A strange TNS-00516 error - MSN conflicts with Oracle Listener port!

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  49

Today, when you start Listener on your computer, you will have the following error: Mrump when listening to this object: (deScription = (protocol = tcp) (host = Bright)) TNS-12546: TNS: Refused license TNS-12560: TNS: Protocol Adapter Error TNS-00516: Refused License 32-Bit Windows Error: 13: Permission Denied Strange! I used to be good, how can I report this error? Is it not enough? Check the current user, No problem, it is administrator privilege, and it is also a member of ORA_DBA group! Is it not enough directory permissions? One is not a problem! That's strange .... Is it a conflict? Hurry: C: /> NetStatActive Connections

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State TCP bright: 912 bright: 1323 ESTABLISHED TCP bright: 912 bright: 1331 ESTABLISHED TCP bright: 912 bright: 1332 ESTABLISHED TCP bright: 1323 bright: 912 ESTABLISHED TCP bright: 1331 bright: 912 ESTABLISHED TCP bright: 1332 bright: 912 ESTABLISHED TCP bright: microsoft-ds ip-252-1-168-192.rev.dyxnet.com:3552 ESTABLISHED TCP bright: 1521 baym-cs331.msgr.hotmail.com:1863 ESTABLISHED TCP bright: 2202 ip- 32-1-168-192.rev.dyxnet.com: fort: 2207 ip-32-1-168-192.rev.dyxnet.com:FTP Close_Wait TCP BRIGHT: 2360 IP-32-1-168- 192.rev.dyxnet.com:ftp close_wait TCP Bright: 2364 spc2-addl1-4-0-cust119.asfd.broadband.ntl.com:54116 Established TCP BRIGHT: 2896 BAYM-GW44.MSGR.HOTMAIL.COM : http Established TCP Bright: 3148 Baym-Gw27.msgr.hotmail.com: Http Established

Sure enough, the 1521 port is occupied, and it is occupied by MSN!

Change the Listener port to 1522, then restart the listener, really get up! Turn it off, then change the Listener port back to 1521, and it also causes the port being occupied!!!

Oh, it's really a strange thing, and I have hit the port by MSN, and I'm remember, I will make commemoration.


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