Package FileAccess;
Import *; import java.awt.event. *; import java.util. *; import javax.swing. *;
/ ** * Title: * Description: This is a bean * Copyright: Copyright (C) 2001 2001/11/24 * Company: Hainan Online Technology * @Version 1.0 * @Author Program Hunter /
Public Class FileAccess {Private String FileName, ErrorMessage; Private Int Columns, RowCount
/ * Structural function of textfileReader * / public fileAccess () {reset ();
Public void reset () {filename = new string (""); errorMessage = new string (""); columns = 0; rowcount = 0;}
Public void setErrorMessage (String ErrorMessage) {this.ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage;
Public string getErrorMessage () {return errorMessage;}
Public string getFilename () {return filename;}
Public int getRows () {Return Rowcount;}
Public int getColumns () {return column;}
/ * Return the contents of the file to a string to return to null * / public string getcontent () {string content = ""; file file file = new file (file n);
IF (! file.exists ()) {SeterrorMessage ("Error: the file '" filename "' does not exists"); return content;} else if (file! = null) {Try {bufferedreader reader = new bufferedReader NEW FileReader (File); string inline = reader.readline ();
While (inline! = null) {if (inline.Length () 1> columns = inline.LENGTH () 1;
Content = (INLINE System.getProperty ("line.separator"); inline = reader.readline (); rowcount ;}
Return Content;
} Catch (ieException e) {setErrorMessage ("Error Reading The File:"; Return Content;}} else {SETERRORMESSAGE ("Unknown Error!"); Return Content;}}
/ * TextFileWriter part * /
Public void setfilename (string filename) {this.filename = filename;}
/ *
There are 2 ways to write new content writtenmod for files. A: If the file exists, the new content is appended to the file. Otherwise, create a new file O: If the file exists, overwrite the contents of the old file. Otherwise create a new file Writer: Wang Haibo 2001/11/30
* /
Public Boolean Write (String StrinputContent, Char Writemod) {Try {file fso = new file (filename);
String strcontent = new string ("" ");
BufferedWriter Writer = New BufferedWriter (New FileWriter (FSO));
Switch (Writemod) {case 'a': // The most new content to the file
FileAccess objfread = new fileAccess (); string oldcontent = new string ("");
Objfread.setFileName (filename); OldContent = ObjFread.getContent ();
StrContent = OldContent StrinputContent;
Case 'o': // New content coverage the content of the old file
StrContent; Break;
StrContent; Break;
Writer.write (strcontent);
Writer.close ();
Return True;
} Catch (ioexception e) {setErrorMessage ("Error Writting the file:" E.GETMESSAGE ()); Return False;}