Interface specification

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

An interface specification (C / S) Original address: href = "" Rel = "pingback" / >

After a lot of information, it is a reference value for the sorted interface (C / S program, but the principle part of the principle has a reference value), I hope to help you. The pictures are not attached, because the text is already enough to describe it. ------------------------------------- 1. Interface specification 1.1. Overall principle l Use the user-centered . Designed by user-controlled interfaces instead of interface control users. l Clear consistent design. The style of all interfaces is consistent, all of which is consistent with terms that have the same meaning, and easy to understand L has good intuitive features. By the abstraction of the real world affairs familiar to the user, hint and metaphor to help users quickly learn the software. l Faster response speed. l Simple and beautiful. 1.2. Details 1.2.1. One important principle for user control user interface design is that users should always feel that they are controlled by the software rather than feelings. l Control is assumed to be a user - instead of a computer or software - starting. The user plays an active role instead of playing a passive role. This automatic task is implemented in a manner that needs to be automatically performed or controlled to allow users to select or control it. l Provide user custom settings. Because the user's skills and preferences are different, they must be able to personalize some aspects of the interface. Windows provides users with access to many of this. Your software should reflect different system properties - such as user settings for colors, fonts, or other options. l Take an interactive and easy-to-sense window to avoid using the Modal dialog box to use the "Non-Mode" ancillary window. "Mode" is a state that eliminates the general interaction, or restricts the user to implement specific interactions. When it is best to use a mode or this mode is just a replaceable design - for example, it is used to select a specific feeling in a plot program - please ensure that this mode is obvious, visible, is a clear user selected The result is easy to cancel. l When you run a long process in the background, keep the front desktop interaction. For example, a document is being printed, even if the document cannot be changed, the user should minimize the window. l understand. Users like to explore an interface and often learn from attempts and errors. An effective interface allows interactive discovery, which only provides a set of suitable options and warns when the user may destroy the system or data. If it is feasible, it should also provide reversible or reducible operation. Even in the design is very good, users may also make mistakes. These errors can be physically available (accidentally pointing to the wrong command or data), or logically (decisions for which data or which data is selected). Effective design avoids the possibility of errors. It also contains potential user errors and is easy to restore. 1.2.2. Clear consistent design consistently allows users to pass existing knowledge to new tasks, learn new things faster, and focus more attention to tasks. This is because they don't have to take time to try to remember the difference in interaction. By providing a stable feel, consistent with the interface is familiar with and predictable. All aspects of the interface are very important, including the name of the command, visual representation, operational behavior, and elements in the screen and window. l The words of the same meaning use unified terms.

For example, the materials stored in the warehouse cannot be referred to as items, goods, spatants, products and materials, and the unified appointment, and this title is user familiar and easy to understand. l Use a consistent command and interface to display common features. For example, avoiding a "replication" command immediately performs an operation, but in another case, a dialog requires a user to type the target and then execute. The same command should be used to perform a function similar to the user. l Consisten to the operating environment. Keeping the interactive operations provided by Windows and the high levels of interface agreement, users will be able to familiarize with software. l Use metaphors consistency. If a specific behavior is more features of a different thing, not its metaphor, then users may have difficulty in learning behavior and the matter. For example, for objects placed in the recovery bin, the incinerator and waste paper 箩 represent different models. l Establish a project reserved word. By establishing a reserved word, it is clear and unified terms and operational commands. l Provides visual feedback. When running in the background (time exceeding 1 ~ 10 seconds, depending on the specific situation), information indication such as progress bar must be provided. l Do not provide sound feedback unless otherwise necessary. When there is a serious problem, you can use the sound to prompt the user, but usually should be allowed to cancel the sound. l Keep the text content clearly. The expression of information is simple, easy to understand, no longer, avoiding the use of lengthy words to feedback. 1.2.3. Have good intuitive feature l provides direct and intuitive interfaces with familiar metaphors. By allowing users to take advantage of their knowledge and experience, metaphor makes predictions and learning software-based representations easier. l When using metaphor, you don't need to limit your computer-based implementation within the real world's counterpart. For example, in different, the folder on the Windows desktop can be used to organize various objects, such as printers, calculators, and other folders. Similarly, the Windows folder can be sorted in a way that its real world counterpart is not possible. The purpose of using metaphors in the interface is to provide a cognitive bridge; metaphors do not have its own ultimate goal. l Metaphor supports user cognition rather than memory. The user remembers that the meaning associated with a familiar thing is much easier than the names they record a specific command. l Conformance with common software. The outstanding user interface will implement the same action with other successful software used by the user before the program. 1.2.4. Faster response speed L keeps the interface quickly responds to user operations. l Provide shortcuts. Especially for the interface with a large number of entry, users can make quick data entry without using the mouse. Add some features in the user interface that allows skilled users to quickly enter data in different regions. These functions include repetitive functions, shortcuts, buttons with meaningful icons, etc., all of which allow users to control the interface and speed up data. l Don't redraw the screen unless necessary. 1.2.5. Simple and beautiful L simple. The interface should be very simple (not excessive purification), easy to learn, and easy to use. It must also provide access to all features of the application. In the interface, the expansion of the function and maintains simplicity is contradictory. An effective design should balance these goals. One way to support simplicity is to reduce the information of information to minimal information required for sufficient communication. For example, avoid text description of command names and messages. Not related or lengthy sentences disturb your design, making users difficult to easily extract important information. Another way to design simple and useful interfaces is to use nature mapping and language. The arrangement of interface elements and representation affects their meaning and association. Simple and familiar with each other. Familiar things usually seem simpler. Try to establish a link to use the user's existing knowledge and experience. You can use progressive to help users manage complex things. "Gradual Reverse" involves a careful information organization so that information is only displayed when appropriate. You reduce the number of information necessary to process by hiding information to users.

For example, you can use a menu to display a list of operations or selected, you can also use the dialog to display a set of options. The gradual disclosure does not mean that the use of non-conventional techniques for display information, such as a unique way to access the basic functions, or forced users to pass through a longer hierarchical interaction. This will make the user interface more complex and trouble. L Beauty. Visual design is an important part of the application interface. Visual attributes provide a very good impression and convey an important clue to the interaction behavior of a particular object. At the same time, every visual element that appears on the screen is also important, and they may compete for the user's attention. Provide a coherent environment that clearly facilitates understanding of the information of the user's expression. The technique of graphical or visual designers is invaluable to this aspect. 1.3. Details agree 1.3.1. Interface style Ordinary appearance L Use consistency  uniform appearance to make the user interface easier to understand and use. The user interface control should appear to be consistent. l Use arrangements and processes to Western culture (including China), people are accustomed to reading from left to right, from top to bottom, and therefore, important information should be placed on top and left. The top left corner is most likely to attract people's attention. l Use alignment  Usually, use left alignment to use the user interface control easier to browse. For numerical text, you should align or right align in decimal points. For non-numerical text, avoid using right alignment or center alignment. You don't have to use intermediate alignment, or keep them symmetrical. Keep the blank area in the right or bottom is more suitable for habits. l Use groups   to divide the associated user interface control into groups to reflect the relationship between them. At the same time, the relevant information is also displayed. Place the control next to the object it. Use spaces, packet boxes, lines, and labels, or other separators to group the user interface control. l Use emphasis to use focus, position, group, hierarchy, enable / disable, size, color, or font, etc. to focus on the user interface control you need to see first. Try to indicate the operation of the user next should be performed in a visual manner. l Using visual prompts  Try to use the approximate size and spacing to point out that the user interface control is similar, and the different sizes and spacings indicate that the user interface control is different. l Use spaces to use spaces to create a "breathable room" to make the window layout easier to understand, and view more comfortable. How much is appropriate, don't look too dispersed. However, to avoid excessive use of spaces. If possible, try to make a small window. l Be alert to the empty cave. Do not attach the names and logo of the company or product. Although companies or product names and logos appear in the start screen or "About" box are fully acceptable, other content should appear in other windows. If there is no other content, you should try to make a small window. l Note Size  Use the resolution of the user interface control with independence. Use the system specifications (using the getGyStemmetrics API function) or text specifications (using the GetTextMetrics or GettextExtentPoint32 API function) to determine the size of the user interface control. Any object that displays text (such as dialog or defined text document) should use text specifications. l Consider using resource or predefined layout grid  resource template or predefined layout grid helps you implement consistency between different windows.

Note that the second dialog box shown in the next page is different from the first difference, it has a compact, from left to right, from top to the process, and the left aligned tag is easy to browse; Align the edit box and adjust its size, make it more organized and more balanced. unreasonable

Balanced dialog Windows visual prompt suggests that the user only needs to determine the ability of the object's usage by viewing a visual prompt. In Windows, keep using the following audience: l You can click the projected item. l You can click on the item that highlights when the mouse moves from it. l Cannot click on the recess. l You can edit items with a white background and a sparkles (cursor). l You can't edit projects with gray background. l Gray project is disabled. l You can drag the projection. Interaction L Try to provide keyboard access to all functions. Ideally, in addition to graphics such as drawing, all other functions should only be accessed by the keyboard. l Try to provide mouse access to all functions. Ideally, all other features should only be accessed by mice except for text input. l Make sure that the operation with significant consequences requires a clear choice of users *   Users need to fully express him to perform hazardous operations or destructive operations. l For feedback to make time-consuming operations * Operating long-term operations, ensuring waiting for cursors, schedules, or other visual feedback. The user should be able to cancel the long-term operation. If an unfinished action can be canceled, the button is marked as "cancel", otherwise the button is marked as "stop". l Visual indication mode *   Provide a visual feedback to indicate that the user enters a mode, which can usually do this by changing the cursor or title bar text. l Make sure the consistency click and double-click *  Click for non-button selection, and double-click to select and execute the default operation. In other words, the effect of double-clicking (in the list box, the combo box, or other controls) should be in the selected control, and then press the ENTER key. l The right click is only for shortcut menu *  Make sure the right mouse is only used for shortcut menu instead of other purposes. l Do not use mouse keys *  If the user's mouse has a middle key, let the user use the "Mouse" utility in the Control Panel to assign the middle key behavior. l The consistency of the shortcut keys that keep allocated   Combine function keys and CTRL keys are used for shortcuts. It is accustomed to use the ALT key to a combination key, and the business ALT key is often used to access the keys. Try to avoid using Alt keys and Ctrl keys, because this combination will make shortcuts very troubles, and it is not convenient. l Use shortcuts as a supplement * Do not use shortcuts as the only way to access commands. Users should have more obvious options. l Avoid horizontal scroll bars Unlike vertical scroll bars, horizontal scroll bars are not popular because it will make projects more difficult. The solution is: Try to use the vertical scroll bar, widen the window, reduce the width of the text, or automatically wrap the text. Of course, if you do need, you can use a horizontal scroll bar. Program L Only the main program window has the title bar icon, menu bar, toolbar, and status bar *  Because the taskbar button of the main window will also activate the secondary window, the secondary window is absolutely not displayed In the task bar. The secondary window does not make it complicated because of the menu bar, the toolbar or status bar. You can use the title bar icon to clearly distinguish between divisions and secondary windows. In addition, do not use the default Windows icon (floating window icon) as the window icon. l Simplified the default configuration  Let users learn and use programs by their speed. l Applications should use Multi-Document Interface (MDI) or Single Document (SDI)   These programs should match the usage pattern of the application. L By default, applications should be kept to maximize the entire screen when the application takes up the entire screen, often enhances the user's work efficiency. l Utilities Should use the SDI or dialog interface to match the usage pattern of the utility. For utilities, it is recommended not to use the MDI interface because it takes a lot of efforts to manage these windows. l The utility should run within the small screen range @ utility often run with other programs, so they need to run within the small screen range. A practical program should have a flexible window layout to accommodate a variety of different sizes. The utility is rarely operated in the form of maximized. l The SDI program that uses the actual document must support running multiple instances *  Run multiple instances to allow users to operate multiple documents simultaneously. l Use the "Exit" command to terminate the "Exit" termination process; remove the main window and non-Mode dialog box with "Off"; Use the Cancel to remove the mode dialog box.

When the main window does not mean the termination process, use "Off" using "exit" for the main window. For example: Turning off the printer status window does not cancel printing tasks. Default L Save and Recovery User Selection   The program should be able to recover the status of its last exit. The MDI program should be able to recover the size and location of the document window. The dialog typically uses the last input value as the default value. l Provide appropriate default  Provide a proper default to reduce user unnecessary operations, helping users do their jobs. Provides the most likely use and give the default value for setting the actual usage. Usually, the best default is the value of the user's last input. l Security When you choose the default value *                is set to the default value. Do not use the default value that makes users feel inexplicably. Forms dialog form size should not exceed 640 * 460, leave 20 to the task bar. And the ratio of high and width (or width and height) should remain substantially 3: 4 (or 4: 3). You should generally define the "POSITION" attribute of the form as "Podesktopcenter", "WindowsTate" property is "WSNORMAL", and some main interfaces are set to "WSMaximized". "Showhint" property is set to "True". If it is a mode dialog, set the "Border" property to "BSDIALOG". Form file (* .dfm) is saved as a text format to compare differences between different versions in VSS. If the form size exceeds the screen size, the size will change when turned on the Delphi development environment, and affect the runtime effect. Since everyone's screen size setting is different, some are 1024 * 768, some are 800 * 600, so please pay attention to the form size during the design, try not to exceed 800 * 600 to avoid the above problems. Layout and Packet   Form Control layout and spacing as much as possible with Windows standards. The control is from the upper, lower, left and right distance of 7 pixels. The spacing between the lower right corner master command button is 6 pixels. If the main command button is in the upper right corner, the spacing between 4 pixels. The main command button is generally 75 × 21 pixels. If the button's text is very long, the width of the button should be properly widened. As shown below. Other details, please refer to the error! The bookmark is invalid. And command buttons. The "Taborder" attribute value of the control should be consistent with the sequence of controls, ie, follow from top to bottom, from left to right. If there is a similar control in multiple pages of PageControl, they should be as consistent with the position / size that appear in each page, so as to avoid flashing sense when switching between the page. Icon, Picture   The same function in different interfaces should use the same icon and picture. Icon, the color of the picture, the style is consistent as possible. Icon, the metaphor of the picture should be exactly the meaning of the function, if not, use the text directly to avoid confusing the user. If the function is an action, it may be difficult to find an icon that represents the function, at this time, you should try to use this action-related nougain to make an icon. For example, the "shearing" function in Windows is represented by a scissors. Tips Information (HINT) Toolbar Button should set the tool prompt "Hint" property. Hint can help users understand and use it easier. Details can refer to the toolbar, tool tips. If the "TspeedButton" control is used, and only the icon is used, it should also set the "hint" attribute. If not special circumstances, try to avoid using the "TSPEEDBUTTON" control, and use the "TButton" control instead. Tag symbols                                                                If it is a guided tag text (such as the sentence of the button function), use a full-width symbol, and the sentence should follow the Chinese punctuation standard. The Microsoft Standard dialog box example is shown below. Other details can be referred to static text. Dialog Box L dialog should be able to correctly display in all video modes  When displayed under VGA mode (640 × 480), the dialog should not exceed 640 × 460 (leave 20 pixels to the taskbar). This will ensure that the dialog box can be displayed in all video modes. l Make sure the mode dialog box mode *  Make sure that the mode dialog with the parent window provides the correct parent window handle, and provides a NULL handle from time to time. If the parent window handle is not provided, the parent window is still active, so the dialog is not actually not a mode dialog. l Don't use scrollable dialogs *      , don't use the dialog box that needs to be scrolling. This dialog is very inconvenient to use, and it is completely unnecessary. This dialog should be redesigned. l Do not use the menu bar * in the dialog box as a secondary window *  Use this dialog to pay a lot of efforts. Note that in the dialog box for the main window (such as "Find" Utility), it can be accepted when the menu bar is accepted. It is also important to note that in all dialogs, the shortcut menu and menu buttons are acceptable.

The secondary dialog box does not use the menu bar, but you can use the menu button.

l Do not use the title bar icon in the dialog box as a secondary window *  Title bar icon for distinguishing the main window and the secondary window. l Do not display dialog boxes as a secondary window on the taskbar *  Note that the taskbar icon with the master window will also activate the secondary window. l Use the page layout and spacing shown in the next page in the dialog. L For similar dialogs, use the control position to emphasize its similarities.  If the same control of the meaning appears in some similar dialog, it should be displayed in the same location. On the other hand, different controls that will be confused may be placed in the same location. l It is best to use the parking dialog box for non-Mode dialogs. l Strategy Set Input Focus  Set the initial input focus on the control that is most likely to be used first. l Do not have an omitted number in the dialog header text. For example, the title of the display dialog box should be "Options" as the "Print Options ..." command result. However, it is an exception to the menu dialog box during the execution of the command (such as "connected to the Internet ..." dialog box). l Assigning access keys for all controlled access keys *   Access button to keep the user's hand on the keyboard, making the access program more convenient. You can assign access keys to controls such as command buttons, radio buttons, check boxes in its title. By providing a static text tag or with a access key, you can assign a access key for controls such as editing boxes, list boxes, combo boxs in the Tab order. Do not assign access keys for groups in other cases - this will make people confuse. The "Determined" button does not have access to the key, because when the default button is used, it is selected by the ENTER key. The "Cancel" button does not have access to the key because the ESC key preview clearance mode dialog box. If possible, avoid using lowercase G, J, P, Q or Y, avoid the use of letters before and after these letters as the access key. Underline cannot be separated from the downstream letters of these letters. Of course, the access button must be unique. l Avoid using bold text  Try to use bold text. In the Windows 3.1 dialog box, bold text is used to draw the disabled text (ie, gray text) on the old video hardware. Because the current video hardware can draw a gray text without shake, Windows uses normal text to use normal text in the dialog box in WINDOWS. Bold text is only used to emphasize. For most dialogs, don't bold text. l Provide environmentally sensitive help  For complex dialogs, you should provide environmentally sensitive help for the entire dialog (via helping buttons or F1 key access), or provide control specific help for individual controls (through "what?" The button or SHIFT F1 key is accessed, or the two help are provided. The main command button of the dialog box L will separate the main command button and the dialog main body *                                                                                                                                     And other command buttons for other related buttons. This separation makes the master command button easier to find and identify. l In the direction of the dialog box, in Western culture, people are accustomed to reading from left to right, from top to bottom, so the main command button is easier to discover at the bottom or right. You should choose a similar direction with the appearance ratio of the dialog and the appearance of the screen (usually high and wide range of 3: 4). This will make the appearance of the dialog appear more comfortable and easier to position on the screen. If the button has different sizes, you can place them at the bottom of the dialog menu. When it is not confirmed, the button can be placed at the bottom because this positioning mode is most common, it is more likely to read. l Align the alignment button to the bottom of the primary command button. Right alignment command button is suitable for reading habits from left to right.

When only one master command button, you may wish to place it in an exception. Right alignment master command button

l Avoid using multi-line or multi-column master command buttons  Multi-line or multi-column master command button is a blow to the user. If there are many master command buttons, then note that the right side is placed on the right side to place more buttons compared to the bottom. In addition, you can consider using the command menu. If you have to use a lot of buttons, then pay attention to the use of multiple columns to use multiple columns. l The mode dialog box, usually provide "OK" and "Cancel" button *  To use the dialog, the user needs to easily identify the advancement (using "OK" and rear (using the "Cancel" button). You can use a more clear button instead of the "OK" button, but you must not replace the "Cancel" button in the Mode dialog box unless you use "stop" to indicate that the active operation cannot be canceled. l For non-mode dialogs or or as the main window, provide the "Close" button and do not provide "OK" and "Cancel" button *   That OK "and" Cancel "buttons for non-mode-based dialogs or as The dialog of the main window allows the dialog as a mode dialog. Moreover, there is no significance of "determining" and "cancel" when used in non-mode environments. Use the Close button to eliminate this confusion. L usually will "determine" button first, "cancel" Second, "Help" last *  "Determine" or its equivalent button usually as the first master command button. The "Cancel" button should be located on the right or below "OK". Place the "OK" and "Cancel" button. The Help button should be the last button. If there is no "OK" button, the "Cancel" button should be placed in front of the Help button. This allows the master command button easier to find and identify. l Make sure the "Cancel" button is actually used to cancel the operation *. When the cancellation, the status bar of the program should be identical to the previously displayed mode dialog. If this is not the case, you should use the Stop button to replace the "Cancel" button. The "Cancel" button in the Mode dialog should be the same as the "Close" button in the title bar. The attribute table is an exception, because the "Cancel" button does not cancel the changes that have been applied. Property Table and Properties Page L Let the Property page independent work  Avoid behavior or operations of an attribute page or to other property pages. Users cannot find this independent relationship between the attribute page. There should be no limit to the order of use of the property page. Users should be able to view any attribute pages. l The layout of the property page is independent of each other. Some attribute pages usually do not take up the same size space. The smaller property page of the occupied space should be different from the format of the layout of the largest attribute page, because additional space will be generated (see below).

The layout of the property page remains independent and avoids the center.

l Instead of using a dialog box with tabs, use the property sheet without using the tab, except for consistency, in addition to consistency, there is no significant practical advantage. In addition, for a dialog box that actually displays object properties, for other purposes, all tabs with tabs. l Total the property display for attributes, even if only one page *  Adopt the property table can clearly tell the user to view the property rather than a general dialog. The property table has an "Application" button to help the user test settings. l Never use two lines of labels *  It is best to use a line of labels, but both lines are also acceptable, two rows are too much, and can be used to replace the level attribute settings or multiple dialogs. l Tone the attribute provides an "Application" button    again, provide the "Application" button to help users test the settings. l The attribute table for the display attribute is always written on its title and the name of the "Properties". * Please note that all attribute tables are used to display properties. l Always place the command button on the right *  Apply to the command button of all pages must be placed outside of the tab area, and only the command button that applies to a single page must be placed inside the tab. Wizard L For advanced, complex or uncommon tasks Use Wizard   Tong guide is very useful to very advanced or complex tasks, save many troublesome operations. When the guide is used for an incormis task, its effect is best. The use wizard for common tasks is great and improper. Controls L Try to use standard controls to use standard controls (6 the earliest controls and new Win32 common controls). Programs with non-standard controls are inconsistent with the vast majority of Windows programs. Use custom controls only when you are fully reasonable. l When customizing standard controls, be careful to change the standard appearance or behavior of standard controls. Be careful, this is a place where it is often wrong. l Set the invalid control to not available *  Put the controls that do not apply to the current program status is not available. l Cancel unnecessary scroll bar  Try to make the control of the control is large enough to avoid using the scroll bar. Command Button L Using the smallest width and standard height  Bring the text command button should adopt the minimum width of the minimum width of the unit (75 pixel points), 14 conversational units (21 pixel points) standard height . Try to control the number of different sizes of text command buttons within two. Drag (Owner-Draw) buttons for the parent window (such as "..."), whose size can be set, the principle is to make the command button simple appearance. The buttons with a height greater than 14 dialogs (21 pixel points) looks not professional. Although the maximum width of the command button is not restricted, the buttons of the width of more than 200 dialogs are not properly. See the example of the command button shown below. Command button Size

l For internationally widened buttons  Although the width of 50 dialogue units (75 pixel points) is suitable for the minimum width of English text, it may be too small for programs that need to be localized for other languages. For programs that need to be translated into other languages, the minimum width of the command button may be more suitable for more than 60 dialogue units. l Set the invalid button as unavailable to cancel the error *  Never make the available buttons only generate an error message. l Total omitting number to indicate that you need more information *                            More information when executing commands, not a simple confirmation. The omitted number does not mean that a dialog will appear. l Never specify Double-click Behavior *   User unexpected command button responds to double-click, so it is impossible to find such a behavior. Command button Size Using Window Standard 75x21 Pixels. Under normal circumstances, the properties of the "Determine" and "Cancel" button are set as follows: btnok: tbutton caption = 'Determines' default = true modalResult = mrok end object btncel: tbutton cancel = true caption = 'Cancel' MODALRESULT = MRCANCEL END The "OK" and "Cancel" button are typically mapped to the Enter key and the ESC key, so the access key should not be specified, and the command button other than this should specify an access key. As shown below: The master command button is under

If the primary command button is in the upper right corner, it should be arranged to be like this.

The master command button is on

If there is anything unknown, please refer to the command button. If "MODALRESULT" is not specified during the design, be given to assign a value for the "ModalResult" in the "onclick event code" onclick event code. Check box l Use the check box switch option, use the radio button to change the mode *  Switch operation with the check box is very effective, but if used to change the mode to another state It is inevitable that people are confused. For example, a check box can be used to indicate whether the toolbar is displayed, but if you switch the transverse mode of the printer and the longitudinal mode, the transverse and longitudinal mode should be replaced with a set of radio buttons. l Avoiding a set of checkboxes more than 8 options should be considered instead of using the checkbox list, which takes less space, but the checkbox list requires scrolling it slightly. Although the control is sufficient or keep the other check box in the same window, it is preferred when the check box is used, but the check box greater than 8 or so will be too much. l Consider placing the checkbox of the modified group in the packet box to make the relationship between the check boxes more pronounced. L Ningjing vertical alignment Although the lateral alignment or right angle alignment is also acceptable, a vertical aligned set of checkbox is easier to browse. Radio button L Avoids the number of options in a set of radio buttons, more than 8 options, considerations for lists or combo boxs, which take up less space, but remember that the control is more troublesome. Although the control is sufficient or remains consistent with the other radio button in the same window, the radio button is desirable, but more than 8 radio buttons are not too much. l Avoid using a radio button to perform on / off or / no choice  Use the check box instead. l The radio button will always be placed in a group box *  Since the radio button is a set of mutual exclusive options, the packet box makes the selection more clear. l Ning Kei vertical alignment Although the lateral alignment or right angle alignment is also acceptable, a set of radio buttons of vertical alignment is easier to browse. Composite Box L always provides a tag to the combo box *   Must use the label to indicate the use of the combo box. l Make the drop-down list of the combo box at least 5 lines. Less than 5 lines of the slider is not available, it is not easy to scroll. Note that if the combo box does not have enough columns to fill a list, the length of the list will be automatically shortened. l Avoiding the column of the combo box less than 4: replacing the radio button, although it is more space, but it is more easy to operate. If space is more important or in order to maintain the same as the other combo box in the same window, it is more preferable. Edit box l General provides a tag to the edit box *   Must use the tag to indicate the use of the edit box. If the label is on the left, the label text is vertically aligned with the edit box. l Avoid an editing box with an input restriction   Use the edit box for the user's input or digital editing box for the number of numbers. For input limited conditions, use other controls, such as combo boxes, lists, slides, and fine-tuning frames. For date and time, use date and time pickup control. l Use the fine-tuning frame and browse buttons to make the edit box visual. The fine-tuning box and browsing buttons are simple visual mechanisms, which help users pay valid inputs in the edit box. Avoid allowing users to enter. Only the edit box with a micrographed box is used for the digital, for the text, use the combo box instead. l Set the width of the edit box by setting the desired input. The width of the edit box is the visual prompt for the desired input. For example, if the user is an input address, the two character wide State fields significantly implies the user's state name abbreviation. If the desired input does not have a special size, choose the width that is consistent with other editing boxes or controls. l The total use of the digital editing box for digital input *  When the user enters a non-digital text in the digital field, there should be no error message. The slider L always provides a label to the slider *   Must use the label to indicate the use of the slider. Moreover, the slider should also have a high, low value and the currently selected label - of course without colon. Static text L Left pair of Qijing Text Tags  Left alignment makes the label appearance more organized and easy to browse.

l would rather set the static text label on the left side of the relevant control, rather than the above, which is easier to discover, and facilitates the browsing of tags and controls. Obviously, long controls are exceptions, such as list views, tree views (TREE), and multi-line editing boxes. l Always bring a colon with a colon in a static text tag for identifying controls *  Use the colon to be obviously expressed as the text of the control tag. The label that provides additional information for the control should not have a colon, such as the label used to explain the slider control. The label can also be used as input information for the screen reader. l For non-label text, a read-only editing box *   read-only edit box allows users to copy text onto the clipboard and can be scrolled when text is longer than the control. l Do not put static text on the projected boundary *   Static text on the border looks like a button, so users will try to click it. List box L General gives a label for the list box *   Must use the label to indicate the purpose of the list box. l Make the list box at least 5 years old  less than 5 lines of lists without sliders, not convenient to scroll. If the list box does not have a scroll bar, it is acceptable to use a shorter list box. l For multiple choices to consider using checkbox  checkbox lists can highlight multiple selection capabilities. If you cannot accept the checkbox list, you can use a multi-selection list, and use a static text to represent the number of options, clearly indicate that you can make multiple options. l Consider the multi-selection list to provide "all selected" and "all cancellation" commands  Because all selected or all cancels common things, these two commands make it easy for users to make multiple options. List view L always provides a label *   Must use the label to indicate the purpose of the list view. l Make the list view at least 5 consecutive leaders  less than 5 lines of list views There are no sliders, not to scroll. If the list view does not have a scroll bar, it is acceptable to use a shorter list view. l Only when the list can be sorted, you can click on the clickable header * clicks only to sort. The list should be sorted in positive order when clicked, and the second click is arranged in the back sequence. l The list view of the list of more than 30 will always be sorted. * Users can sort the list to find the search for information. The scroll bar l The scroll bar is only used to scroll *  Use the slider or the fine tuning frame to set the value. l Suite the scroll bar enough to ensure that there is available slider.  No scroll bar of the slider is not convenient to use. Packet box L Use Packet Box Packet Related Controls  Although grouping boxes are typically a packet for radio buttons, it can also be used for packets of any controls. Avoid using a group box with only one control unless it is consistent with other packets in the same dialog. l Consider using static lines or text tags instead of packet boxes. Packet boxes will take many spaces. If space is tense, a good way to replace packet controls is to use a static text tag and static line. Consider using static text tags and static lines instead of packet boxes

l Don't use a colon with a colon after the packet label *                                                                                                   Menu L always uses a single word as a menu title *  Menu menu title on the menu bar looks like a plurality of menu titles. l Don't leave voids between the text of the menu bar *   Menu bar text is unwind, and ugly. l Avoid multi-line menu bar *  Although the parent window is narrow enough narrow, any menu bar should take a few lines, and when you want to use the menu item, you will take up a few rows of menus bars when you use it. l Hold menu stability *  Set the invalid menu as unavailable, not to delete them. However, a menu that is invalid for the entire program instance should be deleted. l The order of reasonable arranging menu items To combine the relevant menu items. Important commands should be located at the top of the menu, and the unimportant menu is located at the bottom of the menu. l Set the invalid menu to not be available instead of the error *  Menu never have the available commands that generate only an error message. l Assignment Access Key *  Access button allows the user to do not leave the keyboard and provide program accessibility. Use micrograph letters G, J, P, Q, Y or words as much as possible to allocate access keys because the underscore is not good to distinguish between the next line. Of course, the access button in a menu should be unique. l Total omitting number to indicate that more information is required *                                                        More information is required, not simple confirmation. The omitted number does not indicate that there must be a dialog box. l Using the standard menu  Avoid not providing "File", Edit, and Help menu. Since these are standard menus, users will expect them to appear. For example, it is desirable to find commands like "Print" and "Exit" in the File menu, although these commands may have nothing to do with the "file". Similarly, users expect to discover "Cut", "Copy" and "Paste" commands in the Edit menu, at least to discover the "About" command in the Help menu. l Uniform Place "Find" and "Options" command                       When "Tool" menu, the "Option" is always placed in it, otherwise it is placed in the "View" menu. in. l Use the check mark to switch options, change the mode with a radio group *  Use the check mark to make an option to be valid, but if used to change the mode to another, it is inevitable to be confused. For example, a check mark can be used to indicate whether the toolbar is displayed, but if you switch the transverse mode of the printer and the longitudinal mode, the transverse and longitudinal mode should be replaced with a single selection group. l Do not use multiple columns of drop-down menu * Many columns add menu unnecessary complexity. l Don't use "Bang" menu *                                                     Obviously, the user wants the menu title just a menu, not a command. l Don't right to align menu title *  This menu is old and is not easy to use. Context menu L Consider using the context menu as a redundancy  The context menu should not be the only way to access the command. Usually the command in the context menu should also be provided in the menu bar, using the context menu to improve access efficiency. l Avoiding that the shortcuts in the context menu should be assigned to the menu bar, and the quick access to the context menu is made through the mouse instead of the keyboard. Toolbar L Keep Toolbar Stability *  Set the invalid toolbar button to not be available, not to delete it. However, you should consider removing the user into a single toolbar that cannot be used. l Set the invalid command to not be available, not an error *  Toolbar should not contain only an error message.

l Use the big toolbar button for the utility. Good usage toolbar often differs from the application's button, but the button is simpler and larger. The utility toolbar should only contain a few visual characters with descriptive text and graphics. l The application uses a movable, customizable toolbar, while the utility uses a fixed toolbar to support its typical way of use. The user using the utility is generally not long, so there is no need to customize the toolbar. l Provides a display or hidden toolbar option  If there are multiple toolbars, they provide them to display or hide options. l Tool Tool Tips *  Tool Tips Help users understand the role of the toolbar button. Tool Tips l Provides information with toolbar tips, but it is necessary to avoid reminders. Consider using the omitted number to indicate more information when executing commands. If the command has a shortcut, the shortcut is displayed. l Make Tool Tips Text into a medium-sized user. Tool Tips Tips for short identification and reminders, not to teach. l Tool Tips Display Useful information  Not only can use tooltips on the toolbar, but it is easy to use and can provide useful information to the user. But it is not abuse that the tool tips are too much to lose their value. Do not use tooltips such as controls for the command button. l Do not automatically contain toolbars that contain many texts. Tips, 10 seconds, after 10 seconds, the tool tips will be automatically eliminated. If the tool tips have a lot of words, 10 seconds are not finished. Text l Avoid unnecessary abbreviations   either give the text more space, either rewrite the text to take up less space, and the abbreviation words make the text difficult to understand. l Avoid unnecessary uppercase letters text                                                                       l Avoid complex labels  Try to use simple punctuation, such as the number, comma, question mark, and dash. Avoid using semicolons, exclamation numbers, parentheses, parentheses, and so on. l Adoption of the consistent case of cases * The text in the packet box and menu item helps use the case that is consistent with the sentence. (For title, except for the title of the title and the end of the title and the end of each word, the first letter size of each word. For sentence, each sentence of each sentence, the first word of each sentence, usually above the word - such as a proprietary noun The first letter is capitalized.) L Avoid bad background   Place the text on the background, the color of the color, ensuring that there is a good contrast between the text and the background. l Avoid leverance   Avoid intense words, such as Fatal (deadly), Execute, Kill (kill, destroy), Terminate, and Abort. Message Box L Carefully Select the type of message box  Use the information message box with the "Determined" button to provide the user with information about command results. The warning message box with "Yes", "NO", and the "Cancel" button will warn the user before you continue to perform the user input. Use the critical message box to inform the user to modify an error before working. l Do not use questions message box type *   No longer recommend using the question mark (MB_ICONQUESTION) because it is consistent with the Windows 98 to represent the context modification help. l Avoid unnecessary message box  Do not use an error message to report normal behavior, and should be used to report abnormal or undesirable results. Do not confirm your ability to recover. l Single to ask if the question is to ask the user problem, use the "Yes" and "No" instead of the "OK" and "Cancel" button so that the problem is easy to understand.

Unlike the dialog, "OK" and "Cancel" buttons are rarely used in the message box. l Make sure the message box option button is consistent with the text. For example, "Yes" and "NO" are never responded to the response of the information. Similarly, do not use the same option buttons as multiple effects. For example, do not provide "NO" and "Cancel" buttons unless there are different operations. "No" button should perform actions, and "cancel" should be canceled. l Choose the default button to make the most secure or most common option as the default button. l Avoid useless help  Do not provide the Help button unless you provide true useful information. Do not attach unwanted messages with useless help information. l Check the system mode message box in the system mode message box. The system message box except for the WS_EX_TOPMOST style, is exactly the same as the application mode dialog. Unlike the 16-bit Windows, system mode does not affect user interaction with other programs. Error Message L Avoid error   Do not give an error number unless this error number is really useful to the user, do not give an error number. l Avoid blaming users  Avoid appearance you (you) or your (your) in the error message text. If necessary, use passive voice when the user is operating. It is much better than the "wrong" equivalent expression, which is much better than the use of "you have a missed". l Avoid hostile language  avoid using words Bad (bad, bad), caution (bad), error (illegal), invalid (illegal), invalid (dead), Illegal, invalid (Warning) and should use more specific descriptive words. And should try to explain what is wrong. l Using a flat message in an error message text   Expression is short, clear, coordinated, and concrete. Unless the abbreviation words, don't use all uppercase words, such words look like just like a user shouting. Use a complete sentence and a general now or past. Avoid abbreviations. l Avoid making interesting or high people in the user error message text. The user does not feel that the error message is interesting. l Allows users to press non-critical error messages to provide users with a non-critical error that often appear, providing users with an option to suppress the error message. 1.3.1. . l Respect the user's font selection *                                                                       Timely handle the WM_SETTINGECHANGE message to change the font according to the setup quickly. l Avoid distracted fonts   generally, avoid using fonts other than Arial, Tahoma and MS Sans Serif. Verdana, Trebuchetms and Century Gothic are also suitable for slight differences. Even if the intercept font in the document is very good, any intercept font in the interface is considered to be distracted. In addition to prompting the user input or analog typewriter, it is necessary to use a wider font. l Avoid using bold and oblique  using bold to attract human attention, expressed weight with italism, but it is necessary to use. l Avoid mixing fonts  any window that does not contain documents contains two different fonts. Color L Use the system color *  respect the user's color selection to avoid using a fixed color. Don't force users to use the colors you choose. Avoid people with distracted text color, usually any color outside black, using system color color_btntext or color_windowtext for text. Black (color_windowtext) text is completely correct on white (color_window) text. Timely handle the WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message to completely change the color according to the setup quickly. l Select the system color based on the content instead of the appearance * Do not match the color mix as a collection of several system colors. For example, don't mix color_btntext and color_window together. l Consider using an intermediate palette in 256 color modes to avoid flicker of the palette in 256 color palette in 256 color mode. l Do not use color as the only way to deliver messages *   Not dependent on color can enhance the accessibility of color-blind users, and make the program can run on a monochrome display. Three-dimensional effect L Avoid unnecessary three-dimensional effects   Unless the control is packet, avoid three-dimensional static lines and rectangular boxes. I would rather use blank to separate the components, never set other three-dimensional rectangles around the three-dimensional rectangle. Avoid using three-dimensional text. Excessive three-dimensional effect

Too many three-dimensional effects in the interface is the error of the programmer. After all, if some three-dimensional effect is cool, right? Not completely. Please see the dialog below. Little is not cool. Once the three-dimensional control is popular, it seems that it can use three-dimensional use three-dimensional, regardless of it is good or bad. Even with a three-dimensional border, its purpose is also to understand. Many three-dimensional static frame controls are usually bad signs, and modern tends to tend to be more simple.

l Use the soft three-dimensional effect. Please note how the more detailed three-dimensional effect in Window98 is more effective than the 3D effect in Window 3.1. Although most of the objects of the world have bright districts, few black real bounds. The Windows 98 is only three-dimensional effects only by adding the black border and the bottom of the protruding object and the upper and left black borders of the recessed object.

Remove extra three-dimensional effect

Minimum 3D effect

l Use the consistent three-dimensional effect *  Make sure the three-dimensional effect is located on the upper left corner of the screen. Various details L Do not pronounce and flash  Nothing more annoying than pronunciation and flashing programs. However, the taskbar window button of the scintillation program notifies the user's unreasonable message exception. l Avoid unnecessary video effects  at least one make it optional. Ideally, this effect is turned off by default, and the user has clearly required to open. l Improve document accessibility with zoom function   Provide document scaling, improve accessibility and overall performance of the program displayed. l Handling WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message * After changing the display resolution, the program should be able to display and run correctly. l The CD-based program should support automatic playback  When the disc is inserted into the drive, "Auto Play" should display a list of options, including the installation. After the program is installed, "Auto Play" should not be run. l Support users  Date and time pickup control for date input, getDateformat and gettimeformat functions are used to set currency and numbers, and LCMapString API is used to sort. Consider using the RicheDit control for text input and output. Finally, the WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE message is used to process the change in the input language. 1.3.2.   Unified Terminology The importance of terminology   We use the name to describe and find things, use the name to decompose and understand unfamiliar things. The use of unified terms help us better understand and communicate - simplify and unify user interface terminology helps users understand and fully apply our design interface. It is also harmful to use different terms to describe the same thing is the most confusing, and the terms that have changed their familiar people are also harmful. Both situations make it difficult for the program to discuss, describe, and archive. Even it is difficult to program. Name below is some typical objects related to the interface: ● The program itself; ● Document type used; ● User uses the primary operation of the program; ● All windows, dialogs, and property tables ● Use area in the main program window; ● It is considered non-standard screen object, command, attribute, interaction, or technology. In short, users can see or need to interact with them, display in menus, toolbars, windows, dialogs, status bar, online help, or documentation. There is a name. Of course, you will use the name of the existing standard screen object. For example, you don't need to name a common dialog because they already have names. Use the user's language to use the words familiar with the user-oriented users unless your software is designed for programmers, otherwise you should avoid using computer jars, while the use of commonly used words instead. For example, for most users, common words "Separe" (separator) is much better than the technical term "Delimiter". If a technical vocabulary must be used, the terms that users may know should be used. The terms to be avoided are also not used in your user interface. Although "Execute" is executed, "kill", "Terminate", "Fatal" and "Abort" are fully acceptable in programmer literature, but It should be avoided in other words.


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