Little gallling English notebook (2)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  49

Little gallling English notebook (2)

March 2005 reprinted: Note/note03.htm

Little Stupid English Notebook 2: Complaint

This episode is to talk about some complaints, such as the traffic is too bad, or someone is very bad, how do these complaints speak in English? I think life is not as good as ten eight, so I want to use it. The opportunity of these sentences is also a lot! Of course, I hope everyone can live happily every day, and there is nothing to complain.

1. Our Team Sucks. Our team is very bad.

SUCK This word is much in the United States. It means very bad, very bad. SUCK is a verb, so it is not the same, so that you can say that That Traffic Here Really SUCKS! That is to say, the traffic here means. Sometimes I can also listen to the adjective of people with suck, for example, my roommate is the car to leave the car, then the rain is big, and she can't find the phone. Can be saved. So, one of us, let's say, today, is very sucky, everything sucks. It's very good!

SUCK's original meaning refers to the meaning of the mouth, so some people have designed such a joined game. The rules are very simple, just can't use your hands, you can only use the mouth to take the jelly absorption. So just start, just hear it The audience shouted, hey, you suck! I heard on the surface. It is said that you will succumb to it. In fact, it is in the dark. .

Sick and Tired Of Something can be seen as a word, so there is no Sick (sick) meaning in it! For example, the sale machine is eager to eat, you can also say I am Sick and Tired of this Vending Machine. There is also a sentence. It is also very interesting, I am so Sick and Tired Of Being Sick and Tired. That is, you have been very tired of being bored, I think this is a common voice of many urban people.

3. I am Terrible.

I am horrible

I am very bad. This sentence is not to say that I am very terrible. Terrible turns into Chinese means bad. It is like a time I ask the classmates why did you come to class? His answer is, I am So Terrible. I Keep Skipping My Classes. He means that he is very bad, often in the class. Sometimes they will use Terrible to describe a professor, HE is so terrible, that is, this teacher is very bad, not said He will be a person. If you use terrible to describe something, it means that the sample is very bad, such as the food, such as the food is terrible, is of course the food is hard! Horrible is to say to terrible Like both, both can be used interchangeably, for example, the coffee is horrible. Or Our Professor is Horrible. 4. That Movie Was A Turn-Off. That movie is really a stomach. Turn-off is letting you Things you have, and Turn-ON is something you like. For example, you said she is a turn-off. It means that you are not interested in her. If she is a turn-on, then you said you I am very interested in her. In addition, Turn-on Turn-OFF can also be a standard for personal preferences, such as friends, you said, I don't want to be less than 160 cm, then lower than 160 is Your turn-off, is also equal to what's not. If I like to live in the United States, then "living in the United States" is your Turn-ON. Another person says Turn-ON to what's Hot. Trick Turn Off It is what's not to use it. Turn ON is also very common when the verb is as a verb, for example, you can say, the movie totally turns me is. Or She Turns me off.5. You Scared Me!


You scared me.

It is said that it is said to be said, or you can also say, I am scared. I remember that I was lost in Washington DC on the next day. I want to ask the road and I am afraid that my English is not good, so he hesitated for a long time, good Behind the back of a middle-aged woman, drums all my courage, saying loudly: Excuse me .. What do you guess? She actually wow, saying you scared me! I feel very popular Sorry.

In addition, you can also say that you can also say that I am Scared or I am lineched. Scare is exactly the same as Frightene, you can use it. 6. That's so stupid. It is stupid. Stupid This word is very easy to use It contains a despise, not, the taste is inside, for example, the test topic is very bad, you can say, That's a stupid test. Or someone proposes to swim in winter, your reaction is probably, That's A stupid idea. Personally, Stupid is not just stupid, and stupid taste is inside. Chinese said: "Stupid" is a bit of cute taste, but Stupid in English is like we said stupid Meaning, listening to something is not cute. 7. I'm so pissed-off with his attits. I feel very disgusted with his attitude. PISS is originally the meaning of the small number, but now there is almost no one will use PISS to represent The upper trumpet means, but it is commonly used on the Pissed-Off this word, refers to the meaning of the disgust, disgust. For example, the old beauty will say he pissed me off. That is to say, I will give me a lot. Add a little It is a lot of speaking methods, such as Pee, Take a PIS, Take a Slash, Relieve Myself, Take a Number One, Urinate, etc. 8. You are mean. You are very bad. Mean This word can have two The interpretation, one means that others are very bad, this bad is not bad, but like when boys likes to play poor, loss girls, this behavior can say him, you are so mean.

Another Mean is explained to "". I think it means that it is very eye-catching, for example, there is a cat, you give it to it, you will come over with you, you don't have something to give It is far away, such behavior can be described in mean. You can say the cat is so mean.

Sometimes Mean can also be used as a Cool meaning! For example, someone sees a very windy sports car, he said, "Wow, Look At this car, That is mean!" It is impossible to say a car here. It is very embarrassing, so this mean is to explain it as a COOL. 9. He is Shaky. He is not reliable.

Shaky refers to unclear, less confirmed, usually refers to a person is not too reliable. SHAKY can also be used to describe data, like a professor, said, THE DATA IS Shaky, said that these Data Weird, not too reliable. Shaky has another customary method, HE HAS A Shaky Start. That is to say that someone wants to go to the stage to prepare is not enough, so that I will start tension, take cold sweat, I don't know the cloud, this situation Old beauty will say, He Has A Shaky Start. Or another very much close, "He Has A Bumpy Ride."

10. Don't act Black. Don't be like a black.

Although it is now going to enter the 21st century, but when it is still a white people who will discriminate against black, especially the older generation, sometimes their children do something wrong, they will say DON 't Act Black. But this is a very racial discrimination, don't use it, of course, I hope that the people will fight for the Chinese to fight abroad, don't let the old beauty say Don n't act Chinese. That's very bad. .

At Note: Some people wrote a letter to talk to me, this word about 'suck' should not be used. Let's take a look.

I notice, one .. Maybe it's not a big deal actual. In Your Message, I SAW a Word "sucks" um .. I think $ not a good word though ... you know i think girls souldn ' T Say That Words .. Even a guy ... I don't get the place button........... I.. in my opinion, That's Worser Than Say "fuck" OR "shit" But this is all bad words anyway .. ok, don't say those Words OK? Cause I have Very Expection on You and I don't want to hear those Words from you ok? Maybe It's not that big deal though .... don't know .. I think that SUCK may not say such a slot in the United States, but not to grasp or use this word. If you want to use, please use it between the same generation and compare Cooked good friends.

Xiao Bin Nov. 15

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