CSS and DOM attributes with legal speed checkletters

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

CSS attribute uses a legal speed check manual

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------! Important's importance of adding specific rules. : Active Settings When the link is in an activation state, a Pyre of the A element. : First-letter applies one or more styles on the first character of the object. : First-line applies one or more styles on the first line of the object. : HOVER Settings When the user hovers the mouse pointer to the A element pattern. : LINK Settings When the link has recently been accessed by time A element style. : Visited Settings When the link recently visited the Overposition A element style. @Charset Sets the character set of the external style sheet. @ Font-Face Set the font to embed an HTML document. @IMPORT imports an external style sheet. @Media Set the media type of a set of rules in the Stylesheet object. @Page Sets the size, direction and margins of page frames in Stylesheet. ABBR Sets or gets the abbreviation text of the object. Accelerator settings or gettings a string that indicates whether the object contains shortcuts. Accept settings or get a list of content types separated by commas. AcceptCharset Sets or gets the server that the server must accept the character encoding method used by the input data. AccessKey Sets or gets shortcuts for objects. Action setting or get the form content to send the URL of the process. ActiveElement Gets an object that gets focus when the Focus has focus. Additive settings or get values ​​that indicate if the animation is attached to other animations. Align settings or get objects arranged for its neighboring text. Align settings or gains the title or logo. Align settings or gets the table arrangement. Align settings or gets the objects of the object relative to the display or table. ALINK Sets or gets the color of all activation links in the element. AlinkColor Sets or gets the color of all activation links in the element. ALLOWTRANSPARENCY Set or get an object to be transparent. ALT sets or gets text for replacing images. Althtml Sets the alternative HTML script to be executed if the object load fails. AltKey settings or get the status of the Alt key. AltLeft setting or get the status of the left ALT key. AppCodename Gets the code name of the browser. Application Indicates whether the content of the object is HTML application (HTA), eliminating the security model of your browser. AppminorVersion Gets the secondary version of the application. Appname Gets the name of the browser. Appversion Gets the platform and version of the browser. Archive settings or get strings for your own Archive feature that can be used to implement objects. AtomicSeLection specifies whether the element and its content must be unified in an unsatisfactory unit. AutoComplete Sets or gets the auto-completion status of the object. AvailHeight Gets the working area height of the system screen to eliminate the Microsoft? Windows? Taskbar. AvailWidth Gets the work area width of the system screen to exclude the Windows taskbar. AXIS Set or get a comma-separated list of concept classification lists. Background Sets or Gets up to five independent background properties of the object. Background settings or gets the background image of the text and image on the page. Background settings or gets the background image of the text and image of the object. BackgroundAttachment settings or gets the background image to be attached to the objects within the document. BackgroundColor sets or gets the color after the object content. BackgroundImage Set or get the background image of the object. BackgroundPosition Sets or gets the location of the object background. BackgroundPositionX Sets or get the X coordinate of the BackgroundPosition property.

BackgroundPositionY setting or get the y coordinates for the BackgroundPosition property. BackgroundRepeat sets or gets the object's BackgroundImage property how tile. Balance Sets or Gets how the volume indicating how the background sound is assigned the value of the left and right speakers. Banner uses the Event object to get the Banner content of the project in the Advanced Flow Delivery (ASX) file. Bannerabstract Gets the bannerabstract content of the ASX file item. BasehRef gets a URL string that can find an object tag. This is usually the HREF of the object where the object is located, or the value set by the base element. Behavior setting or get text how text is scrolling in the subtitles. Behavior Sets or gets the location of the DHTML behavior. Bgcolor set the background color behind the object. BGColor is not recommended. Set or get the background color behind the object. BGColor is not recommended. Set or get the value indicating the background color behind the object. BGProperties sets or gets the properties of the background image. BlockDirection gets the value indicating the winding direction of the block element content, is from left to right, or from right to left. Border setting or get the properties of the border around the object. Border setting or get space between frames, including 3D borders. Border setting or get the width of the border around the object. Borderbottom Sets or gets the properties of the object under the border. BorderbottomColor Sets or gets the color of the object under the object. BorderbottomStyle Sets or gets the style of the object under the border. BorderbottomWidth Sets or gets the width of the object under the border. BorderCollapse Setting or Get Indicates that the table rows and cell bits are combined to separate the single border or is separated like standard HTML. BorderColor Sets or gets the border color of the object. BorderColor Sets or gets the border color of the object. BorderColordark sets or gets one of two colors used to draw object 3D borders. BorderColorlight sets or gets one of two colors used to draw object 3D borders. Borderleft settings or gets the properties of the object left box. BorderLeftColor Sets or gets the color of the left box of the object. BorderLeftStyle Sets or gets the style of the left box of the object. BorderLeftWidth Sets or gets the width of the left box of the object. BorderRight Sets or gets the properties of the object right. BorderrightColor Sets or gets the color of the object right. BorderrightStyle Sets or gets the style of the object right. BorderrightWidth settings or gets the width of the object right frame. BorderStyle Sets or gets the style of the object to the left and right frame. Bordertop Sets or gets the properties of the object on the object. BordertopColor Sets or gets the color on the object on the object. BordertopStyle Sets or gets the style of the object on the object. BordertopWidth Sets or gets the width of the object on the object. BorderWidth setting or get the width of the left and right borders of the object. Bottom Sets or gets the coordinates of the rectangle around the object content. Bottom Sets or gets the location of the object relative to the bottom of the document hierarchy. Bottommargin Sets or gets the bottom margin of the entire page body. BoundingHeight Gets the height of the rectangle of the binding TextRange object. BoundingLeft Gets the rectangular left edge of the TextRange object and the distance between the left side of the TextRange object. BoundingTop Gets the upper edge of the TextRange object and the distance between the top edges of the TextRange object. BoundingWidth Gets the width of the rectangle that binds the TextRange object. BrowserLanguage Gets the current language of your browser.

BufferDepth Sets or gets the number of each pixel bit for screen external graph buffer colors. Button Set or get the mouse button pressed by the user. Cancelbubble Set or get the current event to bubbber in the event handle. CanhaveChildren gets the value indicating whether the object can contain the child object. CanhaveHTML Gets the value indicating whether the object can contain a rich HTML tag. CAPTION Gets the CAPTION object of the table. CellIndex Gets the location of the object in the Cells collection of the object. CellPadding Sets or gets the total amount of space between cell bits and cell contents. Cellspacing settings or gets the total amount of space between cells in the table. CH Set or get strings that can be used to implement your own CH functionality. Charset Sets or gets a character set for decoding objects. Checked settings or gets the status of the check box or a radio button. CHOFF settings or get strings for your own choff feature that can be used to implement objects. Cite settings or gets the reference information about the object. ClassID Sets or gets the class identifier of the object. Classname Sets or gets the class of the object. CLEAR setting or get an object if the object is allowed to place floating objects on the left, right or both sides to prevent the lower text display on the floating object. CLEAR setting or get where the floating object is not positioned after inserting a wrap in the document. ClientHeight Gets the height of the object, does not calculate any margins, borders, and scroll bars, but including this object. ClientLeft gets the distance between the OFFSetLeft attribute and the actual left side of the customer area. ClientTop gets the distance between the OFFSettop property and the actual top end of the customer area. ClientWidth Gets the width of the object, does not calculate any margins, borders, and scroll bars, but including the object of the object. Clientx Sets or gets the X coordinate of the mouse pointer position relative to the window customer area, where the customer area does not include the control and scroll bar of the window itself. Clienty Sets or gets the Y coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the window customer area, where the customer area does not include the controls and scroll bars of the window itself. CLIP setting or get which part of the positioning object is visible. Clipbottom Gets the bottom coordinates of the object tailoring area. Clipleft Gets the left coordinates of the object tailoring area. CLIPRIGHT Gets the right coordinate of the object tailoring area. Cliptop Gets the top coordinates of the object tailoring area. The Closed get the reference window has been closed. Code Sets or gets the URL of the file that contains the compiled Java class. CodeBase Set or get the URL of the component. CODETYPE Sets or gets the Internet media type of the associated code. Color Sets or gets the container text color of the MPC behavior. Color settings or gets the color used by the object. Color Sets or gets the color of the object text. ColorDepth Gets the number of colors used for target settings or buffers. COLS settings or get the width of the object. COLS settings or get the number of columns of the table. COLS settings or get the frame width of the object. COLSPAN settings or get objects should span the number of tables. Compact Settings or Getting Indicates whether the list should be compressed by the additional blank between the list objects should be compressed. CompatMode settings or get values ​​that indicate if this object is applied to the standard compatible mode. Complete gets the object is fully loaded. Content Setting or Get resource information associated with HTTP-Equiv or Name. ContenTEDITABLE setting or get strings that indicate if the user can edit object content. Contentoverflow Gets whether to indicate whether the current LayoutRect object is added. ContentWindour Gets the specified frame or iframe's Window object. Cookie Sets or gets a string value of the cookie. CookieEnabled Gets the client's permanent cookie is enabled in your browser.

Permanent cookie is stored on the client computer. Coords Set or get the coordinates of the object. COUNT Gets the number of available block formatted tags. CPUCLASS Gets a string indicating the CPU level. CSSText setting or acquire a permanent representation of the style rule. CtrlKey Sets or gets the status of the CTRL key. Ctrlleft Sets or get the status of the left Ctrl key. CURSOR Sets or gets the mouse pointer used when the mouse pointer points to the object. DATA Sets or gets the URL of the reference object data. DATA Sets or gets the value of the TextNode object. DataFLD Sets or gets the fields specified by the DataSRC property to a given data source of the specified object. DataFLD Sets or gets the data column affected by the onCellChange event. DataFLD Sets the fields for a given data source for data binding. DataFormAtas settings or gets how to render the data provided to the object. DataFormAtas settings or gets data that will be provided to objects as text or HTML. DataPagesize Sets or gets the number of records displayed in the table that is bound to the data source. DataSRC Sets or gets the data source for data binding. DataSRC Sets the data source for data binding. DateTime Sets or gets the date and time of the modified object. Declare settings or get strings for your own Declare feature that can be used to implement objects. DEFAULTCHARSET Gets the default character set from the current regional language. DEFAULTCHECKED Set or get the status of the check box or a radio button. DEFAULTSELECTED settings or gets the status of the option. DEFAULTSTATUS Set or get the default information displayed on the status bar to be on the window. DEFAULTVALUE Sets or gets the initial content of the object. Defer setting or get the status of the script. DesignMode setting or get a value indicating whether the document can be edited. DeviceXDPI Sets or gets the value of the system screen level (DPI) per inch (DPI). DeviceYDPI Sets or Gets the value of the system screen vertical per inch (DPI). Dialogarguments Setting or get a variable or variable array passing to the Mode dialog window. DialogHeight Sets or gets the height of the Mode dialog. Dialogleft settings or get the left coordinates of the Mode dialog. Dialogtop Setting or get the top coordinate of the Mode dialog. DialogWidth settings or get the width of the Mode dialog. DIR Sets or gets the reading order of the object. Direction setting or get the direction of text scrolling. Direction setting or get an object's reading order. Disabled Set or get the status of the control. Disabled Set or Get Whether to apply a style sheet for an object. Disabled gets the value indicating whether the user can interact with the object. Disabled settings or get strings that can be used to implement your own Disabled feature. Display setting or get an object to be rendered. DOCTYPE gets the document type declaration associated with the current document. Document Gets the HTML document in a given pop-up window. DocumentElement Gets a reference to the root of the document. Domain settings or get the security domain name of the document. DROPEFFECT Sets or gets the type of drag operation and the type of cursor to display. DYNSRC Sets or gets the video clip or VRML world you want to display in the window. EffectAllowed Setting or Get Data Transfer Action The source element of the object can be applied to the object. Encoding Set or get the MIME encoding of the form. ENCTYPE Sets or Gets Multi-Use OP Extensions (MIME) encodes for forms. Event Setting or get the script to write the event used. Expando settings or gets the value that indicates whether any variable is created in an object. Face setting or get the current word family. FGColor Sets or gets the foreground color of the document (text) color. FieldDelim specifies the character used to indicate the end of the data field. FileCreatedDate Gets the date created by the file. FileModifiedDate Gets the date of the file last modified. FileSize gets the file size.

FILEUPDATEDDATE Gets the date of the last update of the file. Filter Sets or gets a filter that is applied to an object or a filter collection. FirstChild Gets a reference to the first sub-object of the ChildNodes collection of the object. Font setting or get up to six independent font properties in the object. FontFamily Sets or gets the font name used by the object text. FontSize setting or get the font size used by the object text. FontSmoothingeNableD Gets the option to enable the rounded screen font corner in the display settings of the control panel. FontStyle Sets or gets the font styles of the object, such as slide, regular or tilted. Fontvariant Sets or Gets whether the object text is displayed in a small uppercase letter. FontWeight Sets or gets the font width of the object. FORM Gets a reference to a form embedded in an object. Frame Sets or get the way to display the border display around the table. FrameBorder sets or gets the border that displays the frame. FRAMEEEMENT Gets the window of the Frame or IFRAME object where the Frame is located. FrameSpacing Sets or gets the total amount of space between the framework. The object that is activated or the mouse will leave when FromeElement settings or gets events. GalleryIMG Setting or Getting to Support for Current Image My Picture Support Image Toolbar is visible. Hash setting or get the segmentation behind the "#" in the HREF attribute. Haslayout gets the value indicating whether an object has a layout. Headers set or get the title cell for the object to provide information. Height Gets the vertical resolution of the screen. Height setting or get the height of the object. Height setting or get the height of the object. Hidden settings or gets the value indicating whether the embedded object is visible. Hidefocus settings or gets the value indicating whether the object explicitly indicates the focus. Host setting or get the HostName and Port number of the Location or URL. Hostname Set or get the host name part of the Location or URL. HREF Sets or gets the URL of the link style sheet. HREF sets or acquires target URLs or anchors. HREF sets or gets a relative link based URL. HREF sets or gets the entire URL as a string. HREFLANG Sets or gets the language code of the object. Hspace setting or get the horizontal margin of the object. HTMLFOR Sets or gets the object that binds to the event script. HTMLFOR Sets or gets the object specified by a given tag object. HTMLText Gets the HTML source file as a legal HTML fragment. HTTPEQUIV Sets or gets information for binding the contents of the Meta tag to the HTTP response header. ID Get the string of the identifier object. IMEMODE Sets or Get the state of the input method editor (IME). Implementation Gets the Implementation object of the current document. Indeterminate settings or gets the user has changed the status of the check box. Index Settings or Get the Orient Location of Options in the list box. InnerHTML Set or get HTML located within the initiation and end tag. InnerText Setting or get text within the object start and end tag. ISconTETETETABLE Gets the value indicating whether the user edits the object content. IsDisabled gets the value indicating whether the user can interact with the object. ISMAP setting or get an image is a server-side image mapping. Ismultiline gets the content that indicates that the object is included in a row or multi-row. Isopen gets the value that indicates whether the pop-up window has been opened. IStextedit Gets whether you can use this object to create a TextRange object. KeyCode Set or get the Unicode button code associated with the button that causes the event. Label Sets or gets the label of the option group. Label settings or get strings for your own Label feature that can be used to implement objects. LANG setting or get the language you want to use. Language settings or gets the language written in the current script. LastChild Gets a reference to the last child object in the ChildNodes collection.

LastModified Gets the date available for the last modified page, if the page is provided. LayoutFlow Sets or gets the direction of the object content and the winding direction. LayoutGrid Setting or Get the Combine Document Line Properties of the Specified Text Character. LayoutGridChar settings or gets the character grid size for rendering element text content. LayoutGridLine Sets or gets a grid line value for rendering element text content. LayoutGridMode settings or gets the text layout grid to use 2D. LayoutGridType Sets or gets a grid type for rendering element text content. LEFT sets or gets the location of the object relative to the left boundary of the next positioning object in the document hierarchy. LEFT setting or get the left coordinate of the rectangle around the object content. Leftmargin sets or get the left distance of the entire body of the page, not the default margin. Length setting or get the number of objects in the collection. Length gets the number of characters in the TextNode object. Length gets the number of elements in the historical list. Letterspacing settings or get the sum of the audit between the characters of the object. Linebreak Sets or gets a wrap rule for Japanese text. LineHeight Sets or gets the distance between the objects. Link settings or gets the color of the object document link. LinkColor Sets or gets the color of the object document link. ListStyle Sets or Gets Up to three independent listStyle properties. ListStyleImage Sets or gets an image of a list item symbol to be applied to an object. ListStyposition settings or get how to draw a project symbol relative to object content. ListStyletype Sets or gets an object-predefined project symbol type. LogicalXDPI Gets the regular value of the system screen level (DPI) per inch (DPI). LogicalyDPI Gets the regular value of the system screen vertical per inch (DPI). LONGDESC Sets or gets a unified resource identifier (URI) of the long description of the object. Loop settings or gets the number of subtitles playback. LOOP settings or gets the number of times the sound or video clip is activated. LOWSRC Sets or gets a lower resolution image to display. Margin Sets or gets the left and right margins of the object. MarginBottom Sets or gets the lower distance width of the object. MarginHeight Sets or gets the upper and lower margins before the text in the display frame. Marginleft setting or get the left distance width of the object. Marginright setting or get the right margin width of the object. Margintop sets or gets the upper margins of the object. MarginWidth Sets or gets the left and right width of the text before the display frame. Maxlength setting or get the maximum number of characters that users can enter in the text control. MEDIA settings or gets the media type. Menuarguments returns the shortcut menu to perform the window object. Method Setting or Get how to send form data to the server. Methods Set or get the HTTP mode list supported by the object. MinHeight Sets or get the minimum height of the element. MoreInfo Gets moreinfo content of the project banner in the Advanced Stream Heavy Director (ASX) file via an EVENT object. Multiple setting or get the Boolean value that indicates if the list is available in the list. Name Set or get the name of the frame. Name Set or get the value specified in the Content tag properties of the META object. Name Set or get the name of the object. Name gets the name of the namespace. Name Set or get the name of the input parameters of the element. Name Set or get the value indicating the name of the window. Nameprop Gets the file name specified by the HREF or SRC property of the object. NextPage Gets the location of the next page in the print template. NextSibling gets references to the next brother object for this object. NodeName Gets the name of a particular node type. NodeType Gets the type of node. NodeValue Sets or gets the value of the node. NOHREF Set or gets clicking in this area cause operation. NORSIZE setting or get the user to scale the frame.

Noshade setting or get a horizontal line to draw 3D shadows. NOWRAP setting or get the browser to perform the automatic wrap DOM attribute to use the method of verification manual

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Object returns the included object. OFFSCREENBUFFERING Setting or Get Object Do you want to draw on the screen before visible to the user. OffsetHeight Gets the height of the parent coordinate specified by the object relative to the layout or by the parent coordinate OFFSETParent attribute. OffsetLeft Gets the left side position of the parent coordinate specified by the object relative to the layout or by the OFFSETParent property. OffsetParent Gets a reference to the container object that defines the object offsettop and offsetleft properties. OFFSETTOP Gets the object relative to the top position of the parent coordinate specified by the layout or by the OFFSETTOP property. OffsetWidth Gets the width of the parent coordinate specified by the object relative to the layout or by the parent coordinate OFFSETParent property. Offsetx Sets or gets the X coordinate of the mouse pointer position relative to the object of the trigger event. OFFSETY Sets or gets the Y coordinate of the mouse pointer position relative to the object of the trigger event. ONLINE Gets the value indicating whether the system is in a global offline mode. Opener settings or gets references to the window that creates the current window. OuterHTML setting or get an object and its contents of HTML form. Outertext Sets or gets the text for the object. OVERFLOW settings or gets how to manage the value of the object content when the content exceeds an object height or width. OverflowX setting or get how to manage object content when content beyond the object width. OverflowY setting or get how to manage object content when the content exceeds an object height. OwnerDocument Sets or gets the Document object associated with the node. OwningeElement Gets the next object in the HTML level. Padding Set or gets the border to be in the object and its margins or if there is a border of the object and its border to be inserted. PaddingBottom Sets or gets the total amount of space to be inserted between the objects and contents of the object. PaddingLeft settings or gets the total amount of space to be inserted between the object left box and content. PaddingRight Sets or gets the total amount of space to be inserted between the objects and contents of the object. Paddingtop Sets or gets the total amount of space inserted between the objects and contents. PageBreakAfter Set or get a string that indicates the change in the page. PageBreakbefore setting or get a string that indicates the change of the page before the object. Palette gets a palette for embedding a document. Parent Gets the parent window in the object hierarchy. Parentelement Gets the parent object in the object level. ParentNode Gets the parent object in the document level. ParentStylesheet Get the style sheet imported to the current style sheet. ParentTextEdit Get Document Hierarchy can be used to create a container object that contains the TextRange containing the original object. ParentWindow Gets a reference to the window where the container object is located. Pathname Set or get the file name or path specified by the object. Pixelbottom Sets or gets the lower location of the object. PixelHeight Sets or gets the height of the object. Pixelleft sets or gets the left side of the object. Pixelright Sets or gets the right position of the object. PixelTop Sets or gets the upper place above the object. Pixelwidth Sets or gets the width of the object. Platform Gets the user's operating system name. PLUGINSPAGE Gets the plug-in URL for viewing embedded documents. Port setting or get the port number associated with the URL. Posbottom Sets or gets the location below the object specified by the Bottom tag property. Posheight Set or get an object height of the unit specified by the Height Tag property. Position setting or get the location of the object used. POSLEFT settings or gets the left position of the object specified by the LEFT tag attribute. Posright Set or get the right side of the object of the unit specified by the Right Tag property. POSTOP settings or gets the location of the object specified by the TOP tag property. Poswidth Sets or Gets the object width of the unit specified by the Width tag properties.

Previoussibling Gets a reference to the last brothers of this object. PROFILE Sets or Gets one or more URIs defined by the properties of the object and the legitimate values ​​of these attributes. PropertyName Sets or gets the name of the attribute name that has changed on the object. Protocol Set or get the protocol part of the URL. Pseudoclass Gets the pseudo-class string of the page applied to the @PAGE rule. Qualifier Sets or gets the name of the data provided by the data source object. The READONLY Get Rule or Style Table is that it is defined on the page or imported. READONLY setting or get the value indicating whether the object content is read-only. ReadyState Gets the current status of the object. ReadyState Gets the current status of the object. ReadyState Gets the current status of the object. REASON sets or gets the data transfer result of the data source object. RecordNumber Gets the original record of the generated object in the data set. Recordset Sets or gets references to the default dataset from the data source object. ReferRer gets the location URL that introduces the user into the current page. REL sets or acquires the relationship between objects and links. Repeat Gets whether the onkeydown event is being repeated. ReturnValue Sets or gets the value returned from the Mode dialog. RETURNVALUE Sets or gets the return value of the event. REV settings or access to objects and links. Right Set or get the right coordinate of the rectangle around the object content. Right Sets or gets the location of the object relative to the right boundary of the next positioned object in the document hierarchy. Right Margin Sets or get the right distance of the entire body of the page, not the default margin. RowIndex gets the location of the object in the table's ROWS collection. Rows Set or get the number of horizontal lines included in the object. Rows Set or get the frame height of the object. ROWSPAN settings or gets how many rows of cells need to leap in the table. Rubyalign settings or gets the location of the phonetic text specified by the RT object. Rubyoverhang setting or get the location of the sound text specified by the RT object. RubyPosition settings or gets the location of the sound text specified by the RT object. Rules Set or get what divisions to display (internal borders). SaveType Gets the clipboard type when OnContentSave triggers. Scheme Set or get a scheme for explaining the attribute value specified by the object. Scope sets or gets the label cell group applied to the object's information. Scopename Gets the namespace defined for this element. Screenleft Gets the X coordinate relative to the upper left corner of the browser client area. ScreenTop Gets the Y coordinate of the top left corner of the browser client area relative to the upper left corner of the screen. Screenx Sets or gets the X coordinate that gets the mouse pointer position relative to the user screen. Screeny Sets or gets the y coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the user's screen. Scroll setting or get scrolling is close. Scrollamount Sets or gets the number of text roller pixels between each subtitle plotting sequence. ScrollBar3DlightColor Sets or gets the scroll bar on the rolling button and the rolling slider. ScrollbaRrowColor Sets or gets the color of the scroll arrow identity. ScrollBarbaseColor sets or get the main color of the scroll bar, which contains the scroll button and the scroll slider. ScrollBardarkshadowColor Sets or gets the color of the scroll bar. ScrollBarfaceColor sets or gets the color of the scroll strip and scroll bar. ScrollBarhighlightColor Sets or gets the rolling box and the scroll bar rolling the left upper edge color of the arrow. ScrollBarshadowColor Sets or gets the scroll box and the scroll bar scroll the right lower edge color of the arrow. ScrollbartrackColor Sets or gets the color of the scroll track elements. SCROLLDELAY Sets or gets the speed of scrolling of subtitles. ScrollHeight Gets the scrolling height of the object. Scrolling settings or get the framework can be scrolled.

ScrollLeft settings or gets the distance between the leftmost ends of the object left boundary and window. ScrollTop settings or gets the distance between the top end of the object, the topmost of the object. ScrollWidth Gets the scroll width of the object. Search Set or get the part of the HREF attribute followed by the question mark. SectionRowIndex Gets the location of the object located in TBody, THEAD, TFOOT, or ROWS collection. Security gets the value that indicates whether the Frame or IFRAME is applied. SELECTED setting or get the option in the list box is the default project. SelectedIndex Settings or Get Select Options Located in the location of the Select object. Selector gets the string of the page applied to the @Page rule. Selectortortext Gets the string of the elements applied to the corresponding style table rules. Self Gets a reference to the current window or framework. Shape sets or gets the shape of an object. ShiftKey Sets or gets the SHIFT key. ShiftLeft setting or get the status of the left SHIFT key. Size setting or get the font size of the object. Size setting or get the height of the HR object. Size setting or get the size of the control. Size setting or get the number of rows in the list. SourceIndex Gets the sequential location in the source sequence, that is, the order in which the object appears in the Document all set. SPAN settings or get the number of columns in the group. SPECified Gets whether this property is specified. SRC Sets or gets the URL of the sound to play. The SRC gets the URL that contains external files that contain active code or data. SRC Set or get the URL to be loaded by the object. SRCELEMENT settings or gets objects that trigger events. SRCFILTER Sets or gets a filter object that triggers the ONFILTERCHANGE event. SRCURN Gets the Unified Resource Name (URN) of the behavior of the trigger event. Standby settings or get strings that can be used to implement your own Standby feature. START settings or get the start number of the number list. Start settings or get the video clip file should start playing time. Status setting or get information on the bottom status bar of the window. Status setting or get the value indicating whether the control is selected. STYLE sets the embedded style for the setting element. STYLEFLOAT settings or gets text to wind to the object which side. Summary Setting or get a description and / or structure of an object. SystemLANGuage Gets the default language that the operating system is applicable. TabINDEX Sets or gets the index of the Tab sequence of the definition object. TableLayout setting or get a string that indicates whether the form layout is fixed. TabStop setting or get elemental behavior can receive focus and participate in the TAB sequence. TAGNAME Gets the label name of the object. Tagurn settings or get the unified resource name (URN) specified in the namespace declaration. TARGET settings or get the target content which window or framework is displayed. Text settings or text included in the range. Text Setting or get the text (foreground) color of the document body. TEXT Sets or gets the string of object text. TEXT Setting or Get the string specified by the Option tag. TextAlign settings or get the text in the object is left aligned, right alignment, alignment or both end alignment. TextAlignlast settings or gets how to arrange the last row of objects or only one line. TextAutospace Sets or gets the narrow spatial width adjustment of automatic leaves and text. TextDecoration Set or get the text in the object with flicker, delete lines, upper underscore or underscore. TextDecorationBLINK Set or get the textDecoration attribute indicating the object contains a Boolean value with "blink". TextDecorationLineTHROUGH setting or get the Boolean value that indicates whether the text within the object is deleted.

TextDecorationnone settings or gets the Boolean value that indicates whether the TextDecoration property of the object is set to None. TextDecorationOverline Set or get the Boolean value that indicates whether the text in the object has the upper underscore. TextDecorationUnderline sets or gets the text in the object with a downline Boolean value. Textindent Sets or gets the indentation of text in the object. TEXTJUSTIFY Sets or gets the alignment type used by text within the object. Textkashidaspace settings or gets the Kashida extension of Kashida extensions using blank expansion when the text within the object is logged. Textoverflow settings or gets the omitted number to indicate whether the text overflows are displayed. TextTransForm Sets or gets the rendering method of the text in the object. TextUnderLinePosition Sets or gets the location of the underscore set in the TextDecoration property of the object. Tfoot gets the TFOOT object of the table. THEAD gets the THEAD object of the table. Title Sets or gets the title of the style sheet. Title Sets or Gets the Acquisition Information (Tool Tips). TOEEEEMENT settings or get references to objects that the user wants to move the mouse pointer. TOP settings or gets the location of the object relative to the upper boundary of the next positioning object in the document hierarchy. Top Gets the topmost ancestor window. TOP settings or gets a rectangle around the object content. TopMargin Sets or gets the on-axis of the page. TrueSpeed ​​settings or gets the location of the subtitle Use the scroll and scrollamount properties, and the actual time has been from the clock timing. Type sets or gets the style of the list. TYPE gets the type of selection area. TYPE Get Style Table (CSS) language used by the style sheet. Type Gets the Classification and Default Behavior of the button. TYPE Gets the event name from the EVENT object. TYPE Sets or gets the MIME type of the object. TYPE Get Style Table (CSS) language used by the style sheet. TYPE Gets or initially sets the INPUT control type represented by the object. TYPE Sets or gets the MIME type of the associated scripting engine. Type Get the type of SELECT control according to the value of the multiple property. TYPE Gets the control type. TYPE Sets or gets the value specified by the Value tag property. TypeEtail gets the name of the selected area type. UnicodeBIDI settings or gets embedded levels for bidirectional rules. UNIQUEID Gets a unique identifier that is automatically generated for an object. Units set or get the height and width unit of the Embed object. Unselectable specifies that this element cannot be selected. UpdateInterval Setting or get the update interval of the screen. URL sets or gets the URL of the current document. URLuneEncoded gets the URL of the document and removes all character encodes. URN Set or get the URN of the target document. UseMap Set or get URLs for client image maps, usually with a bookmark extension (#NAME). UseERAGENT gets the string equivalent to the HTTP user agent request header. UserLanguage Gets the natural language settings for the operating system. Valign setting or get the title is the top or below. Valign setting or getting text and other content how to arrange in the vertical direction within the object. Value Gets or sets text in the TextArea element field. Value Gets the default or selected value of the control. Value Sets or gets the value of the list item. Value Set or get the value that is returned to the server when the form control is submitted. Value Sets or gets the display value of the control object. This value will return to the server when the control object is submitted. Value Set or get an input parameter value for an element. Value Gets the file name of the INPUT object after the text is set by the user. Value Sets or gets the value of the object. ValueType Sets or gets the data type of the Value tag properties.


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