I have limited technology, and I may have a bad code ~~ I can't help but I can't help. . . I hope that I can forgive me for this rookie, I have an advocacy to leave a message, but please don't hurt my young heart.
Public code:
Client program code:
Using system.net; using system.Text; using system.threading; using system.collections;
A summary description of Namespace Client {///
/ * Client to server * / const string login = "11"; // client login const string logout = "12"; // Client offline const string getList = "13"; // Request User List Const String P2PCON = "14"; // Request P2P connection
/ * The server to the client * / const string nonuser = "21"; // requests the connected user does not exist const string rename = "22"; // Log in user name already existing const string userlist = "23"; // Online User list const string makhold = "24"; // UDP hole command const string loginok = "25"; // Login success const string servcls = "26"; // server closing const string msgend = "27"; //// End of the message
/ * Client to client * / const string p2pmsg = "31"; // client message const string Holdmg = "32"; // udp hole message const string recmsg = "33"; // message answer const string Pingmg = "34"; // ping client / * network parameter * / const Int maxTry = 5; // Number of retry times
/ * Client command line * / const string getUsers = "getu"; // Get online user list const string sendmsg = "send"; // Send message to a client const string exit = "exit"; // Exit Program const string ping = "ping"; const string users = "user"; // Print online user const string help = "help"; // Help
/ * Program variables * / static bool more = true; static bool ok = true; static string Username = ""; // username static ArrayList users = new ArrayList (); static Socket sock = new Socket (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType .Dgram, protocoltype.udp); Static IpendPoint Serverep = New IpendPoint (iPaddress.Parse (""), 8888); Static Thread Listenr = New Thread (New ThreadStart (Listen);
#REGION method ...
Static Private Void Listen () {while (true) {int RECV = 0; // Received Message bytes
Byte [] data = new byte [1024]; // message buffer
IpendPoint Sender = new iPadpoint (iPaddress.Any, 0); endpoint remote = (endpoint) sender; // message source remote address
Recv = sock.receiveFrom (data, ref remote); string head = encoding.unicode.getstring (data, 0, 4); // Get the message head two bytes of tag Switch (hEAD) {Case Recmsg: OK = true ;
Case UserList: getUserList (Data, RECV); Break;
Case msgend: more = false; Break;
Case servcls: console.writeline ("/ n server is closed! / n"); console.write ("# command:"); break;
Case Makhold: String Recever = Encoding.Unicode.getstring (data, 4, 20); int index = finduser (receser);
IF (index! = -1) {sock.sendto (Encoding.unicode.getBytes (Holdmg), ((USER) Users [index]). Location);
Case p2pmsg: console.writeline ("/ N received message from" encoding.unicode.getstring (DATA, 4, 20) ":" Encoding.Unicode.getstring (Data, 24, RECV - 24);
Sock.sendto (Encoding.unicode.getbytes (Recmsg), Remote;
Console.write ("/ n # command:"); Break;
Case Holdmg: Break;
Case pingmg: Break;}}}
/ * User Login * / Static String UserLogin () {iependpoint sender = new ipndpoint (ipaddress.any, 0); Endpoint Remote = (endpoint) sender; // message source remote address
Console.write ("Please enter a username:");
String Username = console.readline ();
Byte [] temp = encoding.unicode.getbytes (username);
IF (Temp.length> 20) {Console.WriteLine ("User Name cannot exceed 20 bytes! / n"); return ";} username = username.padright (10, '); byte [] data = Encoding.unicode.getBytes (login username.toupper ());
Sock.sendto (DATA, SERVEREP);
// Todo: Remember to add timeout processing int RECV = Sock.Receive (DATA);
IF (Encoding.unicode.getstring (DATA, 0, RECV) == Loginok) {Console.Writeline ("Landing Success! / N"); showhelp (); console.writeline ();
Return UserName;} else {console.writeline ("Landing failed, username already existing! / n"); return "";}}
/ * Send message * / static private bool sendmsg (String name, string msg) {bool result = false
Name = Name.padright (10, '');
INT INDEX = Finduser (Name);
IF (index! = -1) {byte [] Toserv = Encoding.unicode.getBytes (P2PCON NAME Username); Byte [] TOCLIENT = Encoding.Unicode.getbytes (P2PMSG UserName MSG); OK = FALSE;
For (int i = 0; i SOCK.SENDTO (TOCLIENT, ((USER) Users [index]). Location); Thread.sleep (1000); For (int i = 0; i Sock.sendto (TOSERV, SERVEREP); Thread.sleep (1000); Sock.sendto (Toclient, ((user) Users [index]). location); If (! ok) {console.writeline ("message delivery failed ./N");} else {console.writeLine ("message sends success ./n");}} else {console.writeline ("The user does not exist. / N "); Return Result;} / * Get User List * / Static Private Void getUserList (Byte [] Data, Int Recv) {string userdata = encoding.unicate.getstring (data, 4, recv-4); string username = userData.substring (0, 10) ; IF (fileuser == -1) {int portindex = userdata.indexof (':'); String address = userdata.substring (10, userdata.length - (userData.Length - PortIndex) - 10); IpendPoint UseRep = New IpendPoint (iPaddress.Parse (Address), INT.PARS (UserData.Substring (PortIndex 1))); Endpoint location = (endpoint) USEREP; Users.add (New User (User (User (User ");}} / * Print Online User List * / Static Private Void Printfusers () {if (users.count! = 0) {Console.WriteLine ("Online User:"); For (int i = 0; i / * Find user * / static private int founduser (string _name) {int result = -1; For (int I = 0; i Break;}} Return Result;} Static void waitunerlist () {byte [] data = encoding.uitode.getbytes (getList); Sock.sendto (DATA, SERVEREP); More = True; For (int I = 0; i Thread.sleep (1000); IF (more) {console.writeline ("Get User List Fails! Server Timeout! / N");} else {printfusers ();}} Static void showhelp () {console.writeLine ("/ t / t -------------------------------") Console.Writeline ("/ T / T | Getu Get Online User List |"); console.writeline ("/ t / t | send message to a client |"); console.writeline ("/ t / T | User prints online users | "); console.writeline (" / t / t | exit exit program | "); console.writeline (" / t / t -------------- ------------------- "); #ndregion /// // Byte [] data = new byte [1024]; While (LOOP) {Console.Write ("Please enter server IP:"); string ip = console.readline (); Try {serverep = new ipndpoint (ipaddress.parse (ip), 8888); loop = false;} catch {console.write ("Please enter IP is incorrect ./n"); loop = true;}} Loop = true; / * User login * / while (username == ") {username = userlogin (); Listenthr.start (); While (LOOP) {Console.write ("# command:"); String Input = console.readline (); IF (Input.Length <4) {console.writeline ("'" input "" is not a valid command! / n "); Continue;} switch (INPUT.SUBSTRING (0, 4) .tolower () ) {Case getUsers: if (Input.length == 4) {WaitUserList ();} else {console.writeLine ("'" input "" "is not a valid command! / N");} Break; Case users: if (Input.Length == 4) {printfusers ();} else {console.writeline ("'" input "" is not a valid command! / n ");} Break; Case sendmsg: if (Input.Length> 5 && Input [4] == ') {INT NINDEX = INPUT.INDEXOF (' ', 5); if (Nindex <0 || NINDEX == Input.length-1) {Console.WriteLine ("Send command format should be as follows:"); console.writeline ("Send [User Name] [Message Content] / N"); Break;} String name = INPUT.SUBSTRING (5, NINDEX-5) .toupper (); string msg = input.substring (NINDEX 1); Sendmsg (Name, MSG);} else {console.writeline ("'" input "" "is not a valid command! / N"); Break; Case EXIT: IF (Input.Length == 4) {loop = false; Byte [] temp = encoding.unicode.getbytes (username); byte [] data = encoding.unicode.getBytes (logout temp.length.tostring ("0 #") username.toupper ()); Listenthr.abort (); Sock.sendto (DATA, SERVEREP); sock.close ();} else {console.writeLine ("'" input "" is not a valid command! / n ");} Break; Case ping: IF (Input.length> 5 && Input [4] == ') {console.writeline ("command is completed ./n");} else {console.writeline ("'" input "" " "Not a valid command! / N"); Break; Case help: showhelp (); break; default: console.writeline ("'" input "'" "is not a valid command! / n"); Break;}}}} Server-end program code: Using system.collections; using system.net; using system.text; using system.Text; Summary description of Namespace Server {/// / * Client to server * / const string login = "11"; // client login const string logout = "12"; // Client offline const string getList = "13"; // Request User List Const String P2PCON = "14"; // Request P2P connection / * The server to the client * / const string nonuser = "21"; // requests the connected user does not exist const string rename = "22"; // Log in user name already existing const string userlist = "23"; // Online User list const string makhold = "24"; // UDP hole command const string loginok = "25"; // Login success const string servcls = "26"; // server closing const string msgend = "27"; //// End of the message / * Server command line * / const string exit = "exit"; // Exit the program const string users = "user"; // Print online users / * Program variables * / static ArrayList users = new ArrayList (); // User List static Socket sock = new Socket (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); static IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint (IPAddress.Any, 8888); Static Thread Listenthr = New Threadstart (Listen)); # endregion #Region method ... static private void listen () {while (true) {int RECV = 0; // receive the number of message bytes Byte [] data = new byte [1024]; // message buffer IpendPoint Sender = new iPadpoint (iPaddress.Any, 0); endpoint remote = (endpoint) sender; // message source remote address RECV = Sock.ReceiveFrom (data, ref remote); String head = encoding.unicode.getstring (data, 0, 4); // Get two bytes of the message header Switch (Head) {Case Login: UserLogin (Data, Remote); Break; Case Logout: UserLogout (data); Break; Case getList: getUserList (transote); Break; Case P2PCON: Peerconnect (Data, Remote); Break;}}} / * Find user * / static private int founduser (string _name) {int result = -1; For (int I = 0; i Break;}} Return Result;} / * User Login * / Static Private Void UserLogin (Byte [] data, endpoint _remote) {bool error = false; / * Newly registered users * / user newuser = new user (Encoding.Unicode.getstring (data, 4, 20), _remote); / * Judging whether the user recommends * / error = (Finduser (NewUser.Name)! = -1); IF (! error) {users.add (newuser); Console.writeline ("/ N users" newuser.name "login, address:" newuser.location.toString () "/ n"); console.write ("# command:"); Sock.sendto (encoding.unicode.getBytes (loginok), _Remote); for (INT i = 0; i IF (index! = -1) {users.removeat (index); console.writeline ("/ n user" username "exit ./N"); console.write ("# command:");}} / * Get online users list * / static private remote, {for (int i = 0; i Sock.sendto (UserData, Remote); Sock.sendto (Encoding.Unicode.getbytes (Msgend), Remote; / * Command Over-end connection * / static private void peerconnect (byte [] data, endpoint remote) {string received (data, 4, 20); string sender = encoding. commnicode.getstring (Data) 20, 20); Byte [] msg = encoding.unicode.getbytes (Makhold Sender); INT INDEX = Finduser (Recever); IF (index! = -1) {sock.sendto (MSG, ((user) Users [index]);} else {sock.sendto (eNCoding.unicode.getBytes (nonuser), remote);}} / * Print Online User List * / Static Private Void Printfusers () {if (users.count! = 0) {Console.WriteLine ("Online User:"); For (int i = 0; i /// Sock.bind (IPEP); Listenthr.start (); Console.writeline ("Server has started ..... / n"); While (LOOP) {Console.write ("# command:"); String Input = console.readline (); IF (Input.Length <4) {console.writeline ("'" input "" "is not a valid command! / n"); Continue;} Switch (INPUT.SUBSTRING (0, 4) .tolower ()) {CASE USERS: IF (INPUT.LENGTH == 4) {printfusers ();} else {console.writeline ("'" input "" " Not a valid command! / N "); Break; Case EXIT: Listenthr.abort (); Byte [] Data = Encoding.unicode.getbytes (servcls); For (int i = 0; i Sock.close (); loop = false; Break; Default: console.writeline ("'" input "" is not a valid command! / n "); Break;}}}} Explain the UDP hole with an empty, what is going on, the code is very chaotic, please forgive me! I didn't succeed many times, I don't know where the code is wrong ~~~ I have time to check.