[CB] Accelerate BCB compilation speed

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  28

I have been playing a computer for 3 years, and I was tortured by the Bill.

As a older, the most annoying system, especially after formatting, 6 hours is completely installed.

So back up the System directory and then back up the registry, each time a software backups a registry, and then back up a registry every week.

This kind of strategy can only deal with small problems. If you have a dead machine, you have to recognize it, the more you use it, the higher the deadline, how do I learn BCB???

Some people in the 9CBS told 2000 to be more better and the 2000 is also used as the development platform.

In fact, I am not willing to bite the teeth, copy, copy, replicate, start, start, start, and start. After 90 minutes

It was only ended, then 8 hours of common software, because the first installed 2000, which was reloaded 2 times.

After the week, I will recover energy, read more C with PDF5.0, and use the programmer's Base Camp 2001 to see the BCB Essence, and listen to MP3 with Media.Play.

I saw a good thing to try it, and I started the BCB, I felt regret, if I would almost crazy on 98 or concert.

I didn't happen anything now. Later, I got up a code. After the F9 got up, I got it to pick tea, and I saw it spent 13.4 seconds.

In the heart, further experiments are as follows:

Press the default mode option after installation, put a button in the window

It took 11.33 seconds, and the pre-compiled head file vcl50.csm becomes 7.28MB from 0MB.

Restart BCB and save the project, optimize the settings:

5 Tools-> Envirmonent Options-> Preferences-> Do not select Backgroun Compilation

6 Tools-> Envirmonent Options-> Preferences-> Selected Cacheheaders on Startup

7 Advanced Compile-> Instruction Set -> Pentium

Construction spent 5.94 seconds

Independent compilation contains debugging information for 7.48 seconds

98 under construction should also be 30-40 seconds, f9 up to 18-25 seconds,

My machine is a 466MHz, 128KB high-speed buffer, 66MHz, 128 64MB-PC100,

Samsung 5400-8G hard drive, the LX core group adopts Win2000Professional.


Win98: 268, 4012 lines / 62.73 second = 4,2786 / per second

Wi200: 268, 4012 lines / 36.96 second = 7,2619 rows / per second

Fast 69.72%

Conclusion Yes: Bill Cover Give 98 Use memory to set the upper limit is 128MB, you don't have to install more memory.

And Win2000Professional memory limits will be higher.

Its two BCB itself takes more memory than DeiPhl, more compilation considerations.

Its three-compilation pre-buffer VCL50.CSM has been changed for a long time, with 72.8MB of larger under 98, thinking that BCB wants to put it in memory.

If your configuration is higher than me, there will be a flashing cool.

If your configuration is longer than I changed into 2000, it will no longer have the urge to make tea.

If you slow down, delete vcl50.csm and put the library to be called before #pragma hdrstop.

Why don't you tell me if you use 2000?


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