Mr. Long's speech

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  21

Mr. Long's speech

I think our nation is a big shortcoming is not reading, and when introducing modern systems, I don't know how Europe and America history. Which year was established in the first year? do you know? I told you that in the 10th century, I was in the Middle Ages of the Middle Ages, and the priest couldn't get married and born. Therefore, they have to introduce "professional managers". To help them in management and production. Therefore, it is not necessary to separate the management rights and ownership. Do you know how "limited liability" originated? It also originated in the Incentives, the creditor did not pay attention to the debtor, so they quarreled, and they had to go to the priest. Because the church is "Protecting the Hall of God", in order to maintain the quietness of the "God Tang", it is not necessary to pay attention to the creditor if it can't still pay for the debt. However, now, "limited liability" has become the system of "protecting the sinners of God"!

I don't know the nation of the review and doubt.

(After that, the origins of accounting and lawyers have also been produced in the medieval Europe, and they have a ridiculous background.

Any origin of any modern system is ridiculous. The reason is to reverence for God. The joint system, limited liability system originated from the reverence and fear of God. After 3,400 years, the shares were corrupted. Because the church monopolizes all the wealth. They began to spend a day, and even didn't even time to take over the land of ordinary people to donate. So they issued a redemption coupon (let the people sell the land, directly take the money to change the coupon). Later, they also felt that they were too much to come over, so they have established some "interface" to collect, this is the origin of the chain. How is the religious revolution come? Calvin once went to the Pope to report to the Pope, seeing the pope is doing "龌龊" in bed, he is very angry, picking up the warrior of the Pope, throwing on the ground, saying the famous saying: "I will let you stay from hell The torment of fire. " So he began a religious revolution. He claims that the price elasticity of atonement is 0. So the European people began to put the goal from the next generation. The emergence of the castle, the birth of the country is from that, the nobles should protect farmers, they will receive protection, which is the origin of taxes. However, the aristocrats in the castle began, and the relatives of the aristocrats were not used to it, thus producing the noble revolution, producing the House of House, this is a kind of shackling. But because of the House of House, the king must first pass the House, he feels too much, so I want to build a state-owned Co., Ltd., from the customs to the palace, that is, the inexperienced East Indian company. Now the king also started to spend the wine, the people are not cool, they love to open party, once a matter of drinking, then some people say that we will go with the king! So the House of Houses was established. This is the birth of the party (Party).

European war makes Europe's national people's poor money. King also thinks about how to search for money. So the first bond was born. But it is clear that the king has no money to pay back the bond, so the bonds sent are "white strips". As the bond is getting more, then there is more and more stocks in the king (STOCK). How to do it? Some people think of a way for the king, not as good as we set up a Market, this market is STOCK MARKET, which is used to sell the king's white strip. So how do you have a fool to buy? Some people think of a way for the king, that is, "future cash flow" as purchasing these "white bars" benefits, where is these "future cash flows"? In China, in India, in South Africa. This is the source of the stock market. The Europe is not good, this is a group of fools to lie the second group of fools, the second group of fools and the third group of fools, so Europe has experienced three big financial crises in the 17th, 18th century. I see the financial crisis of our country and the financial crisis at that time. There is no hope for the stock market without a conscience. At that time, Europe's insider trading, sitting in Zhuang, with bank money stocks, which are all, this kind of garbage is weakened in Europe, but is introduced by China.

In Europe, in such a crisis, Adam Smith came out, he wrote a book called "National Fubu", he said "The government should establish a legal system to dominate", " You can't understand "Guofu", because you don't know what he is saying, only listening to my speech today, you can understand. Because you are all the representatives of eliteism, we are all collaborates. When I was in the United States, my paper was in the US quotation in the United States in the United States. I am very proud of it. I feel that I am an elite. I was very happy to invite me to be a jury in the court of Manhattan. Because I am an elite. After going, I saw other 11 members of the group, it was 11., 6 black., 5 Puerto Rico. (Lang's original words). I think I am very shameful, how to be with this. Sit together. Later, the judge came over and asked what I did. I said, I am an elite. (The whole game is laughing) "Then you go out." Judge said, "Mr. Lang, like you, talking a shares will be excited to die, saying that it is difficult to listen, you are paranoid, neuropathy. And other people They are all ordinary people, their values ​​are socially nurtured, they have "common view". They only judge them with intuition, and it is the epitome of social opinions. "In the general legal country, the United States of America stock market Ok, and in the mainland law, Faire is a difference in the stock market. Yin Summer case, there is no precedent in the continental law and cannot be judged. In the ordinary legal country, I feel that you are guilty. You are guilty.

The three financial crises in Europe can be resolved because they are ordinary laws. The supervision of the ordinary legal system can truly create wealth. I have been very wonder how the British stock market has no supervision, but there is such a good performance. I went to check the information again. It turned out to be in 1533, 250 London businessmen, bought three boats, hired 200 seafarers, and went to China to find China. But this requires a lot of trust. I like to translate Trust into "trust responsibility". They encountered storms in Norway, the ship sinks, and later, they went to the Arctic, 200 seafarers ski sled 2000 kilometers, and encountered the European legendary horror king Evan. They used the steel pen and the ink to change the horror king's mink, etc., after coming back, this is the captain of "Trust Responsibility", and will get the highest bonus next time. (The highest price-earning ratio). Since then, in the blood of the British, the trust responsibility has left. China has no trust responsibility, and the state-owned enterprise has no trust responsibility. Today's property rights reform can be played more than one. The first is that the home is very dirty, please have a babysitter to clean, after cleaning, the babysitter turns into the master. There is also an example, the home is very dirty, but the family is 1 million, now the babysitter is cleaning, cleaning, the babysitter said, you give me 200 yuan of your home ownership, but the value of home is made by the nanny Nanny said, worth 2,000, so, after ten months, the whole home is still in motion. Do you say reasonable unreasonable? (Unhealthy: unreasonable!)

China's stock market is not saved under this system!

There are also people who mix the economy, saying that only privatization, their own things cherish. That is the most original animal nature of humanity!

I gave an entrepreneur, asking them that Wellch is too powerful, no one dares to say that they are more than Wellch. But Welch did 20 years in GE, creating so many wealth, and took $ 100 million when retired. But our current old, the company is only more than 100,000, but it is a few billion, more billion, not stopped!

People with trust responsibility can really wealth. (The audience applause)

(The story of the US stock market will be slightly, mainly how the United States is how to enter a legal country from a chaotic country.)

The US stock market is good, so, in order to hide the people, it can attract the retirement fund, the insurance fund, and small and medium investors invest in life. Because they are responsible for real trusts. Now, China has no trust responsibility at all, so you are now entering the market, it is destroying the current wealth. You put insurance into the city, it is destroying future wealth ...


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