Yang Fan teacher talks about how to take a word

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  21

Mr. Yang Fan talked about how to take a good word (thank you for providing) many students who prepare IELTS have a good feeling of words. Let's go back today, I will forget tomorrow. I always feel that it is not effective. Don't back, words are the most basic elements in English, the amount of words is not enough, I don't understand, I don't understand, I can't write it, I don't talk about good results in the exam. So I often hear the training class, "I have lost confidence in the back words." There is no way to make the back, remember, use it? Back words, the first thing to do is of course a word book for choosing a translation, this is the first step, it is also a very important step. Regarding the choice of the word, please pay attention to: 1: The selected word should be classified according to the frequency. The foundation of classmates is different, and the requirements for the scores of the exam are different. If you do not classify words, you will inevitably create troublesome emotions. People often only have a few pages, and they will not go back, and the next time starts from the first page. So there will be a first few pages of a single word book, and the back part has never been in the case. On the contrary, first centralized managers have high frequency vocabulary, and they are familiar with them. In this way, even if the time is not enough, if you master these words, combine some test methods and techniques, it can also achieve considerable results. There is always much better vocabulary that is a big bunch of unfamiliar vocabulary. 2: It is best to provide some auxiliary memory methods. Memory words are more boring, if there are some more effective memory methods, it can make the back words easier, even more interesting. 3: You cannot collect the deflection, strange words. Some vocabulary are all prejudice, such as the dean of the female monastery, silicate, selenium and sole. The meaning of these words is remote, and the spell is complex. Some words have appeared in the IELTS test, but the probability of appearing is too small, and it is either independent of the topic of the exam, or most of them can guess their probably from the context. And remembering these words take a lot of time and energy, there is no need. Pick the vocabulary for yourself, now the most critical problem: How to quickly and firmly remember words? 1: Quick multiple times. Don't spend a lot of time in a word when you are word, you must have a lot of back each time. It can make words mean in the minds of the students, not forgotten. Only fast can you have multiple times. Only many times can you remember. Some students will ask: "Will there be more time?" In fact, when a single word book is the first time, it may take a month, while the second is, because some words have been behind, There is no impression that the words will not be, it may end up in ten days. The third time may be completed in 5 days. Because only the impression of the word is not very profound, the forgotten speed and the former ratio will be high, it is better to carry several times, save time and effort. 2: Pay attention to the connection between words. Of course, you may have a small word that can be established when you start, but you must pay attention to cultivate this consciousness, and you can think of a string of strings to see a string of back words. For example: synonymous, antisense, in shape, the same root, the same kind of word, is in a note. 3: Classify the words that will know and do not know. When everyone is in the back word, the words that cannot be kept in the book use special marks, so that the main energy is mainly concentrated on the words that do not know, and can save time and relieve stress. 4: Brain, eyes, hand and use. The back word is not a novel, you should find a quiet place, and throw all distractions.

Translation book, a stack of paper, a mouth, the mind is thinking about this word, look at it, read it in his mouth, write this word on paper with a pen, so that you can strengthen this original does not know. The impression of words, good memory effect. 5: Remember to blur. When the word is called, it is necessary to remember all the meaning and usage of words. The answer is negative to most words, just know that it is probably, it will not affect the reading and topic. Only a few core vocabulary need to not only understand it, but also understand its usage. 6: Frequent review. The author's words are around 20,000. Basically, I will take one and a half days to bring some words, some words are really blurred. In strengthening it, the author doesn't feel burden, I feel very interesting . [Original]: Postgraduate English --- Word Articles is the foundation of English, there is no vocabulary, others are exempted, and the vocabulary is more important for the examination of this elimination, English must pass the translation, vocabulary On the basis of the outline, add more than 1000, which is relatively stable, want to take a high score, and vocabulary is at least 8,000. Of course, it is not to say that there is a word to be able to write, this needs to be distinguished: What can be seen as long as you know, it's okay, what is it necessary to understand it, you may use it. Which words are often read, which are polysemous words, which meanings need to be mastered. These need to learn from the exercise, after reading, it can be made up. In summary: The memory word is not lost in intelligence, only losing in perseverance. (Not what I said, huh, huh), learn, and not! There are not many ways to gossip, let's give some methods and examples of my back word, for reference only, 嘿嘿, just hope that when you come back words, don't just back the words, this effect is very poor, soon, forget Faster, 嘻嘻, everyone should take out our original language method, in fact, do word, learn to use, and greatly improve the hearing, reading and essay level, which is more, why not. Don't tell me, you have not so much time, more spectacular is absolutely worth it! Goal (based on its own situation) --- Nothing words, in a month, all words and basic usage of the thorough learning outline (there must be some need to read in reading). Method --- Continued repetition, give full play to our association, make full use of his own bitter time. Note: The interpretation and examples of the following words are from "OALD" and the outline, and refer to the new Oriental postgraduate English core vocabulary notes, the purpose is to facilitate better illusion, practice English thinking, everyone is the best in the back word It is very good to use English English.

Day 1: ZZEAL: ENERGY OR ENTHUSIASM; Keenness (usually high) enthusiasm, enthusiasm, enthusiasm; Show Zeal for a cause shows the enthusiasm for a career Work with Great Zeal passionate work synonym: Passion, Eagerness, Enthusiasm Antonyms: Apathy, Indifancezealous: Full of Zeal; EAGER is passionate, enthusiastic, active; Zealous To successited at work, you want to do your job zealously (adj) Zebra (multiple constant or Zebras): African Wild Animal of the Horse Family with a body cover by black and white stripes zebra zero: 1,0; one less tour; nought zero 2, lowest point; nothing; NIL lowest point; no; no Economic growth is at zero economy no growth 3, Point Between Plus and minus on a scale, ESP ON A THERMOMETER (in the scale) zero, zero; (especially temperature gauge) Zero IT WAS REALLY COLD Last Night-Ten Degrees Below Zero last night is really cold - minus 10 degrees 4, Nothiing At All; None is not; no politicals Has Zero Interest for me I don't interested in politics. Zero Growth. Zigzag: Turning Right and Left Alternately At Sharp Angles serrated by ZERO-HOUR 开始 z z , Zigzag Road, Course, Flash of Lighting, Row, Route, Lightning Sound: Straight, Smoothzinc: Zinc ZONE: 1, Area, Band or Stripe That Is Different from Its Surroundings in colour , TEXTURE, APPEARANCE, ETC (color, texture, appearance, etc.) Area, ring zone or strip 2 Area Or Region With a Particular Feature or Uses) Region or Scope Industrial, Residential, ETC Zones Industrial, Residential ... District 3, The Torrd Zones, North and South Temperate Zones and North and South Temperate Zones And North and South FrigId Zones Tropical, North Temperature Tape, Nandida, North Chanbel, Nandie 4, Area With Certain Railways, Postal, Telephone, ETC Charges Apply Railway Section, Postal, Phone Partition Synonym: Area, Region, Districtzoo:

place where living animals are kept for exhibition, study and breeding zoo zoology zoology Yyahoo zoological zoology: coarse brutish person rude people a yahoo attitude rude attitude yard: 1, enclosed or partly enclosed space near or round a building or group Of buildings, offers around the building or surrounded by the surroundings; the yard 2, Enclosure for a Special Purpose Or Business (for a purpose or purpose) site 3, Unit of Length Code Yawn: 1, Take A Deep Breath with THE MOUTH WIDE OPEN, AS WHEN SLEEPY or BORED 哈 哈 2, (of Large Holes, etc) bey Open Ditch between the rich and the poor Year: Year Take Years Off SB makes someone feel or appears that the young PUT YEARS ON SB makes someone feel or looks old Yearly: annual, a year of Yearn: Desire Srongly or with compath ore TENDERNESS; BE FILLED with longings; mercy; thoughts; nostalgia; look forward to yearn for sb / sthhe yearned for his home and family he nostally, the national garden Yeast: yeast, fermentation Yell: 1, Utter a Loud Sharp Cry or cries as of pain , excitement, ETC call, shout, yelling 2, speak or say in a yelling voice yelling (something) She Yelled At Him About His Constant Drunkenes. She said that he is always getting drunk Yesterday: Yesterday Yesterday WEEK And: But, but And as yet: So far, until you are yield: 1, bear, produce or profit, generate, generate or provide (natural products, results or profits) Trees That No longer yield fruit No longer resolve tree 2, allow oneself to be overcome by pressure; Cease direction (to sb / sth) yield; concession; (for someone or something) no longer opposing She Yielded to temptation and had another chocolate. She can't help but Temptation, ate a piece of chocolate 3, be replaced or super, is replaced by a thing or replacing the cinema Has largely yielded to the home video. The movie industry has given the family video movie synonym: Product, Generate , Give, Bear, Provide, OutputYoung: Young, young people Youth:

Adolescence; youth, vitality youthful: young people, youth; with vitality, young She's a very youthful mixty-five. She is sixty-five years old but looks very young XXEROX: Photocopy Made Using this Process " ) Film print, copy He Xeroxed the screenplay, she copacked this script synonym: Copy, Photocopyx-ray rays Through image or logical thinking to memory word from primary school, secondary school to university, we are mainly read, write and listen three kinds Mode training. According to the psycho-division of the brain, we mainly use the left hemisphere with the human brain, and less human brains with image thinking functions. For example, learning English Fixed phrases look for, look after, look ing, you will die hard "look for", "look" and "research". In fact, the Look is interested in "see", for "For", "pursue", the mute actor can use the image of the action to "find" such an action. Look After a child is a vivid picture of "standing behind the child". Generally only followed behind, it is not possible to ensure that the child is not accidental. Look and INTO said "to •••," is the "study", "survey" visual representation. Another way to look up to SB. Refers to the look up to someone, this is exactly "the action of someone. Look down on sb. Exhibits" the eyes of someone ", so it is not difficult to understand" The meaning of people .look SB. UP and Down is "seeing the next" to someone ", it is understood as" the amount of people who are up and down "is very appropriate .look forward to ••• Nothimination "Extending the neck to see •••••", this is not a "hope •••"? Look over a book means a page to read a book, if you take a house or food, then it becomes " View the house "and" Test ".Look Through The Book is not difficult to imagine" From the head to the tail, look at this book, and understand "to turn the book or watch". Look in the mirror as "photo mirror", indicating that people seem to be in the mirror, so it is also straightforward. Chinese is originally image text, such as "cry", "laugh", "day", "month", etc., like "cry", "laugh", "day", "month" image. But now these words have no original image. If you think about image thinking, learn English is easy than Chinese. This is the basis for developing the right brain and utilizing image thinking to improve English learning efficiency. According to rough estimates, more than two-thirds of the English fixed phrase can be memorized by image thinking or logical thinking. This suggests that the image thinking is available. In the front, only LOOK as an example, combined with the above-mentioned changes or ads, can present so much vivid image. If the landscape of Lenovo, you can also bring more visual images. Take the AT in Look at A Picture as an example, AT represents a certain or a certain meaning. In this way, it can be promoted to similar words Peer (staring), Stare (staring), with Lance (a glance, glance) and peer (peeking), etc., and it is not difficult to understand these words can also match AT . This is a two-way function, which can only be reached when the appearance memory and appearance is associated. Put the meaning of the AT to the depth of the depth, will understand Atly O'clock (at 8 o'clock), At That Time (at that time), AT THE OF Eight (8 years old) is used in the use of AT reason.

At the same time, I also experience the reason for AT after arriving behind the Arrive. In this way, it is possible to remember the following fixed phrases, Shoot at ••• (to • ••); AIM At ••• Shooting; AIM At ••• Shooting; Fire a gun at ••• (to •••); Laugh at • Guess At ••• (guesses •••), etc. Similarly, if you learn Be Good at •• (good at a point), it is not difficult to capture Be Bad (or Quick, Slow, Exper, Elever, etc. " Usage of a little ----- "). Then you can use the so-called sense, use to be angry at - (right-angry); be surprised (or Astonished, Amazed) AT - (for ----- Amazing) and so on. Then, in the previously described Look for --- for "for a purpose". Connected to SPEAK for SB through the representative of Lenovo, (for someone); Go for a walk; vote for sb. (In favor of a ticket); Stand for ---- (Representative); Search for --- (Explore -----) and so on. Many students have an expression of how vivid the appearance of the Call for "need"! For some purposes pursued, it can also form a fixed match with some nouns or adjectives. For example: Have a love for sb, (love someone), Have Respect for, (Dear someone), Feel Sympathy for (sympathizing someone), make a request for --- (request ----), Have A Liking For - (For ---- Has Hobby) Have An Inclination for --- (To ------ Hobby), Be Anxious for --- (desire to get ------), Have a desire for ---- (I want to get -----).

The other meaning of For For example, THANK SB, for Help (thanks to someone help) Take the horizontal contact synony phrase be grateful to sb .for Help, Lenovo (Turn to SB, for Help) ), Excuse sb .for ---- (forgive me ---) apologize to sb .for --- (because ------ face someone) Forgive sb .for - (forgiveness --- -) criticie (or praise) sb.for ••• (Because ---------), critic [or praise] someone), Punish (or blame) SB, for --- (due to - ----- and punish [or blame] someone), Be family (or Famed, Nonded, Distinguished) for --- (in ---- 着), be wel-known (or repute) for (due to) --- and famous), have a reputation for --- (in ---- known) et al. Of course, for other meanings, such as Word for Word, "word word", many people don't know Come by, it is still a hard return. If he truly understands for the use of Fors "What is the english for chair", he should experience the same meaning of these two forks. Simple, see these Tombs WERE CALLED FORM THE "Egyption for a bench", it is not difficult to understand the usage of Foring, and explain the sentence as: "The name of these tomb is derived from the Egyptian bench". It can be seen that if you really learn, you don't talk Next, the cerebral cortex will immediately cause the conditional reflection, that is, the appearance of the appearance. If you swallow your dates, you will not solve it, you must be frustrated everywhere. Because the objective world is colorful, the contradiction is always there, that is, the exception It is existing, because there is no contradiction specialty, there is no development. For example, Substitution a for b is not replaced with B, but a replacement B; do for the plan is: "Let this plan to fall"; Account for this rule "Explanation this rule", and Account for 10 Per Cent, Account for 10 Airplanes and Account for TWO Rabbits respectively make "10%", "10%" and "capture two rabbits". These situations are quite In Chinese The fixed phrase "not three" is "hanging gentleman", "seven Shangqi eight" made "unrest", only repeated recite, unable to carry out image memory. We can also recall, when I first learned I am Afraid of Snakes, most people were in accordance with fixed phrase memories, and they did not understand the meaning of the OF. The British and American people don't seek this of the law, but people can naturally explain to Be Sure (confident ----), be fond of --- (love or love), be GLAD OF ---- (for ---- is happy), etc. People have a lot of practices that have a sense of practice, thus use this correctly, and we are a lonely geographical, mutual contact. If you learn these phrases, some people guide the following "for" this meaning, which can also develop the intellectual potential of the right brain, and avoid consume unnecessary energy. Due to the image thinking and logical thinking, it has achieved a half-mean effect.

Here, the author puts forward: In teaching teachers, they should try to develop the imagination of the right brain, actively carry out horizontal links, so that Chinese students will have a leap in terms of difficulty in learning. When you teach Complain of ... (for --- complaint), you can contact SPEAK OF ---- (talk about ----), Talk of (talk ----), Hear of (listen - ----), think of ---- (think of or want ----), read of --- (read -------), etc. It also pointed out that the implication in the above phrase is close to the About and can be replaced by About. When INFORM SB. OF --- (Notifys you -----), the transverse connection, Remind SB. Of (reminds someone ----), WARN SB. Of (warnings ---- ) Wait. When talking to be composed of --- (consisting of - constitute), you can contact the following in the landscape or the synonym, Be Made (UP) of ---, be built of ---, be final of -, be consist of ---- et al. When I see Rob Sb. Of --- (grab someone ----), not only point to the STEAL (steal) usage and Rob, Steal will follow the sth. From Sb., And to contact Of work " "Spencers for other phrases, DEPRIVE SB, OF --- (deprived ----), Cure Sb. Of --- (cured or eliminated someone -----), strip SB. Of ---- (deprive or stripping someone ------). Of course, there are many other usages, but because you are not difficult to remember, according to image and logical thinking, it is not difficult to remember, it is not difficult for most of you have not seen. The phrase makes a more confident judgment (never guess). Chinese learning English is more fast in the above way. This is a solid foundation. For example, I know that Be Off is "leaving", it is not difficult to understand Be Off for Beijing, Be Off (for someone), you can promote Go Off, you can be promoted to Walk OFF, Run Off To Some Big Hospital (send someone to a big hospital). Take Sb. Off to the isolation Ward (send someone to the ward), hurry off to the hospital (hurry to go to the hospital). If you do not emphasize "leaving", OFF in the last four phrases can be omitted, and the origin is unchanged. From Summer IS A Long Way (or Seven Months) OFF (I have been waiting for a long time [or seven months], I can see the OFF as "take off the clothes", and for the plane, Take Off works " "Speaking, where take has been mounted. These things are easy to accept with imagination and thinking. For example, Give Sb. A day off is "a day to take a day", you don't need to die hard. Discuss some habitual uses of TO after discussing the common nouns. For example: a Visit To BEI-JING (Visiting Beijing), An Invitation to the Party (Invitation Participation) An Appeal To SB. (Call to someone), THE Key To Success, The Road (WAY ) To the Victory (the road of victory), etc. The TO here contains "go" and "for".

However, in the following phrases, TO contains the meaning of "belonging". For example: The key to this lock (`This lock key key), Secretary to A Doctor, The Index To That Book (the index of the book), etc. Then discuss the customary law of the next noun after TO. For example, TO means "to --->" the meaning of this meaning. Can be taken: To some extent (or to a degree) (in some extent), to death (to death), to no avail (no result), to one's heart's content (Embankment), to the best of Ones'S Ability (try to work hard, try our best). In addition, the insertion of TO with the same meaning can be summarized: to one's knowledge (according to a known), TO Writing a novel. People who take English graduate students, their English has been studying 4 to 6 years. Even more time, the above-mentioned relatively simple sentence can not reach the extent of English thinking. This tells us that you can't use learning methods that make students read recite. Chinese people learn Chinese, "Three hundred familiar reading Tang poetry, will not do poetry", this may have a little truth. But for the Chinese who have already had native language (referring to Chinese), they still have a lot of familiar reading of foreign languages. Since the surroundings are not a English environment, it is more difficult to happen like Chinese, at least twice Way half. The above status proposed by the authors, which are mostly limited to the hard refuse to remember the hardmation, and have exposed a large number of weaknesses in the current English teaching. The postgraduate entry word constructor is attached to help everyone review the words. This can help everyone pay more attention to words on the basis of understanding roots and gues.

Stem AG, ACT, Drive Agent Active Active Acture, Agrric Agriculture Agrarian Agriculture AM Love, Dear Amicable Amiable Amiable Amiable Anim, Spirit, Life Animal Animate has a lifeful Ann, Enn Annual A year of Centennial ASTROSTROSTRONOMY Astronaut Astronomy Audi listened to Audience Audible Bell War REBELON rebellion, rebellion Bio life, biological biological biology antibiotic antibiotic, antibiotic BREV short BREVITY short abbreviate shortened, abbreviated cede take precedent preceding, preceding precede preceding cent one hundred centimeter cm center centigrade centigrade, centrifugal concentration concentrate CENTR central centrifugal cide, cis kill, cut suicide suicide bactericide fungicide claim, clam exclaim shock shouting called proclaim announced, declaring clar clearly understand declare show, declare clarify clear clud, clos close close close exclude exclusion cogn know recognize admit cord heart cordial cognitive understanding of heartfelt core core cosm universe, cosmos universe cred world cosmic universe believe credibility Credit Credit Trust Cur, Course Run Occurrence, CYCL Circuit, CYCL Circle, Ring Bicycle Bicycle Cyclone Cyclone Di Day Diary Diarist Journalist Dictly said Predict prophecy Indicate represents DUC, DUCT boot Conduct Guidelines InduCe lure EDIBLE EDIBLE EDACITY, MANUFACTURE, manufacturing Factory factory, processing FER tape, TRANSFER transfer FLRY ferry Flu flow Fluent fluent Influenza epidemic cold FORM form, profile transform Change Fract, FRAG break, fold FRACTION Fragile Broken FUS, Note, Solubation Fusion Melt Effuse, GENERATE, GENERATE, Genetic Geo Earth, Land Geography Geography Geology Geology GRAD Steps, Level GRAM, Gradual Gram Write, Record Diagram Gram Write, Record Diagram Gram Description PROGRAM Program program graph write, draw, photograph photographic record autograph autograph manuscript gress walking progress retrogress back hap chance to progress, luck, happen occasional mishap occurred disaster hospit guests hospital hospital hospitable hospitable, gracious insul isolated island peninsula, insulation, isolated hydra Water Hydraulic Hydrant fire hydrant JECT, throwing, throwing EJECT to shoot Project projection JUNCT connection, combined with conjunction links Adjunct attachment Lect, Leg, LIG ​​selection, collecting the ELITE Election Selection Election Eligible qualified,

Suitable Lev lift, litter elevator elevator Lever lever Liber Free Liberate Lingu language LIGUIST linguist LITERATER BILINGUAL Two languages, letters Literate literats LITERATURE LOC Local Local Locate Local LOG Words , Language, speech Dialogue dialogue logic logic Loquial, eloquent, eloquent, session manu hand manuscript manus manual hand, MEDIUAL MEDIUM MEDITION MEDITION MEMOR Memor Memory, Remember Memory Memory, Memory, Militants Military Militant Fighting MIN small, small Minority minority Diminish reduces, minor MOB, MOT, MOV mobile Mobile Motion movement immovable unmovable MORT death Mortal End there is a dead Mortician homogeneous people NOV New Novel Novel Novelty Novel Numer Numrel Numeral Numerous Numerous Numerous is the number of OPER Work Operate Operation CoOperate Cooperation OPT Line, Optic Optography Optics Optical Path Feelings, Bitter, Disease Sympathy sympathy PATHETI PETY PEL Push, Extrap Repel retreat, counterattack, PEND, PEN suspended depend relying on Pendent Swant PHON Sound Microphone Megaphone Telephone Phone Plen Full, full Plenty, Plenty, Plentise, Po, POS POS Place Postpone Population Popular Popular Popular People People , Volkswagen Port, PRIM, PRIM, PRIM, PRIMARY, PRIMTIVE, PRIMALY, PRIMTIVE PRIM, PRIMARY PSYCHOLOGY Psychology Psychic Purqing, Pure, Net Purify makes purification Rect positively, straight ERECT MONULRECT Correct RID, RIS Laughs Ridicule Mock the Derision Laughter, Mock up RUPT Broken Rupture rupture, Scend, Scens, SCENT Climb, Scend, Scens, Lower SCI Krilling SCIENCE Sensation Sensation Sens, Sent Feel Sensation Sensation Seni Solar Sooting Parasol Umbrella Spec Look at SpecTacle Lightscape, Scene Prospect Loszing SPIR breathing, Life CONSPIRE SPIRE TANG, TAG Contact Tangible TANGible TANGible TAIL Sliced ​​TAIL, Cut Tailor Tailor Retail Retail Tain, Ten, TiN Keep, Hold, Hold Conta Inclin Obtain, Sustain supports TECT mask , DETECT reconnaissance, Detective detective Tele far TELESCOPE telescope Telegram telegraph TEND, TENS, TENT stretched EXTEND extended, extended Extensive broad Text knitting Textile Texture Texture organization,

Structure thermometer Tor, Tort twisting, reverse Tension Tension to reverse the distortion distortion traction, pull, attract Attract to attract Attractive attractive UN, UNITE united, united Union United, union UT Utility use Utilize Utilize Vac , van empty, empty Vacation holiday Vanity empty, vanity Vari change VARIOUS, Variant variation, different ven to intervene intervention, intervening prevent prevents Vert, VERS to turn AdverSe Convert conversion VID, VIS See eviDent obvious Visible visible VIT, VIV life, survive Vital life Survival surviving VOLV scrolling revolve Rotate Involve Involve Involve Involve Involve Involve Involve Involve, WiT King know WiSDOM wisdom Witty anensome prefix A, AN 1 No, no, non-ASTABLE unstable ACENTRIC free 2 contains in , ON, AT, BY, WITH, TO Equorial Ahead Ahead AB b 离 a 不 反 反 反 反 a 反 a 反 a 反 a 自动 a 自动 a 自动战 自动战 自动战 自动 a 自动 自己 自动 a 自动 a 自动 a 自动, AutoTostable Automatic Stability BE 使 ... Strengthen Belittle makes reduced Befriend Friendly Time-friendly Bi II, Double BiWeekly Double Weekly Biligual CO, COL, COM, CON, COR Common Cooperation Collaboration Collaboration Collaboration, Collect Combine combined with Correlation interrelation counter-, contra, corresponds to the counter, the control di, DIF, DIS, the opposite Diffident unconfident Dislike does not like En, EM makes ... Enlarge enlargement enable ... Empower To make ... have a power E, EX , except Erupt exterior Exter, exceeded Hyper  outside the extra ExtraSolar solar system, super hyperfrequency ultra-high frequency Hypersonic ultrasound IL, IM, in , IR-negative Illogical's INVSIBLE INVISIBLE IRRRATIONAL INTER  Interchange Exchange Interlock Chain Intra, Intro, Internal intrapersonal personal inner Introspect Inland Province Mal evil, bad Maltreat Abuse Malfunction Function MiD  Microscope Microscope MicroWare Microwave MID, Middle MIDAIR Semi-Empty MIDSTREAM Central MINI  MINIBUS Small Bus Ministate Small Mis Wrong, Bad Mistake Error Misspell Multi-MultiParty MultiLingUal A variety of languages ​​Non-denial of nonsmoker, non-smoking, Nonexistent does not exist, excessive, out, out, out, remove Outgo to walk more ... far Outgrow grows too big Outdoor outdoor OUTROOT Swan Over, over OverWork work Excessive overbridge bridge post Postwar postnata before the birth of pre-before,

Leading Prewar prefix Re-return, Return Return Restart Restart Semi Semi-SEMICIRRLE Semi-circular Semiconductor Semicon Sub, SUC, SUF, SUP , SUC , under, lower, lower than Substandard below standard specifications SUCCEEDED Inheriting the Suffix suffix support, transformation, transformation, crossing Underskirt's underground undernerground underground underground underpen Uni-single uniform uniform Unipolar monolarous suffix  Able, IBLE ... can be ... of the readable readable Sensible detectable AGE state, nature, behavior Breakage Break Shortage Lack of al (adj) has ... Nature, such as ... of the Personal personal Regional region al (n) table action, people, things Proposal proposal Professional Professional ance, ENCE state, behavior , Nature Importance Importance Confidence Confident Ancy, ENCY Table Status, Behavior, Nature Constancy Territories Urgency Urgent ant, ENT Forms, Truth, Behavilicant Applicant Correspondent Communicator arian Table All ages, factions, Humanitarian humanitarian Utilitarian utilitarian crat support, participants Democrat Democrat Bureaucrat bureaucratic  Dom table properties, state, behavioral freedom Free Wisdom Wisdom EE table animal receiver Employee employee Trainee Training people EER is engaged in the people of Pioneer Pioneer Volunteer Volunteers  (v) makes Harden makes shorten to short-en (adj) has ... Quality, like ... Golden gold Woolen hair ER, or tableman, Singer singer SURVIVOR survivor ery table status, nature, behavior, activity location Nursry nursery Robbery plunder Slavery slave Idhere ese (ground), people and language of a country (Land), Chinese (Chinese) Portuguese Portuguese (language) ESS Table Female, female hostess hostess Actress actress ful full of ... Cupful a full cup of Fearful terrible  hD table identity, condition, nature Neighborhood neighborhood Manhood man 气  ic 气 ic ic ic ic ic ic 气 ic ic ic ic ic 男 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Magnify zoom in purify  ,  t table, status, nature, behavioral fashion fashion Decision decision ish like ... Selfish selfish Childish children's ism said ... Chinese, behavior, ... learn,


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