I think everyone should know the Attributes belong.
Sex! You can output the properties of the client control to the client, such as: length, color, and so on. But usually we use it to add customers
End event. Friends who know JavaScript must know CONFIRM! It will pop up a confirmation dialog box if it is determined to submit FORM, otherwise it will not
Submit, so use this is also natural. Private void Grdtest_ItemDatabase (Object Sender,
System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs e) {switch (e.Item.ItemType) {case ListItemType.Item: case ListItemType.AlternatingItem: case ListItemType.EditItem: {Button btn = (Button) e.Item.FindControl ( " BTNDelete "); btn.attributes.add (" onclick "," Return Confirm ('Are you
Determine the deletion of this record '); "); Break;}}}