Chapter 2 Process Area - Technology Solution

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  19

Technical solution

A engineering process in a process of maturity level 3


The purpose of technology solutions (TS) is to design, develop and implement solutions to demand. Solution, design, and implementation of the product, product components, and the product-related survival process are completed.


Technical Solution Process Domain Applicable to any level of product architecture and each product, product component, and product-related survival process and services. This process domain pays attention to the following:

l Evaluate and choose a potential solution to satisfy a set of allocated needs (sometimes called "Design Idea", "Design Concept", or "Summary Design")

l Develop a detailed design for the selected solution (refine in the context of all the information required to be manufactured, or implementing this design, making it a product or product component)

l Implement this design makes it a product or product component

Typically, these activities support each other. Some levels of design may also need to choose a technical solution when it is quite detailed. The prototype of the product component may be used as a method of achieving enough knowledge to develop technical packets or a set of complete needs.

Specific practices for technical solutions are not only applicable to product or product components, but also for services and product-related survival processes. Developed with product-related survival processes to develop with product or product components. Such development may include select and adopt existing processes (including standard processes) and development new processes.

The process that is a technical solution process area receives the needs of the product and product components from the demand management process. The demand management process places the needs of the demand development process under appropriate configuration management and maintains the traceability they have previously demand.

For maintenance or support organizations, demand for maintenance activities or re-design may come from user needs or potential defects in the product part. Changes in the operating environment may trigger new needs. These requirements may be found during the verification period. The actual performance and the specified performance can be compared during the verification period, and the unacceptable performance can be determined. Procedures for the process of technical solutions should be used to perform maintenance or support design work.

Related process domain

For more information on demand assignment, establishment of running concepts, and definitions of interface requirements, see the requirements development process.

For more information on peer review and verify that the product and product components meet the needs of the product.

For more information on formal evaluation, please refer to Decision Analysis and Develop Process Area.

For more information on how to manage requirements, see the Demand Management Process Area. Specific Practices in the Demand Management Process Domain Performance in the Technical Solution Process Domain.

For more information on techniques for improving organizations, please refer to the organization innovation and deployment process.

Practice - Target Relation

Continuous hierarchical SG1 Select the solution SG1 Solution SG1 Solution Solution SP1.1-1 Development Candidate and Select Guidelines SP1.1-2 Development Detailed Candidate and Select Guide SP1.1-2 Development Detailed Candidates and Select Guidelines SP1.2-2 gradually complete operational concepts and scenes SP1.2-2 gradually completed running concepts and scenes SP1.3-1 Select product parts Solution SP1.3-1 Select product parts Solution SG2 Development and Design SG2 Development and Design Solution SP2.1-1 Design Products or Product Components SP2.1-1 Design Products or Product Components SP2.2-3 Establishment Technical Packets SP2.2-3 Establishment Technology Packages SP2.3-1 Establish an interface Description SP2.3-3 Using Guidelines Design Interface SP2.3-3 Using Guidelines Design Interface SP2.4-3 Performing Manufacturing, Buying or Reuse Analysis SP2.4-3 Performing, Purchase or Reuse Analysis SG3 Implement Product Design SG3 Implementation of product design SP3.1-1 implementation SP3.1-1 implementation SP3.2-1 Development Product Support Document SP3.2-1 Development Product Support Document GG1 to achieve specific target GP1.1 completion basic practice GG2 institutionalization Manage process GG2 institutionalization of a managed process GP2.1 establishes organization's policy GP2.1 Establish organization's policy GP2.2 program process GP2.2 program process GP2.3 provides resources GP2.3 Provide resources GP2.4 Assign responsibility GP2.4 Assignment GP2.5 Trainers GP2.5 Trainers GP2.6 Management Configuration GP2.6 Management Configuration GP2.7 Identification and include related handicides GP2.7 identification and include related hazard gp2.8 supervision and Control this process GP2.8 supervision and control this process GP2.9 objective evaluation persisting GP2.9 Objective evaluation persists GP2.10 with higher level management review status GG3 with higher level management review Institutionalized defined procedure GP3.1 creates a defined process GP3.1 to establish a defined process C / ML3-5 GP3.2 Collection Improvement information GP3.2 Collection Improvement Information GG4 Institutionalization A Quantifiable Management Process GP4.1 Establishment Demand GP4.2 Stabilized Subrigation Execution GG5 Institutionalization A Optimization Process GP5.1 guarantees a continuous process to improve the root cause of GP5.2 correction issues Key practice

SG1 selection of product components

Solutions for selecting a product or product component from a candidate solution.

The relative advantages of the candidate program should be examined before making a selection. Key needs, design issues, and constraints are established for analysis of candidate programs. The architectural characteristics provided by the improvement and development of the product are also considered. The use of commercial set software (COTS) from cost, progress, performance, and risk. The COTS candidate may be used directly or may contain some modifications. Sometimes you may need to modify these items in terms of interface, or customize certain features to better achieve product needs.

A good design process has a logo: design is selected after comparing and evaluating candidate solutions. For architecture, customization of development or finished suite, and modularization of product components such as product components require typical design choices.

Sometimes exploration of solutions requires a number of possible instances that no longer need to be assigned to lower product components. This is the bottom of the product architecture. There are also some or more solutions have been fixed (for example, a particular solution is specified, or the available product components such as COTS are required for future use).

Normally, the solution is defined in a set. That is to say, the solution for each product component is established when defining the next layer of product parts. Candidate solutions are not only different methods for processing the same needs, but also reflects the distribution of demand for this set of solutions in product components. The purpose is to optimize this set of schemes as a whole, rather than a part. There will be a crucial interaction with the process of "demand development" process to support temporarily distributing requirements for product parts until a complete set of solutions are selected and the final assignment is established.

In the selected product component solution with the product-related survival process. Examples of these associated survival processes are manufacturing and supporting processes.

SP1.1-1 Development Candidate and Selection Guidelines

Develop candidate solutions and selection guidelines.

For more information on how to temporarily allocate requirements for product components, see the requirements of the demand development process area demand specific practice.

For more information on how to establish a selection criteria and identify a candidate program, see Decision Analysis and Solution Process Area.

For more information on how to manage temporary and established allocation requirements, see the requirements management process domain.

The candidate program is based on the potential product architecture and across the feasible solution design space. Specific Goal "Development and Design" specific practice "Design Products or Product Components" contains more information on the development of potential product architecture for use in product candidate solutions.

When making a choice, the design space is reduced, and other candidates are checked until the most promising (ie, the best) solution satisfies the demand and criterion. The selection criteria identified key factors that provide the basis for selecting solutions. These guidelines should provide a clear distinction and give success symbols when a balanced solution of the product survival is given. They usually include cost, progress, performance, and risk of risk.

Candidate solutions, including candidates, to different product components, are frequently evaluated frequently. These candidates can also be structured to evaluate the use of COTS in the product architecture. Therefore, the process of "demand development" process should be used to provide complete and robust temporary demand assignments for candidate solutions.

The selection of the best solution has established a temporary demand assignment for the scheme to obtain a set of allocation requirements. In new product development, there is little way to check for candidates, however, when developing product components with example, may not be checked, or only to check candidate solutions.

Typical work product

Candidate solution

2. Select Guidelines

Child practice

1. Establish and maintain the process of determining candidate solutions, select guidelines, and design issues.

The choice of guidelines are affected by many factors, which are driven by the demand of the project and the survival cycle of the product. For example, guidelines related to reducing costs and progress risk may cause greater preference to COTS solutions, if such choices do not result in an unacceptable risk of other product components that need to be developed. Using existing components, such as COTS, whether or not to modify, the criteria for reducing resource supply or technology degradation should be checked, while also checking criteria for standardized benefits, maintaining relationships with suppliers. The criteria used when choosing should provide a balanced cost, income, and risk.

2. Determine the needs of the candidate, which portrays the collection of candidate solutions in the feasible design space.

Effective COTS candidates may make special challenges. Knowledge profound, designers who are familiar with candidate COTS programs may explore the chances of architecture to use potential COTS results.

3. Determine the design problem of each program in each group of candidates.

4. Optimize design problems and take appropriate action.

Appropriate actions may be to describe problems as risks and incorporate risk management, adjusting candidate solutions to eliminate problems, or rejecting the candidate and replacing them with other candidates.

5. Get complete demand assignments for each candidate program.

6. Documentize the reason for each set of candidates.

SP1.1-2 Develop Detailed Candidates and Choice Criteria

Develop a detailed candidate program and selection guidelines.

For more information on how to establish a guidelines for making decisions, please refer to Decision Analysis and Solution Process Area.

For integrated product and process development, select candidate solutions and other matters that need to be submitted to decision analysis and compromise need to be done together with relevant officers. These hampers represent both business and technical functions, representing the product and the product-related survival process (such as manufacturing, support, training, verification, and decommissioning treatment). In this mode, important matters can be presented more earlier than traditional serial development, and can be processed before they become huge errors.

The detailed candidate solution is a basic concept of the "Technical Solution" process. They give more accurate and complete information about the solution than unknown candidates. For example, the performance characteristic description based on design content is more effective than simple simulation, and the effects effectively evaluated and understanding the concepts of environmental and operational concepts. Candidate solutions need to be identified and analyzed to ensure a solution to the cost, progress, and various aspects of the product's survival. These solutions are based on the product architecture proposed by the key product quality. Specific practices related to specific targets "Development and Design" provide more information on the development of potential product architectures that can incorporate product candidate solutions. Candidate solutions across the cost, progressive range of progress and performance. The needs of product components are received and used with criteria for design issues, constraints, and development candidate solutions. Selection criteria usually should target costs (eg, time, personnel, funds), revenue (eg, performance, capabilities, validity), and risk (eg, technical, cost, progress). Considering factors and selection guidelines for detailed candidate solutions include:

l cost (development, purchase, support, product survival)

l Technical performance

l Product parts and complexity of survival process related to product

l Robust, operating mode, environment, and changes in the process-related survival process for product operation and use conditions.

l extension and growth

l technical restrictions

l to the construction method and material sensitivity

l risk

l demand and technology evolution

L retired

l Understand and restrictions on the operator

The considerations listed above are a basic set. The organization should develop screening guidelines to shorten the list of candidates with their business purposes. Although it is an important parameter that needs to be reduced, product survival costs may exceed the control of development organizations. Customers may not be willing to pay for short-term cost but can ultimately reduce the feature of the entire survival cost of the product. In this case, customers should at least receive all recommendations for reducing the potential of survival costs. Guidelines for choosing the final solution should provide a balanced way for cost, revenue, and risk.

Typical work product

1. Screening of candidates

2. Evaluation of new technology

3. Candidate solution

4. Choice guidelines for the final solution

Child practice

1. Determine the filter guidelines for selecting a set of candidate solutions that need to be examined.

2. Determine the current new product technology for obtaining competitive advantages.

For more information on how to improve organizational technology, please refer to the organization innovation and deployment process.

The project should determine the technique applied to the current product and process and supervise the progress of the current technology during product survival. The project should be identified, selected, evaluated, and invest in new technologies to obtain competitive advantage. Candidate solutions may contain newly developed technologies, but may also include mature techniques in different applications, or maintain the current method.

3. Generate a candidate solution.

4. Get complete demand assignments for each candidate program.

5. Develop a standard for choosing the best candidate solution.

The guideline should include the contents of the design problem within the living life of the product, such as the ability to introduce new technologies or better utilization of commercial products. Examples of this aspect include open design or open architecture concepts for evaluating candidates.

6. For each candidate solution, develop product operation and timeline scene interaction with users.

SP1.2-2 gradually complete the concept and scene

Gradually complete the operation concept, scene, and the environment to describe each product component specific condition, operating mode, and running status.

For more information on product-level impacts and implications of product components, please see the establishment of operational concepts and scene specific practices in the demand development process.

For system engineering, physical product decomposition, integrated individual or group proposed operation concepts and scenarios.

Running concepts and scenes are gradually completed in order to select product part solutions that are expected after the implementation. Running concepts and scenarios will document the product components with the environment, users, and other product components, regardless of which project subjects they belong. They should be run, product deployment, delivery, support (including maintenance and support), training, and retirement processing, and should be for all modes and status. Various environments (operation, support, training, etc.) also need to evolve. Any environment for a given product part will be affected by other product components and external environments.

Typical work product

1. Working concept, scene, and environment for all product components related to product-related survival processes (eg, operation, support, training, manufacturing, deployment, preparation, delivery, and retirement cleaning)

2. Timeline analysis of product components interactive activity

3. Use case

Child practice

1. Gradually complete the concepts and scenes to achieve the level of detail with the product part.

2. Gradually complete the operating environment of the product part.

The environment may include thermal, pressure, electromagnetic, and other elements that require documentation.

SP1.3-1 Select the solution of product parts

Select the product component solution that best meets the established criteria.

For more information on how to establish a partitioning requirement for product components and interface requirements between product components, see the requirements of the demand development process area requirements and determine specific practices for interface requirements.

For more information on formal evaluation, please refer to Decision Analysis and Solution Process Domain

Select the product component that best meets the standard part of the product part. The lower layer is generated from the selected candidate, and is used to develop product components. The interface needs between the product components are described, mainly in functionality. A physical interface description is also included in the document to illustrate the interfaces and activities of the product outside the document.

The reasons for the solutions and selection of solutions are filed. This document evolves into solutions in development, and detailed design is developed and these design are achieved. Maintaining a record of reasons is critical to downstream decisions. These records avoid the rework of the downstream daughter, and provide insight to use techniques for applicable situations.

Typical work product

1. Select the decision and reasons for product components

2. Demand and product component relationship

3. Documentation solutions, evaluation, and reasons

Child practice

1. Each / each group candidate solution is evaluated according to the selection criteria established in the context of running concept, running mode, and running status.

2. Evaluate the sufficiency of the candidate, and update these guidelines when necessary.

3. Determine and resolve issues related to candidate solutions and requirements.

4. Select the best candidate solution collection that meets the established selection criteria.

5. Establish a need for a collection of candidate sets to make it a collection of distribution demand for product components.

6. Determine the product part solution that will be reused or acquired.

For more information on how to get product and product components, please refer to the Supply Agreement Management Process Domain

7. Establish and maintain documents on solutions, evaluations, and reasons.

SG2 development design plan

Develop a design plan for product or product components.

The design of the product or product component must provide appropriate content, which is not only for design, but also for other stages of the product survival, such as modifications, re-purchase, maintenance, support, and installation. The design document provides a reference for supporting the relevant interpretation of the relevant interpretation, and supports future changes in the development period and the product survival during development. Complete design in a technical packet, including complete features and parameters, including form, fit, function, interface, manufacturing process characteristics, and other parameters. The organizational level or project-level design standard (such as check orders, templates, object frameworks) constitutes the basis for achieving high levels and integrity in design documents.

For integrated products and process development integrated teams and products design synchronous development and product-related appropriate survival process. When appropriate, these processes may be selected from the organization's standard process and do not need to be modified.

SP2.1-1 Design Products or Product Components

Develop design for product or product parts.

Product design consists of two major phases that may overlap when executed: summary and detailed design. Summary Design Establish Product Ability and Product Architecture, including product division, product component identification, system status and mode, primary components intergenet, and external product interfaces. The detailed design is fully defined to define the structure and ability of the product components. For more information on the development of architecture requirements, please see the demand development process

The architecture definition is driven by a set of architecture developed during the development process. These requirements have expressed the quality and performance points of the product success. The architecture defines structural elements and synergies, which can both directly meet demand, or to support demand for demand while establishing details of product design. The architecture can include controlling product components and its interface development standards and design rules and guidance to help product developers. The specific practice of "Selecting the Solutions for Product Components" includes more information on the basis of the product architecture as a candidate solution.

The architect assumes and develops a model of the product to make a decision on the distribution between product components - including software and hardware -. A variety of architectures that support candidate solutions can be developed and analyzed to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the architecture demand environment.

Running concepts and scenarios are used to generate use cases and quality scenarios for refining the architecture. During architectural evaluation, they are also used as a means of evaluating the adaptability of their intended purpose. This evaluation is carried out regularly during product design. "Gradually complete the concept and scene" specific practice gives more information on the detailed description of the concept and scenes in the architecture evaluation.

For more information on the development of the operation concept and scene development of the system structure evaluation, please refer to "Establishing Running Concepts and Scene" specific practices in the demand development process.

For software engineering, in addition to the above tasks, the software architecture definition may also include: l The structural relationship of each part and the rule L of the interface between the internal elements and the interfaces between each part is determined to determine the main internal interface and all of the software. External Interface L Determining Software Product Components L Defines Software of Software L. Establishing Infrastructure Ability to Develop Product Components Templates or Class and Framework Establishing Design Rules and Authorization Lines for Decision - Define Process / Thread Model L Defines Software Physical deployment L in hardware determines the main reuse and resources

During the detailed design, the product architecture is finally determined, and the product components are completely defined, and the interface is also fully described. Design of product parts may be optimized for specific quality or performance characteristics. The designer may evaluate the use of legacy products or COTS products in the product part, with the maturity of the design, assigned to the need to be tracked with the desired product components to ensure that these needs are satisfied.

For more information on how to track product parts, please refer to the requirements management process

For software engineering detailed design, focus on the development of software product components. The internal structure of the product component is defined, generated data mode, has developed an algorithm, and established a test method to provide product component capabilities that meet allocation requirements.

Typical work product

Product architecture

2. Product part design

Child practice

1. Establish and maintain the criteria required to evaluate the design.

In addition to the expected performance, an example of the attribute of the design guidelines can include: L Modular L Clear L Simple L can be maintained L Vengent L-portable L Reliable L Precise L Profitable L Scaling L

2. Determine, develop or admit design methods for products.

Effective design methods can include a wide range of activities, tools, and description techniques. Whether a given method is effective dependent on environmental conditions. Two companies may have a very effective design method for their expertise, but these methods may not be effectively used for cooperation between the two parties. The highly complex method is not necessarily effective in the hands of the designers who have been trained using these methods.

Whether a method is effective depends on how much help it gives designers and how these help costs. For example, many years of prototype work may not apply to a simple product component, but may apply to an unprecedented, expensive and complex product development. However, rapid prototyping technology may be highly effective for many product components. Using tools to ensure that the design that will cover all the properties required to implement product parts design may be very effective. For example, a design tool for "knowing" manufacturing process capability can allow the variability of the manufacturing process to be included in design tolerances. Examples of techniques and methods that make effective design more convenient techniques include: L prototype L Structured Model L Object-Oriented Design L Basic System Analysis L Entity Relationship Model L Design LI Design Mode

3. Guaranteed the design standards and guidelines for design compliance applications.

Examples of design standards include (some or all of these standards may be design guidelines, especially in the case where the standard has not yet been established): l Operator's interface standard L security standard L Production constraints L component L-Parts standard (for example Waste and waste of waste)

4. Make sure the design follows the distribution needs.

The determined COTS product components must be paid. For example, place existing product components into a product architecture may modify demand and demand.

5. Design documentation.

SP2.2-3 establishing technical packets

Establish and maintain technical packets.

Technical packets provide developers with a comprehensive description of product or product components during development. Such a package also provides the flexibility in purchasing in many cases such as performance-based contracts or publishing.

The design is recorded in the technical packet, which is created during the summary design to define the architecture of the architecture. The technical packets are maintained throughout the product survival to record the basic details of the product design. Technical data packets provide a description of the product or product component (including the product-related survival process, if they are not treated as separate product components), the description supports some kind of admission policy, or supports the implementation of the product survival. Production, engineering, and logistics support stages. This description includes definitions of the necessary design configuration and procedures to ensure that the product or product component reaches sufficient performance. It includes all applicable technical data, including drawings, related lists, specifications, design descriptions, design databases, standards, performance requirements, quality assurance terms, and packaging details. The technical data package includes a description of the selected solution implemented.

Technical data packets should include the following information for product or product components (for example, for product components related to software services or procedures, materials and manufacturing requirements may not apply):

l Product architecture description

l Assignment requirements

l Product part description

l Description of the product-related survival process, if there is no description as a separate product component

l Key product characteristics

l Touching physical properties and constraints

l Interface requirements

l Material demand (material list and material characteristics)

l Manufacturing and assembly requirements (for both initial equipment manufacturers, also for on-site support)

l Use to ensure that the proven criterion implemented

l Operating, supporting, training, manufacturing, retiring cleaning, and verifying / using scenarios, mode and status

l Decision and property (demand, demand distribution, and design choice)

Since the design describes the very large amount of data and is critical to the development of successful product components, it is wise to establish organizational data and selection data content. The product architecture is employed as an organization of these data and abstract from the abstract method of clear views of the problem or characteristics of concerns. These views include: l

l demand

l environment

l function

l logic

l Confidentiality

l data

l State / mode

l build

l management

These views are documentized in the technical packet.

Typical work product

Technical data package

Child practice

1. Determine the number of design layers and the appropriate level of each layer.

Determine the number of layers of product components that require documentation and demand trackability (such as subsystems, hardware configuration items, circuit boards, computer software configuration items [CSC], computer software product components, computer software units) to manage document costs and support Integration and verification programs are important.

2. Set the detailed design description to the allocation requirements, architecture, and higher levels of product components.

3. Design documentation in the technical packet.

4. Documentation makes or defines the reasons for decision making of decision making of decision making of cost, progress or technical performance).

5. Revise the technical packet if necessary.

SP2.3-1 establishs an interface description

Establish and maintain the solution of the product part interface.

The interface description of the product part covers the interface between the following:

l Product Parts & Product Parts

l Lower layer product components with higher layer product components

l Product part and product-related survival process

l product parts and external things

Typical work product

Interface design

2. Interface design documentation

Child practice

1. Determine the interface with other product components and document it.

2. Determine the interface with external things.

3. Determine the interface between the product component and the product-related survival process.

For example, such an interface may include an interface between the product components to be produced and the fixture such as a fixture used in the manufacturing process.

4. Make sure the solution includes interface requirements developed during the development process.

For more information on how to determine the interface needs of the product and product components, see "Determining Interface Demand" specific practices in the demand development process.

SP2.3-3 Using Guidelines Design Interface

The product part interface is fully designed according to the criteria established and maintained.

Interface design includes:


l terminal

l Software excitation and data characteristics

l Hardware electricity, machinery, and functional characteristics

Interface guidelines often reflect a list of comprehensive critical parameters that must be defined or at least to be studied to determine their applicability. These parameters are often unique to a given product type (eg, software, machinery, electricity), and often associated with security, confidentiality, durability, and task key characteristics.

Typical work product

1. Interface design statute

2. Interface Control Document

3. Interface Statute Guidelines

4. Select the reason for interface design

Child practice

1. Define interface guidelines.

These guidelines can be part of the organization-level process assets.

For more information on how to establish and maintain organization-level process assets, please refer to the Organization Process Definition Process Domain

2. Targes for the candidates for interface design.

For more information on how to determine guidelines and select candidates based on these guidelines, please refer to Decision Analysis and Solution Process

3. Design the selected interface and select the reason to document.

SP2.4-3 Performing manufacturing, purchase or reuse analysis

Based on the established criteria, the evaluation product part should be developed, and the purchase is still reused.

Decisions for which products or product components will be taken are often referred to as "Make-or Buy Analysis") it is based on the analysis of the project. This or buy analysis begins during the first design iteration in the initial design of the project, continues to perform, develop, organize or reuse the decisions of the product during the design process.

For more information on how to determine the needs of products or product parts, please see the Demand Development Process Area

For more information on the management of requirements, please refer to the factors for the demand management process domain impact to do or buy decisions include:

l The product or service functionality to provide and how these features are suitable for projects.

l Available project resources and skills

l Take the cost of developing internal development

l Key delivery and integration date

l Strategic business alliance, including high-level business needs

l Market research on available products, including COTS products

l functionality and quality of available products

l Skills and abilities of potential suppliers

l impact on core competitiveness

l License, authorization, responsibility, and restrictions related to purchased products

l availability

l patent

l Risk reduction

Most of these factors need to be processed by items.

Do or buy decisions can be carried out by formal evaluation methods.

For more information on how to define guidelines and candidates and perform formal evaluation, please refer to Decision Analysis and Solution Process

With the evolution of technology, the reason for choosing or purchasing a product part is also evolving. Although complex development work may support the purchase of a set of product components, productivity and tool advantages, it may provide an objection. Set products may not have a complete or accurate document and may not have future support.

Once the decision of the purchase of the product parts is made, the demand is used to establish a supplier agreement. Sometimes "off the shelf" is an existing product that is not available in the market. For example, some types of aircraft and engines do not really be "set", but can be easily obtained. In some cases, using such unopened products is because expected performance details and other product features need to be controlled within a specific range. In these cases, demand and acceptance criteria may need to be included in the supplier protocol and managed. In other cases, the set product is a set of layers (such as word processing software), and there is no protocol that needs to be managed.

For more information on how to adopt product components that need to be purchased, please refer to the supply protocol management process

Typical work product

1. Design and product part reuse

2. Do or buy analysis results

3. Select the guide of the COTS product part

Child practice

1. Develop guidelines for reusing reuse product components.

2. Analyze design to determine whether to develop, reuse or purchase product parts.

3. When you choose to purchase or do not develop products (COTS, government suites, and reuse), they plan their maintenance.

For software engineering, how to handle future versions of the operating system or database management system.

SG3 implementation product design

Product components and their associated support documents have been implemented according to their design.

The product component is achieved in accordance with the design established by specific practices under specific goals of the "Development and Design". Implementations typically include unit tests before being submitted product integration, and the development of end user documents.

SP3.1-1 implementation design

Implement the design of product components.

For software engineering software code is a typical software product component.

Once the design is completed, it is implemented as a product component. The feature of this implementation depends on the type of product component.

The design of the top layer of the product hierarchy is implemented in the specifications of each product component of the product hierarchy. This activity includes allocation, refinement, and verifying each product component. It also includes coordinating development of different product components.

For more information on the allocation and refinement of requirements, see the Demand Development Process Area.

For more information on integration of interface management and product and product components, please refer to the product integration process.

Examples of the feature of this implementation include: l Software encoding completion L Data is filed by documentization L Serving L Series L. The manufacturing process unique to electrical and mechanical parts L products is ready to be documented L devices have been constructed to complete L raw materials It has been produced (for example, the material unique to some product may be an oil, oil, lubricant, or a new alloy).

Typical Work Products 1. Implemented design

Child practice

1. Use effective methods to achieve product components.

Examples of software engineering software coding methods include: l Structured Programming L Object-Oriented Programming L Auto Code Generation L Software Code Reuse L Adopt Appropriate Design Mode

Examples of appropriate manufacturing methods for system engineering include: L cast L mold casting L-shaped L connection L-machining L cutting L welding L squeezing

2. Compliance with the applicable standards and guidelines.

Examples of software engineering software coding criteria include: l Language standard L variable naming convention L Accepted syntax structure L Software product components The format of the level L code and annotations The format of the software engineering software coding criterion includes: L module Clanability L simpleness L structure (eg, no GOTO, single-in port and single exit) L can be maintenanceability

Examples of system engineering standards include: L Standard List L Standard Drawings Requirements L Production International Standardization Organization (ISO) T3303 Standard for System Engineering Guidelines include: l Maintainability L Reliability l Security

3. Association review of selected product components.

For more information on how to conduct peer review, see the verification process domain.

4. In order to properly perform unit testing of product components.

Note unit test is not limited to software. Unit tests include tests for individual hardware or software units or a set of associations they are integrated.

See the verification process domain for more information on verification methods and procedures, and how to verify working products in a scheduled demand.

For examples of software engineering unit test methods include: l Statement override test L branch overwriting test L predicate overlay test L path overlay test L boundary value test L Special value test

5. Modify the product component if necessary.

One instance of product components may need to be modified is to find problems that cannot be presented during design during implementation.

SP3.2-1 Development Product Support Document

Develop and maintain end user documents.

This particular practice is developed and maintained for documents that will be used to install, run, and maintain products.

Typical work product

End users training materials

2. User Manual

3. Operating Manual

4. Maintenance Manual

5. Online help

Child practice

1. Review demand, design, product, and test results to ensure that problems affecting, running and maintaining documents have been discovered and eliminated.

2. Develop a valid approach to develop installation, run and maintain documents.

3. Compliance with applicable document standards.

Examples of document standards include: l Page L-page L-page L-page L-page, chapters, and paragraphs, and paragraphs, specified style L, use L Demand

4. Development of installment, operation and maintenance documents in the early stage of the product survival, for the relevant manager review.

5. Associate a peer review on the installation, operation and maintenance documents.

For more information on how to conduct peer review, see the verification process domain.

6. Repair installation, run and maintain documentation if necessary.

Examples of instances that need to revise documents include the following events: l Demand change L Design change L Product change L Discovered Document error L Discovering workspace adjustment

General practice of goals

GG1 Completes a specific target by converting identifiable input work products to identifiable output work products, process support and enables specific target implementations of the process domain. GP1.1 performs basic practice to perform the basic practice of performing technical solutions to develop work products and provide services to special goals to achieve process domain. GG2 Institutionalization A managed process process is scheduled as a managed process. Just apply to continuous GG3 institutionalization a defined process process is subjected to a defined process. Editor Press: The appearance of this type of goal reflects its position in the grading representation. Just suitable for hierarchical


GP2.1 establishes an organization's policy

Establish and maintain a tissue policy for planning and implementing a technological solution process.

Detailed detail

This policy establishes a desirable expectation for the design of the product component solution, the development of product and product components, and the organization of iterative cycles that realize product components.

Ability to perform

GP2.2 planning process

Establish and maintain a plan for implementing a technical solution process.

Detailed detail

Typically, the implementation of the technical solution process is part of the project plan described by the project plan process. .

GP2.3 provides resources

Provide sufficient resources to perform technical solutions, develop work products, and services that provide processes.

Detailed detail

Special facilities may be required for development, design, and solutions to demand.

Develop or purchase the facilities needed in the technical solution process domain.

The resources provided include the following tools: l Design Situation LA Simulator & Modeling Tools L Prototype Tool L Scene Definition and Management Tools Demand Tracking Tools Interactive Document Tools

GP2.4 allocation responsibilities

Assign the execution process, develop work products, and provide the responsibility of providing technical solution process services.

GP2.5 Trainer

People must train and support the technical solution process.

Detailed detail

The training topic example is, for example, L Product and product components Application field L design method L interface Design L unit test technology L standard (eg product, security, consignment, environment)

Guide (process)

GP2.6 management configuration

The designated work products in the process of technical solutions are subject to a suitable configuration management level.

Detailed detail

Working products stored under configuration management, as follows: l Products, product parts, procedures, services, and interface design L technology packets l Interface design document L design with product parts reuse guidelines l is implemented (such as software code , Fabricated product parts) L users, installation, operation, and maintenance documents

GP2.7 identifies and contains related dry people

Control plan, identify and include related techniques related to technical solutions.

Detailed detail

From customers, end users, developers, producers, testers, suppliers, marketers, maintenance personnel, final cleansters, and other affected by products and processes, or those who affect product and process.

The active example of the interpretation is, as follows: l Develop candidate solutions and selection criteria L. Running Concepts and Scene L Get approval L development technology data package L evaluate candidate product components, purchase or reuse l design implementation

GP2.8 supervision and control process

According to the programming process of the program, the process is implemented, thereby performing the process and performs appropriate correction activities.

Detailed detail

The metric method for monitoring and control is, for example, the cost, progressive amount of progress, progress and workload of the work, and the design of the product, the design of the product, the size, the interface, and the scale and complexity of the document L Technical solutions for the defect density of work products

Verification (process)

GP2.9 objective evaluation persistence

The persistence of the comparison process, the rules, procedures, and objective assessment of technical solutions, and handles related matters that are not implemented. Detailed detail

The evaluation activity is, for example,: L Selecting a product component Solution L Developing products and product components Design l Implement product components

Work product review examples are as follows: l Technical data packets L products, product components, and interface design L has been implemented (such as software code, making product parts) L users, installation, operation, and maintenance documents

GP2.10 uses a higher level of management review status

Use a higher level management review technology solution process, status, and results, and solve the problem.

GG3 Institutionalization A defined process process is subjected to a defined process. Executive Ability GP3.1 creates a defined process to establish and maintain a description of a defined demand development process. Boot (procedure) to perform GP3.2 Collection Improved information collection work products, metrics, metrics, and improved information from planning and implementing technology solutions, which support future use and improvements in the organization process and process. Continuous / Maturity 3-5 GG4 Institutionalization An integrated managed process is institutionalized as an integrated managed process. GP4.1 Create integration targets for the process to establish and maintain integration goals for technical solutions to clarify quality and process execution based on customer needs and business goals. The GP4.2 stabilization subsystem performs the implementation of a stable one or more sub-processes to determine the ability of the technical solution process to achieve the established quality and process implementation goals. GG5 Institutionalization A Optimized Process is an optimized process. GP5.1 ensures that the continuous process improvement ensures continuous technical solutions during the relevant business goals of the organization. GP5.2 Correcting the root cause of the problem of identifying and correcting defects and other problems in the technical solution process. Just suitable for continuous


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