Will not debian, use it in work, how to do? Some articles on the Internet are very short, but they can make the poor people to see: gnu nano 1.2.4 file: / etc / network / interfaces # this file describes the network interface Available On Your System # and how to activiVate them. for more information, see interface (5). # The loopback network interface # auto lo indicates an interface auto lo # iFace lo inet loopback represents the LO of LO when boot Interface type is loopback type (local loopback # interface) iFace Lo inet loopback # automatically loaded Eth0 Interface Auto Eth0 # The primary network interface # iFace Eth0 inet static means eth0 is an interface iFace eth0 inet static # of a static address address is the ip address address #netmask represents the value of the subnet mask netmask # netmask comprehensive network and to represent a network network #broadcast indicates the broadcast address broadcast #gateway Represents a gateway address Gateway # dns- * options areware, if installed #dns server address DNS-NAMESERVERS # DNS server address is generally configured in another file, the file address is /etc/resolv.conf