/ ** * Determine whether the local file size selected by the user is legal. * Fileobj: Upload the file object. * Title: Illegal prompt information. * MaxSize: Maximum limitations. * / Function FileSizeCheck (fileobj, title, maxsize) {if (fileobj == null || fileobj.value == ") Return True;
VAR FSO, F, S; Try {fso = new activXObject ("scripting.filesystemObject");} Catch (e) {Alert ("To use the function of the upload file, select: Tool --- Internet Options - - Safety - Custom Level, then "initialize the ActiveX control without marking secure and script" setting to "Enable"); Return False;}
IF (! fso.fileexists) {alert ("File" fileobj.value "Cannot find, please re-select"); fileobj.focus (); return false;}
f = fso.getfile (fileobj.value);
If (f.size> maxsize) {alert (Title "exceeds the maximum limit value:" maxSize / 1024 "k"); fileobj.focus (); return false;}
Return True;}
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