the following steps (client) Ver 3 MSNP7 MSNP6 MSNP5 MSNP4 CVRO (Server) VER 3 MSNP7 MSNP6 MSNP5 MSNP4 (Client) USER INF 4 5 MD5 I Now we connect the server to the user's information on the user who tries to log in. The server responds as follows: USR 5 MD5 S 989048851.185113730 The server sent by the server is "MD5 messy information". This mess is The server is created and used during the authentication process. The client then sends the password after encrypting the MD5 algorithm to the server. In fact, the client is sent to the server a unique MD5 string, this string is equivalent to "MD5 messy information. "(ie 989,048,851.185113730) password were as follows 3b7926d277068ec49576a0c40598ff21USR 6 MD5 S 3b7926d277068ec49576a0c40598ff21 If the password is correct, the server will respond as follows: USR 6 OK venkat here". venkat "is the user's nickname in this agreement In the latest version, the server will send some additional data, like the user's information and a authentication code (similar to a cookie, you can use many other functions)

MSG Hotmail Hotmail 362MIME-Version: 1.0Content-Type: text / x-msmsgspro file; charset = UTLogin Time: 1011252477EmailEnabled: 1MemberIDHigh: 84736MemberIDLow: -143472939Lang_preference: 103PreferredEmail: venky_dude@hotmail.comCountry: INPostalCode: Gender: MKidAge: 22Sid: 517Kv : 2MspAuth: 2AAAAAAAADU0P4UXXXJTDJOZJS1UTS0I7YPWNCOPUHRV56YKXXXXTWMG $$ Now we log in to the server, but our state is still offline. In order to be able to send and accept information, we need to change our status to online. The client completes this step by following: CHG 7 NLN The server sent back to the client back online and its corresponding state .iln 7 nln Nick (nln: now Online, currently online) ILN 7 Awy Mike (Awy: Away leaves) ILN 7 BSY jerry (BSY: busy i.e., busy) MSG Hotmail Hotmail 223MIME-Version: 1.0Content-Type: text / x-msmsgsinitialemailnotification; charset = UTF-8Inbox-Unread: 293Folders-UnreadInbox-URL: / cgi -bin / hotmailfolders-url: / cgi-bin / folderspost-url: is related to the version of the server is related to the version of the currently used client. The client sends it to the server. Version number and in the machine information * Win4.10 i386 MSMSGS 4.5.0127 MSMSGS0409 WIN4.10 I386 indicates that the client's current operating environment is Win98, use Intel's microprocessor. Msmsgs 4.5.0127 MSMSGS points out MSMSGS.exe The version number server responds to the latest version of the latest version and some other information addresses / CVR 8 4.5.0127 4.5.0127 1.0.0863Http: // ... /en-us/mmssetup.exehtp:// /

The transmission of this CVR command is not required, no matter whether it is sent, the MSN protocol can work correctly.

In order to get a list of our friends, we can send the following command LST 9 RL server to send the corresponding "reverse list". This reverse list can see you and send you an instant message to you when you are online. You can also request the "forward list" to the server using the LST 9 FL command. This positive list includes all friends you join to your friends. The server does respond to the following LST 9 RL 69 1 19 Venkatlst 9 rl 69 2 19 Pujalst 9 rl 69 3 19 Ramachandramanlst 9 rl 69 4 19 Chandramoulst 9 RL 69 6 19 Narakatesh ................. ...... .lst 9 rl 69 19 19 Puneet

* When there is a friend online, the server (NS) will send us the following command nln 10 nln Venkatesh, if you have a friend offline, the server will send us the following command FLN Venkatesh In MSNP7, MSN introduced a new password authentication mechanism. MSN server sends a password to the user, the user must correct this password key to continue this process. Chl 0 20881396011366812350 Client must send a one to the server MD5, this MD5 or more "hashes" appended to the character string "Q1P7W2E4J9R8U3S5". Thus the final MD5 string is sent to the server response to client 20881396011366812350Q1P7W2E4J9R8U3S5 thus follows QRY 18 320212eaad0876afb8505859ca75d21a78 here as experimental ID 18 Using your actual experiment ID instead 18. If the authentication is correct, the server will make the following response QRY 18

Instant messaging in the MSN is based on session. Two people who want to make a conversation must be in the session mode. Unless we start a chat session with other users, we cannot send / accept information. There are basically two ways to make a user in a chat session. 1 User sends a chat session request 2 users receive the chat session request from another user to send the two kinds of these two Width User Sends a chat session to another user (user) sends a command to the server to obtain the address of the WITCHBOARD server. All instant messaging conversations must be implemented by the terminal block server.

XFR9 SB This wiring board server returns the IP address of this server, the connection port, and a CKI mixture. CKI is a secure package, and the user must use this CKI mixer server.

XFR9 SB CKI1989487642.2070896604 This time we will connect to the terminal server servers. And we last for MSN instant servers must be kept, otherwise we will log out.

After we connect to the terminal server server, we will send this command to this terminal server: usr 1 989487642.2070896604 If we send this CKI mixed, the wiring server will return USR 1 OK VENKY_DUDE @ Hotmail .com venkat After the above is finished, this user wants to do this is to "call" this chat session, which can be done by sending the following command to complete the CAL 2 server will This user responds to an SESSION number, and this session number will be sent to another user. If another user is ready to chat, the server will send us the following command to us when the user responds.

JOI Venkatesh This command indicates that another user joins the chat, we can now accept and send information.

The user receives the chat session request sent from another user. When we are invited to a chat session, the authentication server will send us the following information. Rng 11742066 CKI 989495494.750408580 The command above the VENKATESH contains the SESSION number, the IP address of the terminal server, port, and cki mix, and user information to talk to us. Now let's make a new connection to the wiring server. Similarly, we will keep the connection to the MSN instant server, otherwise we will log out.

We connect to the wiring server and send the following command.

Ans 1 989495494.750408580 11742066 The above command contains our login name, we receive the CKI mixer and session. The server will respond to the following information Iro 1 1 1 Venkatesh and Ans 1 ok us You can now send and receive information. Before we send and receive information, let's understand how the information is created, will first create a header information as follows MIME-VERSION: 1.0content-type: text / plain; charset = UTF-8X- MMS-IM-FORMAT: FN = Microsoft% 20Sans% 20serif; EF =; CO = 0; CS = 0; PF = 22

Then send the MSG2 N137 MIME-VERSION: 1.0Content-Type: Text / Plain; Charset = UTF-8X-MMS-IM-Format: Fn = Microsoft% 20Sans% 20Serif; EF =; CO = 0; cs = 0; pf = 22

Hello 2 is the test number, we will increase this time every time we send it. 137 means the length of our sending information. In the above example, the header information and the length of the information we send "Hello" are transmitted.

The information we send and the above example is similar.

Here is an example of the information we are accepting Msg Venkatesh 137mime-version: 1.0content-type: text / place; charset = UTF-8X-MMS-IM-FORMAT: FN = Microsoft% 20Sans% 20serif; EF =; CO = 0; cs = 0; PF = 22


When another user is entering information, we will receive the following information msg Venkatesh 100mime-version: 1.0content-type: text / x-msmsgscontrolTyPinguser:

I guess you have a roughly understanding of how to write your own MSN instant messaging software. I will continue to supplement the MSN's communication protocol, add some additional functions such as add / delete support, rename, file transfer, and voice chat.


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