C ++ remote shutdown API learning experience

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  22

I remember to study the API when I just learned C , I had a master, and I wrote a segment code. When I was writing the program, Ming Ming, the machine suddenly turned off! When I was wondering, I heard his hilarious smile!

It turned out that he did it, and later I studied the API function of the INITIATESYSTEMSHUTDOWN, and learned the principle of being brought, because my machine joined the Windows domain, and the domain superuser, I also set it to me, I have Administrator privileges. So, he can take advantage of it! Later, I wrote the following code, let him be shut down from my distance, cool! I learned new things, and I still put it in my people!

// shutdownsystem function is close to this area, its own machine

. TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tkp;; // Get a token for this process if (! OpenProcessToken (GetCurrentProcess (), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, & hToken)) AfxMessageBox ( "OpenProcessToken"); BOOL CAlarmClockDlg :: () {HANDLE hToken ShutDownSystem // Get the LUID for the shutdown privilege LookupPrivilegeValue (NULL, SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, & tkp.Privileges [0] .Luid);. tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1; // one privilege to set tkp.Privileges [0] .Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; // Get the shutdown privilege for this process AdjustTokenPrivileges (hToken, FALSE, & tkp, 0, (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) NULL, 0);. (! GetLastError () = ERROR_SUCCESS) if AfxMessageBox ( "AdjustTokenPrivileges"); // Shut down the system and force all applications to Close. if (! EXITWINDOWSEX (EWX_SHUTDOWN | EWX_FORCE, 0)) {Return false;} else {return true;}}

// shutdownhost This is the C function of the remote shutdown! Hostname can be machine IP, or it is a machine name!

Bool CalarmClockdlg :: ShutdownHost (cstring hostname) {handle htokeen; // handle to process token

Token_Privileges Tkp; // Pointer to Token Structure

Bool Fresult; // System Shutdown Flag

// Get The Current Process Token Handle So We Can Get Shutdown

// privilege.

IF (!. "token_adjust_privileges | token_pary, & htoken) AFXMessageBox (" OpenProcessToken Failed. "); // Get The Luid for Shutdown Privilege.

Lookuppprivilegevalue (NULL, SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, & TKP.PRIVILEGES [0] .luid);

Tkp.privilegect = 1; // one privilege to set

Tkp.privileges [0] .attributes = se_privilege_enabled;

// Get SHUTDOWN Privilege for this process.

AdjustTokenprivileges (HToken, False, & Tkp, 0, (ptoken_privileges) null, 0);

// cannot Test The Return Value of AdjustTokenPrivileges.

IF (GetLastError ()! = error_success) AFXMessageBox ("AdjustTokenPrivileges Enable Failed.");

// Display the shutdown dialog box and start the time-out countdown.

fResult = InitiateSystemShutdown ( "", // shut down local computer "Click on the main window and press the Escape key to cancel shutdown.", // message to user 1, // time-out period FALSE, // ask user to close apps // Note this paragraph API call! false); // reboot after shutdown

If (! FRESULT) {AFXMessageBox ("INITIATESYSTEMSHUTDOWN FAILED."); // disable shutdown privilege.

Tkp.privileges [0] .attributes = 0;

AdjustTokenprivileges (HToken, False, & Tkp, 0, (ptoken_privileges) null, 0);

IF (getLastError ()! = error_success) {AFXMESSAGEBOX ("AdjustTokenPrivileges Disable Failed.");}

Return True;}


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