1.SQLMICROSoft SQL Server English http://www.microsoft.com/china/sql/default.mspx Database Network Academy http://www.pconline.com.cn/pcedu/empolder/db/index.html teach you From the insiders learned SQL statements, MySQL, SQL Server.
The road of data warehouse http://www.dwway.com/ is a website already has many years of history, focusing on data warehouse information, data warehouse knowledge discussion, in May 2002, merged with www.yiyiya.net.
2. Data Mining Data Mining Discussion Group http://www.dmgroup.org.cn/ This is a few graduate students who are interested in data to discuss the contents of the class.
Data Mining Research Institute http://www.dmresearch.net/ About Data Mining Foundation Concept Technical Description. Classification, Association, Clustering, Web Mining Algorithm, Application Scheme, and Data Mining Tools.
3. Oracleitpub Forum http://www.itp