The Phantom of The Opera - Think of ME

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  20

Think of ME, Think of Me Fondly, When We've Said Goodbye.remember ME, ONCE IN A While --please Promise Me You'll Try.

WHEN you find, you long to take your heart back and be free -if you ever find a moment, spare a thing for me, SPARE A THOUGHT for ME ...

We've Never Said Our Love Was Evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea -but if you can Still Remember, Stop and thisk of me ...

Think of all the things we've shared and seen -don't think About The Things Which Might Have Been ...

Think of ME, Think of Me Waking, Silent and Resigned.Imagine Me, Trying Too Hard to Put you from My Mind.Recall Those Day, Look Back on All those Times, Think of the Things We'll Never Do -There Will Never Be a day, when i won't think of you ...

Can IT Be? Can IT be Christine? Bravo! What a change! You're real not a bit The gawkish girl That ONCE ... She May Not Remember ME, But I Remember Her ... Weide Never SAID Our Love Was Evergreen, or as unchanging as the sea -but please promise me, That Sometimes, you will think oooooo ~ f me!

On the weekend, two DVD videks were more than worth collecting "The Phantom of the Opera" && "Interview with the Vampire". "Opera Phantom" didn't have seen, but the movie is also very good. The music is of course nothing. The picture is also beautiful. It has been prepared for 10 years. It was going to let Sarah Brightman starred in Christine. Suitable, but marriage emotions have problems, and if the couple can meet the possibility of embarrassed, in exchange for change to Emmy Rossum. Rossum in the movie also manifests, really angel's face, Angel's pure, I was very embarrassed, PHANTOM, gave her a kiss, ecstasy, then heart, let them be small Lover, disappeared in the dark city.

Some people say, see Andrew Iveber's Musical, it is best to start from listening to his music, and then appreciate the musicals, movies. It seems to be the same, I have a CD with Andrew Lioyd Webber, Sarah Brightman, often listening, I feel great when I look at the disc, and I have a friend.


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