Very useful. . English translation of English translation (2003-1994)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  27

98 translation problem solution: 71) But even more important, it was the farthest that scientists had been able to looksintosthe past, for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: But even more important, it was the farthest that scientists had been able to looksintosthe past, / for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures / that existed 15 billion years ago a second, trunk sentence structure Yes. : The main sentence for reason the protocol. 1) The main sentence is emphasized IT WAS ... That ... It is emphasized that the Farthest is the adverbial instructions of the following sentences, understanding the scientists Had Been Able to Look The Farthestsintosthe Past 2) for ... Guided Causes Swords It is a systematic table structure, what they were seeing is the subject in the clause, That ... is the attributive clause of the noun speech. Third, the process of the word: Even more important (omit) is more important about the Patterns and Structure (Cosmic Cloud) Shape and Structure 15 Billion Years AGO 150 billion years ago: 71) But more importantly This is the farthest past sight that scientists can observe because they see the shape and structure of the cosmic cloud in 15 billion years. 72) THE EXISTENCE OF THE GIANT CLOUDS WAS Virtually Required for The Big Bang, First Put Forward in The 1920s EXISTENCE OF THE GIANT CLOUDS WAS Virtually Required for The Big Bang, / First Put Forward In The 1920S, / To Maintain Its Reign as The Dominant Explan ing the cosmos. Second, the main structure of the sentence is a simple sentence. 1) The overall structure is: The Existence ... WAS Virtually Required for ..., to maintain ... 2) First Put Forward in The 1920S is the past words phrase insertion, indicating the front of the noun the big bang 3) Ultral definite phrase is a complement.

Third, the treatment of the word: the giant clouds huge (universe) cloud Virtually In fact, in fact, the Big Bang Big Bang Theory First Put Forward first, starting to put forward in the 1920S Twenty-year to maintain ITS Reign AS to keep the status of the Cosmos to the universe (originating) Explanation of the universe: 72) The existence of huge universe clouds, in fact, to make the first big burst of the 1920s to maintain its universe origin The dominant position is essential. 73) Astrophysicists working with ground-based detectors at the South Pole and balloon-borne instruments are closing in on such structures, and may report their findings soon sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: Astrophysicists working with ground -Based Detectors At The South Pole and Balloon-Borne Instruments / Are Closing in Such Structures, / And May Report Their Findings Soon. Second, the Skills Structure is: 1) Subject Participatory Preh: ASTROPHYSICSTS ... Are Closing .. . And May Report ... 2) Tenical phrase Working with Ground-based Detectors At The South Pole and Balloon-Borne Instruments is the attributoritance of the subject. Third, the word processing: Working with use, ...... For the work method GROUND-BASED DETECTORS Landoon-Borne Instruments Ball Instrument Are Closing in ON Positive Structures Cloud Findings Observation Complete translation: 73) The celestial physicist uses the Antarctic land base detector and the ball instrument, which is increasingly observing these cloud systems, and may soon report their observations. 74) IF The Small Hot Spots Look As Expected, That Will Be a Triumph for YET Another Scientific Idea, a Refinement of The Big Bang Called The Inflationary Universes Theory. Spriology: First, sentences can be split into three paragraphs: if the SMALL Hot Spots Look As Expected, / That Will Be a Triumph for YET Another Scientific IDEA, / A Refinement of the Big Bang Called The Inflationary Universe Theory. Second, Sentences: 1) The main structure is "IF boot condition sentence ,Main clause". 2) Look as expected is the omission of the Look as the is. "It means" looks like it looks like it ". 3) Another Scientific IDEA and the following phrase a refinement of the big bang is the same term.

4) Past word phrase Called The Inflationary Universe Theory made a quantitative, modified The Big Bang. Third, the word processing: The Small Hot Spots Small hotspot refinement is more perfect, refined, improved the inflationary universes theory cosmosis (theory) Complete Translation: 74) If the small hotspots look like the expected consistency, it means another scientificism to say the victory, this is said that the more perfect big burst, also known as the universe expansion. 75) Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: Odd though it sounds, / cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics, / and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true of the second. Structure of the sentence: 1) The main structure is the flexible controversial scripture the main sentence. Odd Though It Sounds = Though It Sounds ODD 2) There is multiple idioms before and after Consearch. 3) And Many Astrophysicists have been convinced is a passive structure. 4) That it is true is an object clause. Third, the word processing: cosmic inflation cosmic expansion SCIENTS SCIENCE SCIENCE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY OF INTERSITY COSMICIFICLY PHYSICS SCIENCE in Cosmic expansion, although it is similar to strange, it is some recognized theory in basic particle physics in science. Many celestial physicists have always thought that this is correct in seven or eight years. 97-year-translation Questions: 71) Actually, IT isn't, Because It Assums That there is an Agreed Account of Human Rights, Which Is Something The World Does Not Have Analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three paragraphs: Actually, IT ISN'T, Because IT Assumes / That there is an Agreed Account of Human Rights, / Which Is Something The World Does NOT HAVE. Second, the sentence main structure is the master-slave compound.

1) BECAUSE Boot Cause The Sentence Password 2) That Guide the Sentence Structure There Is An Agreed Account of Human Rights, 3) The first word of which clause is Human Rights, Something is the attributive clause THE WORLD DOES NOT HAVE Third, the word process: actually actually IT main pronouns, according to the context meaning, this statement, the word ISN't omitted should be the view of SO or TRUE An Agreed Account, common understanding Human Rights human rights, integrity of human rights: 71) This is not the case, because this question is based on people's rights to people's rights, and this common understanding does not exist. 72) Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract, as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: Some philosophers argue / that rights exist only within a social contract , / as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements. Structure: 1) The main structure is the master-slave compound: Some Philosophers argue That ... 2) That Boot is the object clause 3) AS Part of. .. is the subject of Rights in the object. Third, the word process: argue argumentation A Social Contract Social Contract As Part of (Y) ... Entitlements interest, full translation: 72) Some philosophers have said that the rights only have social contracts, is responsibility Part of the exchange of interest. 73) It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans, or with no consideration at all sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset:. / it invites you to think that animals should be treated / either with the consideration humans extend to other humans, or with no consideration at all of the second, the structure of the sentence is: 1) IT INVITES You to Think That ... followed by an object clause. 2) Animals Should Be Treated Either with ..., or with ... or ... either ..., it is a way to select the selection. 3) The Humans Extend to Other Humans behind The Consideration is attributive.

Third, the process of the word: Leads ... to extremes Guide Extreme At the outset From 1st Invites You to Think makes people think considration concerns, understand Humans Extend to Other Humans Treat people complete translation: 73) This statement From the beginning, the discussion will lead two extremes, which make people think that treators should be treated like this: either think of understanding human beings, or completely indifferent. 74) Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of ​​moral choice sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: Arguing from the view That Humans Are Different from Animals in Every Relected Respect, / EXTREMALS OF This Kind Think / That Animals Lie Outside The area of ​​MORAL Choice. The structure of the sentence: 1) The main structure is now a word phrase admissibility, the subject predicate object Clause. ARGUING FROM ... Today words phrase. 2) The view and the bachelor That ... is the same term 3) That ... Guide the object clause. Third, the words of the words: arguing from the view from ... view, hold ... View DiffERENT FROM ... and ... Different in Every Relevant Respect Extremists extremists, people who hold extreme views Lie Outside The Area of ​​Moral Choice is not in the scope of moral issues, and has nothing to do with morality. This type of person is extremely views, and it is considered that people are different from all relevant aspects, and the animal does not need to consider moral issues. 75), IT IS, IT IS MANKIND, ANSTINCT for MORAL REASONING, An Instinct That Should Be Encouraged Rather Than Laugh at. Sentence analysis: First, sentence can be split into three paragraphs: when That happens , IT is not a missake: / it is mankind's instinct for machine, in action, / an instinct this sales, second, sentence main structure is two composite sentences: 1) when ... Time Spectra of a composite sentence 2) INSTINCT Word phrase for MORAL REsoning in action is its attributive 3) That ... is an attributive clause, modify the first word an instinct, the clause is a passive voice structure, indicating the selection.

Third, the process of the word: That (Pronouns) Contact context translation for this reaction MANKIND'S Instinct for MORAL REASONING Human moral concept reasoning instinction in action works Rather Than instead of translation: 75) This reaction is not bad This is the instinctivity of human beings in the concept of moral concept, which can be encouraged without mocking. Translation Interpretations 96: 71) Some of these causes are completely reasonable results of social needs Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science being to some extent self-accelerating sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: some of these causes are completely reasonable results of social needs / Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science / being to some extent self-accelerating second, the structure of the sentence: 1) the backbone structure is a comparative sentence some ... are ... Reasonable Results of ... Others Are Reasonable Consequences of ... 2) Particular Advances There are multiple refers to multiple at Science Being to some extent self-accelerating. Third, the word processing: Are ... results of ... The result of SOCIAL NEEDS Social Needs To Some Extents Self-accelerated Translation: 71) In these reasons, some are naturally from social needs, others are due to science The degree of self-acceleration is an inevitable result of certain specific development. 72) This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment can not generally be foreseen in detail sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: This trend began during the second World War, when several governments came to the conclusion / that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment / can not generally be foreseen in detail a second, sentence structure: 1 The main structure is the main sentence when booted time adverb, when = at what time, at that time. 2) The first THAT clause is the same person in the main sentence object.

3) That a government Wants to make of its scientific ESTABLISHMENT is the main quote from the idiom clause 4) Cannot Genele Be Foreseen in Detail is the predicate of the object. Third, the Treatment of the Word: Trend Trend Came to the Conclusion Summary The Specific Demands specifically requires Make of ... presenting the Scientific Establishment Research Institute in Detail Experience: 72) This trend begins in the Second World War During the period, the Government of some countries was concluded that the specific requirements proposed by the government to research institutions are often unable to foresee. 73) This seems mostly effectively done by supporting a certain amount of research not related to immediate goals but of possible consequence in the future sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: This seems mostly effectively done / by supporting a Certain Amount of Research Not Related To Immediate Goals / Butti Possible Consoals In The Future. Second, Sentence Structure: 1) The main structure is gathered passive points: this seem millly effectively done by ... 2) Research is a dual term not related to ... but off ... This is the result of the Related To meaning equal to the third, the process of the word: this (the main pronoun should be translated) This problem DONE solves the not related to and ... Non-related IMMediate Goals Current Target Possible Consequence may affect the full translation: 73) Scientific research to some of the current goals but will affect the future, it is often possible to effectively solve this problem. . 74) However, the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the world's more fascination and delightful aspects sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: However, the world is so made / That Elegant Systems Are In Principle Unable to / deal with some of the world's more fas. Second, the structure of the sentence: 1) The main structure is the world is so ... there ... 2) Some Multi-Identity Of The World's More Fascination and Delightful Aspects. Third, Word Treatment: Elegant Systems The Perfect System in Princi General DEAL WITH Solition, Processing Aspects is originally, contacting the context into topics, problems Complete translation: 74) However, the world is this, the perfect system is generally unable to solve some of the world's more fascinating topics.

75) New Forms of Thought as Well AS New Subjects for Thought Must Arise In The Future As The Have In The Past, Giving Rise To New Standards of Elegance. Spriise Analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three paragraphs: New Forms of Thought as Well As New Subjects for Thought Must Arise In The Future / As The Past, / Giving Rise To New Standards of Elegance. Structure: 1) AS Well AS and, and, connect two side Subject, MUST ARISE WUSE 2) As The Have In The Past Fashion Advance, AS is like ... Third, the process of the word: New Forms of Thought New thinking new Subjects for thought new thinking object ARISE Giving rise to give, generated, bring new standard full translation: 75) In the past, there will be a new way of thinking and new thinking objects in the future, giving perfect for new standards 95-year-old translation Questions: 71) The Target Is Wrong, for in Attacking The Tests, Critics Divert Attention From The Fault That Lies with ILL-INFORMED or INCOMPETENT USERS. Source Analysis: First, sentences can be split into three paragraphs: The target is Wrong, for in Attacking The Tests, / Critics Divert Attention from The Fault / That LIES with ILL-INFORMED or IncompeTent Users. Second, the script main structure is: a consequence of the reason that FOR guidance. The latter That guided is an attributive clause. Third, the THE TARGET THE TARGET According to the context, the specification of the special indicator test Divert Attension from is originally opened, and it is not noticed that lies with is not notice that lies. Complete translation: 71) Put the standardized test as a target of the attack is wrong, because when you attacking this type of test, the critics did not notice the test of the tested person who did not understand or use improper use.

72) How well the predictions will be validated by later performance depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom with which it is interpreted sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: How well the predictions will be validated by later performance / depends upon the amount, reliability, and appropriateness of the information used and on the skill and wisdom / with which it is interpreted second sentence backbone structure: 1) How well .. The passive passive structure is the subject's clause, how Well is the adverbial front of the subject's clause, Depends is a sentence 谓 2 2) Depends back two prepositional phrases as parallel items UPON ... AND ON ... 3) The information use is Noun attributive 4) with which it is interpreted attribute clause, first word is the Skill and Wisdom, pronoun IT refers to THE Information third, the word processing: be validated by ... Dependends Upon depends on Reliability Reliability ApproPriateness Adaptive Interpreted Explanation Complete Translation: 72) How to demonstrate how to demonstrate the later performance, depending on the number, reliability and adaptability of the information adopted, and the skills and talents of this information. 73) Whether to use tests, other kinds of information, or both in a particular situation depends, therefore, upon the evidence from experience concerning comparative validity and upon such factors as cost and availability sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: Whether to use tests, other kinds of information, or both in a particular situation / depends, therefore, upon the evidence from experience concerning comparative validity / and upon such factors as cost and availability of the second sentence backbone structure: WHETHER TO USE ..., or Both ... Guide the subject slavement Depends is a sentence predicament, UPON ... and up ... is a two-way side in parallel structure.

Third, the word handle: WHETHER TO ..., or ... or ... Both refers to the tests of the premature sentence, Other Kinds of Information in A Particular Situan in a particular case therefore the Evidence from Experience experience basis Concerning and ... associated with Comparrative Validity relative Valid Such Factors AS ... such as ... such as translations such as ... The use of the people must be based on the experience of relative validity, and depending on factors such as fees and sources. . 74) In general, the tests work most effectively when the qualities to be measured can be most precisely defined and least effectively when what is to be measured or predicted can not be well defined sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into four segments: in general, the tests work most effectively / when the qualities to be measured can be most precisely defined / and least effectively / when what is to be measured or predicted can not be well defined second, sentence structure: 1) The main structure is a row rather than the test effectively when ... 2) Conjunction WHEN guidance is the adverbial clause, meaning when ..., the clause is a passive structure. 3) What is to be measured or prans is the main second clause. Third, the words of the words: In General, Work Most Effectively is most effective to specify the full translation of Measured measurement: 74) Generally, when the characteristics of the desired are accurate, the test is most effective. The effect of the test is the worst when the thing to determine or predicted cannot be explicitly defined.

75) For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: for example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, / and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been / had he grown up under more favorable circumstances the second, sentence structure: 1) the backbone structure is compound sentence THEY DO NOT Compensate for ..., and thus do not tell ... 2) how confing is the predecessor of the phrase, normal sequence is: ... Youngster Might Have Been How Able 3) The last sentence is a virtual voice sentence Flip structure: Had He Grown Up Under More Favorable Circumstances is equal to if He Had Grown Up ... Third, the process of the word: They Indicates the pronoun, Test Compensate for Make up Gross Social INEQUALITY Obvious social unfair and thus So Tell Description Underprivileged Poverty Under More Favorable Circumstances in a better environment: 75) For example, test does not make up for the obvious social injustice, so they can't explain young people with poor material conditions, if it is better If you grow up in your environment, how much talents will be done. 94 - year-old translation Question: 71) Science Moves Forward, They Say, Not So Much Through The Insights of More Ordinary Things Like Improved Techniques and Tool. Sproduction: First, sentences can be split into three sections :. Science moves forward, they say, / not so much through the insights of great men of genius / as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool a second, trunk sentence structure is: not so much through ... as because Of ..., it is better to ... because Not so much ... as is a side-piece structure, that is, the meaning of both words should be the same, so many words Through meaning should be equal to BECAUSE OF Because of the due to. Third, the word processing: The Insights of Great Men of Genius is the noun phrase structure with the attributive back. The order of the post-idiom should be in the Chinese translation, that is, from the post-translation as: the true knowledge of genius great people.

More Ordinary Things Like Improved Techniques and Tool This is the structure is the word Like phrase to make the center word more ORDINARY THINGS, the first translation of the idiom, and the rendering center word: like improved technologies and tools, more ordinary things. The The Say is inserted, according to Chinese habits, put it in the translation. Complete translation: 71) They said that the development of science and its knowledge of genius great people, it is better to say to be more common things from improved technology and tools. 72) In short, a leader of the new school contends, the scientific revolution, as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable direction sentence analysis: first , the sentence can be split into three sections: In short, a leader of the new school contends, the scientific revolution, as we call it, / was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments / that expanded the reach of science INNUMERABLE DIRECTION. Second, the sentence main structure is: 1) Table structure: The scientific revolution ... Was Largely ... 2) That guided attribute clause, first word is The Improvement and Invention and Use of a Series Of INSTRUMENTS third, word processing: in shortcoming of Improvement and Invention and use of a series of instructions (Words Conversion) Improved, Innumen, Innumerable The Reach of Science in Innumerable Direction: In difficult The direction of the counting of scientific scope: 72) A new school leader person insisted that: In short, our so-called scientific revolution, mainly refers to the improvement, inventive and use of a series of appliances, and these Improved, invented and use makes the scientific development.

73) Over the years, tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: Over the years, tools and technology themselves as A Source of Fundamental Innovation / Historians and Philosophers of Science. Second, the sentence main structure is a simple passive voice: Tools and technology ... Have Largely Been Ignored By ... The subject part has A SMSELVES AS A Source Of Fundamental Innovation Test Phrase Third, Word Treatment: Over the years Of Science Science Thinkers Complete Translation: 73) Tools and Technologies It is the source of fundamental innovation for many years It is largely neglected by historians and scientific thinkers. . 74) Galileo's greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the earth sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three segment: Galileo's greatest glory was / that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens / to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the earth a second sentence backbone structure are: 1) Table Structure Galileo's Greatest Glory Was That ... 2) Ultral defined phrase THE FIRST PERSON TO TURN ... 3) Verbs object Sentences as views to Prove That ... Third, words: Turn The Newly Invented Telescope On The Heavens (Words Translated into Verbs) Getting New Invention Telescope Aligning the Sky Rather Than instead of the full translation: 74) Galileo's brilliant performance lies in his 1609 first telescope Align the sky to confirm that the planet is rotated around the sun rather than rotating around the earth.

75) Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa / often depends on the issue / of which is seen as the driving force of the second, sentence structure backbone is: 1) select the meaning of clause Whether the Government ... or ... is ... or ... The subject, predicate and objects of the sentence are Depends on the question 2) of which is the idiom clause of the object. Third, the process of the word: increase the financing of pure science Increases funds for pure theoretical science to reduce the power of technical funds in the Driving Force power, the translation of the driving force: 75) The government is reduced Increase the investment of technical funding to increase the funding of pure theoretical science, or the opposite, this often depends on which part is regarded as the driving force.

The translation of the common word of the graduate English test English translation of the English test In general, the word plurality of noun is all from abstraction to specific quotation. So we must pay more attention to avoid ambiguity, you can see the following example: Example 1 The Waters from the East Are Clear and blue; the ide "and the valuesswheresplentiful Forest and Plant Cover Has Kept The soil from Being Washed Away. Translation: The water in the east is clear blue, because the mountains and valleys there are covered by dense trees, the sediment is not scored in the river. Example 2 Such Economies May Appear When Compared To President Carter'S Pay Increase for MOST OF HIS AIDS. Translation: These savings seem to be insignificant if President Carter is a salary that is increased by most assistants. Second, the translation of the article 1 The fugitives Traveled by Night and rest by day. Translation: The fugitives night row. Example 2 Four of US Will Fly to new york. Translation: Four people in our middle will fly to New York. Example 3 Take An Umbrella in Case of Rain: Take Umbrella 4 The Changes Are An Improvement In A Way Translation: These changes are a progress in a sense. Third, the translation of the emotional verbs can be willing to verbs in Chinese, and there is a verb in English. The meaning of modal verbs is very unstable, so it is not easy to translate CAN, COULD, DARE, NEED, May, Might, Shall, Should, Must, Will, Would, WOULD, etc. is not an easy task. In general, when we understand the meaning of the emotional verb, we should grasp two points: First, master their basic significance, the second is to determine according to the context. Making verbs can represent possibilities, inevitable, allowed and rejected, estimated and judgments, advisions and prohibitions, commitments, willingness, or orders, orders and requirements. The magic of the Chinese language has the following three categories: (1) The magic of "possibilities", such as "energy, capability, will, may, possibly", etc .; (2) the original verb of "tendency" Such as "dare, will, want, willing, willing", etc. (3) The density verb of "necessity", such as "should, should, must, need". Usually, in English-Translation Han, we can rely on the above three kinds of magic, but sometimes, just rely on these people who wish the verb is still not enough, this requires us to achieve sentences with other email or virtual words. The moderate meaning of the middle. The following is a specific example: Example 1 Some Psychological Experiments Are Conducted On Less Regular Basis and your efforts can be thankss. Analysis: The modal verb CAN in this sentence does not represent "possibilities, capabilities, will or licenses" meaning, it represents It is an even or possibly, usually translated into "sometimes, often", etc. Translation: Some psychological experiments do not have law, so you often have a white feet.

Example 2 Electronic Engineering and The Further Development of Computer Technology COULD PROVIDE THE IMPETUS NEDEDIN COLED PROVIDE THE IMPETUS NEEDEDINEDEDED: (1) Represents past capabilities or will, that is, CAN's past formula; (2) means allowing, common translation For "as long as ... .. can ..."; (3) indicating that it is possible, but it is not possible in the possibility; (4) means "surprise, doubt", etc., usually translated as "actually can. Really, fruit, Actually, but "" etc. "The table is virtual, refers to the use of virtual tone; (6) means" derived in the past ", translation is" impossible, never, not necessarily, pour There is no "et al." (7) means "euphemism, respect", etc., usually translated as ".... row?" Or "Yes, energy". The Could in this sentence is "general possibilities", so we translated it into "Yes". Translation: Further development of electronics engineering and computer technology can provide the driving force required for production. Postgraduate enrollment methods for English translation methods related to translation methods and specific techniques. During the translation, it is impossible to have one or several sets of suits for translator. But in general, translation mainly has two major classes and translations. Limited to the language of the translation, maintain both the content of the original text, and maintain the original form of the original text, that is, whether it is faithful to the original text from the content and form; the translation point is faithful to the original text, not in the form of the original text. This is because of different languages ​​of English and Chinese, both have a lot difference in terms of vocabulary syntax structure and expression, so when the original text of ideological content is contradictory, it should be used to translate. It is more in line with Chinese language norms. After all, the most important thing is the most important expression of the original Chinese. The following example will be described: Example 1 To determine the conseauences of sleep deficit, researchers have put subjects through a set psychological and performance tests requiring them, for instance, to add columns of mumber or recall a passage read to them only minutes earlier by The problem analysis, we can see that "To DETERMINE THE CUENCES OF Sleep Deficit" is in the sentence, then it is the basic sentence structure of "subject predicate object", which is basically in line with the expression of Chinese, During the translation: translation: In order to determine the consequences of lack of sleep, the researchers have a series of psychological testing and behavior testing on test objects. For example, ask them to make a set of digital additions, or let them recall the article to listen to them in a few minutes. Example 2 Don't Cross The Bridge Till You get to It. The sentence like this can only take the method, translated as: translation: Don't worry too early. Or: You don't have to find trouble. If it is directly translated as "to the bridge in the bridge" according to the original literal ", it will not be avoided. Renior number: Example 3 Ruth WAS Upsetting The Other Children, SO I showed her the door. Translate: Roth has been disturbing other children, I will take him out.

Example 4 She Didn't Like Him Much, But if She Went Out with'd Be One In The eye of kath. Translation: She didn't like him, but if she went out with him, it could Let Kay's heart feel not a taste. Example 5 I. Want a man who will throw hison m er chindwin and death: I want such a person, he is determined to calm down in the Qin Ton River, and then lead the troops to advance. 2003 translation problem solution: 61) Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies sentence analysis: the complete translation: 61) Furthermore, humans also Ability to change your living environment, so that all other forms of life clothing from human own unique ideas and imagination. First, the sentence can be split into two paragraphs: Furthermore, Humans Have the Ability to modify the environment in which the Live, / Thus Subjecting All Other Life Forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies. The structure of the sentence is: 1 This is a main sentence screwdridden structure: Humans Have the Ability to modify ... thus Subjecting ... 2) The Environment in Which The Live is first verb attributive clause. Third, the process of words: modify the Environment in Which thei Live changes their living environment Subjecting All Other Life Forms to let all other forms of life clothes from ... test point summary: 1) Unswood phrases; 2) Preposition Atlator Sentences; 3) Tenical phrase representation accompanying state.

62) Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner of natural phenomena sentence analysis that natural scientists use for the study:. First, the sentence can be removed divided into four sections: Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry / which seeks to study humans and their endeavors / in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner / that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena second. The main structure of the sentence is: the main sentence WHICH boot attributes method adverbs (in the Same Reasoned, Orderly, Systematic, and Dispassioned Manner) attributive clause. Third, the term of the word: Social science Social Science Intellectual Enquiry Humans and their Endeavors Humans and Their Endeavors Humans and Their Endeavors Humans and Their Endeavors Humans and Their Endeavors Humans and Their Endeavors Humans and their Endeavors Humans and Its Reasoned rational DisPassioned Calm Natural Phenomena Natural Phenomenon Complete Translation: 62) Social Science is Knowledge A branch of exploration, its force image natural scientists study natural phenomena, use rational, orderly, systematic and calm ways to study humanity and their behavior. Test point summary: 1) Attributive clause; 2) Methodical adverb; 3) Multiple side by reference.

. 63) The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into four: the emphasis on data gathered first-hand, / combined with a crosscultural perspective / brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, / makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science second, sentence structure Yes. : 1) The main structure is a simple sentence: The Emphasis ..., Combined with DistINCTLY Important Social Science. 2) The subject is back with on data gathered first-hand is the subject of the subject, Combined with is equivalent to the meaning of Andr, is a supplement to the main content, and Perspective can understand the main components of the subject. Brought to the analyysis of cultures paspect is attribact. Where Past and present is the attributory of Cultures. Third, the process of the word: The EMPHASIS translation Words Translation into the verb Data Gathered First-hand Collection First - hand information combined with, (this phrase does not affect the number of subjects) A Cross-Cultural Perspective interculture This Study is a complete translation: 63) Emphasize the collection of first-hand information, plus cross-cultural perspective when analyzing past and current cultural forms, making this study a unique and very important social science. Summary of test points: 1) Simply sentences with multiple modified components; 2) Tenical phrase phrases; 3) Composite object 4) Word conversion. 64) TYLOR Defined Culture As "... That Complex Whole Which Includes Belief, Art, Morals, Law, Custom, And Any Other Capabilities and Habits Acqired by Man As a Member Of Society." First, the sentence can be removed Divided into three paragraphs: Tylor Defined Culture AS "... That Complex Whole / Which Includes Belief, Art, Morals, Law, Custom, And Any Other Capabilities and Habits / Acquired by Man As a Member of Society." Second, sentence The structure is: 1) The main structure is: Tylor Defined Culture AS "... That Complex Whole ..." where whole is "overall".

Behind is a long attributive clause, which can be opened with the first word when translating. 2) WHICH guided attributive clauses There are multiple parallel objects, and acquired by man as a member of solid is an object of the object. Third, the word processing: Tylor name, according to transliteration Defined Culture AS defined cultural definition as That Complex WHOLEE Compinion Belief Belgon Morals Moral Man As a Member of Society as a full translation: 64) Taylor defines cultural definition as "A complex, which includes people as social members' beliefs, art, morality, laws, customs and other capabilities and habits. Summary of test points: 1) attributive clause; 2) Over the past words; 3) Multi-side objective .65) Thus, the anthropological concept of "culture," like the concept of "set" in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding sentence analysis: first, the sentence can be split into four section: Thus, the anthropological concept of "culture," like the concept of "set" in mathematics, / is an abstract concept / which makes possible / immense amounts of concrete research and understanding a second, sentence structure are: 1) The main structure is: the main insertion system table structure (IS An Abstract Concept) WHICH Booting Instructions 2) Immense Amounts of Concrete Research And Understanding is an object of verbs Makes, Possible is a front view Third, the process of the word: The Anthropological Concept of "Culture," Human "Culture" Concept THE Concept of "Set" in Mathematics Mathematics "Set" concept An Abstract Concept Abstract Concept Immense Amounts of Concrete Resea The full translation of the specific study of RCH: 65) Therefore, the concept of "cultural" in anthropology is like a "set" concept in mathematics. It is an abstract concept. It makes a large number of specific research and understanding. Summary: 1) Indicates the insertion of the comparison; 2) Attributive clause; 3) Composite objects; 4) Proposal.

2002 61) One Difficulty Is That Almost All of What Is Called BehaviORAL SCIENES OF MIND, Feelings, Traits of Character, Human Nature, And So ON. Spriology: First, the sentence can be split into two Segment: ONE DIFFICULTY IS That Almost All of What Called Behavior To States of Mind, Feelings, Traits of Character, Human Nature, And So ON. Second, the structure of the sentence is: 1) The main structure is Standard Parass One Difficulty Is That ... 2) Almost All of What Called BehaviORAL Science is the main part of the church clause, followed by simple predicates and objects. Third, the words of the words: Continues to TRACE Behavior TO Continue to ... Study BehaviORAL science science States of Mind mentality Almost all are still looking for the root cause of behavior from mentality, emotion, personality characteristics, human nature. 62) The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: The behavioral sciences have been slow to change / partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and / partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find a second, is the backbone structure of the sentence: the main sentence parallel relationship two reasons The case is because ..., the part is because ... third, the process of processing: The expensive item is interpreted by the Ether Kinds of Explan Other Explan Other Explan Other Explanations: 62 The reason why behavioral science has developed slowly. In part, the basis for explaining behavior seems to be directly observed, partly because other interpretations have been difficult to find.

63) The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied sentence analysis: The first a sentence can be split into four sections: The role of natural selection in evolution / was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago, / and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual / is only Beginning to Be Recognized and Studied. The main structure of the sentence is two representation of time comparison, the Role of ... WAS Formulated Only ..., and the selective role of ... is only beginning .. The subject of each sentence is relatively long, all of which are noun prepositional phrase structure. Third, the word process: in evolution is an evolution of formally explaining; expression; explanation; argument; SHAPING formation (creation) Maintaining keeps, maintain recognized recognition, recognizing complete translation: 63) Natural choice in evolutionary roles only one hundred Many years ago, the environment in shaping and maintaining individual behavior is just beginning to be recognized and studied. 64) They are the possessions of the autonomous (self-governing) man of traditional theory, and they're essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements sentence analysis: First, the sentence It can be split into three sections: They are the possessions of the autonomous (self-governing) man of traditional theory, / and they're essential to practices / in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements. Second, the structure of the sentence: 1) The main structure is two side-related clauses........................................................ ..

Third, the process of the word: they they (freedom and dignity), pronouns are subject to autonomous behavior; self-management; self-management; self-constrained Practices Practice activities is held responsible for ... Responsible for Given Credit For recognition; praise; give a sure full translation: 64) Free and dignity (them) is owned by the traditional theoretical definition, which is required to be responsible for one person to his own behavior and giving affirmation due to its performance. Less premise. 65) Until these issues are resolved, a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected, and with it possibly the only way to solve our problems sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: Until these issues are resolved, / a technology of behavior Will Continue To Be Rejected, / and with it Possibly the onLy to Solveur Problems. The structure of the sentence is: 1) The main structure is a composite protrusion Until these Issues Are Resolved, A Technology .. ., and with it ... full expression of And with solveur problems is the only way to solidur problems Will Possibly Continue to be rejected with it. where IT refers to the content of the previous prior . Third, the process of words: If not until the technical means of a technology of behavior research behavior, Be rejected is abandoned; rejected; object to with it, with its full translation: 65) (if) The technical means of researching behavior will continue to be rejected, and the unique way to solve the problem may also be rejected. 01 Related Test: 71) There Will Be Television Chat Shows Hosted by Robots, And Cars with Pollution Monitors That Will Disable Theme WHEN THEY OFFEND. Spriology: First, sentences can be split into three paragraphs: There Will Be Television Chat Shows Hosted by Robots, / And Cars with Pollution Monitors That Will Disable Them / When They Offend. The structure of the sentence is: 1) The main structure is a presence of a double subject: There will be television chat shows ..., and CARS ... 2) Two subjects have an attributive: The first subject Television Chat shows is the term of the previous word phrase hosted by Robots, the second subject CARS attributive is the preposition phrase with pollution monitors. 3) Attributive clause That Will Disable Them is a Pollution Monitors, and the last clause whany offend is the adverbial clause in the attributive clause.

Third, the process of the word: Television Chat shows hosted by Robots Hosted TV Talks, Heavy Words Hosted Hosting Cars with Pollution Monitors Motors with Pollution Monitor DISABLE THEM Make the Motor (Stop Operation) Them and They Automotive Offend Polysemous Words (Automotive) Pollution Super Sign, Violation Complete Translation: 71) The TV talk show will appear by robots and cars with pollution monitoring, once these cars have exceeded the standard (illegal), the monitor will make It stops. 72) Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front of smell- television, and digital age will have arrived sentence analysis: First, sentence can be split into three sections: Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, / computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, / relaxation will be in front of smell-television, and digital age will have Arrived. Second, Sentence: 1) The main structure is a few simple clauses: Children Will Play with Dolls ..., Computers ... Will Be Regarded As ..., Relaxation Will Be in Front of .. ., and digital age will have arrived. 2) dolls with past participle phrase attributive equipped with personality chips, computers of post-modifier is a prepositional phrase with inbuilt personalities, personalities equal personality chips, object workmates rather than tools are tied Structure, indicating the selection. Third, the word processing: Dolls Equipped with Personality CHIPS Personality Personality, Personality, Characters, Personality Machine Digital Age Digital Age Complete Translation: 72) Children will play with toy dolls with personalized chips, with personalized built-in computers will be considered a work partner rather than tools, people will be leisure in front of smell TV, when digitized times I came.

73) Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be removed divided into three sections: Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world, / to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates / when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place a second. The structure of the sentence is: 1) The main sentence is a simple sentence, and To produce is the result adverbial. 2) That of Calendar ... is an attributive clause. 3) The following WHEN guidance is also an attributive clause, not a time adverb, translated. 4) TO Take Place 's attributive of the front noun. Third, the process of the word: Pearson Piernson (human name transliteration) PIECED TOGETHER Collection; Comprehensive Around The World World, all over the world Key Breakthrough Complete Translation: 73) Pearson brought together hundreds of researchers in the world, preparing a unique technology millennium, which lists people's lived date with hundreds of major breakthroughs and discovery . 74) But that, Pearson points out, is only the start of man-machine integration:. It will be the beginning of the long process of integration that will ultimately lead to a fully electronic human before the end of the next century sentence analysis: First, sentences can be split into three paragraphs: but this Before the end of the next century. Second, the structure of the sentence: 1) The main structure is That ..., is only the start of ... Table structure 2) Beginning has multiple idioms: Two OF phrases and one That Will Ultimately Lead To. 3) Pearson Points OUT inserted into words, put in the translation.

4) In the THE Long Process of Integration structure, INTEGRATION omitted the attributive man-machine, and the translation is required. 5) LEAD TO A Fully Electronic Human The words are omitted between the vocabulary, and the translation should be increased. Third, the process of the word: That pronoun is the subject, referring to the above "A Breakthrough breakthrough, must be translated. The start of manmachine Integration Human-machine start Lead To caused, resulting in a complete electronic emulation of A Fully Electronic Human, complete electronic man before the end of the next century Full translation of the next century: 74 ) Pearson pointed out that this breakthrough is only the beginning of human machine: it is the first step in human machine integration, eventually will make people develop complete electronic simulation before the end of the next century. 75) And home appliances will also become so smart that controlling and operating them will result in the breakout of a new psychological disorder-kitchen rage sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: And home appliances will also become so SMART / That Controlling and Operating The Will Result In The Breakout / of A New Psychology Disorder-Kitchen Rage. Second, the sentence the main structure is: so smart That ... This is (clause) ... third, the word Treatment: Home Appliance Home Appliance Smart Smart, Intelligent Result In The Breakout of Strand, Caused, Psychological Disorder Psychological Chaos (Display) Kitchen Rage Kitchen Diqi, Kitchen Anger, Kitchen Anise Complete Translation: 75) Household Appliance It will become so intelligent, so that control and operations will trigger a new psychological disease - kitchen madness. 2000 translation problem solution: 71) Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: Under modern conditions , this requires varying measures of centralized control / and hence the help of specialized scientists / such as economists and operational research experts second, sentence structure: 1) a backbone structure with a double object simple sentence: this requires varying measures of ... and hence the help of ... 2) Two objects each with a phrase made. 3) The phrase SUCH AS ... is its idiom.

Third, the process of the word: Under Modern Conditions Requires required under Modern Conditions Requires Requires Different Action Centralized Control Central Control, Central Regulation And Hence So, Spectalized Scientists Special Scientists, Experts Operational Research Experts Running Research Experts, operation Complete translation: 71) Under modern conditions, this requires different central control, which requires assistance in experts such as economists and operators. 72) Furthermore it is obvious that the strength of a country's economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: Furthermore it is obvious / that the strength of a country's economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, / and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds. Second, the structure of the sentence: 1) The main structure is an IT is Obvious That ..., and That ... Forms and two subject clauses. 2) Two That clauses are simple subject. 3) THIS refers to the center of the object. Third, the process of the word: furthermore, additional IT IS Obvious That is obviously the Stregth of a Country's Economy A country's economic strength is Directly Bound Up with ... Direct (close) THE EffICIENCY Of ITS Agriculture and Industry Industry Agricultural Production Efficiency In Turn In turn Rests Upon relies on SCIENTSTS AND TECHNOLOGISTS OF All Kinds, various scientists and technicians in all areas: 72), obvious, obvious The economic strength of a country is closely related to its industrial and agricultural production efficiency, and the improvement of efficiency depends on the efforts of various scientific and technological personnel.

73) Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above sentence analysis: First, sentence can be split into five sections: Owing to the remarkable development in mass-communications, / people everywhere are feeling new wants / and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, / while governments are often forced to introduce still further innovations / for the REASONS GIVEN ABOVE. Second, Sentences: 1) The main structure is: Causes Owing to ..., People Being ..., while governments are offten forced to ... sentence structure While is a keyword, expressed comparison relationship, Chinese meaning "and". 2) Two predicate predicated in the first priority now, is the predicate of the second primary sentence is passive. 4) for the Reasons Given Above is the reason for the second priority. Third, the process of the word: Owing To, because all people of the mass-communications, people, people, New Wants, New Wants, need, need, need, need to come, feel Customs and Ideas customs and ideas Innovations, implementing, implementing Innovations, innovative measures for the Reasons Given Above Due to the complete translation of the above reasons: 73) Due to the significant development of mass communication, all people constantly feel new needs, and constantly exposure to new customs And thought, due to the above reasons, governments have to take further innovative measures.

74) in the early industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization-with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed-was spread over nearly a century, whereas nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so. sentence analysis: first, the sentence can be split into three sections: in the early industrialized countries of Europe / the process of industrialization-with all the far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed-was spread over nearly a century, / whereas nowadays A developing nation bend or s. Second, the structure of the sentence: 1) The main structure is a composite sentence. ", Expressed comparison. 2) The phrase in the middle of the dash is additional ingredients, the center word process, where Social Patterns is a attributive clause. 3) Because it is two comparative sentences, it can be determined according to the context: the predicate of the two sentences is similar, the Same Process is similar to the process of Industrialization. Third, the process of INDUSTRIZATIZATION. Third, the process: Industrialized Countries Industrialized country THE Process of Industrialization process, industrialization process with ... That Followed with ... A century A development nation A developing country undergo experience in A Decade OR SO For about 10 years, the complete translation of the time: 74) In the early European countries, its industrialization process and the various profound Social structure change lasted about approximately one century, and today a developing country can complete the same process within 10 years.

75) Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements-themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: Additional social stresses may also occur / because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements- / themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport a second, sentence structure: 1) backbone structure Additional social stresses may also occur because of .. Simply sentence Because of the cause of the context. The whole sentence should be placed in the end of the principle of the results of the first cause. 2) Because of the Population Explosion or Problems 3) Noun PROPLEMS with TCMS Rear Formation Arising from Mass Migration Movements 4) Themselves refers to the front Noun phrase mass migration movements, the late past word phrase is The attributive of Themselves. Third, the process of the word: Additional Social Stresses new (additional) social pressure OCCUR emerges, producing the population explosion population, population explosion arising from MiM, generated, from mass migration movements, massive population mobile migration flow MIGRATION Translation of Modern Means Of Transport Modern Transportation MEANS Tools, Means, Full Translations: 75 The various problems caused by population surgery or large population flows (modern transportation makes large population flows relatively easy) will also New pressure caused to society.

99 translation problem solution: 71) While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past sentence analysis: first , the sentence can be split into three sections: While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, / modern practice most closely conforms to one / that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past first. Second, the structure of the sentence: 1) The main structure is the While There ... The WHILE ARE ... The WHILE Boots Spondent, the Sentences in the Sentences AS ... AS structure is a comparison, this sentence How many historians are literal translations, how much is the definition of history. 2) The one is an object in the main sentence, and the That clause behind it is its attributive clause. 3) SEES HISTORY AS puts ... It is the atmospheric phrase to recreate and explain ... Third, thoughty: While, despite definitions definition, definitions definition History) EVENTS events, combined with the context, the context is integrated as a complete translation: 71) Almost every historian has its own definition, but the practice of modern historian is mostly believed that history is trying to reproduce the majority of the past. Historical realism and explain it.

72) Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: Interest in historical methods has arisen / Less Through External Challenge To The Validity of History As An Intellectual Discipline / And More from Intellevs. Structure 1) The main structure is a simple sentence: Interest ... HAS ARISEN LESS THROUGH ... And more from ... 2) Translate in parallel Less Through ... and more from ... And more from ... The translation of Through and From is exactly the same, representing the reason, the translation is less because ..., more reasons are ... 3 The non-history as an intellectual discipline is its attributive, direct translation of history as a discipline, the correctness of the discipline, INTERNAL Quarrels, the mediate phrase Among Historians themsels made quarrels. Third, the word of the word: Interest in Historical Methods focus on historical methods (interest) ARISEN comes from Internal opinion is not uniform, internal disagreement: 72) The methodology of people paying attention to historical research is mainly because the internal opinions inside the historiography are not because the outside world does not think that history is an university. 73) During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: During this transfer, / traditional historical methods were Augment / by Additional Methodologies Designed to Interpret The New Forms of evidency in The Historical Study. Structure: 1) The main structure is a simple sentence of a passive voice: ... Methods Were Augment By ... 2) Tenical phrase phrase designed to ... Inscription object.

Third, the process of words: Transfer transformation Augment is enriched, supplemented with additional methodology new method Designed to interpretation, explanation, explanation, explanation of the New Forms of evidence, new historical materials In The Historical Study (Enshand: Historicist) Complete translation: 73) In this transformation, the historian studied history, and the new way to explain the new historical materials enriched traditional historical research methods. . 74) There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry sentence analysis: First, the sentence can be split into three sections: There is no agreement / whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general / or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry second, sentence structure: 1) the presence of the backbone structure sentence There is no agreement as part of the subject is too Long, the entire structure should adopt a sequential translation method. 2) WHETHER Methodology Refers to ... Or To ... is the same person in the subject agreement. 3) THE Concepts The phrase phrase Peculiar to Historical Work in General is its attributive; The Research Techniques Adjust phrase phrase appropriate to the Various Branches of Historical Inquiry is also a quiteer. Third, the process of the word: agreement unified opinion, consistent view WHETHER ... refers to ... or to ... refers to ... or means ... the concerts / peculiar to / histical work / in general (press The sequence of quotations) General History Studies The Research TECHNIQUES Study APPRIKERCH TECHNIQUES APROPRIATE TO Suitable for the Historical Inquiry History: 74) The so-called methodology refers to the general history research The unique concepts of the middle refer to the research methods used in various specific fields in the history exploration, and people have different opinions.


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