Make ASP programs a lot of benefits, but one thing, the DLL must be registered to call in ASP. If it is your own server, it is okay, but if it is a virtual server, there is no way to use it. How to register our DLL on the remote host? Use the shell on the server! ! !
Let's first upload your DLL file to the server through FTP or HTTP, then make an ASP program, call to execute the regsvr32 command: set Oshell = CreateObject ("") "C: / Winnt / System32 / RegSvr32.exe /sd:/xxx.dll ", 0, false, of course, if the other party's server is safe, this code may not be used, but no matter what, learning is also good, :) Also to remind those friends who rent space, whether your server limits the permissions using WScript.Shell? Still carefully, the complete code is as follows, save it as .asp can be used:
<% Response.buffer = true%> <% server.scripttimeout = 500 dimfolderpath, frmfilepath
FRMFolderPath = Request.form ("frmfolderpath") frmfilepath = request.form ("frmdllpath") frmmethod = request.form ("frmmethod") btnreg = request.form ("btnreg")%>