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xiaoxiao2021-03-06  49

1. Why do you study abroad in France? Perfect Education System: France has many internationally recognized high-level degrees, hundreds of high-level high education institutions and world-famous research centers for you to choose from. The French government uses 20% of the fiscal budget every year to education, that is, the annual funds for each student are 6,000 euros. Moreover, French higher education is a colleagues in French students and foreign students. Science and Technology, Industry and Economy: France is the birthplace of many cutting-edge technology and industries: high-speed trains, smart cards, Alianna rockets, air bus .... The French economy is located in the fourth place in the world. It has many internationally renowned companies, such as Reno, Michelin, L'Oreal, Dalphhene Elf Oil, France Telecom, Vodafone, Carrefour, and many well-known SMEs. Quality of life: Perfect public transportation network, modern and low-cost medical system, calm and safe living environment. Cultural and life art: France not only has the world's most prestigious places of interest, but also very active cultural life: cultural and art festival, performance, fashion, food. The French produces 120 to 150 movies per year. Paris is the largest cinema gathering in the world. Language: French is the official language of nearly 200 million people in the world, mastering it enables you to pass 47 countries across five continents. 2. Do you have many foreign students in France? France has a long tradition of receiving foreign students. In 2003, more than 200,000 foreign students entered the French higher education institutions. The number of foreign students in the integrated university accounts for 11.4% of the total number of students. Foreign students and French students are in the same position and pay the same amount of tuition. Enjoy equivalent rights in college students' social health insurance, mutual assistance insurance, housing subsidies, etc. 3. Is the University of France really free? French public education institutions are cheap than China and many other countries, because the state is responsible for most tuition and related fees in schools. But "free" does not exist. Only those French are very good, able to directly and the French students can enjoy the low tuition fees of French public universities. Some disciplines that only set in private schools, such as applying art, crafts, fashion, management, etc., tuition fees are very high. 4. How much does it take to spend in France? The cost of learning in France is not too high, for example, in a public university, according to different grades, a year's registration fee is between 137 and 894 euros, the fee registered in private schools at 3050 to 7000 Euro between. However, some courses set for foreign students are much more expensive, because this is a special course provided by the needs of foreign students, such as French lessons, group counseling, and professional learning. These special training does not enjoy the government's funding, and the two semes will take approximately 3200 to 6,000 euros (this is not the highest price). 5. What is the cost of living in France? In France, you will need a $ 700 to 900 euros per month, which is used for dining, transportation and housing costs. Of course, living expenses differ depending on the city and housing conditions. It should be pointed out that the monthly rent of college students is different according to the comfort of the comfort, the quality of service and housing (public or private), and rent between 122 to 500 euros. The cheap student apartment is limited, and many French students live outside of the university apartment area. At the school canteen, you will have a meal of 2,5 euros per meal, and you can enjoy a package worth 4,75 euros. 6. What subsidies can college students can enjoy? The subsidy is mainly for housing, reflects on subsidies for rent. Students have to submit the application materials for housing subsidies to the Caf (Caisse D'Allocation Familiale) belonging to the house.

CROUS (Center (Center Régional D'Oeuvres Universitaires et Sociales) will help students and guide students how to proceed. The subsidy is generally issued several months after the student's application is accepted, and the students' room rate will be automatically reduced. There are two housing subsidies: -Apl, Aide Personnalisée au LOGEMENT: Under certain conditions, the new district and unit residents for a specific signing; -als, allocation LOGEMENTH CARACTERE SOCIAL: For other households, including traditional student dorms. 7. Where can we apply for a scholarship? Apply for French government scholarships, you can contact the Cultural Office of the French Embassy in Beijing or the recent consulate in the region. The standard of selecting students is determined according to the requirements of different cooperative projects in the two countries. Scholarships generally provide students with high level (third phase, board). Scholarships have long shortlines depending on the specific item. You can get the latest information through the website of the French embassy. There are also a certain number of scholarships, such as Gustave Eiffel Scholarships, awarded to students in France to learn the following to learn from one to two years: Economics - Management, Politics, Law, Administration, Engineering. In this case, the student list is recommended by the school to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and does not accept personal applications. 8. Can I work in France? Every foreign student, as long as it is registered in universities approved by a social insurance agency, they have the right to work part-time job. This right applies to each student, including students in France and a university-first-year student. 9. Will we internship in France? In recent years, a feature of Higher Education in France is to require students to go to enterprise internship. Internship will be guided by an internship teacher, can be in the middle of learning, or it can be the end of learning. The internship time is from 1 month to 6 months. Some companies will provide some allowances for intern, which can be used as some living expenses. 10. How do you find a housing in France? In France, the school is admitted to the student apartment by the school. For those who earliest to get registered, it is possible to apply to Student Apartments in Crous (Centres Régional Des uvres Universitaires et Sociales), which is relatively cheap, but not the most comfortable. Application materials can be submitted to the crous regional office or the office of the city from January 15th to April 30th. You can enter the selected city from the Internet from CROUS (Center DES œuvres Universitaires et Sociales). It is possible to find private housing, but because the main needs of the room is strict (margin, the guarantee letter of the French settlers) is also difficult. In addition, the room with furniture is relatively small and more expensive. If you have a few years in France, it is also a good solution to the residence that does not have furniture. 11. What procedures do you need to do? Students who are preparing to study in France, requiring a long-term student visa on the language of the French Embassy in the French Embassy (WWW.CELA-CN.org) to apply for a long-term student visa. After arriving at France, apply to the relevant agencies to the relevant agencies. Please note that your residence permit is valid, do not express its expiration in other countries or returns to China. Once you have expired, you need to re-apply for a visa. 12. Why do you have to buy medical insurance? France's social security system is considered one of the best social security systems in the world. Social medical insurance will reimburse all or some medical expenses. For students under 28 years old, they will automatically purchase college students' social health insurance (this is most of the case) when they are registered with colleges and universities. Students over 28 years old must also purchase a personal insurance.

13. Go to France to study abroad, do you speak French? of course! Despite the use of English in some schools: especially, management professional, hotel management, but learning French can make you better use in France's time and better to meet in France. 14. How to learn French in China? French Training Center opens a different level of offices and in-service personnel in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Chengdu. Many Chinese universities also offer good quality French training. 15. How to learn French in France? Many universities and private schools open French training courses. However, only the registration certificate of learning French cannot get a long-term study abroad visa. If your French has not reached the level of professional classes who can understand the professors of French (usually the school will clearly ask students' minimum french level), we recommend that you apply to your school to apply for French registration. More and more universities have their own French training center. Private schools or professional schools may have cooperation with certain language colleges. 16. I want to interrupt in China to go to France to study, do you do it? For students, go to college to learn from degree. In China, students have a high success rate of degrees, while abroad has a low power. For example, some professional students have nearly 50% of the course after learning for two years DEUG, cannot pass the exam. If you have carefully considered your plan, we recommend that you contact your university to get relevant information. 17. How to position itself in Higher Education in France? At present, France's universities are carrying out system reforms, in the transitional stage of new system, many new and old degree systems in many universities have been temporarily coexisting. As early as June 19, 1999, 29 Ministers of the European Community have signed a joint declaration - Declaration of Bologna Sprises -, announced the unified teaching structure and degree system of the European community, collectively referred to as LMD: -Licence Bachelor Diploma: University 3 Years - Master's Diploma: University 4 - 5 years, high-level professional in-depth study or research - DOCTORAT Doctoral Diploma, University 6-8 years, research and writing the paper European community countries are gradually coordinate different disciplines Set. French Higher Education has set up a variety of disciplines and professional teaching in public or private schools, which are affiliated to the Ministry of Education, other ministries or chairmen. The type of school usually depends on its teaching and scientific research. Economy, law, medical profession is only available in college and a degree. Engineering has sets in university or non-university institutions, which focus on the awards of the University of Engineers acknowledged the Higher University of Education. France's public or private colleges aim to cultivate future elites, these schools are members of the French College of Highersology, and the organization supervises the teaching and diploma quality of Member schools. This type of school is open from the following disciplines: engineering, public management, business, international relations. The academic system is generally 3 years and a master's degree in Master. The high school graduate students who choose these schools should read 2 years, and then they can enter 3 years of professional learning. Some subjects are very strict in college, such as: law and medicine (doctor, dentistry, pharmacist). Such a professional exam is strict, and the selection may be started at the beginning of the first year, or when it enters the DESS or DEA phase, that is, the new MASTER second year. In the figure (Encart No. 10) shows the learning phase corresponding to the different diplomations. The Middle School Graduation Examination (BAC) is a diploma that is allowed to enter higher education institutions. It is usually learned to take a few years as a measure of a diploma level according to the test. You will find this method on some institutions, such as egide or onisep. However, this method is not applicable in some cases. Art school (Encart No. 11) belongs to non-university educational institutions. Some public schools are affiliated to the Ministry of Culture to issue national diplomas.

Some private schools also issued a national diploma and a school-level diploma. 18. Can I go to France to continue to learn medical sectors? In France, Medical Sciences is one of the most stringent disciplines in colleges and universities. For Chinese students, only those who have excellent French and get regular medical undergraduate diplomas are eligible to participate in France's "Concours D'Internat de Médecine" exam. The outstanding person of this exam will be admitted to the medical professional diploma of the University of France, others Through the examiners can learn the highest stage diploma of ordinary medical treatments. To understand the information of the exam, please visit the website: www.sante.gouv.fr/htm/Actu/concours/dh/internat/index.htm 19. I am studying architecture, graduating next year. I am suitable for French DPLG (French architect diploma) or architectural MASTER? DPLG is a diploma issued to French architects to French architects. If you want to engage in architectural design in France or other EU countries, you need to get this diploma. In other words, this is a professional diploma. In China, this diploma will provide a lot of help to your employment. Undergraduate graduates apply to the second phase or the third phase of registration. All academic systems have been divided into three phases. In addition, MASTER, who studies architectural design, can also be implemented in the Architectural Design Institute, because most Architectural Design Colleges in France have an MASTER course that opens architectural design classes, such as urban environment design, landscape design, and more. Under normal circumstances, foreign students applying for the French Architectural Design Institute must have a good French French, but also through the French Embassy Culture in January / February per year. 20. UN Diplôme National, UN DIPLôME D'école, UN Diplôme Homologué, Un Diplôme Visé Ou Diplôme Reconnu, these Diploma What are the differences? There are many kinds of Database. A small number of diplomas can be found in China or other countries. For more information, please contact PIEF. Les Diplômes nationaux, national diploma, is mainly issued by public higher education institutions. For example: deug, licence, DNAP, etc. These degrees are in line with national standards and are derived by the Ministry of Education (DEUG, LICENCE) or Cultural Ministry (DNAP) to recognize their ability and knowledge level. These degrees can generally correspond to foreign degrees.

Les Diplômes D'Université (DU) is as indicated by the name, is a diploma issued by the university, not a national diploma, most of the French lesson of foreign students. For example: a science before adaptation course (Duaes-Diptation Aux et inderes scientifiques). There is no corresponding degree in abroad. Les Diplômes d'école, school writing, not a national diploma, generally issued by private schools or public schools that are not affiliated to the Ministry of Education. The teaching and degree of teaching and degree in such schools are independent and are not supervised by a organization. This type of degree issued by some public schools has a high value, such as the National High Decorative Art School (L'Ecole Nationale Supérieure DES ARTS Décoratifs). If it is a diploma of a private school, it is necessary to go to the official agency certification legal or effective. Les Diplômes Homologués is generally issued by public or private non-university professional schools. The French Labor Department acknowledges the teaching level of such schools equivalent to the teaching level of comprehensive public universities. For example, the II grade diploma of such schools corresponds to higher education for 3 years or 4 years, and I have a higher education for I. 5 or 6 years. Most colleges and universities are awarded such degrees and can correspond to foreign degrees. Les Diplômes Visés, like Diplômes Homologués, is awarded by public or private non-university institutions. Different points are this type of diploma to pass through the National Ministry of Education. Can correspond to foreign degrees. Les Diplômes reconnus, know which school or association is issued. Les Grandes écoles d'écoles d'ingénieur La Commsion des Titres d'ingénieurs is an official agency. The level of these degrees is monitored by an off-campus, which can be corresponding to foreign degrees. 21. What are the differences in public, private and business and commerce schools? Public schools are funded by the state, belonging to a government of the government. Since the government subsidies part of the tuition fees, students only bear less tuition fees. Most of the diplomas issued is a national diploma or recognized by a certain official agency. The source of private schools has been tuned by students. The high and low tuition can reflect the quality of schools, teachers, teaching and services. Such schools may belong to a association, and their teaching quality is monitored by the association, such as Le Chapitre Des Grandes Ecoles; also recognized by the State. The diploma issued can be a school diploma (Les Diplômes reconnus), which is authorized by the Ministry of Education, for example, engineer title assessment committee, and certified by the Ministry of Labor , II, III, IV level. UN éTABLISSEMENT CONSULAIRE is affiliated to the Local University of Commerce. The Industry and Commerce is a public institution. Most of these schools come from tuition fees for students. ECA member companies may also fund certain disciplines. Teaching quality and degree levels are monitored by the Industry and Commerce. These schools mainly professors 3 types of learning: management, engineering, and technical skills. 22. Is the French government acknowledges MBA? MBA is a degree created by American university. MBA is now taught in France and many countries.

Except for cooperation with US universities, all MBA issued by all French schools is a school-level diploma (un diplôme d'école). However, the European MBAS Association (AMBA) has developed teaching quality standards, requiring Europe's best MBA teaching institutions in Europe. twenty three. There are four universities to admit me, how can I know which best? At present, there is no official university ranking in France. However, only public universities awarded the degree awarded by the government, that is, the "Freedom" university or church university's diploma is not recognized by the government unless they cooperate with a public university. The best university should be university that is best for yourself and learning goals. It is best to provide some services, such as helping you find housing. If there is an internship, help contact internships, open French tutorials. In addition, it is also necessary to consider the geographical, cultural and economic characteristics of the university. twenty four. What is the difference between registration and pre-fund? For applicants who are fully compliant with a professional admission condition, France's school will send a registration certificate. For example, give foreign students to learn French registration. However, if you register in the language training center in public universities, you must at least have a diploma in the country to enter higher education. For Chinese students, the college entrance examination results and university admission notice. The pre-registration of the French school is usually under certain conditions. In most cases, pre-registration is a student who is not enough to learn professional classes for French. However, before accepting the students 'pre-registration, France's school must review the students' professional diploma, transcripts, application information, etc., and even come to China to interview or examine the applicant. His pre-registration will take effect after the students ended the French study and through the French exam. In your pre-registration certificate, professional and degree direction must match your professional and academic background and your study plan. If your pre-registration certificate is not explained, it will be a professional you will learn, then this certificate cannot help you get a visa. 25. Is there a peer-related relationship between French degree and Chinese degree? There is no official standard in France, French degree and foreign degree. The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, recently signed an agreement on the mutual recognition of higher education diplomas in China and France, but the degree of the two countries is determined by the higher education institutions of the two countries. At present, the degree level of China's two countries is connected: Baccalauré is a diploma to higher education. In China, it corresponds to the college admission notice after the college entrance examination; the 3-year series is suitable Apply for License of the same profession in the University of France; obtained undergraduate diploma and a bachelor's degree is suitable for Maîtrise, French University. The Undergraduate diploma is easier to apply than the undergraduate diploma of liberal arts. 26. Can "adult" or "self-study" diploma can be admitted? This type of diploma is also considered, but the school pays more attention to the work experience of students, seeking the performance of school motives and interviews. Some schools do not recruit students who hold such diplomas, but do not mean that there is such a diploma to get a visa. In order to make French schools more efficiently measure your level, it is best to add materials that are beneficial to prove their excellent quality in the application materials, and should also take them in the interview. 27. How to get help on the positioning? Go to the France to study the consultation, please carefully consider your study and study and employment goals. The quality you get the answer depends on your information you gave your consultant. Select key questions and express your expectations. These consultations are free. But the service provided by your application for registration and booking housing is charged. 28. Please apply to CROUS for a reservation to crous on April 30th. The housing proves is a must-have material applied for a long-term student visa. One of the problems you have encountered may be that all kinds of housing are mainly requested to pay your housing guarantee. For this situation, the solution is to open an account in France and deposit a year of rent as a guarantee. Bank will transfer your homeowners on monthly.

29. I still want to know about ... I will don't study in France to study abroad. I have to go to France to study abroad is a lot of people's calls, but in your beautiful blueprint, you must keep a calm and clear mind. The first thing to do is to do everything to achieve information, information, senior experience, teacher's suggestion, etc. What you have to figure out is: Do you go to France to fit what major? What diploma? What is the nature of educational institutions? What do you do after learning? However, in the students who have been consulting every day, very few people can clearly clarify their own learning programs. Most people's attention is how to register the French language school, and many people have almost no Seriously think about it. They mistakenly think that after learning the French French, they will choose, and apply to the university to register their own professional. In fact, some students have taken a professional pre-registration certificate for "mixed visa" to go to France, but what is the result? One year later, they did not apply for their professional and diplomas, and some professional pre-registers are completely unsuitable for them, or the pre-registered school does not actually have their position. In this case, many people have to register for a year of French to obtain a residence permit. Therefore, before you go to the law, you must be carefully oriented in terms of professionalism. And the French school contact with the focus is to obtain real professional pre-registrations, which means that after you pass the first year of the French exam, you should enter the professional learning of the pre-registration. We also often encounter students who seek help because of refuse to sign. For rejects, most people foggy water. After reading their registration materials, we found that many people have obtained French and professional registration through their classmates or friends in France. But because their students don't know how to orient them correctly, the registration profession and diploma direction of help, and even some people provide fake registration certificates. So choosing this way to apply for school students should also be cautious. How to choose a professional that suits you, every classmate is deciding to study the top priority behind the France, choosing professional. Generally, the major read in China has learned the best choice, so learning continuity, and saves time, it is more likely to get the wanted diploma. Applying for French schools want to turn professional is not easy, for a major in unrelated with the original major, to learn from the head. One year of language learning and 5 years of professional study for 6 years to get a master's degree, from time to economy is a big input. If the majors you have learned are in the same subject, closely related, this is possible, the school will determine what you will read according to your specific situation, usually will not learn from the first year. For example: in domestic school is an interior design, you can go to French learning flat design because these two majors are practical art. Another example is mathematics in China, to go to France to learn computers, and it is also possible. In the country, the domestic major is foreign language, can apply for international trade, information and communication, and apply foreign languages. Such transfers are not considered to learn another professional from head. Many students are yearning in France to learn fashion design or movies, but such technical professionals require students to have professional foundations, not only hobbies. There is a student. It is a college economic and trade English, but I applied for the Ladense of Financial Professional (Bachelor of France), which is unrealistic because her profession is English, not financial or financial accounts, just learn some trade courses. Because she wants to learn trade, we recommend that she applies for BTS (senior technician certificate), and then read License after BTS. In this way, she is much more likely to apply for success. Therefore, every student should apply according to his own situation, do not leave the actual. True to learn knowledge, get a diploma is the most important. Before going to France, you must have an overall plan for your academic and professional prospects so that you can have a clear idea to choose your own professional direction. It is inexpected to make decisions blindly.

French Embassy in China, China Embassy in China Address: No. 3, Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel :: 010-65321331-34 Fax: 010-65324841 French Embassy in China Address: Beijing Chaoyang District Sanlitun Office Building 1 -41, 1-51 100600 Beijing Tel: 010-65 32 35 31 Fax: 010-65 32 57 71 French Embassy website: http://www.ambafrance-cn.org

French Consulate General in Shanghai Address: No. 1375 Huaihai Middle Road, No. 1375, Shanghai Tel: 021-64 37 74 14 Fax: 021-64 37 70 73

France in Guangzhou Consulate Address: Room 801, Main Building, 339 Huanshi East Road, No. 339, 510098, China Tel: 020-83 30 34 05 Fax: 020-83 30 34 37

French Consulate in Wuhan Address: Room 809, International Business Trading Building, No. 297 Xinhua Road, Hankou, China Tel: 027-85 77 84 27 Fax: 027-85 77 84 26


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