The procedure is as follows:
Import *; import; import java.util.StringTokenizer;
Public class htmlparse {// *************** Analysis news article start *************** Private static string url = "http: //";//(NEW JSPIDER ()). getnewslink ();
// http connection // Get HTML code, then return to the acquired HTML line public static string gethtml () {buffredreader reader = null; string tit = ""; string Title = ""; string time = ""; string content = "" "" "; String temp =" "; try {url url = new url (URL); // crete the url reader = new buffredreader (new inputReader (Url.OpenStream ())); line = reader.readline (); While (line! = null) {if (line.indexof ("")! = -1) {title = line;} if (line.indexof (" ")! = -1) {Time = line;} if (line.indexof (" ")! = -1) {content = line;} system.out.println (line) Line = reader.readline ();} temp = title time content; //system.out.println (t);} catch (exception e) {system.err.println (e);} finally {Try { Reader.close ();} catCH (Exception E) {}} Return Temp;
// Save the acquired HTML to the file public static void savetohtml (String line) {Try {// Get HTML, generate a file PrintWriter newfile = new printwriter (New FileWriter (New FileWriter (GetName ()))); // Write the acquired html newfile.print (line); newfile.close ();} catch (ooException e) {E.PrintStackTrace ();}}
/ / Get the file name to save public static string getName () {StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (URL, "/"); int CT = st.countToKens () - 1; for (int i = 0; i
If the URL address is, then print is garbled, if the URL is changed to ,print comes out The right is correct, change the URL to, you can print correct, but if you change it to / 1019/1094/2005119-512557.html, it is garbled
If Reader = New BufferedReader (NRL.OpenStream ())); changed to Reader = New BufferedReader (Url.OpenStream (), "GB231");
Ah ~~~ What is going on? ?