Thinking in java Chinese version 1

zhaozj2021-02-11  274

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Introduction 1. Java learning 3. Target 4. Object 5. Chapter 6. Exercise 7. Multimedia CD-ROM8. Source code 9. Code style 10. Java version 11. Courses and training 12. Error 13. Cover Design 14. Acknowledgments Chapter 1 Objective Getting Started 1.1 Abstract Progress 1.2 Interface 1.3 Implementation Program Repeat 1.5 Inheritance: Reuse 1.5.1 Improved Basic Type 1.5.2 Equivalent and Similar Relationships 1.6 Multi-shaped Object interchange use 1.6.1 Dynamic Binding 1.6.2 Abstract Foundation Class and Interface 1.7 Object Creation and Presence Time 1.7.1 Collection and Heat 1.7.2 Single Structure 1.7.3 Collection Library and Easy Use Collection 1.7 .4 Difficulties in clear: Who is responsible for clearance? 1.8 violation control: Solve the error 1.9 multi-thread 1.10 permanent 1.11 Java and Internet 1.11.1 What is web? 1.11.2 Client Programming 1.11.3 Server programming 1.11.4 A independent area: Application 1.12 analysis and design 1.12.1 Do not lose 1.12.2 stage 0: Type of plan 1.12.3 Stage 1: What to make ? 1.12.4 Stage 2: Start construction? 1.12.5 Phase 3: Officially created 1.12.6 Stage 4: Rendezet 1.13 Java or C ? Chapter 2 Everything is Object 2.1 Handle Manipulating Object 2.2 Must Create All Objects 2.2.2 Saved 2.2.2 Special circumstances: Main Type 2.2.3 Java Array 2.3 Never Clear Object 2.3.1 Scope 2.3 .2 Objects Scheme 2.4 New Data Type: Class 2.4.1 Fields and Methods 2.5 Methods, Argument and Return Values ​​2.5.1 Self-Variable List 2.6 Constructing a Java program 2.6.1 Name of visibility 2.6.2 Using other components 2.6 .3 Static Keyword 2.7 Our First Java Program 2.8 Note and Embedded Document 2.8.1 Note Document 2.8.2 Specific Syntax 2.8.3 Embedding HTML2.8.4 @see: Reference Other Class 2.8.5 Class Document Tag 2.8.6 Variable Document Tag 2.8.7 Method Document Tag 2.8.8 Document Example 2.9 Code Style 2.10 Summary 2.11 Exercise Chapter 3 Control Procedure 3.1 Using Java Operator 3.1.1 Priority 3.1.2 Assignment 3.1.3 Arithmetic Operator 3.1.4 Automatic increment and decrement 3.1.5 Relational operator 3.1.6 Logic operator 3.1.7 Bit operator 3.1.8 shift operator 3.1.9 Trimethical IF-ELSE operator 3.1.10 comma operator 3.1.11 word Stroke operator 3.1.12 Operators General Operation Rule 3.1.13 Model Operator 3.1.14 Java No "SIZEOF" 3.1.15 Review Calculation Sequence 3.16 Operator Summary 3.2 Execution Control 3.2.1 Real EffEal 3.2.2 IF-ELSE3.2.3 Repeated 3.2.4 DO-while3.2.5 for3.2.6 Interrupt and Continue 3.2.7 Switching 3.3 Summary 3.4 Exercise Chapter 4 Ethnicification and Clear 4.1 By Builder Guarantee Initialization 4.2 Overload 4.2 Division Division 4.2 .2 Main type overload 4.2.3 Return Value Overload 4.2.4 Default Builder 4.2.5 This Keyword 4.3 Clear: Tailings and Garbage Collection 4.3.1 Finalize () Use In 4.3.2 You must perform the clear 4.4 Members Initialization 4.4 1 Provision 1 Initialization 4.4.2 Builder Initialization 4.5 Arrse Initialization 4.5.1 Multi-dimensional array 4.6 Summary 4.7 Exercise Chapter 5 Hidden Process 5.1 Package: Cable 1 5.1.1 Creating a unique package 5.1.2 Custom tool library 5.1.3 Using Import Change Behavior 5.1.4 Disabled 5.2 Java Access Indicator 5.2.1 "Friendly" 5.2.2 PUBLIC: Interface Access 5.2.3 Private: Cannot Turn 5.2.4 P Rotected:

"Friendly" 5.3 Interface and Implementation 5.4 Access 5.5 Summary 5.6 Exercise Chapter 6 Regeneration 6.1 Synthetic Syntax 6.2 Inherited Syntax 6.2 Initialization Basis 6.3 Synthesis and Inheritance 6.3.1 Ensure Correct Clearance 6.3 .2 Hide Hide 6.4 Select Synthesis or inherit 6.5 Protected 6.6 Incremental Development 6.7 Trace Styles 6.7.1 What is "Top Type"? 6.8 Final Data 6.8.2 Final Method 6.8.3 Final Class 6.8.4 Final Precautions 6.9 Initialization and Class Load 6.9.1 Inherit Initialization 6.10 Summary 6.11 Exercise Chapter 7 Multi-Shape 7.1 Tracking 7.1 .1 Why do you want to touch 7.2 In-depth understanding of 7.2.1 Method Call 7.2.2 Generate the correct behavior 7.2.3 Extensibility 7.3 Override 7.4 Abstract classes and methods 7.5 Interface 7.5.1 Java "Multiple Inheritance" 7.5 .2 By inheriting the extended interface 7.5.3 Constant Group 7.5.4 Initialization Interface 7.6 Internal Class 7.6.1 Internal Class 7.6.2 Method and the Internal Class 7.6.3 in the Scope 7.6.6 Link to External Class 7.6. 4 Static Internal Class 7.6.5 Reference External Class Object 7.6.6 Inheriting from internal class 7.6.7 Can the internal class can be overwritten? 7.6.8 Internal Class Identifier 7.6.9 Why use internal classes: Control Framework 7.7 Builder and Polymour 7.7.1 Builder's Call Sequence 7.7.2 Inheritance and Finalize () 7.7.3 Builder Interior Behavior of sexual methods 7.8 Design by inheritance 7.8.1 Pure inheritance and expansion 7.8.2 Tracking and Operation Type Identifier 7.9 Summary 7.10 Exercise Chapter 8 Objects 8.1 Arrse 8.1.1 Architecture and First Class Object 8.1. 2 arrays 8.2 Collection 8.2.1 Disadvantages: Type Unknown 8.3 Enumerator (Reproduction) 8.4 Collection Type 8.4.1 Vector8.4.2 BitSet8.4.3 Stack8.4.4 Hashtable8.4.5 Review Enumerator 8.5 Sort 8.6 General Collection Library 8.7 New Collection 8.7.1 Using Collectes8.7.2 Using Lists8.7.3 Using SETS8.7.4 Using Maps8.7.5 Using Maps8.7.5 Using Maps8.7.5 Using Maps8.7.5 Decision Implementation Plan 8.7.6 Unsupported Operations 8.7.7 Sorting and Search 8.7.8 Utility 8.8 Summary 8.9 Exercise Section 9 Chapter Violation Error Control 9.1 Basic violations 9.1.1 Violation of Variables 9.2 Violation 9.2.1 Try Block 9.2.2 Violation Controller 9.2.3 Violation 9.2.4 Capture All violations 9.2.5 Re-"Throw" Violation 9.3 Standard Java violations 9.3.1 Special circumstances of RuntimeException 9.4 Create your own violations 9.5 限 限 9.6 Use Finally Clear 9.6.2 Disadvantages with Finally 9.6.2 Disadvantages: Lost Violation 9.7 Builder 9.8 Violation Match 9.8.1 Violation of Crossing Guidelines 9.9 Summary 9.10 exercises Chapter 10 Java IO system inputs and outputs 10.1 10.1.1 InputStream type of type OutputStream 10.2 10.1.2 add attributes and useful interfaces 10.2.1 reads data from the InputStream in by FilterInputStream 10.2.2 through to the OutputStream in FilterOutputStream Write data 10.3 itself Defect: RandomaccessFile10.4 File class 10.4.1 Directory List 10.4.2 Checking Typical Applications with Creating Directory 10.5 IO Flow 10.5.1 Input stream 10.5.2 Output stream 10.5.3 Shortcut file processing 10.5. 4 Read data from standard input 10.5.5 Pipe data stream 10.6 StreamTokenizer10.6.1 ST RingTokenizer 10.7 Java 1.1 IO Flow 10.7.1 Data Starts and Receive 10.7.2 Modify Data Stream Behavior 10.7.3 Unlike class 10.7.4 An example 10.7.5 Redirect standard IO 10.8 Compression 10.8.1 Gzip performs simple compression 10.8.2 Multi-file saving with ZIP 10.8.3 Java archive (

JAR) Utility 10.9 Objects 10.9.1 Finding Class 10.9.2 Serialized Control 10.9.3 Using "Persistent" 10.10 Summary 10.11 Exercise Chapter 11 Understanding Type Identification 11.1 Requirements for RTTI 11.1.1 Class object 11.1. 2 Pre-modeling 11.2 RTTI Syntax 11.3 Reflection: Operation Category 11.3.1 A class method extractor 11.4 Summary 11.5 Exercise Chapter 12 Transfer and Return Object 12.1 Password 12.1.1 Alias ​​Question 12.2 Production Local copy 12.2.1 Value Transfer 12.2.2 Cloning Object 12.2.3 Enables the class with cloning capability 12.2.4 success 12.2.5 Object.clone () effect 12.2.6 Cloning Synthesis Object 12.2.7 Deep Copying 12.2.8 by Sequence by VECTOR Deep copy 12.2.9 Making clones with larger depth 12.2.10 Why is this strange design 12.3 clone control 12.3.1 copy builder 12.4 read-only class 12.4.1 Creating read-only class 12.4.2 "Cheng Yong" Disadvantages 12.4.3 Untroven Strings 12.4.4 String and StringBuffer Class 12.4.5 Strings Particular 12.5 Summary 12.6 Exercise Chapter 13 Creating Windows and SMD 13.1 Why use AWT? 13.2 Basic SMD 13.2.1 Test 13.2.2 A more graphic example 13.2.3 Framework Method 13.3 Making button 13.4 Capture Event 13.5 Text field 13.6 text area 13.7 Tag 13.8 check box 13.9 Single tab 13.10 limitations 13.14.1 advantage applet dropdown list box 13.11 13.11.1 handleEvent () control 13.12 layout 13.12.1 FlowLayout13.12.2 BorderLayout13.12.3 GridLayout13.12.4 CardLayout13.12.5 GridBagLayout13.13 action items for the program sheet 13.15 13.14 Window Application 13.15.1 Menu 13.15.2 Dialog 13.16 New AWT13.16.1 New event model 13.16.2 Events and recipient types 13.16.3 Creating windows and blocks 13.16.4 with Java 1.1 AWTs 13.16. 5 Dynamic Binding Event 13.16.6 Separates the business logic and UI logic zone 13.16.7 Recommended coding method 13.17 Java 1.1 UI API13.17.1 Desktop color 13.17.2 Print 13.17.3 Clipboard 13.18 Visual Programming and Beans13.18.1 What is Bean13.18.2 Extract BeanInfo13.18.3 with Introspector 13.18.5 More Complex Bean Support 13.18.6 Bean More Knowledge 13.19 SWING Getting Started 13.19.1 Swing What Advantages 13.19.2 Convenient Conversion 13.19.3 Display Framework 13.19.4 Tool Tips 13.19.5 Border 13.19.6 Button 13.19.7 Button Group 13.19.8 Icon 13.19.9 Menu 13.19.10 Pop-up Menu 13.19.11 List Box and Composite Box 13.19.12 Slide Board and progress indication 3.19.13 Tree 13.19.14 Form 13.19.15 Card dialog 13.19.16 Swing message box 13.19.17 Swing more knowledge 13.20 Summary 13.21 Exercise Chapter 14 Multi-thread 14.1 Reaction Sensitive User Interface 14.1 .1 From the thread inheritance 14.1.2 Multi-threading 14.1.3 for the user interface 14.1.4 Multiple threads 14.1.5 Daemon Thread 14.2 Sharing limited resource 14.2.1 Resource access error Method 14.2.2 Java Share Resources 14.2.3 Review Java Beans14.3 blocking 14.3.1 Why clogging 14.3.2 Dead lock 14.4 Priority 14.4.1 Thread Group 14.5 Review Runnable14 .5.1 Excessive thread 14.6 Summary 14.7 Exercise Chapter 15 Network Programming 15.1 Machine Identifier 15.1.1 Server and Client 15.1.2 Port:


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