Array.LENTH attribute
.concat method
For object link references, copy its value for characters or strings
.join method
All elements separated by the specified separator
.pop and .push
POP removes the last element from the array and returns the element if the array is empty, then returns undefined
The PUSH method adds the new elements to the order of appearance. If one of the parameters is an array, the array will be added to an array as a single element. If you want to merge elements from two or more arrays, use the Concat method
POP and PUSH are different from the same name method in C, which can be considered to implement the "queue" structure.
.shift and .unshift
The SHIFT method removes the first element in the array and returns it, and the unshift method inserts these elements into the beginning of an array so that they are arranged in the order in the parameter table.
Shift and unshift methods can be used to implement the "stack" structure.
.reverse method,
The .slice method is the same as the array of Python "Pixabay" function.
.sort method
Returns the sorted Array object, the default element will be arranged in ascending order in the ASCII character sequence
.SPLICE method
The splice method modifies the array by removing the element starting from the Start position and inserts a new element. Return value is a new Array object consisting of the removed element
.Tolocalstring and Tosting method
The TOLOCALSTRING method returns a value in the form of a string value, which is suitable for the current area setting of the host environment.
TOSTRING method Returns a string of the object
.valueof method
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.