Change a normal application to Win2000 (NT) services

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  18

Change a normal application to Win2000 (NT) services

Download Related Programs SRVANY.EXE INSTSRV.EXE


Download the two files above, place it in C: / Winnt or other places. Open the command line program cmd.exe (or command line window). Enter: C: /> Instsrv "Name" C: /Winnt/srvany.exe Enter

Run the registry program regedit.exe

Establish a HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Services / Services Name. Select "Name", press Right-click, create "item". Name: Parameters. Select the Parameters item and create a "string value". "String Value" name: Application. The value of the application is the path of the application and the file name (such as C: /WinNT/i386.exe). Select the Parameters item and create a "string value". "String value" name: AppDirectory. Change the value of Application is the path to the application (such as C: / Winnt). Turn off the registry program, open the Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services. Select the "Name of the Service" and select "Properties". Select the "Login" page to tick before "Allow Services and Desktop Interaction". Start service. OK!

If the command line interface appears, the "Allow Services and Desktop Interaction" will go out, then restart the service

Regedt32.exe> ​​32-Bit Register Service 32-bit registration service


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