Eclipse and NetBean (follow-up of debate)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

Charles Ditzel's Blog (

"Eclipse's user turned to NetBean") after the publication, many

Other Blogs have published their own opinions.

Here is another one, which points out some of the issues in the Mac OS system, including performance. Interestingly, Charles Ditzel I also published his own comment behind this blog. Eclipse and NetBean have their own performance issues on non-Window GTK and Mac OS. There is no official affirmation now, most of them are different users' feelings. I don't have a Mac system, nor I don't know. But installing Eclipse 3.0 in the Sun Java Desktop (SUSE Linux 9) system, I can't feel too much difference, the speed is still (my JDS runs on the AMD Athlon 600MHz machine, 512M memory, 16m TNT2 graphics card ). The only feeling is that the Eclipse interface is not as beautiful as XP, but this is not SWT problem, but the reason for GTK itself. (SWT is using an operating system to handle the user interface, so it is reflected in the UI of the host system.


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