VS.NET installation, common problems and errors

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

Frequently asked questions from installation, debugging and errors

Q: An error occurred when new projects: Visual Studio .NET has detected that the specified web server is not running is not ASP.NET version 1.1. You will not be able to run an ASP.NET web application or service. A: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx? Scid = kb; EN-US; 817267 ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- Q: About the solution to creating an APS.Web project A: http://www.9cbs.net/develop/read_article.asp? Id = 19725 ------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Q: ASPX project cannot debug a: 1, has started a debug process (both two projects have been opened, and there is a debug): Can start one; Release: Point menu "Generate" - Configuration, select "Debug" 5, "You don't debug server permissions": Modify IE security settings, "Automatically use the current username and password login"

If you can't still, refer to MS solution:

For your error message, you should find a solution in this document http://www.gotdot.com/team/csharp/learn/WhitePapers/howtosolvedebuggerProblems.doc -------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------

Q: Deploy the .NET program to the machine where the .NET FRAMWORK is installed, A: http://www.microsoft.com/china/community/program/originalArticles/techdoc/DeploynetApp.mspx --------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------

Q: When installing VS.NET 2003, there is an error in "Unable to access Windows Installer Components". A: According to the prompt, you should have a problem with Windows Installer. Need to reinstall Windows Installer. Perform the following: First, use MSIEXEC / UnregServer to stop Windows Installer service. Second, download INSTMSIW.EXE, unzip it with WinRAR. Enter the directory. Third, right-click MSI.INF and click Install. Fourth, install vs.net 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Q: VC software package is not available or unregistered A: Symptoms: When a WinForms application is established, the following error message is received: "VC software package is not available or not registered." This error will even appear after a successful installation.

Cause: If the Visual Studio.net installer finds that some TLB files and DLL files already exist, they will not register these files again in the computer, so there is a prompt that "VC package is not available or unregistered" may occur. In most cases, the old version of Visual Studio .NET is prone to this error, especially the old version is installed under another operating system.

Solution: To resolve this issue, you need to run the Visual Studio .NET repair. Since the fix is ​​forced to register that there is no registered item in some installer, it can solve this problem more effectively.

Follow the steps below: In the Start, point to Setup, click Control Panel, and click Add / Remove Programs; click Visual Studio .NET, click "Change /" in the list of installed programs listed. Delete "; Click on the Visual Studio .NET Installation dialog box 1 2 3 The second item in the project; click" Repair / Replace "and follow the screen prompts.

More information: Reproduce this problem To reproduce this problem, it is best to have two operating systems that are installed on separate partitions. Two Windows XP Professional will reach this. Install Visual Studio under an operating system. Net; Visual Studio .NET under another operating system, change the installed default path during the installation process to match the path for the first installation. The two installation results will be successful. Then start the second installation Visual Studio. Net (you will find the reproduction of this problem).

This form of installation is never recommended, even if the installation option is identical, and you will save disk space, this method has a potential problem. If a Visual Studio .net changed Files and registration options, these changes will not be recorded in another Visual Studio .NET that causes potential hazards that appear unexpected results.

Heads: http://zhuonline.51.net/blogs/archives/000045.htmlhttp://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=http://support.microsoft.com:80/support/kb /articles/Q320/4/27.asp&nowebcontent=1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------

Q: Cannot start debugging, catastrophic errors (common errors when debugging ASP.NET applications in Visual Studio .NET) A: http: //support.microsoft.com/?id = 306172 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Q: Receive "Unrecoverable Build Error" error message when generating and deploying projects (unrecoverable generated error) error message A: http://support.microsoft.com/?id=329214

Q: Automation server cannot create objects: A: Have a good VS.NET editor, suddenly one day when I started a new project, pop-up "Automation server can't create objects", then stopped . I have an "automation" keyword on 9CBS, I found that there are many friends who have met, and most of the friends who answer the questioner as questioner is the error when IE parsing XML files (see http: //www.9cbs.net/expert/topic/757/757297.xml) Seeing a few questions, they have encountered this problem, their answers are: no vaccine vs.net Role, finally reload the operating system to solve this problem. I want to install the operating system to be my life, so I have always used the Copy & Paste project document to reach the purpose of the new project.

Until one day, I accidentally clicked vs_setup.msi to add a help document for VS.NET (later, I know that I should click Setup.exe to add). VS_SETUP.MSI is halfway, it is also wrong, look at the debug results, it is FileSystemObject creation failure (thank God, the error message here is finally friendly). VS.NET's error "Automation server can't create objects" is it?

I suddenly remembered, I heard online in the first few months, I can ban the FileSystemObject object, I have forgotten how to do it, anyway, when I fell, I have forgotten, from there, I have never been there. I used FileSystemObject in my program. Go to Google to search, find that FileSystemObject has three ways (http://www.sometips.com/faqs/315.htm), the first method: Modify the registry ([HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Classes / CLSID / {0D43FE01 -F093-11cf-8940-00a0c9054228} / progid] @ = "scripting.filesystemObject"), change FileSystemObject to an arbitrary name, only the user knows the name can be created. I check the registry, the name of the site or Scripting.FileSystemObject.

So why is my FSO can't be used? I suddenly remembered that I used to use the second method, "Run Regsvr32 Scrrun.dll / u, all users can't create FILESystemObject." It was really too embarrassed at the time. Runregs Regsvr32 Scrrun.dll quickly. I tried to create a project with vs.net, a play prompt, no longer the damn "Automation server can't create objects" other solutions related posts: http: //yj.sxedu.com.cn/bk/downloadsoft.asp ? mclass = 14 & sclass = 29 & id = 125 & keyword = http://www.9cbs.net/develop/article/14/14928.shtmhttp: //support.microsoft.com/default.aspx? scid = kb; EN-US; Q323885

Q: Unable to start debugging on the Web Servera: If you encounter these errors, you need to consider the following questions:

To check the Web application on the remote server in the remote server stores in Visual SourceSafe and use the FrontPage server extension web application manually attached to the content to check, if you get "Unable to start debug on the web server" error, try check the following:

Are you running a Windows version that allows the Visual Studio debugger to automatically attach to a web application? If not, you need to start the application without debugging, and then attach it to it manually. (For more information, see Manual Addition and ASP.NET Debug: System Requirements.) Does your web application have a web.config file? Whether the web.config file enables debug mode by setting the debug property to True? For more information, see the debug mode in the ASP.NET application. Does web.config contain any syntax errors? You can check if there is a syntax error by running a web application without debugging. (From the "Debug" menu, select "Start (not debug)".) If there is a syntax error in the web.config, the details are displayed. Are you a member of the debugger user (Debugger users)? If you log in as an administrator, is the administrator in this group? Are you creating a project by specifying a specific IP address (such as 100.20.300.400)? Debug web server requires NTLM authentication. By default, the IP address is assumed to be part of the Internet, and NTLM authentication is not performed on the Internet. To correct this question: When you create an item, specify the name of your computer on the intranet. -or-

Add IP addresses (http://100.20.300.400) to the trusted site list on your computer. (From Internet Explorer's Tools menu, select "Internet Options" and select the Security tab). Does the computer running the IIS server have installed Visual Studio .NET remote components? Is IIS installed on a local computer (ie computer running Visual Studio .NET) after installation of Visual Studio .NET installed? IIS should be installed before installing Visual Studio .NET. If it is later installed, you may need to fix the .NET framework. Fix the .NET framework into the Visual Studio .NET CD and run

: /WCU/dotNetFramework/dotNetfx.exe / T: C: / Temp / C: "msiexec.exe / fvecms c: /temp/netfx.msi" - or -

Insert Visual Studio .NET Windows Components Update CD and run

: / DOTNETFRAMEWORK / DOTNETFX.EXE / T: C: / TEMP / C :"msiexec.exe / fvecms c: /temp/netfx.msi "Does the URL of the project start page correctly? Is the extension and project directory correct? Do IIS security settings correctly? To verify this, check the Default Web Site settings. Check IIS security settings for "default Web site"

From the "Start" menu, select Programs and Administrative Tools, then click Internet Service Manager (Windows 2000) or "Internet Information Services". In the Internet Service Manager or the Internet Information Services dialog box, click Tree Control for your computer. In the Web Site folder, find the Default Web Site. Right click on "Default Web Site" and select Properties. In the Default Web Site Properties window, select the Directory Security tab and click Edit. In the Authentication Method dialog box, select "Anonymous Access" and "Integrated Windows Authentication" (if you haven't selected). Click OK to close the Internet Service Manager or the Internet Information Services dialog. Click OK. For the ATL Server application, verify that the debug predicate is associated with your ISAPI extension. For ASP.NET applications, make sure that the application's virtual folder has an "application name" set in "Internet Service Manager" or "Internet Information Service". Specify virtual folders for web applications

From the "Start" menu, select Programs and Administrative Tools, then click Internet Service Manager (Windows 2000) or "Internet Information Services". In the Internet Service Manager or the Internet Information Services dialog box, click Tree Control for your computer. In the Web Site folder, find this web application. Right click on "Default Web Site" and select Properties. In the Default Web Site Properties window, select the Directory tab. Under Application Settings, click Create. The application name appears in this box.

Click "OK" to close the Properties dialog. Click OK to close the Internet Service Manager or the Internet Information Services dialog. Web applications on remote servers If the web application is on the remote server, check the following: Will you run the correct installer to install the ASP.NET/atl Server and Remote Debugger Components on the server? Are you a member of the debugger user (Debugger user "group on the server? Do you have access privileges necessary to debug the process running under the system account? According to the security settings, the ASP.NET application may run under the INetInfo.exe (IIS process), or it is possible to run in the ASP secondary process aspnet_wp.exe. By default, the ASPNET_WP.EXE process runs as a System. To debug applications running under ASPNET_WP.EXE, you need to have administrator privileges or edit the machine.config file for ASPNET_WP.exe so that ASPNET_WP.EXE is running under user accounts. To debug an application running under inetinfo.exe, you must be an administrator on a computer that runs in inetinfo.exe.

According to the security settings, the ATL Server application may run under inetinfo.exe or run under the ATL assist process Dllhost.exe. To debug an application running under inetinfo.exe, you must be an administrator on the computer that runs INetInfo.exe, or uses the public language Runtuance Application setting to configure DLLHOST to run as a specific user. Are you using the Terminal Server try to debug a web application on a remote computer? Under Windows XP, you support the use of "Terminal Server" to remotely debug the native web application. It is not supported in Windows 2000 or Windows NT. WEB applications stored in Visual SourceSafe and extended using FrontPage Server If the web application stores in Visual SourceSafe and uses FrontPage Server Extensions as its web access mode, check the following questions:

Does Visual SourceSafe are located on the same computer with the FrontPage Server / Web server? If so, you can use "Integrated Authentication" to debug. (To check "Integrated Authentication" settings, see this procedure to check the "default Web site" IIS security settings.) Solving another method of this problem is to change the web access mode from FrontPage to file sharing File Share). Change the web access mode to file sharing (File Share)

In the Solution Explorer, right-click the project name and select Properties from the shortcut menu. in"

In the Properties Page dialog box, open the General Properties folder, then select "Web Settings". Under "Web Server Connection", click Web Access Mode, then select "File Sharing" in the list box. Single "OK" to close "

Property Page Dialog. Manual Additional Action If you perform the appropriate action by following these troubleshooting steps, you still receive an error message when you start debugging, you may need to try to debug your application by manually attach.

Manual addition

Start the application without debugging. (From the "Debug" menu, select "Start (not debug)".) Additional IIS processes or auxiliary processes. By default, for the ATL Server application for inetinfo.exe; for the ASP.NET application as ASPNET_WP.EXE. Use the following procedure to determine which process is running under the ASP.NET or ATL Server application. Check which procedure running under the ASP.NET application Using the Visual Studio .NET or other text editor opens the application's Machine.config file. Find the following process model attribute: enable If the enable is set to True, the application runs under ASPNET_WP.EXE (this is also the default setting.)

If the enable is set to false, the application runs under inetinfo.exe.

Check which process of the ATL Server application is running

In the Solution Explorer, right-click the project name and select Properties from the shortcut menu. in"

In the Properties Page dialog box, open the Web Deploy folder, then select "General". View "Application Protection" settings. If this is set to "low (IIS process)", the application runs under inetinfo.exe If this is set to "Medium (Pool)", the application runs under the dllhost.exe process (same as those in the ATL Server application in the pool). If this is set to "High (independent)", The program runs under the DllHost.exe process (different from other ATL Server applications). Click "OK" to close "

Property Page dialog. See debug scripts and web: errors and troubleshooting

Q: Web Access Failed This item's default web access mode is set to file sharing, but cannot open the project folder at "http: // localhost / bweb" from the path "D: / INETPUB / BWEB", the returned error is: Unable to open the web project "BWEB". File path "D: / INETPUB / BWEB" does not match the URL "http: // localhost / bWeb". Both needs to be mapped to different server locations. HTTP error 404: NOT FOUNDA: 1. Open IIS Manager. 2. Right click on "DEFAULT Web Site" and select Properties.3. Click "HTTP Header" .4. Click "MIME TYPES" .5. Click "New". 6. In Extension, enter ".tmp". (No quotation marks) 7. In MIME TYPE, enter "Temp". (No quotation number)

Q: VS.NET debugging problem A: About a series of questions that appear in VisualStudio.NET, such as no permission debug web server, not a debugger user group, unable to debug, etc., can be in the VS7 Debugger Doesn't Work. What CAN I do (http://blogs.msdn.com/mkpark/articles/86872.aspx) found the answer. I have encountered no permissions to debug on the web server. Later, I later selected IE Internet options -> Security -> intranet-> Custom Level -> User Validation "Automatic User and Password Login" to solve unable Commissioning problem. How can I think that VS.NET cannot debug and modify IE options?


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